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Posts posted by Salyx

  1. I would rather differentiate like Fyreslayers. Gors could be like Vulkite Berserkers and Bestigor like  Heartguard Berserkers.

    So Gors with Shields have a better save, Gors with Double Hand Weapons can reroll hits,  whereas the Bestigor could have a way of dealing Mortal Wounds (perhaps on 6s to hit?) and  hit on 3s. The most important: 2 Wounds each,  Of course this would include a points rise,something like 100/270 for Gor and  160/450 for Bestigor. The Ungor stay the way they are, 1 wound cheapish infantry.

    • Like 1
  2. For a Brass Stampede army you do not really need the Bataillon, except, you really wanna go low drop. However, if you want Support units, that is rarely possible. 

    Moreover, your army is missing units. You only have 3 units, which makes you pretty inflexible. For examples, you can Not screen Stonehorns. Even is the Skullcrushers are tough, 2 Stonehorns will melt them. Moreover, if you do not get that Charge off, you are doomed. So having some screens can really Come in Handy. Here is what I would recommend: Kick the Bataillon and the Chaos Warriors(they can Not really keep up with the Rest and they only Serve as tanky units, which you already have. 

    That leaves you with 440 extra points which you can invest into Bloodreavers, Fleshhounds, A Demon Prince to prevent enemy charges or other stuff According to on your flavor. 


    If it is not about the models, rather about having a tanky Flayed army, a Chaos Knight army might be even better. With the help of prayers, Flayed ability and an allied Sorcerer Lord (boooo), they can get to a 2+ re-rollable save. 

    • Like 1
  3. You are right in that the Tome is not well Balance. However, due to the meta, multi-wound heroes, especially monsters have a hard time now. Nobody would play a Keeper-heavy list on a tournament, because against some armies like KO, Cities or Tzeentch, they do rarely last more than two turns. 

    The current meta rather pushes into using either powerful tanky units in big sizes (like Fyreslayers) or go MSU, if you do not have such units(16 Cockatrice). Slaanesh in These Regards has some strong glass cannons from other books (Marauders, Bullgors, Bestigor), but needs Lurid Haze to get them safely into Combat. 

    If you do not want to play These units, I think, the best way to go is a fast list bases on Seekers, Chariot and Fiends. However, with auch a list you are better off playing on Objectives, because your Power Level cannoz keep up. 

    • Like 1
  4. In my opinion, that list has many flaws that make it not that good. You have too many endless spells. You got 4 casts in total, 3 endless spells are too much. Furthermore, you do not have enough Combat troops. The 10 Chaos Warriors Lose their re-rolls after the First slain Model. The Marauders can be shot to pieces quite easily and the Demon Prince alone cannot make up for that. 

    So I would drop all endless spells which frees 170 points. Then, I would merge two units of Chaos Warriors so that you have 15.

    Which leaves you with 210 points for another Nurgle unit. But why only use one? Those 5 man Chaos Warriors do not offer very much to your army, so you could replace them. Which Puts US at 390 for 3 units. I would invest these points into 2 units of Chaos Knights. 70 left and still need one more unit. So just Use the emergency Bataillon slot filler- Chaos Spawn. Then xou can buy the Gravetide got the remaining 20 and you are good to go. 

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, PiotrW said:

    Thank you for ideas!

    I have a question regarding Varanguard: I see that they can be used as Leaders? Warscroll Builder has them listed as something called "Knights of the Empty Throne". How does that work, then - they are a unit of three / six / nine / twelve riders serving as a collective Leader?

    BTW. Warscroll Builder doesn't list a plain Gaunt Summoner for Slaves to Darkness, only Gaunt Summoner on Disk. Is that a mistake?

    Oh, and Gaunt Summoner's summoning ability - does it work automatically? The warscroll doesn't mention any roll for it. Does it mean that Gaunt Summoner has, in practice, a free summonable unit built in? That sounds good... too good :D I'm wondering whether there's a catch?


    You can take Varanguard as Heroes in the Knights of the Empty Throne allegiance. So they can get General Traits, can use Command Abilitiea and can take Artefacts. However, These can Only be used from a very limited list. Furthermore, a unit that has been killed, can return on a roll of 5+.

    I would love to play that one, but sadly, Varanguard are so expensive. 

    Gaunt Summoner in the recent Std battletome only comes on Disc. There is one on foot, but only in Tzeentch armies.

    And yes, the Gaunt Summoner has a free summon, through He can only summon 5 Horrors and 10 of the other daemons after the last FAQ. 

