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Posts posted by Barbossal

  1. 1 hour ago, Charly2912 said:

    Did you read this on the post about the new GH? Could this mean Khemri and Bretonnia will get some Love? 



    Good Spot - I hadn't noticed that. I think this could probably mean a couple things:

    - More units will move into the Compendium (probably Gitmob, Greenskins, and maybe some loose units that don't fit in other lists)

    - Probably some nerfs for stuff like TK....

  2. 1 hour ago, Aden said:

    The Canadian site has the last chance to buy icon but it's not listed in the Last Chance to Buy list on the left. My guess is clerical error. 

    Worth noting, I've seen the Canadian store often get these details first. Like when Slaanesh models went last chance, the Canadian store was the first one to show them.

  3. 5 minutes ago, DinoTitanedition said:

    So they`re actually just living underneath a kind of glas dome? Hunh....that`s interesting....so, other factions cana ctually try to get access without "equiping everone with a breathing device".

    So Idoneth are officially Fantasy Gungans. You heard it here first folks!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  4. Seraphon scale patterns vary pretty widely throughout the army so it's tough to point to a specific model and say, "it looks like this." Looking at my range, the scale patterns are totally different between Cold Ones, Carnos, Batilladons, Saurus, Skinks, Salamanders.

    Just looking at the size of a scale and considering the level of detail on the picture, I don't think this is as large as a behemoth. Three scales to reach the top ridge would be far too few for something quite large for example. I'd suspect this is a Juggernaut sized creature at biggest.

    In my mind, if it is Seraphon it could be three things:
    - New Cold One Model: This would mean making the creatures more closely resemble mini-carnosaurs.

    - Kroxigors: Total Warhammer has them looking a lot more Crocodilian, and this reminds me of a way more leaning forward posture. Top ridge seems too short though.

    - New Species: We could always see a new creature type come out for Seraphon too. If it's a model to accompany a dual box, having a hero on a mid-sized mount could make a lot of sense.

    I don't see it being a Salamander/Razordon because of the scaling. Looks far too sturdy to be any sort of Skink. And it doesn't match the scales on the new-gen Saurus like the Oldblood.

    • Like 2
  5. So - if Nagash is looking for an old ally, I wonder if that is going to narrow down the pool to one of his remaining loyal Mortarchs from the End times.

    And considering Luthor Harkon is the lauded Mortarch of the Abyss - and we're getting teases about the thing lying in the bottom of the lake next to that city.... I mean that seems pretty straight-forward, right?

    • Like 5
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  6. 11 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:


    I would hope for a true generic list of units across the board that could be used for any faction.

    though the example given were about fireslayers, which is in their fluff. So I would expect a lot more humans or those inside factions that seek some sort of ‘monetary’ gain.

    id love for some sort of official DoW type cluster faction with pay master. But I’m sure that’s not going to happen here

    Yeah, I wonder if they would almost have a compendium of "eligible" models that you can hire out.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, novakai said:


    On the topic of rumors, I heard a lot rambling of GW considering a Seraphon remake since they have one of the oldest plastic ranges from WHF (specifically the Saurus part of the range and all the current resin models), the dilemma is are they going to remake them now and delay the battletome or do it afterward.

    Huh that's an interesting rumour. I would be surprised if they do an overhaul though it'd be very welcome. Saurus are old but they aren't as say Free Peoples, Skaven. They hold up a lot better too. Well, if it's a few years out I hope for at least a quick update book + spell release.

  8. I actually have a theory about this whole Aelf thing: the Light and Shadow Aelves are gonig to be the same army.

    Think about it - Hysh and Ulgu are thematically opposite so the army ability powers up a certain alignment of the army based on the tide of the Sun and Moon. It focuses on balance and harmony between the sides and how they challenge each other - OR - build a list that focuses on a specific side and embrace the Light/Dark. Meanwhile there's a neutral alignment that is in the twilight between both sides.

    Light Aelfs: Eldritch Council, Order Draconis, Phoenix Temple

    Dark Aelfs: Darkling Covens, Order Serpentis,  Shadowblades

    Twilight/Neutral Aelfs: Wanderers, Scourge Privateers, Swifthawk Agents


    Light gets a new dual build kit with Angelic Aelfs in two types and Teclic & Tyron kit.

    Dark gets a new dual build kit with Shadow Aelfs in two types along with Malerion.

    Twilight Elf get a new Wanderers behemoth.


