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Posts posted by Veles

  1. 52 minutes ago, LuminethMage said:

    Sucks for all the people who put a lot of effort into planning  this, and people who have to cancel flights, hotels etc., but it’s likely for the best. 

    If the US follows the pattern of most other countries affected so far, in 2 weeks could be quite bad. 

    Just pray to Papa Nurgle and start a Maggotkin army as a sign of devotion!

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  2. Allow me to put my two cents in… My perspective comes from the point of a person who was reading BL for quite a long time (my first book was Space Marine by Ian Watson back in 90’s) and who has an extensive collection of entire HH series. I think BL in general is doing better in 40k than Fantasy. Occasionally one can stumble on a rare gem like Mike Lee’s Nagash trilogy (absolutely recommend this book to any TK or Death faction player), but overall the level of fantasy writing is quite poor. I would not put this totally on the authors though. I believe it is hard to write a book within the set parameters of company’s IP. Unfamiliarity of many authors with the game and extensive knowledge of back ground plays a big role in the quality of books. This last point is what makes ADB such a perfect writer for BL. Not only he is quite talented, but he also knows what he is writing about. That being said, even his books can be ruined by poorly chosen narrator (do not ever buy Emperor Spears audio version and just read the actual book).

    My second point is the price. I agree with above mentioned statement that $40 for a book is a bit pricey. Especially considering that it has rather limited appeal.     

  3. 2 minutes ago, gjnoronh said:

    It does happen.  Probably the best way to do it is to get your foot in the door in a low level position and keep applying for higher level positions over time
    Jeremy Vetock did it that way to my understanding starting with a GW Canada redshirt job  as did Duncan in the UK (though he is not a rules writing position.)

    Our forums own Sleboda went from FLGS employee to IT (I think) at GW to writing articles for White Dwarf. 

    It does, but it is very rare. You have to be a Slayer Sword type of painter in order to be considered for studio job.

    That being said, you might be right that getting the foot in the door at a basic level is the most realistic way. 

    I know Sleboda (though in fairness he wrote for American WD not the main studios in UK). Dave Taylor is another great example of entering the company at a base level and then running a studio in US. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, Walrustaco said:

    Those first 2 paragraphs contradict eachother. First you say you dont care what colour the models skin is, second you say if GW make dwarves any colour other than white you would be annoyed? Hmm.

    Why is it that dwarves all have to be white to you? You can argue either that they're so similar to humans that they should also have various skin colours, or you could say that because they're not human that they shouldn't have to stick to human skin tones at all.

    It's amazing to see how much it means to some people when they see themselves represented in media. The only thing that feels forced to me is the people who are so resistant to the idea of whiteness being decentralised in their favourite piece of media. White isn't the default.


    “Traditional” dwarfs were supposed to be living in caves/underground. Nature teaches us that with less sun there is less pigmentation in the skin. Thus in “traditional” culture dwarfs were always depicted white/pale/albino...  

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  5. 33 minutes ago, Zappgrot said:

    This is true. Companies don't care about social change they care about money, But if we care  they will change to sell to our tastes. Gw might not care but if we all do they will still make more female models. 

    And this is exactly a problem. The company doesn’t really care, majority of the gamers doesn’t really care, yet the small but very vocal group of people wants everybody to believe the opposite…


  6. 50 minutes ago, Televiper11 said:

    Your response makes no sense. If you think GW has an agenda with the representation of their models and you oppose that agenda, well, by default, you have an agenda of your own. Otherwise, you wouldn't draw attention to your opposition. Lack of representation is unwelcoming, full-stop. There have been many psychology studies that bear that out. 

    Objectively speaking, there is a need for female dwarfs as they've existed in the lore from the get-go.

    The problem is not GW making female models. The problem is “certain agendas” being pushed by minority in order to feel welcome…  

    46 minutes ago, Lightbox said:

    Also I am a proud social justice warrior.  Look at that term.

    Social: A group of people

    Justice:  Fairness and right behavior

    Warrior:  A fighter

    What is wrong with wanting my hobby to be something my daughters can engage in a way that makes them feel as equal to the men that play it.  I know arguing online solves very little, but it is hard to hear people get so bent out of shape because might have to share.

    Good for you! My daughter doesn’t need plastic representation of her gender to feel equal. She paints her models better than most adults and so far, outplayed most of males in tabletop games and sports…

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Televiper11 said:

    But you have an unspoken hidden agenda too, which is to keep Warhammer homogeneous and unwelcoming. AoS will die if it doesn't draw in the next generation of gamers and that generation wants a more inclusive game.

    I honestly have no agenda… I want community to be inclusive and welcoming, but it is not the same as changing the models/hobby to “represent” for the sake of representation. For example – I really enjoy new DoK faction in AoS. It is predominantly female army with one of my favorite female characters from the Old World. Objectively there is no need for female orks, dwarfs etc... aside from “hidden agendas”.       

