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Posts posted by TheArborealWalrus

  1. 15 hours ago, Doko said:

    rigth now humans are plain bad as dwarfs

    Having played mono dwarves for 5 games ... I don't believe you. Xp
    Humans took it straight to the shorts though. 
    I had been thinking to just up the warforger massively, not the fusiliers. They're pretty mediocre without stacking buffs onto them. Now you either double down on them or abandon them. Like sentinels before the rules nerf. A shame.
    We'll see how things shake up.
    Good luck everyone! For Sigmar!!

  2. I've decided to try and get the dwarves to work next, and by that, I mean, "Everything looks like a dwarf but doesn't have to have the keyword."

    Battalion 1:
    Lord Ordinator
    3x gyrocopters
    Battalion 2:
    Dwarf lord - general
    2x10 ironbreakers
    3x10 hammerers
    Battalion 3:
    Rune lord
    Sorceress (Rune lord?) - blizzard

    So far, the hypothesis is gyrocopters as speed with cannons clearing the way for hammerers to finish what's left. Ironbreakers are there because they're cool. Xp Only 3 "not dwarf" unit in the current list. (Don't count the cannons) Will try it this weekend. (I also want to try a kharybdiss. Not sure what dwarf tech/creature it'll be)
    Any suggestions are welcome, especially subfaction choice.


  3. Oh! I forgot to report my tournament with the stanks!

    Match 1 VS Gloomspite Gits.
    Horde of squigs that he individually sent at me and were wiped out. I actually kept the objectives off of him due to his caution of my cannon fire. Between overwatch and shooting I almost tabled him. It was a nasty one. (for him)

    Match 2 VS Ironjaws
    This is one of my least favorite matchups. Fighting speed jaws is like no other army (or so I thought) in the game. You have to castle up turn 1 or die. You get to actually play the game once the jaws realize it's not a first turn tabling.
    I split my tanks on two sides of a building (3 and 1) which was probably a mistake. Maw crusha and 3 pigs came in turn 1 and I almost killed the pigs but the lone tank was almost killed by the cabbage.
    He wins priority and sends in 6 pigs while I lose my last screen to the other 6 on the right. He finishes my tank and a second is wounded. I kill 5 pigs between the units and leave one on 4 and the other on 2. The crusha is left on 5 wounds. 
     Here comes the real deciding turn and ... I lose the roll off. Crusha kills the command squad, the alchemist is killed by one unit and the other kills a tank in a flurry of 1s. Long story short, I get trapped up and lose by 2 points from only tying him on objectives. 

    Match 3 VS Godseekers slaanesh.
    So ... I was expecting the standard pretenders nonsense and got ironjaws that shoot. He was a 1 drop and chose to go first.
    The short version is that 2/3rds of his army charged me turn 1 and I spent the rest of the game chewing my way through them while the rest shot me. Sigvald did manage (with 3d6 charge/attacks) to kill 2 tanks but ignominiously died to falling rocks very suddenly. (a flurry of failed 4++s)

    So, 1 win and 2 losses. Not terrible. Can it be competitive? As long as you don't get stuffed in your deployment. Tanks need freedom of movement. Bogged down is bad, and the damage is good, but not infalible. my cannon shots were awful all tournament. Hitting on 3s even in overwatch and still had less than 50% hit rate. Xp (huricanum + lord ordinator = +2 vs -1) 
    Fun, wierd skew army.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 16 hours ago, loky100 said:

    What do people think about it? I'm gonna try it this week and see how it goes.

    I think that it's close to my current steam tank list. Which means I love it! XD

    I'll be running it at a RTT this weekend. Currently 1880pts. Tempest's eye. Deciding on the last 120 still...

    Battalion 1:
    270pts- Steam tank commander- General, divine champion, macroscope
    90pts - Alchemist Warforger - Blizzard
    690pts - 3x steam tanks
    170pts - Freeguild Command corps
    Battalion 2:
    260pts - Battle mage on celestial hurricanum - comet something
    200pts - 2x5 vanguard hunters
    200pts - 2x10 steelhelms

  5. 13 hours ago, bonzai said:

    What do you guys use to kitbash Warpfire guns on your Rat Ogors?

    Cheap option would be to stick straws or cocktail straws onto rat ogre nubs and then put "gubbinz" on them to tech it up.
    Not sure if they come with spares, but ratling guns from stormfiends are good. Converting full stormfiends would be an expensive option.
    Could make your own ratling guns by drilling holes and leaving the paper clips next to each other.
    If you're using EmanG prints, the ones with crystals on their arm are a pretty good option.
    Best of luck!

  6. 4 hours ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    Very cool. What was your list? I was wondering about the Pontifex or potentially the command corps in a steam tank list. The opportunity for a ward save or healing 3d3 a turn seem well worth it.

