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Posts posted by Kamose

  1. I finished assembling King Brodd! I decided to shorten the haft of his hammer and give him a kingly sceptre to dual wield.IMG20221022221054.jpg.4cb833d390f951f50c982bc8408416f1.jpg

    Also he got a barrel of ale in case he gets thirsty kicking Sigmar in his Sig-nuts.


    I love these gargant kits, old and new! So many little bits to swap around! 😁

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  2. On 5/3/2022 at 5:32 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Let's make this thread into a bit of a hobby thread, as well. I want to see some cool Freeguild armies!

    Excellent idea! Here's my Free City of Hogsface in the magical land of Foon (based on the Hello from the Magic Tavern podcast).


    I went with deep greens to match leaves of McShingleshane Forest where Hogsface is found.


    My city's rules are Hallowheart since there are many wizards roaming around Foon.




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  3. On 2/17/2022 at 12:01 AM, Blair said:

    Hey guys

    Please tell me is the jabberslythe worth it in a game

    I'm thinking about building one but not sure if it will be with the time investment 


    I've used the Jabberslythe in casual games and he works fine as long as you use him for what he's for; dying on someone. He will die. That's a given, it's what he was made for, it's what he wants, so give it to him.

    Specifically I find he works well going after small to medium support and combat heroes. With flying,  bile blood, aura of madness, and (now) -3 Rend on all melee attacks he's a threat even to choppy heroes. No matter if you go first or your opponent in combat, Jabby will hurt someone.

    Also always summon him, never pay points. Summoning let's you ambush and take full advantage of fly and better positioning.

    Tldr; summon Jabby, Jabby dies, madness, profit.

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  4. More than 90% of my AoS games are 1500pts or less. In fact most are around 1000pts and I think it's by far the best way to play. Games are fast and exciting without so much mental load that I feel like I'm forgetting half the rules all the time. Bear in mind that I play Sons of Behemat, Seraphon Thunder Lizards, and Beasts of Chaos. I have no issues making fun and varied lists at 1k for either horde or monster mash styles  (ok so not that varied for my SoB but still very fun)! 

    7 hours ago, readercolin said:

    once people try solving it competitively, it quickly leads to un-fun non-games

    Unfortunately this pretty much describes my feeling about all competitive (read: tournament) style AoS games. But then I am a filthy casual who enjoys 'gasp' Open Play.

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  5. Two things: 

    1. Change combat ranges to function (almost) like it does in 40k. A weapon's range determines how far it needs to be from an enemy model in order to attack OR how far from another model in it's own unit that is with it's weapon range.

    2. Release Path to Glory campaign books like the Crusade campaign books in 40k.

    That is all.

    PS: Complexity in games is like aging. It's inevitable and it kills all games eventually. The game designer should try to simplify as much as possible for accessibility and streamlining because as time goes by and new rules are added the game will become more complex on its own. Needlessly adding complexity just increases mental load and makes games frustrating. This is my main complaint with 40k and why I find AoS to be the better game.

    • Like 4
  6.  As a Sons of Behemat player:

    1. Thanks for the points drop.

    2. Thanks for nerfing Amulet of Destiny (I'm not being sarcastic, 5++ saves on gargants is egreious and unfun).

    3. Why no FAQ or rules update...? 🙁


    As a Seraphon player:

    1. Thanks for some points drop and thanks for the points hike on Salamanders (again I'm not being sarcastic, they did need it).

    2. Why no FAQ or rules update...? 😢


    As a Cities of Sigmar player:

    1. Thanks for the points drop on my Griffons!

    2. Why no FAQ or rules update...? 😭


    As a Beasts of Chaos player:

    1.  Thanks for the points drop.  Now just lower them a little more, a little more, liiiittle more.  There we go, right into the trash. 🗑️

    2. Why no FAQ or rules update...? 💀

    • Haha 9
  7. So I've been lurking here for a few months learning about the Sons as I paint up my little gang. Well I've finished my Bosses of the Stomp (🦶), Doug and Dinsdale Piranha.


