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Posts posted by Tervindar

  1. I wish army rules would become an online document that is "living" and would keep having updates, and it would just be a matter of printing them up. The battle tome would just for lore, fluff, path to glory etc. I doubt this would happen as they LOVE to sell books lol. 

    Are there any rumors as to what else may come to Cities? 

    • Like 4
  2. The new Seraphon models are just incredible. The only thing that feels like a miss is no updated temple guard. I suppose I can just 3d print them, but still just something that sticks out, and hopefully this doesn't mean they are gone because that is frankly an iconic unit for the Lizardmen, going WAAAY back. 

  3. Tbh, these just feel like a lazy way to sell some models that may not be selling as well, by adding a name that has nostalgia to many people. RoR is a concept that could have been extremely awesome, had they gone a proper mercenary route; similar to the older days. I would imagine that there would be some really cool design space for mercenaries in the realms. 

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Oh yeah the Seraphon x Necron stuff out there is nuts.

    Here’s a great thread on it.


    And the new sleek sci-fi looking Seraphon equipment looks to be ready to continue that trend with even other 40k add-ons.


    Just saying... the OPR Saurian Starhost are a great take on space lizards :D

  5. On 8/21/2022 at 6:32 AM, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Has anyone heard any recent rumours about TOW? I had a slight realisation that I hadn't heard TOW mentioned in a while, when I was thinking on how GW seems to push HH. Seems the latest direct rumours are over half a year old...

    No, new news at this point. I'm just working on building 6th edition armies now. 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, novakai said:

    IDK The only rumbling that I heard was that the OW is suppose to replace the void left by HH in forge world now that it got move into GW proper. I didn’t get the inkling that it was suppose to be another big pillar for GW and this project was going to be another long running side project like pre Age of darkness Horus heresy.

    I really hope this isn't true, I don't feel like resin bodes well for army level games like fantasy. I feel like its a missed opportunity to not market it more with Warhammer Total War 3. 

  7. 27 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Well insider rumblings aren’t great. There’s talk that the project lead Tony Cottrell left. 

    Personally wouldn’t be surprised if they kept this on a slow burn for several years just to take advantage of the PR with older fans.

    Like right off the bat we know it’s a small team and even the Forge World ads put it on the bottom of their lists:

    “As Digital Illustrator you will be originating, designing and producing high quality digital artwork that will feature within the pages of the Specialist Design Studio range of books; such as The Horus Heresy, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Adeptus Titanicus, Aeronautica Imperialis, and going forwards Warhammer – the Old World.”

    but now with how much global prices have risen across the board since they first planned it…

    well you look at a Forge World dwarven army and what even a “sensible” 6th edition rank-and-flank force is and I’m sure a lot of hype will turn to ash when those details fill out compare to now when there’s people imagining anything.



    That plus resin and it’s not exactly set to come out blazing. So I can imagine why they’re going heavy on dripping the information out as long as possible.

    I just don't see them doing regular infantry and cavalry as resin, maybe i'm wrong but if they do that would really hamper the return of the old world. I could see them re-releasing plastic kits, as I highly doubt those molds were thrown away back in 2015. I could definitely see heroes and characters return in resin from Forgeworld. Although, with HH it may bode a bit better for us although, those are all primarily shared model kits, unlike fantasy.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

    When was the last proper news article? The last one I remember was the FAQ thing they did and I think it was July 2021. I was hoping we would start to get frequent articles by now and news about how the basing will work (can we use rounds or will it be square only). I am hoping we will see Games Workshop make the old models available again, at least on a made to order run, as we get closer to release.

    I don't even recall but it has been quite some time I think. Just a more specific article would be great instead of a lore piece every 6 months. Like will there be movement trays that can be used for rounds or squares? are hordes from 8th still in or are we more using unit sizes from 6th? etc; as an example. Would just be nice to know. 

    • Like 1
  9. I really hope that we get some sort of concrete news, the drip feeding of articles is rough and if this is still an active project anymore. Just knowing the direction on how they may take armies etc. would be helpful in terms of continuing motivation. Pretty much, just looking forward to this from GW, at this point, besides the HH stuff. 

    • Like 2
  10. So I see that there are a lot of defenders on price rises, which sure under inflation and shipping costs increasing would normally be fine but we seem to keep going in a trend with GW increasing prices. For example, Harrowdeep is $95 dollars, while Shadespire was $60, that is a substantial difference. Sure, you could argue that harrowdeep isn't intended to be the dipping point, like shadespire was but regardless, that will be someone's first foray into it. 

