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Posts posted by BaronBanana

  1. On 2/25/2019 at 1:50 AM, knas said:

    A friend of mine at work wants to get into AoS2, but is sad that there is no battle tome for TFP. Are they still viable for play, or is it better to hold off?

    As it is right now, TFP will probably not get any sort of support, but I don't keep up with rumors super closely   


    However, with the recent Beasts and Skaven books, my hopes of GW kind of "restarting" some of the older armies might be a reality due to the relative success of the Total War series.  I personally would love to see a human army that isn't second fiddle to fantasy Space Marines. 

  2. 21 minutes ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    I've actually heard from someone at Creature Caster that their next release (announced around the end of this month or early next month) will be Beasts of Chaos-related, and based on our conversation I got the impression that it might be a Shaggoth. So there could be a really awesome Shaggoth model coming very soon!

    That sounds fantastic.  Maybe I'll somehow find someone with the artistic creativity to recreate Kholek

  3. 12 minutes ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    Cheers! Yeah if you're not interested in playing competitively then should be fine.


    For Dragon Ogre-heavy army I would personally suggest a Great Bray Shaman with either Tendrils of Atrophy (if  you plan to take  a Balewind Vortex) or Vicious Stranglethorns to sit around your Herdstone for sacrificing, and then fill out the rest of your army with Dragon Ogres and a couple Shaggoths: one with Sundering Blades, and the other with Hailstorm. I would use units of 6 Dragon Ogres as hammers, and units of 3 as screens.

    Thanks for the suggestions!  If I do end up going with BoC, I'll definitely be doing this.  My only dislike is the lack of Shaggoth models, but that's not a big problem because Shaggoth models are still some of the coolest looking models in the game

  4. Question for the BoC veterans out there - Are Thunderscorn/Dragon Ogres viable as a battleline army?  After reading that the FEC can take battleline dragons and geists and were somewhat viable, I started looking around for more low model count armies and remembered Thunderscorn got rolled back into BoC.  

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