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Posts posted by TheArborealWalrus

  1. On 3/31/2020 at 4:53 AM, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:

    But once I’ve met the basic requirements fir both battalions is it better to lean into the new BoC options that are available or does pushing more Mortals into the mix provide better balance/value?

    From my experience with the brass despoilers you probably will want to maximize the BoC section so that you earn more value from the 2 abilities of the battalion. With a minimum Despoiler battalion it feels more like wasting points. Centigors are an unexpectedly good choice. They offer ludicrous speed and surprising damage when buffed plus they can give you the battalion reroll when and where you need it.  You'd probably have to convert them up though. Bestigors make a powerful alpha strike option if you can keep the buffs going with them.  Allied BoC models are also worth considering for various buffs/roles available depending on how far down the goat hole you want to go. 

    All that being said, I haven't played around with adding many mortals besides the three universal buffing units. My initial thoughts: Blood warriors are better than gors for damage and durability, but they don't cover the same area as efficiently for chaff screening. The mortal cavalry is slower, but hits harder. Skullreapers are always nice, but expensive. Reavers are better for backlining with the secrator/emergency hammer... As always, it depends on what you're trying to do. Beasts of Khorne are an interesting fusion between BoC screening game and BoK Buff/countercharge game(in my experience). Out of curiosity, what slaughterhost are you theorizing for the beasty boys list?

    TLDR: Most mortal units don't serve a sufficiently different role to BoC options that will benefit from/to the battalion outside of the universal buffing units. 

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  2. On 3/29/2020 at 1:49 AM, Charleston said:

    Short question: I currently concider to use leftover bits and 5 unbuilt Bloodwarriors to turn thoose into either Wrathmongers or Skullreapers. I currently own 5 Mongers and 10 Reapers and I´m not sure what is the better option to build. Or should I go for another 5 Bloodwarriors to have 15 instead of my current 10`?

    I'm a bit odd, but I like to have 2 units of wrathmongers. Lets me spread the buffs around to multiple areas. It really depends on what you want to do with the army though. 15 reapers in the slaughter born battalion are very deadly. I'm not a big fan of blood warriors, so I'm biased against them outside of battalions. They're pretty good as tar pits in  slaughter born (once again) though. All that being said, I say mongers.

  3. Hey, so I've got a tournament late march and had been thinking of bringing out my mortals again. Wanted to get some advice. It's a pretty competitive crowd and I know there'll be Osiarchs, big waagh, Tzeentch, and skaven. This was my initial list idea. Also been theory hammering out an infantry based list too, but it's not done yet. 



    1980pts, Blades of Khorne, Goretide.  9 drops (ouch), 144 wounds

    - 210pts - StD Daemon prince - general - hew the foe, Thronebreaker's torc(unmodifiable save)

    - 250pts Chaos lord on Karkadrak - blade of judegement (-3 rend weapon)

    - - 180pts - 2x 5 marauder horsemen - javelins

    - - 360pts - 2x5 chaos knights - lances

    - - 280pts - 2x5 wrathmongers

    - 140pts Gore Pilgrims:

    200pts - 2 slaughterpriests - Bronzed flesh, Killing frenzy

    120pts - Bloodsecrator

    140pts - 2x10 bloodreavers - meatripper axes

    100pts - 5 blood warriors - gore fists


    It's reasonably fast, has 3 wings to it (2 smallish cavalry wings and the backliners.) so it can attack multiple targets, and actually has threatening heroes in their own right(a novelty for me). That's all good, but the army itself feels vulnerable to me. High drops, little redundancy(in purpose), and the infantry probably needs a babysitter. I might be overreacting from the switch from beasts of Khorne, but I'd like to get my fellow lords' opinions on it.

  4. On 1/1/2020 at 8:54 AM, TheadTheOgorSlayer said:

    but dem elves... Dey smell funny

    Don't think of them as smelly elves on top of uppity pigeons. Instead think of them as the objects of your cult's devotion. What are they worshipping? What are they inspired by? Maybe the ice ones are aging those nearby who don't follow the cult, or maybe the mortal wounds aren't flames but the souls being sucked out of your foes? The huricanum (if you wanted to bring one) could be a mobile altar to their god (possibly Nagash?) It's all about theming what you "need" to be a fightable list so that everything fits. Take my huricanum for example. It is a mobile command center on a floating dais. The thought of a altar in my practically minded legions felt silly, so instead I chose something that fell in line with my theme.

    I love your theme and am interested to see what you do with it. Don't give up! Also those other ideas sounded cool too. What would the hobgoblins represent?

  5. On 12/27/2019 at 1:40 PM, dekay said:

    Griffon mage or dragon sorceress?

    Of course if you're going for a darkling focused list I'd say dragon sorceress, but for a more generalized combat/magic monster I'd go with the griffon mage. More consistent melee damage(flat with possible additional attacks), I'd argue a more versatile magic load out(with more potential damage), and I just love the griffon model. The -2 rend and potentially 6 damage is very good though. The difference in speed/wound count is negligible since both are faster than what they'd likely be running with. That's if we look at them in a vacuum against each other of course. I'd say taking a darkling contingent (black guard, some meat shields, and the sorceress) is definitely more valuable though. 700 or so points for a dangerous murder blob with magic support? That's pretty good. You can't really do that with the griffon wizard. So I guess it really depends on what you're trying to get out of your list (as usual). I'd be more inclined to add a coven detatchment than just the griffon wizard. He's probably something I'd take for fun, but for face smashing probably the coven. Alone? I'd probably leave both at home and pick something that synergized more.  My area is rather competitive though. Mileage will likely vary. Also you could use your old high elves as the coven

    On 12/25/2019 at 3:07 PM, Arathorn185 said:

    So what everyone Verdict on Retinue after two months? Is it worth it?

    I'd say if you can take it, do so. It costs you nothing and you might not have to use it, or it could save the game. Biggest thing for a retinue is knowing where your general will be and make what he/she is hanging out with be the bodyguard. For my freeguild I've used both gunners and guard as the retinue, but alas greatswords are too valuable to throw in front of attacks. Obviously phoenix guard are the best retinue with a save vs mortals. General rule would be to pick something reasonably expendable by where your leader will usually be, or pick something who's job is only to be the retinue(/reserve unit).


  6. Probably a poor idea, but I was struck by the thought of dudes in plate with guns and thought of the grundstock thunderers. With a khemist  I feel they could do quite well with the longer range and better armour than gunners. Slap +1 to wound on them and they could be a mobile fire base. Thematic too if you wanted to represent a shooty army's elite infantry as not using swords.