    Then looking at GW online, the Thunderstrike command is being sold for $110, for models that are mono pose, and fairly bland although that is subjective. Which only includes 4 models, which aren't centerpieces. When I see that, and then I see a patreon like Ghamak who is sculpting "spartancast" for $10/month, its an easy choice for myself. I feel like we have been conditioned to pay premium prices, and potentially are touching on a sunk cost fallacy subject. Then the books as it is are already overpriced for what it is, GW should really move to a modern approach and have rules online which tomes are just for lore/art/league. 

    I am vocal about this as I would like to continue support them for lines that I enjoy, but it just makes me very wary on how expensive the old world will be when it comes out. Before I get labeled as a "hater", I have 2000 point fully painted army of deepkin, 3500 points of lizardmen painted, kruleboyz, beastmen etc. So I am well invested into GW products. 

    Stuff like this just truly pushes me more towards Conquest and Bolt Action. 

    I am truly curious, for the folks defending the price increases, what would be your breaking point for when its too much? 3 models for $200, $250, etc. 

    Anyways, just some of my ramblings from a concerned miniature wargamer. 

    Fantasy gruppo orizzontale Gennaio 2022.png

    • Like 6
  11. As someone who has been pushed out of playing the game, although, I still do enjoy some of the new models that are being released. Bundling new heroes and units in a new battlebox just gets extremely old, for example, I have an IDK army, but if i wanted to use that new hero i have to buy a $200 box, that's super lame. Sure they get released down the line but still. 

    10 hours ago, Ormly said:

    I got into the game for the models and the painting. And nobody, nobody is making better models right now. That's really it for me.

    This is very subjective as there are plenty of 3d printable files that are available that frankly put their stuff to shame. 

    In general, I have come to terms with it that this particular game doesn't suit my needs anymore and that's perfectly fine. My beasts of chaos, deepkin, and seraphon will continue to remain in their display cabinets as I'm super proud of them. 

    • Like 3
  12. Clean up the amount of wordiness around rules and the sheer amount of rules and books. After playing other games, Bolt Action, One Page Rules, ASoIAF, and Conquest, there is a beauty to simplicity in the sense of how you write rules for armies and units. Not every unit needs various paragraphs of special rules, just condense it down. I feel right now there is so much bloat to this that it is a turn off. 

    Completely re-do command abilities - feel like this just bogs down the game. 

    Alternating or random unit activations with the removal of phases - make each unit have 2 actions that they can do, such as move and shoot etc. 


  13. 37 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    I feel like the printed tomes should be a limited time collectors item... I went into a hobby store today and there were so many outdated tomes. Just do a limited edition run with a second printing on demand and idiots like myself who still like physical copies can pick one up. But even for me, I would only get the Slaves to Darkness tomes and get the rest of my armies digitally because even I think it is cumbersome and wasteful... even if I like pretty artwork. 

    Also I hate that my books are so outdated in like two months... but again there is a market for these collectors and GW can do their favourite thing ever which is make it a collectors item and jack up the prices.  

    I agree, IMO, tomes should be moved into a lore & collectors edition sort of item, and just provide the rules, traits, etc. on a PDF online. I would think a move like this would greatly allow for more folks to jump into the game too. Keeping rules to battle tomes that are outdated often and quickly is just an arbitrary and antiquated strategy. 

    A "living" rules PDF for factions that are updated often online and can just be printed out for reference, would be so good. Other systems do this really good, Conquest, OPR, SW:L, etc. 

    • Thanks 1
  14. Give us a standalone version AoS which has regimental combat, the battletome and lore always speak of a massive scale of battles. Wouldn't be a huge effort either, at least from a base size, just standard movement trays that hold 32mm or 25mm round bases and go up to large infantry/cavalry.  Having circle inserts in the movement trays would also solve the ranking up problem and the more dynamic miniatures would be fine. 

    That's what I want back. 

  15. LRL are absolutely not fun to paint, to the point where I sold them, which is a shame as I wanted some new "high elves". There definitely needs to be a balance and more so having less details for your normal battleline units, that ultimately will be in a blob and/or ranks, and will be dying in droves so won't even notice all the details. 

  16. 15 hours ago, Maogrim said:

    Just had a first look at Conquest, and while models like the, I assume, old Longbowmen are quite generic and boring, other stuff is outright amazing and reminds me a lot of Rackham's Confrontation. But some if these models are so intricate and detailed that they must be a nightmare to paint whole units of. And here I thought Dawnriders were a chore... 😂

    The scale makes them a joy to paint. Conquest is supposed to be more grounded than AoS which is high fantasy so things will seem more "generic", rules wise, they definitely beat out GW. The resin models are incredible and don't even compare to Forgeworld or Finecast. I was able to paint 150 models from the Conquest human line, and ended up selling my LRL by the 3rd Dawnrider... lmao. 

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