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Posts posted by mrstimpson38

  1. I don't want Khorne Daemons to be OP, I want Khorne Daemons to be able to warp into Realspace. They've been doing that in the lore since the dawn of Warhammer. Asking for a fluffy way to do that isn't unreasonable.

    Obviously summoning and deepstrike are different. My point, which is quite obvious from the post you've quoted, is that it can be named whatever they like it to be named. As long as it fits the lore, and allows Khorne Daemons to be placed onto the table after the start of the game without the use of Wizards, then it could be called Chaos Farting for all I care.

    Discussing semantics is pointless when I clearly don't care what they call it.

    Sent from my Z958 using Tapatalk

  2. No, this is literally the only thing stormcasts have to make them unique, there's no reason Khorne should be deepstriking. Khorne should get some non-wizard summoning options but leave deepstriking to the stormcasts, especially since they nerfed it.


    There are plenty of things that make Stormcast unique, but if you need me to call it something else then that works for me.


    Rule That Allows Daemons to Burst into Realspace Without the Need of a Wizard Much Like How the Khorne Daemonkin Handle the Situation.


    And there we go. Whatever it's called, Khorne units could use some fluffy summoning options.


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  3. No pictures to post, but I ordered a portable painting station so I can bring my stuff into the living room and paint in the evening without my wife moaning that I'm deserting her. So I might actually be able to post some progress next week [emoji4]


    You should post a picture of your station after you set it up! I'm interested in how much space it'll give you.


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  4. I think some of the best things to take away from aos is all points in one book, adopting the aos waracroll/point system (units are pointed out in groups with weapon loadouts already considered into the points), the rules ground down to the bare essentials (death to the USR!), and a total overhaul of unit rules to tie it all together. I think these things would really help 40k to be more appealing to a wider audience, and it has the potential to allow both games to mix in open play if done right. That seems beneficial to everyone.

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  5. When ran in a Weirdfist, Green Puke is pretty reliable in both range and damage. But I find most people are running a MawC+Ironfist in 2k lists so it's not really an option for them. I run an Ardfist+Weirdfist 2k list and the Weirdnob is definitely a useful asset.

    Also, thanks for this thread, Chris. It has been a great read and a pleasure to peep your Ironjawz.

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  6. bf0cfdd930bd17dacdb49ee522913af6.jpg


    5th model done. I want to blast these out of the way and get to my Ironjawz army I'm going to run for the seasons of war campaign, so I may try my hand at speed painting the rest to see what kind of results I can manage from my first assembly line.

    Sent from my Z958 using Tapatalk

    Edit One: This will also be the last unit I apply the blood effects to. I realized after the 5th application that I liked the model less after I applied them, so I believe my "Da Blood Guzzlas" theme will be exclusive to any Bonesplitterz army I do in the future (which I doubt I ever will).

    Edit Two: I... couldn't... help myself...



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