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Posts posted by Mcprowlington

  1. 8 minutes ago, KrispyXIV said:

    Can you be more specific about what this affects in DoK?

    In general, order of operations means that most interactions are unaffected.  This mostly affects things like "Flaming Weapon + lance".

    Things like Bucklers changing save characteristics are already in effect when modifiers are later applied, and therefore haven't changed a bit. 

    I can understand your logic and it makes me feel a bit better, but I think it leaves the Gladiatrix aura sort of up in the air. 

    Or atleast, it adds some dumb stuff like if a gladiatrix goes up to a unit it temporarily erases rend and wound buffs 

  2. On 8/13/2021 at 10:09 PM, Ggom said:

    Are such army composition shake-ups par for the course? Do you think they will increase army size again in a future edition for instance?

    Without a doubt. What happens is that overpriced units get price cuts to compete with other units andthen units that were somewhere in between are now at the bottom andthen they also get point cuts in an attempt to make them competitive again. Then eventually you have to rebalance the points of every faction at once or game sizes get out of hand. They claim that they want smaller armies to match the smaller board size but I think that's a smaller part of their reasoning in the long run. 

  3. With unit coherency changes they aren't quite as laughable as they used to be. My big problem was that Dire wolves were twice as durable while doing the same damage, but now that dire wolves will only be able to actually safely attack with 5 models, atleast black knights do double the damage to compensate for having half the defensive value. The amount of units we have access to that have 2 inch range is also extremely limited so there's that. 

    They're still pretty bad, but a little less so. 

  4. Honestly one of the things that does it for me when it comes to skeleton models is that they're a unit that benefits from attacking after the enemy. Choice paralysis is a huge problem for me, I take forever when it comes to activation. I'm tempted to take 1 maxed block of skeletons among my other battleline so I can just relax and have 1 less thing to think about during that phase. 

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  5. So has anyone pointed out that the original tome very specifically said each prayer can only be attempted once per turn

    But now it says each prayer can only be "chanted" once per turn? 


    Should we just assume its the same thing or is it possible we can take multiples for second chances? 

    I can't imagine why they would muddy something that was so clear previously. I'm thinking bits of the book were written for aos 3rd edition and it'll have a prayer system where the word "chant" has a specific defined meaning. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Fyrm said:


    Also...is it just me, or is the Khailebron CA worded oddly? You teleport at the end of the movement phase, and can’t move in your next movement phase? So if you use it in turn one, you can’t move turn two? That actually sounds really bad. 

    Definitely an error that will be FAQ'd, no way it's supposed to be that bad. I assume the last part was included in an earlier draft where it was supposed to be done in the hero phase 

  7. kind of amazed hag narr keeps the chance of a 5+ rerollable FNP

    hag queens are definitely rather overpriced when hag brew isn't guaranteed though, probably should've come down from 90

    slaughter queen on foot can still use orgy of slaughter command ability, that's pretty neat

  8. Wow I'm really loving the flavor of hag narr having faster/more reliable brew 


    Do we know if the witch aelf scroll changed at all? A community post hinted at an updated witch aelf scroll specifically so I've gotta assume it changed somewhat 

    Also now that I think about it it the snake endless spell seems really useful for killing enemy support heroes - 3 chances to roll a 5+ is pretty good odds 

  9. Wow, i can't believe how boring Bladewind is for something with so much potential.

    The sorceress on black dragon currently has bladewind (or atleast a spell of the same name) and it has you roll a handful of dice directly against enemy armor saves, which is pretty cool.

    Prior to when it was revised, you rolled a handful of dice  and they took a wound for each dice you rolled lower than the target units' required Hit roll, to represent that units ability to parry all the blades being flown at them. That also felt really awesome and unique. 

    But we're down to d3 mortal wounds now? it's a spell we have to purchase and we have visual representation of, couldn't they have been a bit more creative?


    as far as the iron heart, i think it's situational but potentially very powerful. Due to how multi-damage attacks spill over in AOS i really don't think it's comparable to nurgle's new 40k  disgustingly resilient, and being able to half all incoming damage in certain circumstances is really strong. Not to mention, less 1-size-fits-all solutions are exactly what DoK need right now in terms of army building options

  10. Boy those new dice are boring as all heck. Solid red, that's it? 

    Oh well, I like to use mostly normal dice and just use the old DoK dice for specific things like prayers anyhow

    I guess my paranoid, baseless worry with the new book is that they'll completely flip the switch here and overnerf witches and hag brew 

  11. 3 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    I suspect that Morathi will count as 2 DoK units given that she has two separate pitched battle profiles and two separate point costs. She's two different drops even though they must be taken together, much like any of the Underworlds warbands.