    This is the list in the 2nd and 3rd battles. Still don't have a good grand strategy.
    Gryphs screen at speed, hunters secure battle tactics, steam tank blob shoots foe off objectives. Simple strategy. If you don't mind losing the screens, you can swap out for pontifex or maybe a command squad. Keeping up will be a minor issue and I've seen prayers fail too often to consider it reliable against mortal wound spam. I've thought about it though. The screens are how I've been securing objectives, so I'm reluctant to ditch them.

    Battalion 1:
    steam tank commander - general, priest command trait, heal, magnascope
    Alchemist warforger
    4x steam tanks

    Battalion 2:
    Battle mage on huricanum - blizzard
    2x6 gryph hounds
    2x5 vanguard hunters - 2x compass

  7. Fought 3 battles with my steam tank lists so far. I'll give the abreviated run down of the battles and lists.

    Battle 1: lord ordinator/warforger +6 stanks and chaff VS Archaon + 30 pinks and 2 auto cast wizards
    Opponent was a 1 drop and chose to go first. Auto cast mystic shield on Archy and threw the pinks forward without a care. The squishy wizards hid back behind buildings. My turn he finest houred Archy and thus I ignored him, getting close enough to wipe out a unit of pinks and leaving 1 stank exposed. (5v5)
    I won the roll off and goot the dreaded double turn. All cannons turned on Archaon and in a flurry of failed 3+ saves, he took 16/20 wounds. The steam guns neutered the pinks down so that 2 melee charges reduced them to nothing. The gryph hounds retreated out of combat to form a screen.
    On my opponent's turn he summoned a lord of change and moved his wizards forward to blizzard me and such. The LoC charged the gryph hounds and took 4 damage for his trouble. Killed 3 gryphs and a gyrocopter. (Archy ran to the other side of the battlefield and healed 6 wounds.) (10v10)
    Roll off ... and I won it. My opponent surrendered at this point as Archaon and some pinks vs the world didn't appeal to him.

    Battle 2: Hurricanum/warforger + 5 stanks and stormcast chaff VS GUO/fly lord +4 mortal flies and plague bearers. ... And some blight kings.
    I had less drops and thought I could reach him with my full shooting, so I went first. I could not. He picked our home objectives as active and sat on it. Hiding everything but his plague bearers. I killed a couple and skirmished a little with him. On his turn he sat back and waited. I won the roll off and went second to pick the center objectives and draw him out. He dropped all his flies on my left flank and killed the hunters for 1 fly. (overwatch + counter charge tank) He only took 1 center objective with summoned nurglings. I took both on my turn and unloaded on the flies. The lord and the first escort died, robbing me of my battle tactic. The other took 7 wounds. I won the roll off and elected to go second and keep it in the middle. He finally advanced with is army but struggled to keep the objectives. I spent the rest of the game tying him and killing fleshy abundanced plague bearers. Won by a 4 points from him surrendering the objectives turn 2 & 3. Almost lost 2 tanks.

    Battle 3: Coalesced Kroak bomb VS Huricanum/warforger + 5 stanks and stormcast chaff
    The deployment was very narrow so we both formed blobs and lined up across. He had 3 kroxigor,3 aggradons with a scar vet and an oldblood carnasaur. I went first and tried to kill Kroak as my hunters took the side objectives. He hero phase moved his front line up and charged my chaff and a stank. 1 hound unit died while the other escaped. Overwatch from 2 tanks and melee took 12 wounds off the carnasaur. 
    I won the roll off, (A trend? ;p) and killed the carnasuar, the kroxigor, and tried for Kroak again. Failed to kill him. On his turn I learned that Kroak's bomb is 12" + 6", not 18+6, so I was safe again from him. On his turn, in a surprise move, Kroak floated out into the middle of the table to nuke all my stanks. 
    The roll off came and the double turn gambit ... Failed. Kroak, the temple guard, and the astrolith all died but he took the side objectives from me. At this point the stanks split up and resecured the objectives. Kroak didn't wreck me like I thought he would. Being coalesced probably didn't help him.

    All of my group says that they feel the list is matchup dependant and something will just wreck it utterly. The stanks stand up to hits real good. The chaff are key for battle tactics. I would probably have failed many times without them. If you can get the steam guns in range, they absolutely DELETE units with focus fire. Durability is pretty ridiculous too. Aggradons, blight lords, and a carnasaur all bounced off. Still looking for enough mortal wounds lists to kill the stanks.

    Hope you have a good one!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

    1 hour ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

    What do ya'll think of making some changes to the humble clawlord?

    Give him weapon options. Halberd, sword and shield, maybe 2 swords. Halberd is -2 rend option with extra range, but 4 attacks. Sword + shield is the current profile, but maybe 3+ or a ward from the shield? 2 swords is the blender. 7 attacks, current profile. Mince lesser enemies.

