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Posts posted by bottle

  1. Hey everyone! It's been a little crazy for this project since version 2 came out. Hinterlands 1 had around 550 downloads from when it was released in mid-October  till mid-January. The current download count for the file now sits at 1275 which means version 2 has been downloaded 700+ times and hasn't even been out for two weeks!! It blows my mind that a fan project could garner this much interest and I am humbled and honored! I try and read every comment, PM and tweet I get about it, so please forgive me if I can't get back to you straight away. :)

    I'm getting some really good rules questions coming through and it seems a few grey areas need to be addressed. I thought about running another update, but I think it would be annoying to have to regularly re-download the file for corrections and clarifications, so instead I thought a living FAQ would be better. I'll post it here, and also in the first post and the file notes. Here's what I've got so far:



    Please keep sending through rules questions and I will be happy to answer and might put them in the FAQ if I think it will throw off enough people. :) Thanks for your help everyone!

    9 hours ago, Dotification said:

    I assume the Destruction Command Trait: Rampaging Destroyers triggers in the Hero Phase?

    "No more than half your Warband may be Heroes" rule is by model-count, or points, or . . . both??

    Love the rules pack, prolly gonna try it out tomorrow!  Thx for your hard work!

    Great questions! The first one got put in the FAQ above and the wording will be altered in version 3 to correct it. As for Heroes, it is based on model count so if you had a full roster of 15 only 7 of them could be Heroes.

    • Like 2
  2. I like the name AoS28, even though it technically doesn't mean anything. What I like about it is as soon as you say it people familiar with INQ28 know immediately what it entails, and secondly it has a lot of heritage in the name. When you're grandchildren ask why it was called AoS28 in 50 years time you can sit them down by the fire, clasp your hands together and say "Well. It all started with a game called Inquisitor, and from that came..." :P


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  3. Usually I don't post WIPs so early, but with all the excitement of this thread I just couldn't wait to get stuck in! As a disclaimer, and maybe as a bit of motivation for those already intimidated by the impressive modelling chops on display in this thread, I will say now, I am terrible at converting! I have no greenstuff sculpting skills, I am not very good at chopping up models too, so I will be relying solely on kitbashing! I am sure lots of you are in the same boat as me. But hopefully this will be a great chance to push myself! So with that in mind here is an early WIP of my Warband:



    I'm basing my warband on Greywater Fastness from the Season of War. If you don't recall the conclusion for that city, they were basically overrun when they let off all their warmachines at once (including giant "macro" Hurricanums) that obliterated the entire countryside for miles in all direction.

    That countryside was already drained swampland, so being subject to a post-apocalyptic explosion no doubt left it dank, gnarly, polluted and an altogether grim place to live...

    With that in mind I thought the inhabitants should wear longcoats and hoods to keep off the acid rain as well as lanterns to see through the smog. As the place is quite technologically advanced I gave them all rifles and other gadgets like ad-hoc grenades and mechanical looking back packs.

    I plan to add in a Stormcast model to lead the group and invoke the classic INQ28 Space Marine appeal. The Chamber will be one of my own creation and the story around them is that the entire chamber is cursed. They were outside the city gates when the bombs went off and were obliterated along with the enemy, killed to the last man. Upon being reforged, every one of them returned not much more than a silent automaton - the most you'll get out of one is a whispered rasp to pass judgement on the agents of Chaos which they now hunt down.

    More to come soon, and I will start a plog somewhere on here to cover the progress!

    (PS I am looking for the lanterns off the Steamtank kit, if you have one going spare let me know! :) ) 



    • Like 15
  4. 8 minutes ago, Bruticus said:

    The first model in my AoS28 warband - a Wild Rider from the Black Sloth Hell: a drowned forest centered around a Realmgate to Shyish, the Realm of Death. The Aelves that live there think they are caught in a purgatory from Aelven folklore - a place where speed and grace and vitality are drained away. But the truth is more sinister than that.

    With the gates of Azyr opening, emissaries have been arriving at the outskirts of the Aelven realm looking for allies. It is not yet clear what side, if any, the Aelves will take.



    There is also now an AoS28 Facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/AoS28/

    Oh wow Bruticus! That is awe inspiring! Glad to see your Black Sloth Hell setting from Ex Profundis is continuing with these models too!

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, tea_wild_owl said:

    that's very cool stuff. I will start something with my necromancer's blood magic coven. I hope you will like it :DxD



    Holy Sigmar! This is incredible!

    I'll get some of my WIPs posted up in this thread tonight. Can't wait to join in on the action! This is one of the most exciting things to happen in AoS so far!