    She's only 1 entry in an army list. In a RAW kind of way this leads me to believe she'll just count as one. 

  12. 25 minutes ago, DJMoose said:

    The wording on the Turned to Crystal ability is awful. Depending on how you read it a Blood Sisters unit would either a) roll a 3+ for each model in their unit and inflict MWs or b) roll a 3+ for each model in the enemy unit and inflict MWs. My guess is the intent is each model in the enemy unit, which in that case is a HUGE nerf.

    So much for taking down a Mega-Gargant in one round of combat.

    Its says pick an enemy unit and roll a dice for each model in "this" unit. So it's like evocators. If it meant the enemy unit, it would say "that" unit. 

    Honestly i'm really surprised they didn't touch lifetakers. Or do a quick pass at the other temples, but i guess that was very wishful thinking.

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  13. 13 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Basically there are many ways to deal with it and whilst some new opponents this will be a new experience, its all part of learning the game.

    which is mostly fair enough, when it comes to 1 model. When it comes to two and one is a beatstick and the other is an offense oriented caster a lot of that goes out the window.

    But this is assuming the wounds that the shadow queen sustains when mini morathi gets hit count towards her 3 wound cap. 

  14. 13 minutes ago, Lord of the Isle said:

    Well we don’t know if the sorceress is in with Morathi, right?

    the sorceress is not with Morathi. That's Drusa Kraeth, the leader of one of the cities of sigmar armies the book is going to support with a warscroll battalion. 

    I really like the concept of the boxes but they seem a little scarce in terms of models/units, wonder what we'll be looking at for a pricepoint

  15. 16 hours ago, Graywater said:


    My fear is that you're right and the morathi book is our source for updated rules. This is my dear because it doesnt fix the hagg nar problem from our book. The only way hagg nar still isn't the most powerful temple by far is to release a new temple that is even stronger than it, which just makes our issues worse. I really would like to see our temples reworked to allow some battleline-ifs (snakes should be battleline in khailebron and lifetakers in hagg nar), as well as change some of the abilities so hagg nar isn't auto take and kraith isn't garbage. 

    Since there seems to be so many parallels between the Morathi book and psychic awakening I'm guessing/hoping they might do what they did there and basically give us a list of 12 traits and let us create our own faction by having us pick 3. 

    I also hope they're atleast taking a look at some warscrolls. Lifetakers and Bloodstalkers really can't be fixed with points changes.

    But yeah, hagg nars overshadowing is even more of a bummer now that the new underworlds warband is hagg nar only




  16. 3 minutes ago, SleeperAgent said:

    Anyone who plays daughters, can you build all those snake sisters as the bow ones? Like are the sprues the same? 10 stalkers are easily worth the half box cost.



    I really love the new DoK hero but after Phoenix Rising I'm just so tired of new heroes coming in boxes without a single other model i want. 


    Hype as hell for that new Morathi book though 

  17. 2 hours ago, Raviv said:

    The Hammerhal Herald about the Khainite Shadowstalkers implied that they are actually Chaos. If it's a clue, it might mean that Malerion and the Ulgu aelves are indeed a new Chaos faction, and not Order or part of DoK.


    I think it was more a nod to how Morathi manipulates order populations into believing  her and her people are benevolent. 

    Similar to how she will wipe out order towns for the benefit of her own people and when questioned respond by telling sigmar they had to be cleansed as they were secretly chaos worshippers. 

    This group, being masters of shadow and illusion are being used by Morathi to incite anger and passion in her allies to further the war gainst chaos, the enemy she hates most. 


  18. On 7/30/2020 at 5:26 AM, Enoby said:

    I know adding strength and toughness are a bit contentious in AoS, but I think some form of it would at least help monsters. In 40k, if your Imperial Knight gets hit by 60 grots, they'll all be wounding on 6s so it's not very scary for the knight (which I think is thematically and mechanically right). In AoS, if you surround a Maw Krusha with 60 grots, the Maw Krusha will take heavy damage if not outright die. 