  6. Legion of Chaos Ascendant is everything with the Chaos and Demon keyword. So it is all Chaos Demons like Furies, Demonettes, Bloodletters... and all the Greater Demons. Furthermore, you can also add some Verminlords as they also have the right keywords. However, in a Legion of Chaos Ascendant, you will not be able to play your Cultists, as you can only take demon units. 

    If you want to play your cultists, the only army that synergises with cultists is Slaves to Darkness. If you take Ravagers subfaction, you are able to summon cultists from the Board Edge. If you play Cabalists, you can sacrifice Cultists for casting bonuses. Darkoath Chieftain and Warqueen both synergise pretty well with Cultists. Theddra is a pretty neat wizard for 70 points. She synergises especally good with Belakor, as both have a -1 to wound spell. There are many buffs to hit, but only very few for wound rolls. So -2 to wound is huge. 

    About allegiance: If you use Slaves to Darkness, you`ll need some battleline. So you do not like big armored guys like Chaos Warriors, Chaos Knights or Chaos Chariots. There are only two more battlelines( Yeah, Varanguard, but Archaon is outta here): Marauders (ugly minis) or Marauder Horsemen. Perhaps they fit your idea. They are rather new and not heavily armored.


    If you do not want to buy too many new minis, you might just go with Grand Alliance Chaos. In a Grand Alliance Chaos, Clanrats can be battleline. So you can run Clanrats along with the Cultists. Or Stormfiends and Chaos Knights. Although the allegiance abilites are rather weak, you can field all your minis together. Worth a try. 


  7. Interesting to See a Khorne army as too powerful. From my experience, in most matchups in competetive play, Khorne has massive difficulties in keeping up with other armies. Especially the Thirsters are vulnerable to shooting. 

    As your armies are Death and Ogors, I would recommend playing either Flesh Eater Gristlegore to have a lot of options to fight First as well or Ogors. 

    The Bloodreavers are the key to obejective grabbing and Screening, both vital for this army. 

    You could either munch them away with summoned units as Flesh Eater or shoot them with Leadbelchers. If the screen is gone, you are able to Charge..no-not the one who striktes First! What would even be funnier: Try to Spam Leadbelchers and just shoot the Bloodthirsters. Beastclaw have good shooting as well to Grind down Bloodthirsters and are more than a Match in close Combat. 

    Generally, every Bloodthirster except Skarbrand gets pretty weak when he is bracketed twice or thrice. And they are only 14 wounds with a 4+ armor. 


    You may build up screen of cheap units as well with a counter unit 3" behind the Screen. Bloodthirsters have a maximum of 2" range. 

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  8. All-out attack (re-roll hit rolls of 1) all-out defense (re-roll save rolls of 1) and volley fire (re-rolls Hit rolls of 1 in shooting) are command abilitiea. For a Command Point, a hero or General can give a unit within 12" (General 18") the mentioned buffs at the Start of the Combat Phase or at the Start of the shooting Phase (Volley Fire only). 

    IT can be found in the big GHB. 

    If you give it to a Demon Prince with Thronebreaker's Torc, he will always have a 3+ re-rolling ones save against all normal wounds. 

  9. 4 hours ago, LordRhulak said:

    I’ve been collecting for a while but have a terrible win rate on the  battlefield. Could you give me some advice on a mortal list that I could use against Flesh Eaters (Terrorgheists in Gristlegore), Orruk Waclans (Big Waagh list with Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz) and Skaven (Pestilens priest focus with Grey Seers and Warp Lightning Cannons)?
    The Skaven just kill my heroes with Warp Lightning Cannons before I can get into combat, then turn my most powerful unit against me using the redmaw plague. The Orruk Waclans use Boarboyz with double move to bypass the Daemon Prince’s aura and then charge me using loads of 2+ hit and wound 2 damage attacks that I can’t survive (the screen has been shot by this point) and with their mighty destroyers I can’t reach them before they reach me. And with the Flesh Eaters I just can’t kill the Terrorgheist because it just kills anything it wants at the start of the combat phase before I can even attack. 
    It just feels like mortal Khorne can’t compare to these armies. I can’t wait for you to prove me wrong!