    So the actual question is has anyone tried the Grundstcorp out? Are they worth it as allies or do you have to go  Tempests eye? Do allies count as "friendly" unit/hero for bodyguard/advisor purposes? (it doesn't actually list it needing to be a cities unit unless I missed that in the FAQ)

    On a separate note. I've been trying to find a good close combat unit that isn't around 400pts in the army. Something that could reasonably mess up a monster if they strike first and cheap enough that you could include a duplicate without making your entire army about them. (600pts of the army was what I had been shooting to be in the ballpark of)The closest I've found are the phoenix guard, but they have the reputation as a "golden unit"  in my group so I'm trying to avoid them if I can. I tried out an all combat army theme and … well, it wasn't very effective. Too squishy, or too pillow fisted in my limited free guild trial run. I'll be trying out lances on the gryphs to see if they can put out the hurt (preferably with +1 to wound) next.

    What has everyone else been using as the combat wing of their army? Am I crazy to want to engage in melee with our army? Are the small 10 man units of the elites worth taking? (greatswords, black guard, ect)

  7. 18 hours ago, Malakithe said:

    Who would you give items and traits to? The goats csnt take any from either allegiance if khorne right?

    Darksteve is right. Slaughterhosts and realm artifacts are fair game. I don't have the realm artifact book, so I can't really help with those. Thermal rider could help the secrator keep up with the speedy goat boys though. (only useful one for beasts that I know off the top of my head)  I however typically used the skullfiends tribe so that my mortals sort of gain my battalion's ability (re-roll ones). Makes it easier to remember special rules if they have the same effect. The additional attack artifact from them is useful on the doombull's axe and the command trait is more of a bonus if it happens. (could use aforementioned doombull to hunt heroes) The goretide's command trait isn't bad on the bull, but I feel it's better on the beastlord (assuming that you want to keep your army in the BoC range). Makes him into an actual combat threat. Unfortunately the artifact feels wasted on BoC heroes with their 4+ max saves, but it's not terrible. (side note-shaman helps the beast lord's move too) You could even use the daemonic hosts' artifacts/traits as they aren't daemon specific. Reapers are useful if you feel your anti-magic game needs help (both their things). Bloodlords is an interesting option. I'd call it more of a finesse move, but +movement and the chance to always strike first aren't bad. Too flipfloppy for me, but you could have fun with it.  For my second artifact I often liked to throw a banner on the secrator. Your choice of flavor. Most of the others didn't feel very helpful to my beastmen, but maybe you'll spot something I didn't for your support crew.

    As for picking your host, I'd say it depends on who you're bringing to party with the goats. Mortals would obviously lend you to the hosts that support them, same with daemons, but it doesn't invalidate the other side either. Like I said before, even with mostly just using the battalion, you have a lot of options to choose from. Theirs also nothing stopping you from converting the key units that you just want to use into beasts. Did that with my priests and secrator, and I've seen conversions of thirsters, princes, juggers, ect.  If you're looking for how I used mine, I dropped the battle reports form the tourney back on page 226. (I think I've sprinkled other reports with the beasty boys before that too)

  8. On 11/29/2019 at 3:02 AM, Malakithe said:

    Is there a good set up for running Beasts with Khorne? I dont fully understand how to merge them

    Not sure I'd necessarily call it the best,  but I've been running beasts of khorne for a while now. Managed 2nd in a one day event, so there's that. I've been keeping as much of my army in the battalion as possible to give them the most chance to benefit from the bonus of the battalion. Also because of the size of the battalion I'd say to generally (unless you have a plan) keep things MSU. More blood tithe, more units to hand out the re-roll 1s to each other. Gors are excellent fast cannon fodder, I haven't played with the chariots, but the BoC forum likes them as chaff. Your chaff game will probably be stronger than a normal blades army, but not necessarily. The biggest decision I felt was on what to take as your hammers. You've basically got 3 options. The bullgors need buffs, are reasonably fast, and hit like a ton of bricks when supported, but they're expensive and squishy.(They NEED their buffs, even if it's just attacks) The wrathmongers will most likely be able to keep up with them most of the time. Option two would of course be bestigors. More of a finesse option, they're fast, hit reasonably hard, and have okay armour, but are still squishy. Their biggest problem is running out of attack buffs range. Using them as angry goat missiles isn't a terrible idea (slaughterpriests are better for that, or mix in a gore pilgrims battalion to increase range).  The final curve ball option is dragon ogres. Fastish, multiple attack profiles to benefit from bonuses and tougher than either of the other options. Are they good? I don't know, as I never used them (don't have the minis). Doombulls could be used as okay murder units, but they can't beat out their buffed up subordinates for damage. Still an option though. Ghorgon/cygor. I never really used them, so I won't comment on their abilities, but they too are an option. The only things I took from the main book are support units. Blood secrator, wrathmongers, priests. Placing my heroes out of a battalion meant I had a fairly high drop army despite the battalion's size. Even sticking to a BoC core, you'll have a lot of variety to choose from. 

    Bonus weird options: BoC are allies to Khorne, allowing you to use some normally forbidden units. Ungor raiders are surprisingly useful for gumming up the enemy's works (first line of chaff or sneaking onto objectives). The bray shaman (magical heresy!!) still can buff the movement of gor type units inherently and can unbind. I think the shaggoth buffs the dragon ogres naturally. You can get some interesting things for the up to 400pts of allies.

    Beasts of Khorne play similarily to BoC, but you've got to play smarter. No respawning units, no expanding bubble of doom, but in exchange you get soooo many buffs to stack on units. You can easily punch above your weight class, but you're still a bunch of shirtless goat people running at the enemy. You can't take heavy blows. Which is why I say to keep MSU. Make them spread the "love." If one hammer dies, you've got more. 

    Good luck and,


  9. 8 hours ago, FPC said:

    Are you sure those lists are accurate? 

    Nope. Alas my 2 weeks ago memory appears to be shoddy. Hopefully my 1 week memory is better. They just didn't have too much of an impact in the games. There might have been more stuff, I just didn't pay it much attention(too little impact).  He was mostly messing about with his kung-fu panda army.  We agreed that he'd have been better off with gluttons over the maneaters. The pistols were nice, but not worth the potential extra bodies. Too squishy. 

    I'm currently still debating about what size for my own units, especially the swordsmen . That's kind of a thing for CoS though. The battalions are specific, meaning you won't necessarily have the ability to take one. None have freeguild guards in them for that matter either. Only in one of my games did I get to pick who goes first. Feels more important when you rely on fairly short ranged shooting a fair bit. 

  10. 11 hours ago, Brodylan said:

    Has anyone had much success with artillery? Had my first 2k game with the greywater fastness battery, and while being a big distraction, they didn’t do too much. Irondrakes and gyrocopters on the other hand were absolutely amazing. 

    - *shrug*  Mine has been a great assistant for killing stuff and generally maiming, but enough to carry the list? Not really. 


    Battle report time! These are from 2 weeks ago, so the details are fuzzy, but here was my list. I'll get into the disaster battles later.



