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Posts posted by VoodooChileIRL

  1. 15 minutes ago, ShaneHobbes said:

    Not gonna lie I want to try running a unit of 6 (maybe 9 for lolz) felwaters and move them up toward an enemy, vomit, and then sit there so I can then Unleash Hell on them when they charge me

    Oh man I hadn't even thought of Fellwaters and Unleash Hell. I might have to consider getting a few.

    • Like 1
  2. Kragnos - 695
    Weirdnob - 120 (General)
    - Master of Magic
    - Arcane Tome
    - Levitate
    Brutesx10 - 300
    Gore Gruntas - 170
    Gore Gruntas - 170
    Cogs - 45
    Battle Regiment
    Brutes, GG, GG

    I'm pretty sure this list would get shot off the field 9/10 but it still feels a bit filthy to be considering Kragnos in a 1500pt list. I'm sure that's just me being an institutionalized Destruction player with no real grasp on where different army power levels are now.

    I find it interesting to give Kragnos Fly and that extra Charge range from Cogs but I'm unsure if it's really that useful. Also I think it is legal to count all this as a Battle Regiment as there doesn't seem to be a restriction on Allies being part of Core Battalions (open to correction here) and nothing that says the "Commander" role can't be occupied by someone who is not your general. 

  3. I know it is all up in the air (and with Kruleboyz an updated Orruk Warclans battletome is likely anyway) but what are the odds we see Warscroll updates with 3.0's release? The Megaboss CA, "Go on Ladz, get stuck in" is just All Out Attack with extra steps, though it does in theory give a non-general Megaboss on Maw Krusha an 18" All Out Attack. 

    I'm also wondering who much the Warclans artifacts and the like might get affected. I know it's not powerful but a Weirdnob Shaman with "Bursting with Power" and the "Arcane Tome" can cast 3 spells a turn, 4 if they are using Cogs. I feel like there must be some shenanigans there.

  4. 33 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

    Ironsunz is Black and Yellow. 

    Bloodtoofz is Red with yellow accents and flames n stuff. :P 

    It really isn't though. Checking Battletome:Orruk Warclans it seems they've named the Yellow and Black minis as "Ironsunz" but originally Gordrakk's yellow and black clan did not have a name. The Ironsunz were/are predominantly yellow with red accents and red spikes/triangles on their armour.

    This is best seen in the original Ironjawz Battletome on page 33-34. Some Brutes have a small amount of black on the armour but it's mainly yellow and red. (Not sure if it's ok to post a photo of this)

    Also the painting tutorial for the Maw-Krusha shows off the scheme and specifically calls it out as Ironsunz.


    • Like 1
  5. Got the latest White Dwarf. It's great to have a Tome Celestial for the Ironsunz but it is kind of weird the painting tutorial is for the yellow and black scheme Gordrakk is painted in rather than the yellow and red I'd normally associated with the Ironsunz themselves. The only red used in either the Classic or Contrast method is for the eyes which is downright bizarre.

  6. This is pretty cool but I was hoping we might also get a roundup of the music used in the Warhammer Community videos. I've always wondered what the source for the music in the Kharadron Overlords announcement video (mainly so I can get more of that). It doesn't seem to be the same musician they used for the Necromunda videos and I can't seem to identify it with any of the music identifying software I've tried.

    From an AoS perspective, any idea if the AoS Champions music would be worthy of inclusion on this? 

    • Like 1
  7. Gordrakk got himself the skull of a godbeast and is building a ram to batter down the gates of Azyr and torch Sigmar's realm until the Hammer God comes and fights him himself.

    Warhammer Community article with the short story.

    Not sure if he has tested his new ram yet but there is a reference to fighting in Azyr in the Celestial Hurricanum warscroll so maybe Destruction will beat Death and Chaos to be the first to bring the fight to Azyr. There are probably a few more bits and pieces in the Mawtribes, Warclans battletomes but I can't recall them off the top of my head.

    I do think Destruction will always tend to be that spanner in the works faction. Generals across the realms going "This war is going well, but I'm sure we're forgetting something..." before a tide of green pours out of a nearby realmgate at an inopportune moment.

    • Like 2
  8. I kind of like them, though this particular Stormcast looks like a Deadite from Evil Dead:


    I'm sure it's just the angle/lack of a paint job, but all I can think of now is "SWALLOW YOUR SOUL! SWALLOW YOUR SOUL!!"

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  9. 37 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    Think you're right.  I reckon we could see house Cawdor and the Van Saar weapons going up for pre-order on the 30th, possibly with a 40k release alongside.  That said it was announced that there would be a battletome released in June (can't remember which or if it were both), so we could have that in addition to something else.

    What I'm finding a bit strange is that everything has pretty much gone quiet on the community site, we know there are more units to be revealed including a couple of epic looking characters and there's another week and a half before Soul Wars actually lands.

    Ah I hadn't heard they had said there would be a battletome in June. I suppose if the Nighthaunt tome went up for preorder with the Mortarch on the 30th then I they could say they kept to that. I'll light a candle and hope for the best so I can give GW more money :P

  10. 1 minute ago, RuneBrush said:

    Pretty sure you're right on this.  If memory serves, we had 40k, then the release day it was Vandus, Khul, Thunder & Blood and then the week after some more primaris marines.  Don't think it's a 100% fixed format, but I'd be surprised if we got anything this weekend as it'd mean stores can't focus on the new AoS bits :)

    Yes that sounds right.  Plus thinking about it, it would be rather odd to have a release in the middle of a preorder as both weeks orders would be dispatching at the same time and doubling up on delivery costs. 

    If the format does hold then I guess we could expect to see a small 40k or Specialist release on the 30th and a ramp up on either the Sacrosanct or Nighthauntr previews on the Community that week.

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, El Syf said:

    Any ideas I there will be more preorders up this weekend?

    I don't think so. I can't remember how it was handled for the 40k 8th edition release (that was also a 2 week preorder) but generally we have the preorder listings for the following week leaked by now as GW stores and 3rd party retailers would have them.

    • Like 1
  12. I'll be honest, I would watch the hell out of a Teen Titans Go style cartoon all about Sigmar's pantheon during the Age of Myth.

    While the Epic Fantasy setting is great, I don't think it is harmed by poking fun at it (thinking of the recent "The hell I can't!" Chamber open button for instance) or by using the setting for more kid friendly stories.  Plus if you really have difficulty accepting them, just treat them as in-universe kids stories, written by some dude sitting safe and sound in Azyrheim.

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