    For Mortals heroes I have:
    Aspiring Deathbringer
    Exalted Deathbringer
    Blood Sectrator
    2 Slaughterpriests
    Chaos Lord on Karkadrak
    Chaos Lord on Manticore
    Valkia the Bloody
    Daemon Prince (I know he isn’t mortal but he’s Slaves to Darkness to that's fine)


    And for units: 
    10 Bloodwarriors
    20 Bloodreavers
    2x5 Skullreapers
    5 Wrathmongers
    1 Khorgorath
    2x5 Chaos Knights
    20 Chaos Warriors
    1 Chaos Chariot


    I also have quite a few daemons for summoning and Skarbrand. No standard Thirsters though. 
    I don’t mind having to get more models and the group that I play with are quite relaxed about proxies so the list doesn’t have to be using only the stuff listed.

    Hystarion, your list has already helped me loads and  it is really encouraging to see a mortal list to so well agianst such powerful armies so thank you!

    Thanks for your help!

    That is a lot to ask, because all These armies are really strong and require a different approach. 

    So I can only say how I would approach them, so do not expect the ultimate solution.

    Against Skaven it is better to not depend on your heroes too much. Units that can operate on their own are Skullreapers, Khorgoraths and Wrathmongers. So a MSU army with a lot of these units may work against Skaven. 

    Another unit Skaven have massive problems with are Skullcrusher. So many wounds with a high save Skaven just cannot really chew through. And they are quite fast. A Skullcrusher-heavy army is one of the biggest challenge for Skaven. Oh, you overloaded your WLC with strength 1? Ok, you just killed two models. 

    If the Orruks shoot your screen, you might need a beefier screen. Something like Chaos Warriors or Blood Warriors, they cannot be shot that easily.  If your enemy charges the Boars in recklessly, they usually get isolated and die if they did not do enough damage. So Belakor can be a way to deny reinforcements so that you can surround and kill them. If He does Not Charge your screen, you can push forward and pin the Boards with the Demon Prince and charge afterwards. This work really well with Goretide (Thronebreaker's Torc) and all-out-defense. 


    Regarding the Terrorgheists, I would usually try an ASF Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage from the Bloodlords. However, if you use Khorne Mortals only, there are still some ways, for example send your spiky units into the Terrorgheist that retaliate when they die. Bloodwarriors are an example, through they are Not that good, Skullreapers can get some Mortals in, through not reliably. Best use Wrathmongers with Skarr Bloodwrath command ability, so that they pile in and Do Mortals when they die. Buff them with +1 to Hit and Bloodstoker to push their damage output. 

    Another really good unit for that are Chaos Marauders supported by a Darkoath chieftain. They can do the same, but have a lot more attacks and models. 

    And Do not forget what always helps: Blood Boil, Wrath Axe and Blood boil and Wrath Axe. Sometimes, Hexgorger Skulls ;)


    So that would be my guesses how to deal with These armies. 

    • Thanks 6
  10. Ah, right, I forgot that He is not anyone, but the Everchosen. Well, my strategy was not really one to win friends with anyway. 

    However, the Cathallar may halt him for a turn, but next turn, he can retreat and have someone else kill the Cathallar, since she is so squishy. Or He can avoid her with clever movement. You could use that strategy, but you have to have someone beating Archaon up mean while. So have Eltharion or a big Moo-Moo nearby. If you get a double turn, Archaon might be dead or almost dead when he can react.


    But These strategies are rather fragile in a way that they can be countered quite easily if the other Player knows what might Happen. He can, for example Charge Archaon outside of 6" of the Cathallar and have her Charged by another unit at least clipping her. There is really nothing in a Lumineth army that can safely beat Archaon. It really comes down to strategy and positioning. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Howdyhedberg said:

    Thanks for your replies. Don't know if I should post this here or somewhere else, but you should be the people that know it the best. 


    What is the general key/way/trick to defeat Archaon?

    I have a Lumineth army that I'm thinking about getting teclis and then my friend would like to get Archaon for a thematic game.

    I also have a cities of Sigmar army.


    Your suggestions doesn't have to be to these two factions particular, but I'm generally interested  in his weakness. High rend for making it hard to save?


    You probably already nailed it. In the wrong matchup, Archaon gets toasted really easily, whereas in other matchup He shines. For examples, against Cities, he will totally get toasted by Irondrakes, because they have a lot of high Rend attacks, whereas the Sentinels will do very little with their long range shots, because they have to re-rolls All 6s to Hit and He has a 4+ Mortal wound shrug. The short Ranges shot could do a bit better, but that will not be enough to really endanger Archaon. 

    So, many attacks with a Rend are your go to. Alarith are better suited against Archaon than Vanari, because they have access to more Rend, especially the Cows. The Stoneguard might hold Archaon for some time as well, but I would not totally count in that. However, the Stonemage spell will massively hinder Archaon.

