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Blog Entries posted by Clue

  1. Clue
    As mentioned I've been working on a squad of sisters of slaughter. I don't feel as if these guys are near my best work - but they look great at a distance. I also got a tad bored painting them; finding the skin tones tedious at times.
    I may have gone overboard with the gore but it does fit in with their lore. After all, these guys are meant to live to fight. Let me know what you guys think.
    Hope you all enjoy the progress updates! It really means a lot to share this army with the community.

    "The Sisters fight as they live, moment to moment, with every gut-spilling swipe and viper-quick slash going unplanned until the second it is unleashed."
  2. Clue
    So I decided to finish up one of the heroes of the army and there really isn't much else to say. This guy (below) was easy to pile into an afternoon. Everything is neatly divided on the model and the cape has lots of flats which allows for easy blending (which I definitely still need to practice). Further, I'll admit the lighting is a little off but I was trying a sharp contrast - if he was leaping out of the darkness and into the light.
    I've also finished up some sisters of silence, but I'm saving those for another post.
    In other news I'm planning on branching over into painting some high aelves as a side job. Having a read of the rules behind phoenix guard seem like they could be what this army is missing (still within an army of Order). Question is, do I paint them to match or in contrast with my current darkling colour scheme?
    The flamespyre/frostheart phoenix also seems like it packs a real punch. Has anyone had any gameplay with any of these models (phoenix guard or phoenix)?
    Here is Shadowblade, the master assassin.

    "Fables of his grisly adventures are already used as stores to scare Dark Elf children, a litany of murder and terror that grows longer and bloodier with each passing day."
  3. Clue
    Figuring that every army needs its battleline I decided to finish off a unit of bleakswords. These guys are nice and quick to paint. Really fun to smash out. If anyone is looking for a quick unit to work on between projects then I would definitely recommend considering these guys.
    I also tried taking Old Stonebeard's advice and turned down the lighting a bit to give the photos a more natural feel. I think it's helped slightly but I'm fairly limited in what I can do in my current location. I will still try to improve my photography skills over the up-and-coming next few posts. I guess its time to read up on some photography blogs.
    Still considering ways in which I should take my army build. I feel like its time for a general but I am unsure what suits best for a dark aelves army. I've been reading up on the rules for the units and not much seems to strike my interest - all the cool units seem imbalanced points wise (apart from the sorceress). I might just wait till the GHB17 comes out.

    "Bleakswords forsake the spear and the repeater crossbow, deeming the former a peasant's weapon and the latter a craven armament. Instead, they wield slender duelling blades that flash past an enemy's guard to slit his throat or pierce his heart."
  4. Clue
    So I know it hasn't been long since I last posted but over the weekend I finished up a unit of cold one knights. So I figured might as well put up some pics!
    I've been trying out a few new techniques with them - it was actually my first time using an airbrush for the cold ones and I'm really happy with how they have turned out. I figured a purple cold one, so that if I ever feel like painting traditional nagarrythe units I will have no problems with getting the models to match. Then the standard red-orange/silver combination for the riders.
    Also if anyone has advice on how to take better photos with an iphone then please let me know. I'm really wanting to get some clearer photos of these guys and the executioners.

    "It is a daring Dark Elf who takes a Cold One for his steed, for the lizards savagely attack all who come near them, recognising warm-blooded creatures are prey by the smell alone."
  5. Clue
    Welcome all.
    So the first unit which I've decided to finish up are my Har Ganeth Executioners. So far 9 of the 10 are complete, I just have the standard to go.
    Given the idea behind Har Ganeth I have decided to theme my army in red. This way I can build an army of Har Ganeth with Khaine as the core theme. 
    Comments and Criticism Welcome!
    Well without further a due here are my executioners:

    "It is said that a fully-trained Executioner knows the way to kill any creature with but a single blow, whether by decapitation, disembowelment or a single thrust through the heart."
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