  8. 36 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    Have you considered that part of the reason for that may well be that they don't feel welcome. I don't know the statistics for AoS/40k but for magic the gathering the hobby is 62% male, 38% female. That is very much not what you see in large events or tournaments.

    I do not have to consider it. It is a hobby with set parameters and you either come and join it or not. You either feel comfortable or not… believe me, some old grumpy (or socially inept) guys can make anybody feel uncomfortable. And that is okay… just do not join them. Find a group that is welcoming or create you own. Just do not try and impose “be female welcoming” rule on everybody…

    Every group I ever joined was very welcoming to females and respectful. I personally would not tolerate rude behavior towards woman or anybody else for that matter. That being said, I found that some women that joined the hobby are less tolerant towards other people’s opinion and often lead towards fracturing of the group…

    38 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    If you use a term to disparage someone, it's an insult. This as true in the first reply to the topic, as it is in later replies. And yes, the other side of the fence has also done this. I have also asked them to be civil.

    Both should just be adults and speak like them.

    I might have missed your representation towards “the other side of the fence”. All I saw was an attempt of using the name of the president to insult someone and no one reacted to this. To me it is unacceptable.

    30 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    My ex has received quite a few pictures of male genitalia when she joined Warhammer WhatsApp groups. She thinks these men are just clumsy in dealing with women. I think at least some want to scare her off. And yes, there were multiple different sets of genitalia.

    Sorry to hear that. My recommendation to everybody is to stay out of social media platforms as much as possible. Forums like this are much “safer” in this regard.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    So... you haven’t read the thread then? 

    Just because it’s been predominantly a male hobby in the past, doesn’t mean it should stay that way. If you don’t like it changing, go find a new one where you will be happy. 

    I read enough to see the agenda behind the topic... and yes, it should stay predominantly male and it will be predominantly male in the future, no matter how much some people will try to pretend otherwise. Last time I visited Adepticon the ratio of male to female was 10 to 1...

    I have nothing against females in the hobby, in fact, I alway highly  encourage this. The issue I have is topics like this...  

    As for “gender neutral” - reed the third post in this topic. I confess,  insults of president was in another topic but no one reacted to it and my reaction was reprimanded by the author of this topic...  

    This hobby makes me plenty happy and I’ve been involved in it since late nineties. I am just tired of SJW attempts at trying to influence everything. 


    • Confused 1
  10. As I close the door of the car...

    Please stop with this SJW topics. All this “gender natural”, “female representation”, president insulting ******... this is a war gaming forum for the product that has been around for more than 25 years. If the setting doesn’t fit your vision of universe go find a new one where you will be happy. Stop trying to change wargaming (might be a surprise for some but it is predominantly  male hobby based on the reenacting of real battles where males were smashing each other into bloody pulp). Leave the hobby the way it is. It is perfectly good. 


    • Confused 2
  11. 23 hours ago, Overread said:

    b) Run introduction events/games. If you can run an introduction event which can be geared toward introducing new people. Ideally this should be paired with an advertising push - eg if you've just managed to get the local university to let you put up some ads/advertise to the students then give a date and run an intro event. 
    Even if you're not doing a big welcoming event make sure you've got a few core games with introduction armies and such on hand at each meeting. The idea here is anyone walking in the front door new and without any models can be welcomed and introduced to a game with some models to play with for the evening - ergo involve them; make it someone's (or yours) duty to welcome and give them a game. It's a huge difference in making them part of the group instead of "Oh yeah nice to see you, you can watch some games if you like". That's passive, might hold no connection to the person and unless they were already wanting to play really badly, most will walk away as nothing engaged them. 

    If you allow me to piggyback here… back in the day, my local GW store stared a small afterschool club. Once a week one of the employees reported to the school for two-hour shift and played some small games with kids. It was very productive both in terms of growing the hobby and sales for the store. Most of the kid’s parents came back to the store with Christmas wish-lists and about third of the kids became regular visitors and continued with the hobby afterwards.

  12. 19 hours ago, JackStreicher said:


     but hey just stay a Trump. I rest my case, the ignorance is strong in you.

    Another one for the ignore list.

    Question to Moderators - can you “encourage”  people not to bring politics to this discussions? Some of us visit this forum to get some rest from all the “progressive” ****** that is forced down our throat in everyday life... 

    • Confused 3
  13. 1 hour ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    I do not even know where to begin… This is such an exciting news! I really miss the “regimental” structure of WHFB and the story line that I could relate too (who didn’t like Kemmler or Settra). Recently I assembled around 2000 points of FEC with custom bases and all but I found myself hesitant to proceed with the project. Each time I look at them I keep thinking about Strigoi themed army an WHFB…

    As I mentioned previously, I suspect that the models are going to be on round bases but mounted on square regimental movement trays. Similar to what GW did with LotR. Releasing a new game for square bases wouldn’t make much sense. It might alienate players who committed to AoS. I expect to see new armies as well… Granted, the Mortarch of Grief is an AoS charecter but I can totally see an undead army of wraiths led by a Banshee in the old World.