    2,000pts hallowheart, 11 drops

    100pts - Freeguild General - general , veteran of the burning crusade 

    90pts -Battle wizard - advisor, the tome that let's him know all hallowheart's spells, light wizard

    60pts - Cogsmith - 2 guns

    280pts - 40 freeguild swordsmen

    200pts - 20 handgunners

    200pts - 20 crossbowmen

    180pts - 3 demigryphs - halberds

    180pts - 3 demigryphs - halberds

    420pts - 30 greatswords

    160pts - 20 freeguild halberdiers

    130pts - hellstorm rocket battery


    First battle  Mission: (I unfortunately don't remember, but we were long ways and close)

    opponent: Ogres shooty mawtribe 



    Tyrant - general , -1 to be wounded within 12" artifact , 3+ armour

    Butcher with gut pot.

    2x 6 leadbelchers

    4 leadbelchers

    2x ironblasters



    - I set up in the center with the swordsmen securing the front and demis on my flanks. Everyone else kind of squidged in behind the swordsmen wall. There wasn't a lot of cover between us. I could shoot him first turn so he decided to go first. Moved up and peppered the swordsmen, killing a reasonable number, the maneaters then  made a long charge into the swordsmen. They wiped out the unit, but the greatswords were in range to assist and killed 5 of them with the general slaying another, fortunately for them they had the immune to battleshock trait and were fine. My turn I put the -1 to be hit on the greatswords and failed the other spell while the boss ordered our shooters to hold the line. Halberds rush in to attempt another meat wall while the handgunners wipe out the remaining maneaters and the other shooters effectively neutralized a larger leadbelcher unit. My demis manage to charge in and tie up the remaining leadbelchers, killing one each. Priority comes up and I win it, which was basically gg. The greatswords charged the ironblasters, killing both and injuring the butcher, tyrant slaughters the halberdiers (who charged him) and one of the demi units fluffs its saves and is wiped. The ogres freed themselves from the demis and the heroes were both slain by the greatswords (tyrant charged in) at great cost. I think he killed 14 of them. At that point we called it. 

    Game two: also don't remember*shrug*( short way but squared deployment)t vs Shooty Ogres
    Opponent's List:


    Tyrant - general , -1 to be wounded within 12" artifact , 3+ armour


    butcher with pot

    3x4 leadbelchers

    2x 4 maneaters

    2 x ironblasters


    - This time I put my shooters off on the sides with demigryphs acting as shields and flankers. Swordsmen in the middle in front of the artillery and other melee troops(plus command staff). He deployed pretty evenly across with the maneaters on the flanks and the blasters in the middle. I chose to go first as I once again could reach him with shooting. Both demi units moved just in range to grab the objectives. I used hold the line on the crossbows who wiped out a leadbelcher unit. The handgunners moved up and killed another model from a different unit and the hellstorm wounded an ironblaster. In response the ironblasters shot my greatswords, killing 8, and the army moved up. Strangely the belchers shot my gryphs instead of my shooters, did a couple of wounds. The maneaters on my right made a charge into the handgunners and gryphs while the tyrant and other maneaters made it into the swordsmen. Carnage ensues. 8 handgunners and a demigryph go down for 2 maneaters, 24 or so swordsmen are massacred for 3 maneaters and the tyrant's injury. (greatswords were supporting). Turn roll off and … he gets it. Unfortunately for him there's not much more he can do, he's already fully committed. Lost a gryph from the left, 7 handgunnerst, and 5 greatswords to shooting. The tyrant could only hit the swordsmen and killed another 10 or so. They responded and cleared that flank. The maneater tried  to kill the gryph but left him with one wound. He's injured and then finished off by the handgunners. My turn, I fail to cast spells and then moved the halberds at the ironblasters, greatswords went at remaining leadbelchers and the gryphs went to help there. In shooting the wounded belchers were finished(crossbows) and the butcher injured(hellstorm). The greatswords kill the pot butcher who was hanging by the belchers' remains and the halberds are wiped out by the butcher and cannons for the wounded cannon (probably a mistake). Turn roll off and my opponent wins it. The butcher goes for my hangunners while the blasters try to finish the swords to push and grab my home base. 2 swords are left and the blasters fail their charges. Butcher gets killed by overwatch and then we called it.

    - Greatswords were definitely MVP. Saved my bacon from danger both games. Very expensive unit though. Would be reluctant to use them as bodyguards because of that. The guard are kind of  disappointing, but do well enough as meat shields. Everything else was just pretty okay. Ranged appears to be our strength, although I know that it isn't something that can be relied on to do so. One double turn and your shooting masterplan falls apart.  Sticking with a similar list in the next 3 games.

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  11. On 11/12/2019 at 2:47 AM, Double Misfire said:

    Bigger bodyguards. We've got Stormcast as an option for a reason

    I was considering that. Wanted to bring out the old retributers again, see if they're any good still. Might be large enough to hide the boss, he's rather tall though...

    On 11/12/2019 at 2:48 AM, dekay said:

    The most universal way would be trying to hide him behind something bigger.

    True. After getting penned into my deployment zone by beastclaws the game before, I opted to maintain pressure on the center. Relying on my 40 swordsmen and the pheonix guard to protect the boss. Unfortunately ironblasters are about double the height of a man so he just peeked over. Even more difficult against the catapult as it's around Nagash's height. I have a luminark, it's more that the huricanum feels shooting focused and I want to rely mostly on combat if I can. (Our players were scarred by an all shooting free guild list at a tournament back in the day. Trying to avoid those memories) It's rather difficult to do though.

    On 11/12/2019 at 3:00 AM, zilberfrid said:

    Lastly, note that you already have battleshock immunity on your half of the field

    Unfortunately that's for hammerhal only, I was playing hallowheart. Alas, no more shield or banner, but at least you can't just idly poke him with a stick in melee anymore. I love the griffon model, but he always has underperformed when I use him. I'm reluctant to use my points on him. I might give him another shot if this keeps up though.

    On 11/12/2019 at 6:46 AM, SwampHeart said:

    An Ironblaster should be hitting on 5s against a 3+ save model

    He was using the shooting mawtribe which gives an artifact that hands out +1 to hit against heroes/monsters. That combined with two of them and the double shot command ability was dangerous. Admittedly I should have thought about my set up more, as I could have held off, but I was thinking about the beastclaw game. He also got 3 hits that did 16 wounds (0 passed saves+ near max damage = oof). Also failed all 3 saves against the catapult (which does need line of sight). Like I said, might have just been bad luck.

    I think I'll try using some phoenixes so that my opponent has something else to think about alongside a trial run of the stormcast helpers. I should make someone else my general, but I might not for thematic reasons. We'll see. I'll try it next weekend and let you know how it goes. (side note): Are batreps ok here? Are people interested in hearing them? 

    • Like 1
  12. Hey, bit of a specific question. So in the last couple of games my free guild general (who might be a bit too much of a lynch pin currently) has been getting sniped first turn with very little I could do about it. Even with look out sir and a bodyguard he got obliterated first by ironblasters and then by bone reaper catapults. (forgot to say he was not in front, that's the goons' job) My city is from the realm of light so hallowheart felt right and then I of course picked the battleshock immunity trait (feel like the others should be better so there's more of a choice, but that's not the point of this post) which made him my opponent's top priority. I'm not sure how to protect him outside of using a dwarf as my freeguild general (which feels very wrong) to be invisible behind his human guards. Maybe make someone less valuable be the army general so at least I can keep his command ability? That's more mitigation of damage though. Plus I like the thematic nature of it being our regal leader to make the peasants fearless.