    Eltharion is also pretty well equipped to give Archaon some pain. Throw a Mystic Shield on him and He might Tank Archaon for some time and plink a few wounds off. 

    Nevertheless, all the High Rend (-2 or better) Lumineth attackers have one weakness against him: The Kingslayer. You may have good results against Archaon with Eltharion or Avalenor. As soon as Archaon rolls 2 6s to wound, it's over. Archaon is a bad Matchup for Lumineth. Mortal wound protection and re-rolling 6s to Hit really hurt. If you go for your hard hitters, they might get smacked in one blow. 

    If you want to play Teclis, magic must be your weapon. You can only hope to brittle Archaon down over time. In close Combat, you will most certainly perish and maybe do some damage before. 

    So here's the deal: Try to slow him down as much as possible to exclude him from game. The Stone Mage spell will Come in Handy, halving his movement. 2 additional endless spells will help: Soulsnare shackles and Rune of Petrification. The shackles halve Archaon's movement and the Rune nets him a - 1 to run and Charge. The Extra spell from Zaitrec halves Archaon's movement once more. If you have used the Twinstone, and cast 4 spells from Teclis, you can cast the stonemage's spell with a +6 to cast. So if everything works fine, Archaon has a movement of 2 instead of 14 and fly. So you can completely avoid him. If you want, you can shoot at him with the 18" shots from the Sentinels. Now you have some time to take care of the remaining 1200 points ;)

    Thinking about that, you do not have to take Alarith if you do not want to. If Archaon is out of the game, you can play anything you like. Even if ge gets into close combat:Give him a swing, retreat and let him chase again. That way, he will never make up his cost. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. The Everchosen is triggered each time Archaon gets Hit by a spell regardless of the ki d of spell. So it triggers as well if Archaon is Hit by a debuff spell. 

    If the spell goes through and does Mortal Wounds, Archaon still gets his 4+ shrug against Mortals. 

    These are two special rules, one is a magic resistance, the other one is a Mortal Wounds protection

    Edit: OK, too late, Skurvydog was faster. 


    • Thanks 1
  13. I do not own Soul Grinders. However, I like the models and calculated very often how to best make them work. 

    The Slaanesh bataillon is really good, but since Syll`Eske kinda sucks, it is not recommended.

    The best recommendation I can give is using the Khorne allegiance. Khorne has multiple ways of buffing Soul Grinders. First of all, the +1 to hit can also be applied in a Khorne army due to prayers. A +1 to save prayer is also something Soul Grinders really like.

    Furthermore, Khorne has several possibilities to increase the number of attacks, namely the Bloodsecrator and Wrathmongers. +2 attacks on a model with so many different attack profiles is huge. 

    On top of that, the Reapers of Vengeance Command Ability allows your Soul Grinders to pile in and attack twice. So that is a lot of buffing potential for Soul Grinders. The reason Khorne players do not play Soul Grinders is because Blood Thirsters can be buffed in the same way, are more mobile and  have a higher damage output- at least the Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage or Skarbrand most people play. 


    However, if you want to play Soul Grinders, Khorne allegiance is the way to go in my opinion. Just test it out and please report how it went, so that I can think about getting some as well ;)

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  14. The First idea about a Monster list would be Khorne with 4 Bloodthirster or Slaanesh with as many Keepers as possible. Nevertheless, the Real Monster army is Beasts of Chaos as they have the largest Portfolio of monsters. 

  15. 3 hours ago, Gdead909 said:

    Hey guys getting started with S2D. Currently building my SCB, belakor, demon prince and warshrine. 

    can someone direct me to a good cabalists list?  I have a grasp on despoilers but I wanted to understand cabalists 


    I do Not have an actual list. However, the playing style of Cabalists is to sacrifice some models in order to gain bonuses to cast. This can best be done with splinteres fangs, because they can regenerate and are cheap. 

    With These bonuses, you can get some of the good spells through, although their short range can suck for that. 

    More importantly, you can make good use of endless spells. You have access to All Slaves to Darkness endless spells as well as the Slaanesh and Tzeentch endless spells if your Sorcerer has the appripiate mark. You can even use the Beastmen endless spells if you ally in a Shaman or a Shaggoth. However, they get nö casting bonuses, because they do not get the Cabalists keyword. Having the General trait for +1 to the Ritual is crucial. Your Main goal as Cabalists is to Do as many Mortal wounds as possible with the Darkfire Demonrift. 