    The strike with a verminous unit is an obvious one. Cheaper stormvermin is good, but I feel that grey seers would get it too. Which is their generic ability, right? So, that could work.
    How about passively buffing bravery of verminous units?

    It's not a warscroll ability, but a bonus for having him as your general. Verminous units respawn, or extra reinforcement points? 
    I want a reason to use my claw lords. (although I only have 2)

  9. 12 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    Cool idea, which stormhost would be fitting for Misthaven?

    Sadly, none of the major stormhosts is in the realm of shadow. The one sent there during the realmgate wars is supposed to have gone missing. You'll likely have to make up your own latest detachment sent to investigate.
    Aesthetically? Probably tempest lords or the black and gold guys. ... Anvils of heldenhammer I think.

    8 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Long story short: Fusiliers + Warforger didn’t do much except support

    Vs nurgle warriors or varanguard I can't see them doing great. Cool stuff still!

    11 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    How about this?  Got speed, some Suppressing Fire action, Aelvish dikkery.  Magic shmagick!


    I tried no magic before and usually regretted it. Now, with the dominance tactic, you need at least 1 in your list I think. Plus, with the ignore armor, corsairs are brutal.
    I think the first list will struggle less with battle tactics than the second one. Much as I like all cavalry. Best of luck!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  10. 7 hours ago, Colonic said:

    I am basking...


    Can I ask why gryph hounds as screens? Is it the increased speed over something like steelhelms?

    *Basks* Yes. Speed mostly. I don't have to roll a 3+ to keep the stanks rolling at full speed. I also haven't built my steel helms. Xp


    18 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    (like Luminarks, 2 or 3 of them).

    You mad man. I both love and hate it. XD


    1 hour ago, Lord Krungharr said:


    I think I might need another Stank Commander.  Then I can do 2 clusters and everybody could be front line Advance Formation to run/shoot/charge.  Could fit in a Warforger and LordOrd each wing, and another 5 Tree Revenants for whatevs.  1970 pts.  Take that Scourgerunners!

    Man after my own heart. XD  Go get 'em!

    • Haha 1
  11. 2 lists I made. I don't know why I'm going for low drops on these.

    List 1: 2,000pts - Tempest's eye. The wider build. Perhaps not reliable enough buffs, but I like the movement options. Gryph hound screens and gyrocopters to get surround and destroy. Otherwise, they are a retreat option. I'll need to playtest it to see if the ordinator can practically keep up or if I'll need to drop a stank (commander?) entirely for the hurricanum.

    - Battalion1:
    Stank Commander - general, divine champion, heal
    Alchemist warforger
    Lord ordinator
    4x Steam tanks
    - Battalion 2:
    Stank Commander - arcane tome
    2x Gyrocopters
    2x6 gryph hounds

    List 2: 1970pts - Greywater Fastness. Feels more vulnerable to me, despite stanks rocking a 2/1+ save. The hurricanum is a nice piece and frees me up from needing arcane tome for magical dominance. +3" of range isn't spectacular, but it's nice. Hunters grab surround and destroy. Just have to hide them first.

    - Battalion 1: 
    Stank Commander - general, divine champion - heal, Macroscope.
    Alchemist warforger
    5x Steam tanks
    - Battalion 2:
    Battlemage on celestial hurricanum - Twin tailed comet
    2x5 vanguard hunters

    Comment your recommended changes, or simply bask in the radiant heat of the steam tanks! For Sigmar!

  12. 13 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I want to maybe include a few Stormcast for the flavour, but I am unsure if any are actually worth it from a gameplay standpoint.

    2 Vanguard hunters units is an easy auto succeed for surround and destroy battle tactic. Also assassinate wizards hiding in the back pretty easily. They teleport to board edges instead of moving. Most people don't expect them.
    I've been liking them in stormcast and try to fit them in my cities armies if possible.

    • Like 2
  13. Perhaps this has been asked before, but what city (subfaction) is best for a steam tank army? I've been having fun with my 2 stanks and started printing an army of them. >:D
    I was thinking of 4 with 2 commanders, The warforger for the +1 to save, and a lord ordinator for +1 to hit bubble. (They obviously just chase after the tanks) Leaves me with 340 to play with too.
    My initial thoughts were:
    - Greywater Fastness: Obvious free all out attacks with that 4+ to hit is good. Not sure if the ordinator reduces its impact too much though.
    - Tempest's Eye: retreat and shoot isn't bad with this many shots floating around. Feels less traditional though.
    - Lethis: priest steam tank commanders sounds like a fun conversion and will help against wizards some.
    - Hammerhall Aqshy: More orders is a good thing! :D
    Any recommendations are appreciated. For sigmar!