    The biggest questions that I have – what would be done for “discontinued” models/armies. Would entire HE range be re-sculpted and re-released? Would they bring TK sculpts back?

    Would they bring a DOW army back from oblivion (considering that announcement map has Estalia and Tilea centered right in the middle of the map)? Too many questions….

    • Like 2
  14. 36 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    I hope all they‘ll do is sell Regiment bases in which round bases fit so you can play with your round base models VS squares (pretty much what ASoIaF is doing right now)


    and then add a cleaner, simpler version of the 8th Ed rules for humongous battles.

    That is pretty much how I envisioned it. Back in the day when LotR came out it was a skirmish game with round bases. Later GW introduced a supplement with regimental bases to play larger games similar to WHFB.    

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  15. 18 minutes ago, Panzer said:

    I'll be laughing so hard if GW releases an AoS Apocalypse or Epic AoS that plays similar to WHFB.

    That would be a great idea, actually! The best possible solution to appeal to people who dropped out of the hobby because WHFB sudden demise.

  16. 39 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    I’m not that harsh with him but I’m on the same line. I have more than 10k points of Death armies, more than half painted, but no Nagash. After reading his story in WFB (nice books by the way) I really disliked him but one day I’ll buy that model.

    And maybe paint it.


    Nagash books by Mike Lee are absolutely awesome. Some of the best writing for WHFB universe. I wish the released them as audio… The magnitude of his personality was described very well and insights in to other lords of undeath was quite good.

    New Nagash model is also a wonderful masterpiece. One day I will have time in my life to sit down and paint it.       

  17. I really do not know how I fell about new Bonereapers army. On one hand, it seems to be the first undead army that fully fit within AoS esthetics and lore. It is an army specifically designed for this game system. All other undead were sot of continuation from the Old Warhammer World and thus felt a bit alien to this setting (granted Nighthunt was released for AoS but it still felt and looked as an army that fits the Old World). I especially like that this new force follows the design of Morghasts models that were introduced at the End of Times and despite being conceptually very interesting didn’t quit feel right next to the rest of the army. Secondly, I like the “elitness” of this army. As of right now (without knowing the rules) it looks like one doesn’t need to collect 40+ models just to make one unit playable. This army takes a step away from “horde” aspect of usual undead which makes collecting it more affordable in terms of time and money. I also enjoy a bit of silliness (regardless if it was intentional or not on the part of designers). It really reminds me of early years of Warhammer. The idea that these are not skeletons but instead a bone construct is also cool (I prefer this lore much better that “terracotta warriors”) but at the same time this is where my issue with this army begins…


    Upon seeing this release, I came to realization that my long-cherished hope of TK being resurrected in AoS setting is dead. Regardless if old players like it or not this is how GW sees the TK in AoS. Esthetically these are clearly not Egyptian themed phalanxes of warriors supported by chariots, war machines and constructs and this makes me sad. I never used to play TK (mostly due to the bad rules and models design) but when GW released several new sets for 8th edition I feel in love and sold most of my demons so I can start collecting this new army. My hopes were crushed because a relatively new line of models was almost instantly discontinued by GW as a range (I think they lasted around three years).  I was really hoping that at some point in time GW will rerelease plastic TK sets from 8th edition with possibly adding couple of new boxes to the range (like new chariots and rank and file skeletons). In fact, I think that previewed catapult could have easily fit TK line with appropriate crew attached to it. Even Tomb Guard models were “bulky” enough to be used instead of Mortek Guard…. That being said – TK are gone!

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  18. 15 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    Each of the kits would be designed such that it could be assembled to reflect either of the two factions with things like headswaps, shield swaps or various decorative bits.

    I like this idea. I think the paragraph above is unnecessary. You can easily achieve this result with different colorschemes.  

    Also, “Scarab Swarms” can be incorporated as an endless spell.

    Other than these two points I would totally buy the entire army done this way.

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  19. TK were really seen because of poorly designed rules (same as beastmen) and a huge aesthetic gap between design of elite unit and old basic troops. I’ve been playing WFB for many years but stopped actively participating by the time of 8th edition. That being said, TK elite models that were released around that time were absolutely stunning. Before that I never considered them as an option for myself (mainly because current VC line was much better as far as the sculpting goes) however; the new kits totally change my mind. I did purchase multiple new kits but unfortunately before I had a chance to assemble and paint them “The End of Times” happened and GW dropped the faction all together. It is really a shame. TK could have fit perfectly in new “multiverse/realm” setting. All skeleton/golem army – yes please. There is and always be a demand for an Egyptian style of armies in war gaming community. Unopened box with Sphinx on eBay is going for $150 with multiple bids.

    Dogs of War is another interesting choice but I think it can be done with current Free People rules. The only thing that GW need to release for them are a unit of halflings and Birdmen.   

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