    • Like 11
  6. 13 hours ago, kyle261 said:

    I've read through most if not all of the rules in 2.0 and can't seem to find anything on unit abilities, i am curious how the hidden killer ability works in this if i take an assassin i play skaven so the abilities of my units are important but i don't know if i can hide an assassin in the armor of a single clanrat. 

    Thanks for the comment! By default all the core rules (the 4 pages + warscrolls) are meant to work as normal unless stated otherwise, so this means yes, you can hide an assassin in a single clanrat. (To help it not break immersion you could imagine he clanrat is "bait" while the assassin lurks in the shadows nearby). It is a super risky tactic though, because if that clanrat dies the assassin can't be deployed as the unit has been wiped out!

    On 2017년 2월 5일 at 8:26 PM, nicromancer said:

    Hey bottle, Would you consider making a facebook page for hinterlands in the same way that INQ28 and Inquisimunda have a centralised page? Could help combine people from dakka, here and other forums ? 

    It sounds like a great idea but I think other people are better to set this up! Perhaps Bruticus from Ex Profundis as he is really pushing the AoS28 side of this, with Hinterlands being just one ruleset you can choose to play your games with. :-)

    On 2017년 2월 5일 at 5:29 PM, PC Veteran said:

    Played 3 games last night. For the most part it played really well. There are a few things that need more game time to decide if they need fixing, but for the most part it went smoothly and we had fun.

    Couple of thing you might consider for your next version.

    The injury table seems to be too punishing or rewarding. 1's and 6's came up allot. Maybe make it 2d6 with double 1's or 6's being the really bad or good rolls. Suggestion, maybe 20% bad, 70% nothing to sit out a fight, and 10% good.

    Underdog rating:  So instead of it just being gold spent. Make it gold and exp added together. The gold only approach doesn't account for the level difference between models. If we had a lvl 10 warband that cost 100 gold go up against a level 1 warband that cost 150. The level 10 would be considered the underdog while most likely being the top dog.


    Thanks for trying out the rules and for the feedback! I think these two things would make excellent tweaks to your own gaming group's version of the rules - as the rules are designed to be tweaked and modified as much to suit your needs. The injury table got softened up in version 2.0 as in the first version a roll of a 1 straight up killed your model no matter the wounds and there was no slow recovery. I will take your feedback into account as I play through my own campaign too and we can decide if it needs to be altered for version 3.0 :D 

    For the underdog rating I kept it at just gold coins, firstly to make it simple and secondly I think that no matter how much experience a Warband has, being outnumbered points wise almost always means you'll be on the back foot and could do with something up your sleeve. As experienced Warbands will generally have accrued enough gold to recruit more expensive models I think it won't come up too often that a Warband with loads of experience is worth less than 150 gold coins, but I will keep my eye on it and see if it's worth the change in the next update too. Thanks! :) 

    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, Thundercake said:

    In reading through the 2.0 rules, the gold a player gets after a battle plan/game/scenario is over is used to recruit new models to their warband? I didn't see any additional rules about what to do with it in between games.

    Someone on Dakkadakka caught this today too! :) 

    Yes, that's the intent and is implied but apparently never stated! I will update to 2.1 soon and add a line somewhere to overtly state it.

    Nice catch! :D 

  8. 2 hours ago, Salathon said:

    Love the idea of this and would love to try it if I can find anyone that isn't a GW purist and considers this type of thing heresy. my one gripe is I cant take a Jezzail as there artillery. And have you thought of doing open scenarios like Mordhiem where you have the objective and can be played with as many players as you want.

    Anyway keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing where this goes

    Thanks for the comment and reading! Yes I would allow Jezzails if you get to play this. The ban on artillery is to rule out Warp Lightning Cannons and such. I'll have a look and will stick a better wording in the next update (banning units that are both Warmachines and Artillery).

    Multiplayer games are planned for version 3! I am already sketching together a 4 player gladiatorial style battle that should be great fun! (And allow the 3 weaker players to gang up on the strongest). I really like the convergence of fate battleplan too, and might try and adapt it for Hinterlands!

    Thanks for the comments everyone :D 

    • Like 1
  9. VERSION 2.0 is here :D


    Download Link: http://www.tga.community/files/file/19-hinterlands-skirmish-campaigns-in-the-mortal-realms-by-sam-james/

    Hey everyone, version 2 is now live. Hopefully you'll love all the new content!


