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Antonio Rodrigues

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Posts posted by Antonio Rodrigues

  1. Fantastic conversions, really liked your take on the Rat Ogres!

    And the Throt conversion is brilliant in it’s simplicity! Well done!!!!!

    Quick idea: have you looked into bits of the 40k Dark Eldar range? The Thalos Pain Engine and Wracks would be a fantastic source of bits for you, full of vials, tiny scalpel arms, etc...

    looking forward to see more!


  2. For me it's definitively the "Cthulhu Aelfs"... This quiver looks very dark elfish to me, and I agree that the "Stars Aligned" hint relates to Cthulhu Mythos, in which the monstrous elder Gods will return when the "stars are right" (actually Cthulhu wakig up from his slumber in R'Lyeh, but I digress... 9_9)

    The parchment and the candle can be linked to this type of Creepy Horror... The image with the serpent scales fits in it too... Not entirely sure about the rose or the peacock feather, but it could really be a frilly sucker like Terragor says... :P



  3. Well, I just posted an update on my own KO project log and loved your idea! Count me in!

    I will write the fluff of my own KO group and will send you... But in a nutshell they are based on "Ghull Khazid", the town of the Exiled... and their leader will be Raghon Grikaduk, a "Nubungki" (dwarf deformed at birth), that was cast away from the KO society... Basically a bunch of Pirates that ally with other skyfaring bands of Skaven and Orruks...

    Cheers and congrats for this great idea!



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