    Might just be a matter of luck, but any ideas?

  13. I'm sorry if this has been discussed before, but what are the best qualities for a bodyguard unit? I'm torn between extra bodies and higher quality wounds. Thoughts?

    I've also been finding greater success with a combined arms approach (shooting, melee, and cavalry) than with focusing in on any one of those three aspects. (haven't played that many games yet though) What has been other people's experience?

  14. 2 hours ago, Troll.exe said:

    Im expecting Lord Arcanum as general so he can run 3x5 sequitors as his battleline with lord castellant in behind with staunch defender and maybe some evocators. So that’s most likely what I’ll have to punch through first.

    Super save: Always troublesome dealing with a 2+ re-rollable . In my experience skullreapers can easily rip through sequitors, regardless of buffs (on the sequitors). Or you could judgment and/or blood boil the annoying save buffer off the field. Mortal wounds are your friend in competitive environment where you might expect stormcast. Mostly for such troublesome nuts to crack. Six d3 mortals would likely do it against a 5 man unit and probably convince him to commit the evocators, but I wouldn't expect him to let you keep the buff #. From personal experience, don't expect even -2 rend to reliably get through that type of save. Also of note, the sequitur unit loses it's save re-roll once all of the shields go down (unless they changed the scroll). 

    "Tactics": I might suggest using the thirster as bait or for hunting the likes of his evocators, ballistae, or heroes. If he's staunch defendering that means a tight formation. Either of the damage judgments could do some work on such a tightly packed group of waiting skulls. (you have to get that close first though) In my experience shootcast encourages sloppy plays, especially with such a large sky force (presumably). He's likely to split his forces with the drop letting you hit his piece meal army with all of yours. After all, stormcast aren't terribly fast and if he charges you, he loses staunch defender. Do remember the -1 to hit him when he drops in thing and the suicide bomber potential of their wizards(plus that respawn thing). Beyond all that there is one vital tip for everything.

    #1 TIP:  Relax. Overstressing and overthinking can kill your men just as surely as the enemy. If you play smart you'll be fine.

    Good luck and ...


    • Like 3
  15. 13 hours ago, Troll.exe said:

    Hey team, I absolutely embarrassed a close mate of mine last outing with a reapers lineup. He runs Stormcast and is talking a big shooting game for our next meeting. 4 ballistas at least. Probably some Vanguard Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows too.

    Important bit: Xasz is right. Unfortunately that fight will greatly come around to priority rolls and the like. Speed and durability will be your greatest assets. Allying in some vanguard units (pre game movers) to prevent useful deepstrikes would help or just going first to apply high pressure on his zones. And if all else fails, focus on the objectives! This is based off of my limited experience fighting all shooting armies, but...

    Babbling: Crushers of either variety could be helpful, fastish and reasonably durable. Bloodthirsters I feel would be a bad investment against shootcast. Getting past his shields will be difficult if he's smart about it, but if he leaves his fire base exposed you could just tie them down and score. My game against a sylvaneth nightmare gunline (18 Kurnoths with bows *shudder*) was me getting shot to pieces as I just sequentially tied down his shooters and racked up points. His shooters shouldn't have too much combat punch, so even a 5 man blood warrior unit could probably keep them busy for 1-2 turns (depending on how his shooting goes).Terrain will also be a huge ally to you. A couple of line of sight blocking pieces generally should be on the table and remember that they can't see more than an inch through trees. Stormcast shooting while fearsome, isn't actually very consistent. They mostly rely on that -2 rend and lord ordinators, otherwise it's just too reliant on dice rolls. Four 5+ shots for d6 to wound rolls isn't terribly reliable for consistent murder.  So the thirsters could work, or even other slower moving units, but staying power would be key in such a list. Last but certainly not least, objectives,  objectives, objectives! Win the objectives and it doesn't matter how shattered your army is.

    Go get 'em!

    • Like 1
  16. On 9/1/2019 at 8:08 PM, THUNDERHAMMER said:


    Welcome to the fold my frozen friend!




    I might be playing too much age of wonders, but I can't help but think of your guys as frostling berserkers now. Your warband seems to be coming along nicely. Man, that red is striking in all those cool colors.

    On 9/1/2019 at 7:25 AM, NorthernNurgling said:







    Like what MOMUS said, I feel a contrasting color is needed. Otherwise he'll blend together too much on the tabletop. The skin would be a good choice unless you plan on having lots of blood warriors. Then the grey armour will overwhelm or cover the skin. I'd say a brighter armour, but that kind of defeats the whole frozen theme. On the other hand this guy feels very gritty, so if that's what you were going for, mission accomplished. I know this would be conversion work, but adding more of that white cloth to other (especially more armoured) models could keep the cold gritt feel while adding warmth (literally and metaphorically) to the model. Furs would work too.


    20 hours ago, phizzco said:







    Nice blending work. I might have to try posting some of my stuff when I get it all presentable. Warcry has been distracting over here lately though.


    • Like 1
  17. Alright, battle report time. Had a 3 round tourney  against 2 skaven and an ironjaws player. Came in overall 3rd. My list did surprisingly well considering that I was expecting to get stomped, especially since I hadn't practiced at all with this particular configuration.

    My list: 2,000ptst, Blades of Khorne, skullfiends tribe.



    - Brass despoilers 

    doombull - general, crowncleaver

    4x3 bullgor - 2 handed axes

    3x10 gors - shields

    2x5 centigor

    - bloodsecrator - banner of wrath

    - 2 slaughterpriests - killing frenzy, bronzed flesh

    -2x 5 wrathmongers

    -(allies) 10 ungor raiders


    Battle 1: starstrike, A central graveyard with a gate on the skaven side, surrounded by walls on 3 of the 4 sides, There wasn't any other terrain separating us but a crater, so I'll ignore that.


    Opponent's list: 1990pts Skaventide



    - Thanquol

    - verminlord on broodhorror

    - greyseer - general, get command points back on a 5+, reroll the rolls to see if he gets it

    - plague priest on plague furnace - knew 3 prayers, rather than 1

    - 2x20 clanrats

    - 40 plague monks - fetid blades

    - 40 stormvermin

    the warpgale endless spell



    I spread myself across the board in my standard chaff screen formations and set up on the side of the graveyard that didn't have a wall. My raiders frolicked forwards and fired some pot shots at the plague monks, killing 2. Otherwise I just moved forwards a bit. In response he inched closer and launched the gale into the center of my army. Fortunately for me he didn't get many d3 mortals to happen (in the 2 tries he got at it *grumble*) and only killed a centigor and scattered a few wounds onto bullgors and the bronzed flesh priest. In the battleshock phase he combined Thanquol and his general to give himself 4 command points. (one point on a rerolling 5+ per unit within 12" of the general which Thanquol let him do for free. Was surprised when this didn't get patched out in the FAQ. But then they still have the + # of command points to attacks ability on the forge world guy too, so...)