    While adding actual Strength and Toughness would be a lot of hard work outside of a new edition, and would probably require a lot of rebalancing, they could  add something like Toughness lite. For example, a general rule saying "Units without the Monster keyword have -1 to wound against units with the Monster Keyword". I know this wouldn't quite cover everything but I think it'd help the issue where monsters feel like they die to a stiff breeze.

    The "everything can damage everything" theme works better in aos due to combat phase turn priorities. The Knight vs 60 grots that can barely touch it is fine in 40k.  In AoS, everything should be a threat, and how you decide to use your activations should matter. Should I activate my zombie dragon first to wipe out as much chaff as possible or do I take 2nd priority, try to win the other combat knowing my dragon might get bogged down by grots and reverse snowball to an early death because he took too many wounds too fast and was too weak to take them out efficiently? 

    The other reason chaff needs to be competent in this game is because we lack the unit variety of 40k, where it's okay if the grots can't damage the Knight because i can shoot rockets at it with my other units and maneuver some power claws to close in as it clears out the chaf. In AOS, a lot of armies are 100% infantry. If i can't damage your hero with anything other than my hero we have a pretty silly game. 


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  19. On 7/16/2020 at 5:30 PM, Rhivan said:

    It's Lelith Hesperax. The barbs in her hair is a trademark of her, as well as the knife from a few weeks ago is a Dark Eldar Wych knife 1 for 1. Only difference is a bit of cloth tied to it (which lines up with the Incubus cloth). Finally the gauntlet has the distinct dark eldar style and even the little knuckle studs. 


     hairbarbs and gloves. I don't think they have any reason to give dark eldar anything nor would they have multiple rumor engines featuring the same character model. They're also just never that obvious when it comes to redoing characters.

    Either way is a dub for me though since dark eldar is my 40k army. I've just been playing them long enough to know never to get my hopes up

  20. 31 minutes ago, Rodiger said:

    100,000 seems a lot especially as it was sold out in 10 minutes. I have no interest in that box, was it that much better than Dark Imperium, (I liked that box set much more personally.) But if it was 100,000 then that 35,000 can't be right. I suspect both are wrong.


    GW did say they printed more of the indomitus box than any box they've ever printed in warhammer history.  I could almost see these numbers being close, especially considering they may have printed more of the indomitus box to compensate for the fact  that there was never supposed to be more than one run.

    I think when they said "it was never our intention for people that want a box to not have a chance to get it" they really did mean it.

  21. 9 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    We've also seen companies damage their relationship with their audience by pushing diversity in a way which wasn't wanted. For example, the decision to include a muscular transgender character in the last of us 2 rather than focus on the well liked male protagonist from the first game

    Lol abbey wasn't trans, and most people just don't like how her inclusion in the story was handled more than anything. And I get it might be natural to assume: "well they're just saying the story is bad because if they tell you the truth - they're mad that a woman that breaks the mold plays a significant role in the story, they'll be seen and dismissed as the bigots they are"  but after playing the game I gotta say, "the narrative was a step down and the ham fisted writing of Abbey was tedious" is perfectly valid criticism. 

    More on topic: freeguild kits should be updated with female options - these are ancient kits but the appeal is huge. This is an opportunity to include completely unsexualized women ranging from young and scrappy to old, scarred veterans and make boatloads of money doing it.  Daughters of khaine are amazing and I'd like to see them unchanged but another female focused faction with less focus on sexuality to balance it out would be ideal. 


    As for skin color, it's a bit difficult to push it through narrative but I think GW is making solid progress here: simply have artists include all shades of skin in their photographed miniatures as we've been seeing with the sisters of battle and new primaris stuff. 



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  22. Quote

    Greatswords were already likely the best of the offensive elite infantry

    Greatswords screamed to me they needed a price cut. 16 points per model is simply too much  for a 1 wound 4+ save infantry with zero mobility.

    Would be kind of floored if eternal guard didn't get knocked down at least 10. Phoenix guard are a better defensive infantry in every way and have none of the drawbacks

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