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Posts posted by Barbossal

  1. On 8/5/2019 at 8:33 AM, madmac said:

    Seraphon also deserve mention, they have no less than 11 different finecast kits, and even a lot of their plastics are badly in need of replacement.

    Makes me wonder a bit about all the rumors of the Seraphon release being pushed back, I could see squatting a third of their range without replacements or upgrades for existing kits not going particularly well.

    They could always give them the Skaven treatment instead, but who knows.

    This also makes me quite worried, there's a few units in the range with old models that don't see much play. I'm specifically referring to Chameleon Skinks and the Skink Starseer - and if they are beginning to trim down ranges, those two would be the first to go.

    However, with the Skaven release, I don't think it's required practice by GW. Skaven still has pewters, ancient plastics, and tons of finecast. I am thinking we'll get a new Skink HQ model with a dual box and thats it. :(

  2. 4 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    I just lost  almost all my models. 

    4 years waiting for support just to be Tomb Kinged.

    I am beyond words.  I bought my Elves because my wife got ne Spire of Dawn as my starter box. Since  then i bought every single "high" elven models. Multiples even. 7000 points are just gone. 

    It is hard to describe how hearthbroken i am. I was gladly willing to part with my no longer sold elves but the line beeing sold until now? 

    Nope, not expecting this low blow.

    Speaking as someone who gets Tomb Kinged I find that I went through the following:

    1) oh what that @#$&!

    2) I guess I can still play with compendium rules

    3) My stuff doesn't match the world or rules support anymore

    4) I'll bring these out when I feel like trying something new

    5) I have a lot of extra stuff I should clear off

    6) eBay it all and move on

    It's brutal but if I were to do it all over I would have sold it all off right away and moved on. Rather than lose my passion for it.


    I hope whatever you decide is right for you. Very sorry to hear that. :(

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Kurrilino said:

    Well, you better ask the StD people, they don't even have a book.

    If we talk unacceptable we start here.

    Well, the reason StD doesn't have a book yet is no doubt because we got four distinct flavour new armies pulled from the Slaves line. In no small feat, Warriors/Daemons have actually received more content than even Stormcast. I know it doesn't say Slaves to Darkness on the tin, but really you have an awesome opportunity to choose one of four alignments plus a basic kind and get a ton of versatility.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

    Sometimes they take these down and rebox them/repackage them for a coming big release. 

    When chaos came out a few months ago in 40k they removed almost the entire range and only a few new models came out but they put them in black paint schemes on the boxes and reboxed Cultists, Raptors, Maulerfiends and more which didn’t have new models but the big new wave with Abaddon and the revisited chaos Codex and stuff were coming out. 

    I agree, some of these are possibly being reboxed, but I am just calling these at-risk given what GW said. Could be nothing but you never know.

  5. Hey folks,

    Starting up a list of models that are going out of stock as we approach the Cities of Sigmar launch. The goal here is to update the community about pending models in case anyone wants to grab them before they disappear from your region or stores.

    The thread is not intended to be a gripe-fest about models being cut. In most cases a culling of the massive range it to be expected so let's keep the discussion about the hobby. :)


    Current Models at Risk:


    - Glade Guard: No Longer Available Online (CDN)

    - White Lions: No Longer Available Online

    - Dragon Noble: No Longer Available Online (CDN)

    Ironweld Arsenal

    - Cannon: No Longer Available Online (CDN)

    - Organ Gun: No Longer Available Online (CDN)

    Free Peoples

    - Freeguild Archers: No Longer Available Online

    - Freeguild General

    • Thanks 6

    1 hour ago, Double Misfire said:

    A watchtower with the choice of a human, duardin, or aelven (or more faction specific) beacon on top, each with different gameplay effects/unit buffs would be neat.

    Heck, I'd be happy with them just rereleasing Deathknell Watch.


    Oh I'd love this - a terrain piece for Cities that acts like a bunker you can plop a unit of Troops Inside? Yes Please :D

  7. Perhaps this could be a Gravesite Marker for Legions of Nagash. After all, they have yet to get an actual terrain piece, and if they get one, it would make sense to actually get Gravesite Marker terrain. Perhaps the Ogor vs Legions of Nagash box incoming?

  8. I feel like the Tithe of Bones is definitely worded to be a Global Campaign like Vgilus ablaze. Think about it this way - the Tithe of Bones could be the central factor of the campaign where all models slain in the campaign are basically being tallied into the ranks of the dead.