    IT improves if there are other endless spells or Sorcerers nearby. So you should cast them after you cast all your other endless spells, so that you have some nearby. Good choices for that are the Sigil, the Pendulum, the Prismatic Palisade or the Umbral Spell Portal, because they can be easily controlled. Furthermore, you can send the Demonrift through the Spell Portal so that you already have one endless spell nearby. 

    Additionally, try to get as many Sorcerers nearby to improve the Demonrift. Mobile Sorcerers like Belakor, the Gaunt Summoner or the Sorcerer Lord in Manticore are you best bets. If you have These three nearby and cast two endless spells, tge Demonrift does D3+5 Mortal Wounds to All units it passed over. However, it was weakened by the limitations to endless spells, you now can only take three. 

    Nevertheless, it will still wreck Sorcerer-heavy armies like Tzeentch (Horrors are Sorcerers as well) or Hallowheart, where one Demonrift can annihilate All These mean Sorcerers. 

    I guess for this army setup a unit of Chaos Warriors as anvils can Come quite in Handy, since you have to cast spells before you can move. 

  16. 3 hours ago, CeleFAZE said:

    So, something occurred to me back when warriors and hellstriders were v the same points, and despite a slight difference I find myself coming back to the idea: has anyone considered a large block of hellstriders as a tanky and mobile anvil for a Slaanesh list? They don't generate depravity, but for 330 points you get 30 wounds with a 4+ save that jump up to 5 attacks each after dealing a single casualty in a preceding combat phase.  Running in a lurid haze Invaders army they could potentially have a 3+ save as well, which is nothing to scoff at, and with a 6" pile-in from their battalion they can manage to get a fair number of bodies swinging in a given phase. I still only see use in the claw spears for loadout, but I think this might have some potential.

    They definately have some Potential, especially in Lurid Haze, where they can deepstrike and reroll charges. However, in such big untis I would rather field the Scourges over the Spears. With a 3" reach, you can Hit with almost All models, especially, if you turn the First 1-2 ranks by 90°, which more than Events out the - 1 Rend. 

  17. You can field them in units of 3 or 4. However, they only have Leadership 6, so if you Lose one, you might Lose another and that unit is almost gone. Especially, if the enemy has some - Leadership, they will easily fall apart. Moreover, if the Khorgoraths heal, the whole unit only heals one wound. That is why they are much better off as Single models. Single models can heal one wound wach, excessive damage does Not Transfer to the next Khorgorath and they are easy Blood Tithe. 

    So rather use 3-4 Single Khorgorath than one unit of 4.

  18. 57 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    I’ve only just realised after all this time that my mammoths have been sent off to the legends bin. :(

    looks like i better make them some warshrine howdahs then...


    At least you will still be able to play the Mammoth since it hss got the Slaves to Darkness keyword. 

    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Yeah BoC needs some named heroes back. At least Morghur, who must have found a way to remain in the swirling mists of Chaos when ye olde world was destroyed.   Then we could have random mutations all over the place all the time! And beastly magical assistance.   

    A named hero for each Herd would be good too, though I’m not sure if Doombulls ever get names. 


    There Was a special Doombull character in Warhammer. His Name was Taurox and He was blessed with his body all covered in brass by khorne, except for his throat. 

    Thus, he had a 1+ armor save, but if a Hit and wound roll was a six, he was instantly killed if He failed his save. 

    Rules-wise really cool, however, he was killed during the End Times. 

    We already have one special character, Gnashrak. I hope, there is more to Come, especially another special Doombull. 

    • Like 2
  20. 12 minutes ago, Skarband said:

    hey i need your opinion which list better for the tournament 1000 points:




    I would take the First one and replace a Slaughterpriests and the Blood warrior with another unit of Skullreapers, if you have the models. You got too few bodies and they can get killed very easily in the first list. Both lists spend half of the Points on heroes. That is too much as you have too few models on the table. 


    • Like 1
  21. 6 hours ago, Apok said:


      I've been reading this topic for some time now, and I would like to thank You. All of Your posts are very educative and mighty helpful.

    I'm a weekend AoS player, I played the Old WfB, and when the Old World went Kamboom! I've switched to other systems and companies. But my Army did not went on ebay but rather to the basement:) And in 2018 when BoC showed up I said "Wow! An army in AoS that I like actually:)".  And then my local group started playing, so I've rebased some models and joined them.  The game did not turned our garbage like half of the internet said and by any means it is not a kids game:)

      Ok, so Now that I've introduced myself, I would like to ask You for Help. In my local group we had Khorne, KO, and STD, and thanks to MSU and objective grabs I managed to keep toe to toe with my colleagues. BUT latlley we have some new kids on the block, namely Fyreslayers and Ghuls. And I have no idea how to compete with 3 units of 20 2 wound models who fight first and retaliate when I kill them :) I usually run a Desolating Beast herds, but I do not think it is valid anymore thanks to the territories being so small in some scenarios.