    • I have tweaked the core rules based on all the amazing feedback. This ranges from small changes like Heroes wounds being havled-rounded-up rather than capped to 3, to some bigger changes such as the 'Rule Of Three' designed to curtail some powerful AoE abilities (looking at you, Knight Azyros).
    • 5 new battleplans including rules for adapting any other Battleplan. No more treasure system. No both sides get awarded gold coins and the winner gets a unique Triumph!
    • Warband Roster! Record every detail on this 2 page sheet, it also has some nifty counters like a 'Kill Count' etc.
    • Underdog Gambits - this is a new mechanic to give the weaker side a little boost in the game. The page is set out like a Allegiance Ability so it will feel familiar.
    • Command Traits! The old Allegiance Abilities of version 1 have been replaced. Each Grand Alliance now has 2 command traits to choose from - one will make your general a force multiplier (buffing nearby units) the other a killing machine. IT WILL BE A TOUGH CHOICE ;)  


    Community Involvement


    So now I feel that the rules are more stable, and also easier to adapt, I want to open this out to everyone in the community. Do you have some cool ideas for a themed version of the Hinterlands, or perhaps just some rules tweaks (be it to make it more detailed, or to make it more suitable for tournament play). Well if you are happy to share it on TGA as a download, I am very happy to add it to the main post in this topic and hopefully we can build up a wealth of cool community made skirmish material!

    What I would be looking for:

    • Downloadable as a file from TGA with its compatibility  listed in the details.
    • Good presentation of the document (doesn't have to go all out like mine, but something with a little bit of flare).

    So if you are interested. Drop me a PM, or just drop a link to it in this thread! :) 


    • Like 5
  10. As it's set in Hammerhal, I guess one side of the dungeon tiles is set in the Ghyran side and you fight Nurgle and the other is in the Aqshy side and you fight Khorne, and then you fight Tzeentch everywhere because of general tzeentch shenanigans. I CAN'T WAIT! :D 

    • Like 3
  11. 2 hours ago, Grand Exemplar said:

    Looking forward to the read.


    As far as my campaign goes I've made a few personal tweeks to the original rules. Such as limiting wizards for example and making Mortal Wounds into Auto wounds without rolling rather than ignoring saves completely. 


    Ive also taken some of the mordheim flavour in the form of critical charts (might make mortal wounds auto crits), Parry and an injury chart. So just by reducing a model to 0 wounds doesnt neccessarily mean hes out of the fight. 


    Good work Bottle. Im happy to share my ruleset with you if you would like a look, once they are finished of course. :) 


    This sounds fantastic! Now, I was going to hold off talking about this till tomorrow, but I will share a little now...


    With the new version of Hinterlands coming out tomorrow I like to say I have made everything "modular" and what I mean by that is players and player groups can tweak, tailor, add and delete any part of it without it causing headaches and needing fixes else where.

    Don't like the new battleplans? Sure remove them and add your own - as they will no longer be tied to the treasure system its a 5 minute job to create something better suited for your group. What I also hope this does, moving forward is encourages the rest of the community to create their own "add-ons" to the rules - This could be for narrative extras, for example if someone is intrigued by the Shadow Realm, they could create a Hinterlands add-on that has new Battleplans, Triumphs (which  play a big part in the new hinterlands), Command Traits (also new :P) etc, all themed around the Shadow Realm (for example), and then release it as a pack that meshes seamlessly with the original rules allowing for people to then add those rules to their gaming group without any fuss.

    This also goes for extra rules too, like the ones you mention in your post (they sound great!) so, the question I would like to ask, is if you are happy to put them into a pack and put them on TGA for download I would love to include a link for them in the main post of this thread (which is going to evolve into a mini directory from tomorrow), so would you be interested? :)

    What I really hope to do moving forward is open this up to everyone to get involved and see if we can make something really cool!



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  12. 2 minutes ago, HeadHunter said:

    Ah, I guess I overlooked that.  Still it doesn't leave me much - a Hunter, a Saber and a Yhetee if I'm reading right?  It would still be fun, I guess I'm used to Necromunda-sized warbands.  Either way I'm delighted to have the option for skirmish-style play in AoS and really appreciative of the extra effort you put into designing it!  GW should hire you because you've single handedly turned out a supplement with production values equal to their own.

    Thanks! For everyone else apart from BCR you do get a Necromunda sized warband, starting off around 10 models and moving up to 15. :) With a skirmish system like this its always the big tough armies that get represented the worst. If you were to add in some gnoblar/grots they are 5 gold coins per model so you could have a Hunter and Saber and 8 gnoblars to begin. As you win games and get more gold you can slowly start replacing the gnoblars with Yhetees and Sabers :D 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, rokapoke said:

    What was book 1?!?!