    I plan to have three Mancrushers and one more Mega to round out 2000pts.

    PS: They're called The Pretzel Gang and spend their days extorting money, food, and ale from villages and towns in southern Ymetrica in Hysh.

    PPS: Dinsdale is a Kraken-eater and Doug is a Warstomper but I used the same head since they're supposed to be twins.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Nacnudllah said:

    GW should have let the community handle points and other comp systems.  The game was better without (official GW) points or Force Org.

    I enjoyed 1st edition as well!  And speaking of unpopular opinions...

    ...until Path to Glory came out, Open Play and the Open War cards and army generator were the best way to play! 😤


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  9. Since finishing up my Seraphon I've been working on my Free City of Hogsface.  Today I finished Gormpelious the Orange wizard of Foon and his griffon Manfred von Karma.    With them finished I have but three archers left until I have finished the entire army.  So close!


    He also brought a bear.  I don't know the bear's name, she never told me.


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  10. 4 hours ago, Howdyhedberg said:

    I skimmed through the narrative part in the core book yesterday. Does it say how you win a campaign? Could you lose territory?


    Or is it up to the players how to win?

    So PtG isn't a campaign system that you can win. It's a system for growing your army and developing your units over time based on the games they play.

    It's similar to Crusade in 40k and the way Crusade works is GW releases campaign setting in books or White Dwarf that your Crusade army can fight in. Those campaign settings may have win conditions or your gaming group could decide for themselves.

    So PtG is all about your army's growth and the campaign books are all about the war they are fighting.

  11. So far I've played about half a dozen PtG games and a few sneaky not-PtG-but-I-still-leveled-up-my-army games 😉, at least one each with Seraphon and Beasts of Chaos and several with my Free Cities. Overall I've really enjoyed all of my games.  Some observations:

    Having played a lot of Crusade in 40k, I have to make the comparison.  While I enjoy both systems, I feel like Crusade is definitely more fleshed out in the Core Rules.  This can be a good thing and a bad thing.  For example, in Crusade, there's a lot more unit customization that occurs and that is narratively awesome!  In PtG it seems like there are fewer changes to your army after each battle but a lot of changes in your kingdom (stronghold, barracks, territories, etc.).  This makes army progression seem slower and less meaningful in PtG.  Its good though because its fewer extra rules I have to completely forget about mid-game.  It also give your army a place in an evolving world which is definitely something missing from Crusade. On a related note...

    On 7/12/2021 at 3:18 PM, NinthMusketeer said:

    Warlords don't have any benefit from collecting renown anyways.

    This is definitely my biggest disappointment from PtG.  Its such a bizarre design decision that I almost wonder if they forgot or ran out of ideas.  I mean the entire concept of PtG is that my Warlord is tooling around with their best army, gettin' famous, finding cool treasure, growing on a deep, personal level, and evolving as a highly complex individual or something like that.  All the previous iterations of PtG focused heavily on this concept (sometimes too much imo).  Now its completely removed from the game.  The Warlord is the Warlord and this as good as he/she/it's gonna get.  They will never change.  I sincerely hope they add reasons for your Warlord to gain renown in future PtG packs and to be fair I'm sure they will or else why have them be able to gain renown in the first place.

    I usually try to start small with these kinda campaign system but I think beginning at Warlord size (800pt+) games is best.  When I started at Vanguard I found that my casualties added up so quickly that I started every game with half of each unit or more out as casualties.  The game was impossible to win and I could never get enough GP to fix up my soldiers.  I actually had to restart my Free Cities army for this reason.  So starting over at 800pts let me put a little redundancy in the army so I could afford to keep a unit out of a battle and let them recuperate.  I've also learned the value of retreating from a battle to prevent casualties.  That's a very important rule and narratively I love it!