    My opponent won the turn roll off and  the first objective landed in the gateway of the graveyard, putting it squarely between our lines. He moved clan rats and monks towards my right, and pushed his clanrat chaff at the objective while covering his stormvermin still. Here is where  we both made a crucial mistake, there was a miniscule gap in his lines, and if I could get one of my bullgor units over there, I could inflict heavy losses on them, potentially knocking one of his hammers out of the game. I on the other hand decided that the gate simply would open for whomever, and wouldn't actually cost models the 3 inches to climb over. It's a gate afterall. Little did I know how much this would cost me down the line. The gale did its thing and killed a bullgor and a centigor with another 4 wounds between my priests. The clanrats and monks charged, killing the raiders and 3 gors. The doombull killed 19 monks in return and suffered 5 wounds because of it (mortals on death). My opponent then generated another 4 command points for a total of 9.  My turn I moved my heroes out of the gale and failed to dispel it, but I did boil his general to death. No more infinite command points! A bit too late, but the last wizard was in the aura of rerolling cast, so that should help. I moved 2 units of bullgors to potentially give it a go for making it to the gap and killing some stormvermin, the other bulls set up to take out the right flank. I moved the depleted bulls and a unit of gors to grab the objective.  Another centigor died to the gale (forgot to move them) along with 3 gors. That thing is annoying, especially since they basically can autocast it with Thanquol. Oh well. It was time for charges! Time to destroy them! … And both units of bullgors rolled 4s for their charge. With the gale shepherding my heroes away from the left side with the gap I had no rerolls. Damn. That was unlucky. Especially since they needed 6" and 9" respectively to reach it. I could still recover though. a bullgor unit barely touched the monks through a gap and the other centigors charged their flank. The units in the graveyard made their charges and the bullgors on the left hit the flank of the chaff screen.  6 monks, 15 central rats, 7 right hand rats, my bullgors that touched the monks, the doombull, 4 gors on the right, and a centigor died. I did take the objective though  and the central rats fled to battleshock.

    Alright, turn roll off. If I got this I could smash into his lines and more or less prevent him from scoring, giving me the match. So of course I lose the priority roll. The objectives drop by my wrarthmongers on the left, and unoccupied space on his side by the plague furnace. For his turn the furnace grabbed his objective while the stormvermin set up to charge  both objectives and I forgot that a unit could only grab one objective, I don't think it would have mattered though. They got +6 attacks and charged 1 wrathmonger unit, and both central units, easily wiping them all out.(here's where the gate thing screwed me again. The difference between 4 rats making it in vs 16. Oh well.) 7 vermin were killed by blood frenzy. He grabbed all of the objectives and then it was my turn. We had 13 minutes left in the round so I speed played and sent the centigors to grab the right objective and the battered unit to grab mine while the remaining bullgors and wrathmongers went to kill the stormvermin.  I unfortunately forgot to dispell the gale and lost a bullgor to it. My remaining hammers both charged in. Knowing the terrible potential of the bulls I went with them first. Of course then they whiff horribly and get only 2 hits through (with a mortal), killing 7. *sigh* He strikes back killing 2 wrathmongers who in return kill 13 storm vermin. Apparently should have gone with them first. Ah well. With that (and a command point spent to keep them there) my opponent pulled out a major win. Close as heck though.

    I had half a dozen chances to turn that one around and I failed each one. My dice were not very hot that game. Ah, well. Had gors waiting on the left to sweep in and grab skaven's meteor if it landed on my left or centrally and I don't think he would have been able to grab it if it was behind them. I unfortunately didn't think to move them on the last turn, they might have swung it in my favor.  Also entirely forgot about the wrath banner, could have potentially swung the game too. Lots of mistakes on my part. The raiders were surprisingly helpful. They kind of saved the right flank from a potentially devastating double turn. The bulls in threes seemed to have enough threat to potentially do real damage, but the not being able to buff more of them was not so good. Not sure of the value of bronzed flesh on mostly 5+ armour models, maybe it's best on gors? The other prayers just don't seem very useful to the army and since I can't spread the + 1 to hit love... hmm. Doombul did well. Definitely felt the magical pain this game, and discovered one of Thanquol's spells can ignore our bloodsecrator per turn. Crazy stuff. He said he was sweating during the entire match and had no idea how to deal with my double screen. Also said how beastmen consistently surprise him. Despite the horrors of the rat, it was fun.

    MVPs: raiders + centigor for the A+ chaffing and objective grabbing.



    Battle 2: Shifting objectives vs Skaven (skryer) A massive tower sat centrally with once again little of note between our sides on the left or right besides craters. He placed a gnaw hole behind my lines in the center with a corresponding one on his and he put the last one on my right by the objective.



    My opponent's list: 2,000pts, skaventide, skryer (the names(/spelling) are probably wrong on a lot of this)



    - The big ol' Skryer battalion

    arch warlock - general

    2x3 stormfiends

    15 acolytes

    10 jezails

    2 warp lightning cannons

    warplock engineer - more, more warp power

    warplock bombadier

    - warpfire team

    - rattling gun team

    Vermintide (tide of rats)


    On the left was stormfiends, the rattling team, the engineer, the jezails, and a cannon. On his center was the acolytes and the bombardier. While the right was held by the arch-warlock, a cannon, the stormfiendsand the warpfire team on the far right. I put my centigors and a gor unit on my left and had the center held by my first formation of 2 bulls and a gor screen, backed up by wrathmongers the secrator, and both priests. (my altar was on the left middle) The right had a the same formation, but with the heroes replaced by the doombull hiding in the woods. My raiders were on the right and moved up to prevent him from using the gnaw hole to get on the objective.

    Turn one and my opponent chose to go first. The primary was on the right hand objective. I believe he wanted to teleport the acolytes onto it, but when that didn't work he sort of forgot about them and they just shuffled forward. The right flank advanced, and managed to grab the objective. The cannon did  mortals to my ungors and 2 later fled. I think he forgot about the tower objective because he didn't move anyone in range of it. His left moved up and unleashed a fusillade on my centigors, killing 8 and 2 gors. I used  a command point to keep the centis around. My turn I buffed the save of the central gors and charged in. I grabbed the tower with the right hand gors and used them to screen the advancing bulls. The raiders moved up and grabbed the right hand objective while on the left the centigors and central gors got right in the faces of the jezails and cannon. The left gors barely managed to grab that objective (bad run roll) and onto combats. Both of my units got into them and tied his shooters down. Suprisingly they managed 7 wounds on the cannon for nothing in return.