    Revamp the entire Aelf line in only 5 kits ❤️


    • Like 6
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  9. 1 minute ago, Thiagoma said:

    Give then some Fire Elementals or an Avatar, A ur Gold moved Golem or Smaller Magmadroth like monster (maybe with dwarfs riding it) and fyreslayers would be way cooler.

    I would love this! Something like an order version of the K'daai Fireborn would be amazing to see :)

  10. I'm curious if we'll see Seraphon releasing as part of a dual box... Hmm - there's lots of potential matchups that would be fun for Seraphon - the main one I was expecting was of course Skaven v. Seraphon... But seeing them going up against the new Khorne release would actually make a lot of sense. If not that - a monster hunt with Beastclaw vs. Seraphon would be a ton of crunchy fun.

    I think a new Slann is too big of a deal for the duo-box. But I could see Plastic Kroxzigors or Hunting Packs making their way in.

    • Like 2
  11. Plastic Slann/Kroak and Hunting Packs are the most dire. It's almost $1 per point in CAD to field an ancient derpy looking Salamander. So many people in the community are fed up and kitbashing their own because of it.

    For the alternative builds in the Seraphon kits. I think this is actually pretty possible. Here's a few:

    - Skink Master of Skies: Skink HQ built from Terradon kit.

    - Ark of Sotek: Separated warscroll of Bastilladon to better tune abilities and points.

    - Skink Oracle: Skink rider from Troglodon that could easily be on footed like the oldblood.

    - Stegadon with Skystreak Bow/Flamethrower seperation.

    Those are the few I can see as being possible. Honestly, outside of the HQ Master of Skies and split Bastilladons, not much else is super likely.

  12. In regards to Dispossessed being Squatted, I don't think we'll see that. They have GHB rules and have been mostly reboxed unlike Gitmob and Greenskins, the only Factions within AoS that are actually being squatted.

    It would be very odd to see the Dispossessed go away when they are used in many combined boxed as well. If anything is at risk of squatting now it's some legacy units inside Skaven (giant rats, rat swarms), and probably a few of the Self subfactions.

    • Like 1
  13. Well the hint directly says "sink your teeth into" and "whet your appetite" both of those lines pretty directly imply a Flesh-Eater Courts model. The fangs are also very hooklike which fits that aesthetic. 

    Seraphon teeth are flat and rounded rather than the hooked barb style.

    • Like 4
  14. Alright - your resident dice clowns are back for a few more episodes. We just launched episode 11 and would love to get some feedback from the community. Please give us a listen and - if willing - help us out with a review on iTunes. 

    We play Fate Core RPG until the true AoS RPG system comes out. We have a party of a Shadow Warrior, Warrior Priest, and filthy bonesaw doctor. Currently adventuring in the Realm of Ghur!

    iTunes (Reviews and Subs are appreciated)

    Hope you'll give us a listen - we usually launch new episodes every other Wednesday so we can be your Warhammer Wednesday painting excuse :P

    • Like 2

    2 minutes ago, Fairbanks said:

    Greenskins are a yes for squatting, even if they have a Start Collecting when many other armies don’t (Daughters, Idoneth). 

    Shadowblades gets folded into whatever becomes of Darkling Covens. It’s a Dark Rider (part of the Doomfire Warlock box) and an Assassin (1 model).

    Lion Rangers... depends on if High Aelves get a legion faction or not. On the one hand, the kits they have are plastic and nice. On the other, they aren’t adding anything to those kits, and there isn’t much to build the Lion Rangers into the “Souls stolen from Slaanesh” narrative. So logically, they are gone too.

    I'm thinking that with GW striving towards IP copyright, there's nothing unique at all about their assassin unit. So I think it's probably gone. Dark Riders will probably move to Darkling Coven, if only for the fact they share a box with the Warlock unit for DoK.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Kyriakin said:

    I think Dispossessed are the outlier. They have out-performed some new/battletome armies (*cough* Fyreslayers *cough*) in several ownership surveys I have seen over the years.

    There will always be a demand for "classic" dwarves, and they seem to have a certain small - but not insignificantly so - fraction of the player-base that is fiercely loyal.

    Existing range plus a new plastic Anvil and a few guns, and they would remain solid sellers IMHO.

    Not to mention the rumoured Gholemkin that would likely pair nicely with a Dispossessed force.

    • Like 1
  17. 30 minutes ago, Greyshadow said:

    I didn't see the Gitmob models go Last Chance to Buy. If I was a Gitmob collector, I guess I would have bought what I wanted buy by now as experience has taught me this was a possibility. Still, why have a Last Chance to Buy if you don't use it?

    I would suspect they think fewer people will notice if it's just gone versus announcing it's gone?

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