     Whether or not this implies a new army is probably to be seen, but I wouldn't expect a brand spanking new army while we just got three new tomes announced

  9. 1 minute ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    *Feast of Bones makes me thing of a boxed set like Blightwar or Wrath & Excess, tho... Who could make a good opponent ? New Death ? Seraphon big dinosaur ? 

    I agree. Someone earlier mentioned Legions of Nagash so they get their soft-update with Endless Spells and Terrain. Makes sense to me!

  10. 8 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I don't know why but people keep forgetting Disciple of Tzeentch need a new tome before GA Chaos is actually finish since their current one is a 1.0 version 

    I mean there's need and need. StD and Everchosen need one, but Tzeentch still plays reasonably well with their new points reduction. I have my Tzeentch army and it's basically valid. A new book would basically just fix all the broken phrasing and add in the FAQs.

    • Like 1
  11. I recently ran a Meeting Engagement Tourney here in Vancouver. We were able to do a painting vote, 3 games, one hour lunch break and winners results in the span of 11am - 7:30 pm. I think it is fantastic and every single player said they want to do it again.

    I think a big driver is determining if there's an interesting meta at 1k engagement ratios. Thus far I feel like there are some exploitable builds that are problematic. Gristlegore and Slann Factory for example.

    • Like 4

    1. Everchosen Update: New Battletome, Terrain & Endless Spells

    I don't anticipate a full refresh, but I feel as though this is all but confirmed: with Warcry, the Store Page, and a general wrapping together of factions, this just needs a new hero and the Warcry warscrolls to be a compelling release. It's also the penultimate wrap-up to Grand Alliance Chaos. This is also the last remaining Malign Sorcery herald and Shadespire band along with KO to get an update. 

    2.  Aelfs Update  Reveal

    I am stopping short of calling this a new faction because I think it will actually become a full wrapper of Aelfs in a similar fashion of Legions of Nagash. Faction acts as a Hysh/Ulgu themed duality list where you can run differently aligned aelves. There will be some 'aspect' units surrounding the Tyrion/Teclis/Malekith projects. But I don't think we'll get the big men themselves.

    3. Next Dual Box & Endless Spells: Everchosen vs. Legions of Nagash

    Okay this one's a little odd - but I think Legions is due for some Endless Spell and Terrain but won't be getting a new book. So this release is accompanied with a Dual Box of Everchosen getting a new Varanguard HQ and Legions getting a plastic Wight King on Steed and Endless Spells/Terrain. The matchup certainly isn't a conventional one, but it's a theme of Chaos against Death.

    4. Shadespire Season 3 Reveal

    Flesh Eater Courts, Idoneth, Daughters, and Nurgle to start. Seraphon, Slaanesh to follow.

  13. 12 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I wonder if there a chance that the starter set will be Order vs Destruction since it was Chaos with Shadespire and Death with Nightvault.

    they could even mixed it up even more with the GA pairing but I feel like they will stick to always having an Order (or just Stormcast) faction for the starter set.

    I've been hoping for a Seraphon vs. Beastclaw boxset to play up the behemoth angle.

    Plastic Kroxigors vs. Plastic Yhetees please!

  14. Any predictions for upcoming releases in Shadespire? Usually these are chosen in relation to upcoming factions or relevant and popular ones that are not yet covered. My thoughts would be:

    - Sacrosanct Stormcast

    - Nurgle (One chaos god per round so far)

    - New Aelfs (as per the teased lion)

    - Seraphon (as they are probably coming early 2020)

  15. I'd like to make the case for Seraphon here. You can build an army of dinocavalry that performs possibly the best in the movement/teleportation department - allowing you to teleport a unit once per turn anywhere on the board 9" from an enemy. This combined with high overall movement means you can run these dinos up the board fast, cap objectives, or teleport a Carnosaur right into an opponent's vulnerable flank.

  16. 13 hours ago, Overread said:

    Lets not forget we all thought Skaven would get some huge reworks considering that newer plastics had been released before and that they still have metal not just finecast in their range; but the only new thing was a new warlock type - not even a replacement for the old pair (still in metal). So whilst we might see  clear desire for updated Saurus it might just be that GW has no window of opportunity at this stage for them. 

    Well it's also worth noting that Skaven have received an armies worth of models since the last time Seraphon got anything: Verminlords, Thanquol, Doomwheel, Plague Claw Catapult, warplightning cannon, screaming bell, plague censer thing, amongst others. Seraphon rework pleeeeease.

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