    My opponent won the turn roll off and decided to go first. He buffed all the rattling guns on the left with re-rolls and + 1 damage.  He then moved the acolytes up to take the tower whilst both sets of storm fiends moved to destroy my units on the objectives. The jezzails and warp lightning cannon destroyed my units holding them up, but (because "when you play skryer you must overcharge") the cannon detonated itself n the process. The rattling gun team opened up on the bullgor unit, killing 2 of them while the stormfiends ripped the gors apart. On the right the raiders were obliterated by the cannon whilst the acolytes killed off the bullgors by the tower. Ouch. My turn and I boiled the bombardier and the rattling team  to death before generally advancing. At this point I summoned 10 flesh hounds to retake the right hand objective. 4 bulls and 5 wrathmongers vs 3 fiends and the engineer on the left with 10 gors and 5 wrathmongers vs the acolytes in the center and 10 flesh hounds and 3 bulls vs 3 fiends and the warpfire team on the right. Rounding it out we had our generals "dueling" behind the acolytes. End result : 6 fiends, 10 acolytes and the engineer killed for 4 flesh hounds and a gor. Ouch back. Oh, the arch warlock of course fled combat against the doombull, little rat that he is.

    Final turn and I won the roll off. To sum it up, I tabled him this turn with the exception of the cannon which died on his turn. The doombull managed to catch the arch warlock and with a ring of gors to force the fight to occur. No retreat! 

    Thoughts: The centigors, despite being mulched were probably the mvp in this game. Tying his fire base down for even one turn was huge. The summoned hounds allowed me to not have to worry about retaking the right objective which was nice, and the raiders were also pretty huge. Preventing the turn 1 teleport and then stealing the objective was cheeky. Not bad for 80pts. I thinking about trying to get another unit in my list. I don't think I can without compromising effectiveness elsewhere, but food for thought.


    Battle 3: Duality of Death vs Ironjaws. This was on the same map with the tower in the center, but I was deploying where the skaven were.



    My opponent's list:



    - Gordrakk the fist of Gork

    - Weirdnob shaman

    - The formation that lets you respawn 'ard boys

    Warchanter + battleshock immunity artifact

    3x10 'ard boys

    - 'Ard fist (The standard lets you get make a free d6 move if the boss is alive)

    2x5 brutes

    3 goregruntas


    The battle: Deployment and is a bit funky in duality of death. A square in each corner with objectives in the center of the field on the right and left. I set up 20 gors, 6 bulls, a wrathmonger and centigor mob and a priest on the left while the right had my primary strength, for they had to contend with Gordrakk and the brutes while the left was the respawn formation of 'ard boys with the support heroes.

    Turn 1: My opponent chose for me to go first and thus I went straight for the objectives. I planted the doombull on the right hand objective behind a wall of gors who were also waiting behind the raiders. The bulls sat behind the gors closer to the tower with the flaily boys. The left was grabbed by gors, but I wasn't overly concerned about the possibility of 'ard boys grabbing it from them as the bulls should be able to handle it. Surprisingly the raiders actually killed a brute which then caused another to flee as my turn ended. His turn he activated Gordrakk's waaagh and gave the 'ard fist a 3d6 charge. Gordrakk couldn't quite fit his massive base around my chaff and thus was forced to charge them instead of the doombull holding the objective. He killed both chaff units easily.

    Turn 2: I won the roll off and it was at a critical time. I boiled a handful of wounds off of gordrakk before charging all the bulls at his line. It was pretty brutal. Gordrakk took 9 wounds from the doombull who took 5 back from him. The brutes all died and I took out 8 or so 'ard boys from various units. I didn't want them respawning yet. I used my blood tithe to finish off the fist of Gork and it was mostly a downhill slide from here for my opponent. He surrendered after turn 3 when his respawned 'ard boys failed to kill the doombull and were wiped out for their troubles. At one point I used a command point to keep the gors holding the left objective in place from surprise gore gruntas.

    MVP: Gonna have to be between the raiders for blocking Gordrakk from just heading straight at my doombull and the manbeast himself for slaying such a dangerous foe. 



    • Like 3
  18. 44 minutes ago, whiskeytango said:

    Whats the most anti-magic list for 1500pts you guys can come up with? I'm thinking it would have to be Reapers of Vengeance, and include Karanak and a WoK Thirster.

    I don't have the points on me right now so I can't make a list, but probably something with karanak, the hexgorger skulls, then your choice of unbinds. If you want to maximize anti-magic then WoK and karanak as leader with flesh hounds as battleline. A couple of priests for additional unbinds + the hexgorgers. Unless you're sticking with only daemons, in which case you've pretty much have a handle on it. May I ask why you're looking for maximum magic kicking?

  19. Hey, got a tournament coming up next weekend and wanted to bring my Khorne beastmen to it. Looking for feedback on this list. A little concerned on whether or not there's enough anti magic in it. Expecting at least 1 skaven, stormcast, and slaanesh, (maybe an ironjaws) the rest are very much up in the air. The skullfiends are there to give my mortals basically the same ability as my beastmen (ease of remembrance) and + 2 attacks doombull isn't bad. I'm willing to rejigger my list pretty hard, but the beastmen are the core. Drops could also be a problem.  Thanks for any help/ideas.

    For Khorne and the Everchosen!!!



    2,000pts Blades of Khorne, Skullfiend tribe - 7 drops

    - Brass Despoilers

    Doombull - general, crowncleaver

    4x3 Bullgors - great axes

    3x10 gors - shields

    2x5 centigor

    - 2x5 wrathmongers

    - Bloodsecrator - banner of wrath

    - 2 slaughterpriests - killing frenzy, ? prayer(bronzed flesh?)

    - 10 ungor raiders



  20. On 8/4/2019 at 9:55 AM, Charleston said:

    How do you guys actually play against Sylvaneth? I am always somehow scarred of running into the woods as there seem to be so many weird mortal wound effects in any single phase of the game that I really can´t grasp my head around it. It it eve worth bothering, as we cannot counter them? I really hate terrain that deals damage and can be placed like directly in my face~

    Alright, so I've fought the new sylvaneth twice so far and here's what I'd say to do to minimize the murder caused by the (actual) trees. First of all, you have to acknowledge the possible mortals that are coming out of the woods (and the negatives to hit). That's potentially 1d3 +1d3 times however many spells they can get off (assuming that's how it still works, my opponents magic was shut down pretty hard so when I made it to them it was too late). I might post a report later. The sources are as follows:

    Ending a move or charge within an inch of a woods. That's a 1 in 6 chance of happening so I wouldn't be too concerned with that to begin with, but assuming that you are. The rule states that it only happens in the charge phase and the movement phase. Meaning that you can pile into the forest and not endanger your unit (from that particular ability). The 6" pile in thirster could be an excellent way to avoid this particular danger or you'll have to rely on luck or careful positioning.

    Magic. Once again, not sure how the roused by magic thing works exactly in this version, but either way  its still based on spells. The hex gorger skulls are your friends here as would be aggressive use of the bloodsecrator to make sure that nothing can reliably go off. sometimes you can also just play mind games with your opponent. Karnak is excellent for this. He inflicts d3 mortals onto any caster that he unbinds (including endless spells that are already down) so I've had opponents opt out of casting anything but the most important of spells with him on the table. You can also just murder the casters. Slaughter priests, Karnak, … marauder horsemen?. Basically ranged damage  can eliminate the small squishy casters and maybe plink wounds off the big guys. You'll probably have to do it the hard way against he bigg'uns though.