       Best regards,


    Nice to See a WHFB Player returning to AoS. Most of my Goats are from WHFB 6th Edition ;)

    Regarding Flesh Eater and Fyreslayer: They belong to the strongest armies in AoS currently. 

    Whereas it is difficult to swarm both of These armies because of the sheer amount of models, who can even deepstrike, Beasts still have their teeth and claws. 

    To me, Fyreslayers are the easier ones to deal with. Yes, they are strong, they are many and they are angry. However, they massively depend on their heroes. Hearthguard Berserker need a Hero in 10" or their 4+ shrug goes to a 6+. Their strike First is a command ability that needs a hero to use. So your task is to snipe enemy heroes. As Fyreslayers have many 5-wound-heroes and are Bad at dealing with magic, spells can be a good way to deal with heroes. A Taurus and a Pendulum are usually sufficient to Kill a small hero, Ungor can plink off a few wounds as well, a Chimera, or even better, some Cokatrice are really good at sniping heroes as well at the cost of Drops. So you stop them with your screen, try to Kill their heroes from afar and when there is no hero nearby, Charge and get the Gavespawn attack Machine going. That way, you should be able to Kill or decimate two of These 3 units during the game so that He can Not compete for Objective anymore. Furthermore, if He is storming your territory, he will have his back field Objectives unguarded. 


    FEC is much harder to fight because they can summon more, faster and killier stuff than you. Killing their heroes is a good way to go, but it is really hard to Do that. They can be pretty resillient with Unholy Vitality and the chalice. The best you can do is to Kill all his Ghouls and claim the Objectives with your superior numbers. Meanwhile, you have to take care that He can only summon where you want him to. His summons have to be within 6" of the table edge and more than 9" away from the enemy. And last but not least: FEC's strongest units can fly, so you have to screen off Flyers as well. If you have a perfect positioning, a lot of Goats and a lot of luck you can deal with FEC. 

  22. 1 hour ago, Salyx said:


    Ah, ok, so a recap of his list would be something like Katakros, Arkhan, Harvester and 3 units of Mortek Guard, which by itself is already almost 1500 points. In order to make this work, the Mortek need to be bigger, so the rest of the points will go into the Mortek Guard. Against Cities or Tzeentch or KO, they will melt, but against Std, this is strong.

    So, what are the options? First, you could try to outfight him. This is pretty hard, but with a sufficient amount of Support, it is doable (Marauders of Khorne buffed with +2 attacks via allied Secrator and Wrathmonger, Shrine blessing, pile in twice from the Chaos Lord, pile in on death from the Darkoath Chieftain). That would be your best shot to get rid of Harvester-buffed Mortek Guard with Slaves. You might as well try to isolate and destroy single units, which can be done with not so buffed up Marauders. The Harvester only has 3" range, he cannot be everywhere. 

    The other way to deal with this kind of army is to play the Objective game. Take the Objectives as fast as possible and screen his army with units like Chaos Warhounds, so that he will not be able to get to the Objective in time to score. His units have such a large foot print and cannot fly and if he does not have shooting, two units of hounds can block his army completely for 2 turns, especially, if you deploy them in layers. After he has advanced, a unit of furies just fly on his back field Objective =). You might as well play Ravagers to summon chaff in his back so that he always has to keep a unit in the back or move forward and backward or lose important points. 

    And by the way, you might try to block his army by stopping his Harvester with Belakor. Either he gives up one turn of protection or one turn of movement. 

    If you want to try and defeat him, Cabalists and magic is a good way to go, especially if you include Kairos Fateweaver. Kairos innate spell, a Pendulum and another D3 damage spell should be sufficient to kill or severly hamper the Harvester. And by the way:Neither Katakros nor Arkhan have a Mortal wound protection other than the Deathless Minions save.

    The Mortek Guard can be melted with the Sorcerer Lord's Wind of Chaos and for a save reroll buff, just use Demonic Power. You can cast these spells with Kairos, because he knows all Warscroll spells from friendly wizards in 18". 

    With these strategies or a combination of all of them, you might be able to even the odds a little more. 

    Good luck. 


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