    • Like 1
  14. 7 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    I guess if anyone has a hero-phase charge rule, then if they can retreat far enough and make it to within 5" of say, a shooty enemy, they just pile-in because when anyone charges previously in the turn they get to pile-in

    That's a lot of work to pull off, but Ironjaws have enough movement nonsense to do it. First I've heard of anyone not running the goregruntaz spam army. I hope that it becomes more viable. Hard to beat mawcrusha + pigs easy first turn charge though.
    Iron jaws are one of my least favorite opponents. RIP

    • Like 1
  15. Figured I'd report on my GT. 
    The list: 2,000pts, 7 drops, kill all battleline grand strategy.
    - Battalion: 
    Master moulder - general, Moulder supreme, Foulhide
    3x4 rat ogres
    20 clanrats
    warp lightning cannon
    - Andorian acolytes:
    2x Greyseers - deathfrenzy
    - Warlord:
    Master moulder - Rabid crown
    Warplock engineer - steal endless spell
    Warplock bombadier - More more warp power
    20 clanrats
    - Endless spells
    Gnashing jaws
    bell of doom

    Fought the gloomspite player from my area who kind of list tailored to fight me first. Worked out pretty well for him. (3-2) He's a good player regardless, so that makes sense. Failed all of my rat ogre respawns and that was that. Still pretty close. lost by 6 with him getting his grand strategy and me not.
    Game 2 vs slyvaneth. Guy was new and I was teaching him how his army worked the whole time. Ground him down and actually respawned a rat ogor unit. Durthu failed a 6 inch reroll charge and was promptly eaten alive. Actually got my grand strat.
    Fought soulblight and got stomped by 80 zombies, 40 grave guard, and a dragon plus all those heroes that got a price increase right after the tournament. He started 3 inches away and swarmed me instantly. No real objective control the whole game for me. Did get 1 of 2 rat ogor units back. Grand strat a failure again.
    Game 4 vs gloomspite in a near copy of my friend's old list. (squig swarm plus skagrot and trolls) Failed 2 rat ogre respawns and was ground down. Had no chance for grand strat. I think I would have won it if the ogres had come back. ah well.
    Foght our local Nurgle player's beasts of nurgle army. Very thematic. Very terrible. Couldn't push me off objectives except with the GUO. Targeted him first and it was just holding objectives from there. Didn't get grand strat. Xp (no respawns either - kek)
    At least I won best army with my display board and such. XD
    Pretty okay tournament. A couple of great opponents. Alas our supply of spare rat ogres was non-existent. Would've helped a lot. XP
    Hope you enjoyed. For Moulder!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  16. Send me good luck next weekend. Have a GT I'm going to as clan Moulder!
    It's been doing very well locally, but we'll see if it stands up to the out of state participants. Yes, 3+ saves have been a problem for me, but I haven't found something that 8 rat ogres can't kill (eventually) yet. The name of the game is redundancy. Nothing is so valuable that it can't be lost. 

    The list: 2,000pts, 7 drops, kill all battleline grand strategy.
    - Battalion: 
    Master moulder - general, Moulder supreme, Foulhide
    3x4 rat ogres
    20 clanrats
    warp lightning cannon
    - Andorian acolytes:
    2x Greyseers - deathfrenzy
    - Warlord:
    Master moulder - Rabid crown
    Warplock engineer - steal endless spell
    Warplock bombadier - More more warp power
    20 clanrats
    - Endless spells
    Gnashing jaws
    bell of doom

    Thanks for your eyeballs.
    Walmart Hellpit (moulderpit) rises! For the Horned Rat!

    • Like 2
  17. 9 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Can those use the Primal Dice along with the Warpstone Token 3D6 roll?  

    Unfortunately, no. The 3d6 "can't be modified" and primal dice are a modifier.

    Grey seer(s) are a must with rat ogres for death frenzy. Would help the giant rats on their suicide run too. As for reliability? I think the re-roll from skryre wizards is more useful. They don't buff moulder though.

    I approve conceptually of the bridge suicide run. I hope it works well for you.

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 1
  18. On 7/18/2023 at 11:25 AM, Lord Krungharr said:

    Master Moulder, unit of Packmasters/Giant Ratsx18/6 Rat Ogres. 

    That's a good selection of moulder. The giant rats aren't worth their points, but thematics count. I like 2x4 rat ogres, but 6 isn't bad. Hell pits are neat, but in no way necessary. 

    Welcome to the clan!! >:D

  19. On 6/15/2023 at 10:34 AM, W1tchhunter said:

    Any thoughts on the new GHB? The positive Pete in me is thinking moulder with some wizards to give the rat ogors that sweet +d3 rend.

    I'm already there on that army list! XD
    The spells might actually see use now. Casting value 8 is tough though.
    All we've seen so far is interesting. Helps soften the drawback of going second later on in the game. The big deciding factor in list building for me is battle tactics and points. Once we see that I'll get a better idea of how I feel about it.
    I'm all for the buffed rat ogre power fantasy though. XD

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