    There is one final way to neutralize the trees. Movement/placement. The trees have to be an inch away from anything including models, so if you place your models right, just one can prevent them from setting up the new trees. Depending on how densely packed  your terrain is it could be difficult to  place the trees to begin with, limiting them to set areas that you can predict and then move chaff to block them with. Raiders, centigors or if you don't like allies, marauder horsemen are all excellent candidates for this duty. (maybe flesh hounds too?) Even if they're doing that mini forest thing I've been hearing about it still has a minimum base size.

    14 hours ago, Hannibal said:

    Well, is there any advice you can give on how to start an army using Bloodreavers, Khorgoraths, some Daemon Prince and Flesh Hounds? Would like to see these miniatures on the table.

    The standard rules for buffing units still apply here. Bloodsecrators, wrathmongers, and slaughter priests are your friends, you just have to, as always, keep  the bubbles in mind. Skullfiends are the easiest way of boosting korgies and the other buff can serve your other mortals well depending. One major thing to keep in mid with the korgoraths is their bravery of 6. One casualty could cause another to run. It's a danger to consider when list building and keep in mind on the table. Reavers can kill support units when buffed but are exceptionally difficult to make into real hammers which is why they're usually relegated to chaff duty. Until it's faq'd the sword of judgments makes a prince into a hero murdering machine, so that's a reasonable choice for him. Hounds are just a good all rounder with the benefit of unbinding. The biggest issue would be the number of drops in your list.

    • Thanks 2
  21. 2 hours ago, Battlefury said:

    How did your local tournament turn out for you?

    I came in 5th. First second and fourth were skaven with the seraphon player I fought grabbing 3rd. First and second were our veteran skaven players with the other two being new guys.


    I had an odd thought, what do ya'll think of using some allied iron golems as home base babysitters? 70pts for 10 4+ potentially re-rolling saves wounds. Absolute garbage for damage and no synergies, but a thought. Also bravery 8. The murder turkeys are interesting as well. The potential -1 to hit from the cyphers could be interesting. Basically thoughts on the warcry units?

    • Like 1
  22. So I've got a different question for you all. Everyone is afraid of the s tiers and such, but has anyone given any thought to how to fight ironjaws? With their book coming out sometime soonish and their allegiance ability is already designed against MSU armies which is kind of what we're about. How do you think we can handle them with an all comers build? Slaughterborn will help (not much above rend 1), but that's not a strategy. Thoughts?


    On 7/21/2019 at 3:27 PM, Battlefury said:

    Anyone to report some news / tweaks or anything found to have a solid structure to succeed in games?

    I've still been having pretty good luck with my mortals. The new deployments (even with the tweaks on scenery) have been rough though. My army is physically too slow to keep up with a good number of foes on multiple objective maps and thus have been experimenting with faster lists recently. I still like my defensive formations though, regardless of anything else.

    I been trying to make bullgors work, it's just that they're too expensive when compared to skullreapers to be in really competitive lists. Even if They still murder things right and proper. Been playing with using more beastmen. Tried it against FEC,  SCE (although he's a rookie I'm teaching how to use his units), and ogors. Worked well there, but shooting would be bad for it. Pretty sure that seraphon would kick it's butt. Might be able to pull something  against Idoneth though. Biggest concerns are squishiness, lack of heroes for such games where that matters, and not enough hammers for vs HoS and now Slyvaneth.

    Current list: Khorne, skullfiends tribe, although I'm not set on it, thought about using the anti-magic goodies one.



    - Brass Despoilers

    Doombull + general + artifact

    2x6 bullgor - 2 handed axes

    3x10 gors - shields

    2x5 centigor

    - Bloodsecrator + banner of wrath

    - Slaughterpriest + killing frenzy

    hex gorger skulls

    - 2x 5 wrathmongers



    21 hours ago, Charleston said:

    There are just armies that are better at doing Khorne Stuff then Khorne.

    True. Although this has always been the case, you just have to out think them. And/or use their overconfidence against them! I continue to find Khorne has a whole mind game element that is not needed in other armies. Weird as it is to me, you can't run Khorne like how its displayed in the fluff. Screaming hordes are dead hordes. Tightly disciplined troops win Khorne the day. Rule writers why do? Or maybe it is accurate as you see the screaming hordes routinely crushed in the fluff... hmmmm … not sure if well played … 

    On 7/22/2019 at 11:12 AM, Impa said:

    I’ve been dropping my battalion on my mortal lists. I’ve run this at our local weekly AoS nights. We have 12-16 players every evening. I’ve played pretty much all the top lists in one form or another with victories at this point.  I find in bloodforged my skullgrinder gets auto targeted and same for gorepilgrims with my Bloodsecrator.  Why wouldn’t your opponent snipe your general or key hero running the battalion? So I find I loose my required hero and or an artefact carrier rendering the battalion useless. Priests and Skullreapers always take ranged attacks after that. I play against a lot of shootcast, and Skaven. So no one is safe.. so I’ve dropped the battalion and I think I’m happy with the results. Frees me up to bring more bloodwarriors and the judgements I want (axe/skulls) I also like going first. Putting those skulls where I want them to mess up the wizards. Just need to weather the storm and fish for those glorious 6’s with the Skullreapers and bloodboils. 

    This looks very similar to what I ran at my local tourney. I had the slaughterborn battalion though. How have you been dealing with the depolyments that put you rather far from objectives? Especially against faster foes?

    On 7/23/2019 at 8:25 AM, stus67 said:

    Coming here as an SCE player. How the heck am I supposed to deal with 4 blood thirsters of incessant rage running tyrants of blood?

    Thirsters are squishy, and as long as they don't have the always strikes first artifact, all you need to do is kill them off singlely. The battalion is designed for having multiple thirsters in combat at once. Remove that benefit and you're fighting normal thirsters. Shooting always works well too, but it's a must for handling a thirster with always strikes first. 

    • Like 1
  23. Reports from a one day tournament we had Sunday before last(2 weeks ago).  Keep in mind, this was pre points tweaks, ect. We did make the terrain restrictions 3" though for sake of balance.