    Book 1 (or version 1) is the original Hinterlands book from October. They are not really different books, that's just me being silly with photoshop. This is a new version with an updated design, tweaks to the core rules based on player feedback and then some cool new features that'll you see when it drops. :)


    21 minutes ago, HeadHunter said:

    But he would cost 160 gp wouldn't he?  He's who I'd choose as a leader for my warband but I thought he'd be too costly.

    Heroes cost gold coins worth half their points, and (in the new version) have their wounds halved and rounded up. I think not being able to include heroes would be really dissatisfying, so the comprise for them being made weaker points is having their wounds halved. :) 

    • Like 3
  14. 7 hours ago, StoneMonk said:

    What if, instead of filling it in with their own profile numbers, that's where you add the +1/-1 modifier. So instead of copying over your warscroll stats, you're just looking there for the modifer? 

    Man this is the D&D character sheet conundrum all over again and again

    Nice idea! (I would give you a like but I am out of ammo it seems haha). I think I will put in blank boxes for range/hit/wound/rend/damage and then players can choose to put the modifiers or the actual rolls in them. The roster won't ever be able to fully replace the warscrolls just because of all the ability information on them and that was my initial consideration for leaving the weapon stats off - but with the new rules you can get increases to hit/wound/rend and damage (the latter 2 being harder to achieve) so it makes sense to have an area on the stat block for them!

    And because I am enjoying showing everyone in this thread hints at the update, here is the first page of the battleplans section. There will be 5 battleplans in total. 2 Symmetrical deployment, 3 asymmetrical (attacker vs defender), 2 adapted from AoS existing Battleplans and guidelines on how to incorporate others.

    This will be perhaps the biggest change to Hinterlands, and I really hope everyone agrees it is for the better. Taking away the treasure/loot allows for ANY battleplan to be used with a minute spent to tweak it. I took the idea of 'Campaign Outcomes' from  one of the GHB campaigns. In this one the winning player may be rewarded with an artefact after the battle. Every Battleplan has a narrative based reward like this which should really bring your campaign to life and (for the better in my opinion) this moves the system further from Mordheim and closer to AoS Narrative Play.



    (Edit - I should mention this is the only Battleplan where you will be "picking up counters" - I wanted to pay homage to the original battleplans I made at least once!)

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  15. 1 hour ago, Red_Zeke said:

    Great stuff, and think everything is heading in an excellent direction.  I especially like the opportunity for both warbands to advance to some extent, even if they lose.  Gives the loser something positive to do in the "between games" portion.


    I think my only two bits of feedback that isn't already being addressed are:


    1- Advancement table- +1 wound squats on a very wide portion of the table's bell curve.  ~44% of results will land on that spot.  Feels like maybe a bit much?  Or is it intentional, to slow the lethality of the encounters in later games?

    2- Bravery- Seems like a pretty minimal impact right now, and not entirely intuitive.  Is there some way to introduce a mechanic, similar to how unit upgrades like musicians work?  If someone goes down, anyone within 3" will need to check bravery?  Something like that?


    Anyhow, thanks for a great chunk of work already.  Lots of fun!


    Hey Zeke, thanks for the comment. I was already thrilled to hear you guys talk about Hinterlands a fair bit on your All Gates episode on the podcast. Both things you addressed will get a fix so thanks for bringing them up :) The advancement table was designed for my 'Realm Master' campaign before I even thought of tackling a project like the Hinterlands so it's a relic from that system really where more wounds meant the GM could thrown more adversaries against the heroes. I have redone the advancement table with the wound bonuses taken off the peak of the bell curve.

    As for Bravery, its been my biggest headache since the project began. I have tried loads of systems but can't seem to get it right - it's either too much micromanaging or has no effect on the game. For this version of Hinterlands I am going to remove it with the 'rout' option taking its place thematically. I think its something we as a community can then look at going into version 3 to see if its missed or not and if an eloquent solution can be found or not. :)


    Thanks for all the feedback, hopefully you'll see lots of your groups ideas in the new version.

  16. I have been busy working on the Hinterlands update all weekend :) It should all be ready very soon, I would say its all at 80% currently. Here is what I have been working on recently: The Warband Roster!


    I tried to make it as simple as possible, so it should have everything you need. The stat wheel is pastel so you can write your stats over it. There is no space for adding in the weapon stat lines but they are on the Warscroll anyway. The notes box would be to add any artefacts, -1/+1 to hit/wound and anything else about the character.

    On page two I removed one stat block (as you can only have 15 models max) - placed in a big box to record triumphs (this relates to the battleplans. Some give permanent benefits, others just for the next game). And also some fun counters to record your Kill/Death ratio and total battles played (on the front there is a victory counter).

    Let me know what you think :) 

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