    As for the battleplans I've been rolling randomly so I've only played the first four.  Of those four I really enjoyed Sudden Assault and The Ritual.  In Sudden Assault, even though my army was losing each fight I was able to keep in the game with careful positioning and retreating from combat to keep my models holding table quarters even in the face of superior troops (Lumineth!!😤)  The Ritual just has a nice back and forth to it since its usually not worth it for your opponent to throw everything they have at the main ritual site objective.  So they send units after the two other objectives and the player performing the ritual can choose how to react or not.  I think the Watchtower could be a fun mission but the one time I played it I was blown off the table in 2 turns by Ironjawz.  Turns out Freeguild Guard are no match for 'Ard Boyz in combat!

    On 7/14/2021 at 3:26 PM, Ahriman said:

    The Trap was a little more problematic, with the way it was scored meaning I (the defender) had autowon by the end of turn 2, as all my stuff was still alive.

    I had the same problem when I played the The Trap.  The mission looks interesting and I love asymmetrical deployment but if you don't kill at least one unit by turn 2 you cannot win (as the Ambusher).  In my game I failed kill that unit by a single model and that decided it.  It was frustrating and made playing the rest of the battle kinda pointless.  After turn two it was just waiting around until I could retreat my army to prevent casualties.

    Right now I'm just waiting for the first Battlepack, whatever that might be.  Hopefully they add rules for upgrading your Warlord and I really wanna find out what outposts are!  I don't why I've fixated on outposts but I just wanna have an outpost! 

    Give me outposts!

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  12. I love dragons and I'd love to see more of them in AoS. I'm interested to see what modern GW's sculptors can do! 

    To be brutally honest, when I first started Warhammer I choose 40k over Fantasy because those old metal fantasy dragons were (imo) really bad. I just don't enjoy the 'earthworm with huge feet and an even bigger head with teeth so large it can't close its mouth so let's make screaming, tongue-flapping monsters a thing for the next 4 decades' aesthetic.

    Of course they can make some awesome models now and I'm a fan of the Magmadroth and Stardrake (they can even close their mouths).

    Spoilers for the last Broken Realms short story:

    Skink Starseer: "Hey skink! Look what we did!"

    Skink: "OMG you hatched a bunch of dragons! We get to fight with dragons now?!"

    Starseer: "No!"

    Skink: "What?! Why?"

    Starseer: "There's another little boy out there who needs them even more. And his name is Sigmar."

    'cue Mickey Rooney musical number about painting fences or something'


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  13. 7 pages.  That's how long this "discussion" has gone on. 7 pages, a full 8% of this thread, and 3 days of endlessly going on and on about this nonrule.  Truly the spirt of Warseer of old lives on this thread. 😖

    Here's my advice for everybody:

    1. Paint your army however you like and make conversions to your heart's content.  An FAQ is very specifically not an ironclad rule but a clarification just in case the word "discouraged" didn't give that away.  No one has to follow this "rule" and, like many of you have said nobody ever will.

    2.  Answer any questions that your opponent may have, particularly if there are obvious points of confusions such as proxy models or subfaction rules that do not match your paint scheme.  This is common courtesy and a reasonable expectation in all social activities.  It is your obligation to ensure that your opponent knows exactly what rules you are using.

    3. If you encounter the one person on Earth who will actually try to use this FAQ to bully you during a game then stop playing immediately and make it clear that you will not play with them again.  This is a hard pill for some people to swallow but you are responsible for the health of your gaming community. 

    Our game is one that requires real life social interaction between actual people and in that situation it is everyone's responsibility to support and nurture their gaming community.  Part of that is not tolerating disrespect and bullying, actively calling it out, and, if necessary, removing offending individuals from the community. 

    4.  Please discuss some actual rules in the "AoS3 New Rules Discussion" thread.  I know this seems like a big deal to some of you but I promise you are just working yourself into a lather over a nonissue that everyone will ignore.

    To end on a positive note, if this really is all anyone can talk about then I guess the rest of the rules and FAQ's must be pretty tight!  Maybe this is the best ruleset ever! 👍

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