    My List: Khorne, Skullfiends tribe



    - Slaughterborn 

    Exalted deathbringer with spear + mark of the destroyer(+2 attacks)

    3x5 blood warriors

    3x5 skullreapers

    - Blood Thirster of insensate Rage + general, crowncleaver(+2 attacks)

    - Bloodsecrator

    - 2 x slaughterpriests + killing frenzy, bronzed flesh

    - 2x5 wrathmongers


    Battle 1: Vs FEC, Starstrike



    Opponent's list:  FEC, Blisterkin (or something like that)

    - 2 x Arch Regents + general, fly spell, + wounds to movement spell

    - 2 x crypt infernal courtiers

    - 2x9 crypt flayers

    - 2x10 crypt ghouls


    I did my usual 2 bunkers of pain strategy around the center by my altar and he deployed opposite me in one mighty blob. I  still don't have any real strategies against my opponent using chaff screens against  me, but I knew the urge to use that ridiculous speed would work against him, so I chose to go second. He restrained himself and only sent forth a ghoul unit to obstruct my way, otherwise remaining where he was. In response I buffed up the thirster and just sort of shuffled forward, purposefully leaving a small enough gap to my thirster to be seen as a mistake. Just to see what he could do I threw the exalted at the ghouls and he killed them all with his bonus mortal wounds. Not bad, a little lucky, but still. We rolled off and he won it while the meteor fell right next to my deathbringer. He went and picked one of my castles to attack, but he couldn't resist getting at my thirster ( one base could fit in against thirsty) and stuck a dude in there, drawing in part of the second castle. The ghouls took the central objective but refrained from attacking the deathbringer. Two vargulfs were summoned to support the flayers and then it was combats. the overall result was 5 warriors, 5 reapers, 2 wrathmongers, and 8 wounds on the thirster for 10  flayers and 3 wounds on one of the infernals . We did manage to wipe out the one unit in contact with the second castle. Then it was my turn. It was rather all downhill from here, so I'll speed this along. I killed the second group of flayers and boiled the infernals to death while the deathbringer played with the regents. Also the ghouls were obliterated. I won the roll off and threw the reapers who took the central objective at the regents who managed to catch and kill them both while some blood warriors went to my meteor and the damaged castle stood in the way of the vargulfs. Result Khorne major victory.

    Battle 2:  VS Seraphon, Battle For The Pass



    My opponent's list: Seraohon

    - Formation made up of saurus guard and their papa

    2x20 saurus guard

    5 saurus guard

    Eternity warden + respawn artifact

    - slann + general, cogs

    - skink starseer (something like that) + cloak that lets him pray

    - Engine of the gods

    - 6(9?) kroxigor


    I deployed in the center, essentially having one defensive triangle formation. The rear guard would hold my home base while the two wings would split and take the sides, hopefully punching through to his home objective. He sort of blobbed up, not really caring about formations or anything. He chose to go first and set up cogs and teleported the warden and one of the big units onto the central objective while the engine got a free unit of 20 skinks onto the other one.  The krox made their way down the center. I had few options but to march forwards so that's what I did. With my runs I would still have been out of charge range (man do you deploy far away from those central objectives now) and so I had absolutely no response, even the thirster couldn't have made it. My opponent won the roll off and chose to go first, teleporting the second unit of guard and the priest/seer at my back lines while switching cogs to increase movement/charge. He also summoned 10 skinks on his back line. The saurus got blessed wit -1 to be hit and charged in as did the kroxigor. The overall result was 8 dead guard, 3 dead warriors ( 2 front, 1 back) and all the kroxigor were slain. My turn, the unengaged units collectively advanced and made charges against all their targets.5 reapers, 5 mongers, the thirster and the deathbringer made it to the 20 guard at the middle while 5 reapers and 5 mongers made it to the skinks. 20 dead skinks, a total whiff from all of my units against the 2+ rerolling saurus, killing only 2 (so few mortals *cries*), 1 dead reaper, 3 dead mongers, 10 wounds on the thirster and 3 on the deathbringer. The rear saurus were annihilated in return. Turn roll off. If I won this, I could come back(in time) by grabbing his home objective and killing his heroes. Which means that I of course lost the roll off. In vengeance (although I would have done it anyways) I had the reapers pile in and attack, killing 16 of those silly saurus guards. Too little too late however. He summoned 4 units of 10 skinks to get between me and his home base and move the 10 he had before to take the right from me after killing a monger with mortals. Teleported his now solo heroes onto home base too. He scored and I couldn't win in time. Probably could have in the long run, but 2 hour tourneys, oh well. I went for kill points, but the only thing I could fight worth points was the engine and my reapers absolutely whiffed against it. was a sad moment for them. Did kill 24 of the skinks though. Result Seraphon major victory.

    Battle 3: Vs HoS, Knife to the Heart



    My opponent's list: Slaanesh, god seekers

    - Beastman formation


    3x10 ungors

    4x10 bestigor

    - 2 x keepers of secrets

    - mirror twins


     I did my standard thing and he had a small chaff + bestigor group on the left while the rest of his army formed a formation against me He had me go first which was mostly just me re-shuffling my formations to better face his line. His turn he threw a bestigor unit at my lines to see the impact but otherwise shuffled about as well.  The bestigor did nothing and were all killed. I won the roll off but though I was too far away to properly reach his keepers so I had him go first. He slammed both keepers against a formation each and enraptured the reapers from both blocks. Unfortunately my thirster was too far to help. Or perhaps fortunately considering how this went. He went with his general first and it spiked hard. 15 mortal against my reapers, plus the normal damage, wiped them out instantly, although the warriors made out of it very well considering. I had the other blood warriors go and they did 4 wounds to her, not terrible. In return she did 10 mortals to my reapers and killed the warriors over the 2 pile ins. The general wiped out the warriors on its next pile in. Suffered 6 mortals from murdering my boys, the other suffered 2. Ouch. I had forgotten the 3" reach on those blasted claws. My turn I managed to boil one to 1 wound left and then finished off the both of them in combat. The deathbringer would be soloing against 10 ungors and 10 bestigor for the rest of the game on my left … although I might have sent 5 warriors to assist, I don't remember. Turn roll off. My opponent could have done a daisy chain of hero summons and then summon daemonettes onto my objective (something else I had forgotten about), but said that he felt that unfair and then summoned the two keepers I had just killed. (grinning like the cheeky ****** he is) Long story short(also because the details have gotten muddled in my head), I barely managed to pull out a win because I killed his beastmen off of his objective while his less powerful keepers played with my 2 thirsters (one of which was summoned) and my support crew. Result Khorne major victory.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  24. 3 hours ago, Battlefury said:

    Does that mean, it can only be used once? Or cna I stack it, until I have emptied my command points?

    I'd say that since the pick is at the start of the combat phase that it would prevent you from doing it more than once. As far as I can tell it works something like this:

    1: select unit(s) to benefit from the command ability. I'm throwing the other at the beginning of the combat phase abilities on this step, but you'd do the trading off thing as normal. (player who's turn it is goes, other player goes, ect)

    2: Select a unit to pile in and fight.  If its one of the units that got the ability put on it then it immediately piles in again if it fits the necessary bubbles.

    If you can get the bubbles right the tyrants ability would then let you have 2 piles in with three different thirsters before your opponent goes(assuming no activation shenanigans and you get that 4+ artifact to go off(big ifs)).  Admittedly not hard for an enemy to prevent this, but it'd be real cool that one time it happens. 

    3: enemy activation 4: you select another unit who could be another of those who get the double pile in. Ect...

    Wow. Laying it out like that really does make it sound like playing chess. So much planning ahead. *shrug* Such is the life of Khorne. Blood For The Blood God!!!

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