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Posts posted by Tervindar

  1. I personally feel that the Ogres are fine, sure, they are a bit samey, but compared to other factions they are in a fine state. I would love to see a range refresh of Skaven first, and a second wave for FS, IJ, and IDK. 

  2. I think videos on being able to deal with FOMO, which is hard for a lot of people, would be a good thing for the hobby. 

    Also, a topic about “mediocre” painting would be a good subject. I feel like we have too many of these high end painters, which are incredible painters, but the rest of us will never get to that point. I recently struggle with some mental dilemmas that were self imposed where I would have to paint to the absolutely best quality I could and if I didn’t it was stressful. In some regards, some of the high end content creators have damaged the hobby to an extent. 

    I recently saw a comment where someone was complaining about someone painted job where it was a base coat and wash model that was part of a regiment, and the commenter was stating that it was not a finished models. That definitely made my brain hurt lol, no one can dictate what or how you should paint besides yourself. 

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  3. 16 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

    I guess the test will be units invented/updated for AoS that would fit perfectly well in WFB armies/era.

    Base size has definitely been an issue forever, like, even as a kid building the brand new regiment kit Chaos warriors they absolutely struggled to fit on bases and in the end i had to write a grid reference on each minis base for the one spot they would go and form a coherent square :D

    A proper unit of plastic slayers would be ace, i clearly never bought enough as a nipper and their prices these days are sky high! :(

    Yeah, I'm overly excited for the new base sizes, for that reason. That's an extra barrier / QoL that will be addressed with larger bases. I remember trying to rank black orks and that was miserable lol. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Wraith said:

    Back to bases....this guy thinks Citadel miniatures were too big for their bases from 1994 onward. I think he might be right. I have only been looking at Dark Elves, but their Black Guard from the late 90's really needed a bigger base.

    When you look at his size comparisons, I can see why I can't recall ranking up issues from back in the day. The original base sizes might be good for anyone playing the first 3 editions only. I might have to donate my pile of 20mm bases to some Oldhammer group.



    Thank you for sharing, this is a truly great video and was very eye opening for me. I was putting some sword masters on 25s last night and boy do they look better imo. 

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  5. I really have to give you guys a shoutout here, I love the reasonable takes here, instead of the rage that you see on the Facebook groups, other forums, etc. 

    Totally agree with your points there, being able to relive and play through the Great War Against Chaos is going to be incredible. Can't wait for all of the narrative books. 

    31 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Today's article REALLY goes into the right direction for The Old World (and I say that as a mainly Daemons Of Chaos aka Legend'ed army player - which will still get initial TOW rules).

    • The focus on nine Core Factions is an evil a good thing, because it really means focusing ressources (and it was in the title and on the map since the beginning). I expected a few resin characters and 1-3 plastic kits per revisited Core factions.
    • The decades before the Great War Against Chaos are a great timeframe, it means a certain freedom for new lore and characters (with minor rewritings) and still an "impeding doom" / "Storm of Chaos" feel to the setting. 
    • A clear distinction with AOS is necessary in terms of games "branding". The use of 6th-7th ed. scenery and models gives (back) to TOW a distinctive aesthetic (also sweet nostalgia).
    • Larger bases still allows for the use of AOS models (given the article, I WILL use the new Daemon Prince with a new TOW Warriors of Chaos army). 
    • Looking forward to the Border Princes as the first narrative location for campaigns / supplements (BLACK FIRE PASS book anyone ??).

    Also, we could see a initial launch in November 2023, which is exactly four years after the initial announcement, still in the year of Warhammer's forty anniversary, and still within the original timeframe (3-5 years, taking in COVID, etc.).

    As far as I can tell, it took around four years because : 1. the TOW team is relatively small (within Forge World/Specialist Games) and 2. its ressources were sometimes dedicated to Total War and Creative Assembly (confirmed at least for Kislev and Cathay :)



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  6. 1 minute ago, GhostShark said:

    Also, I wonder if "armies we're focusing on" means rules, fluff, models or all three? I believe they said before that they'd be releasing all armies as an index (or something like that (at the start and then considering individual army books later. If this is the case, it may be that the difference between focus and non-focus factions is more about fluff and model releases than rules. It may be that all armies will just be index armies.

    It would also make a lot of sense for them to say "Here's the first 9 armies we'll be releasing (and re-releasing) models for, so those are also the armies that will get narrative focus. After that we'll move on to other armies."

    I really think this is the logical thing that folks are maybe not realizing, but essentially what you said in the second paragraph. 

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  7. Just because you don't get rules for your army right away, doesn't mean that it won't happen down the road. IMO - I think that a smaller scope is probably a better idea at least for the beginning, to "test the waters" of sorts. Do they really have the resources to release everything at launch? I think folks may have been expecting far too much, and hoping that its a new edition of fantasy, which really its not, its a new game that they are launching with the name of The Old World. 

    They already mentioned that further books, supplements, etc. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, KingKull said:

    Also, are those dwarves on 20mm or 25mm bases? I printed mine at 90% of the original scale because I thought they were too big, and now I'm thinking my regiments might look a bit too loose on 25mms. The modified size translates how dwarfs should feel compared to other factions perfectly imho though 

    I printed them at 88% scale to match a true 28mm model, and are on 20mm squares. For ToW, I'll just use those trays that have the spacers, as this army I won't be rebasing since I want to keep it potentially for 6th. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, KingKull said:

    Since we're dwarfposting - I've also just had an army of Highlands Minis dwarfs printed to play some 6th/7th games with friends who kept their old armies in preparations of ToW.

    I was lacking inspo to get working on those bad boys but this post has inspired me so much. Stellar work sir!

    The best posting is dwarfposting! haha. Thank you, my friend! I'm a HUGE fan of HM, they fit the 6th edition vibes completely. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Yeah highlander miniature got me as well.

    i’m actually keen on painting a good amount of dwarf warriors made by their files they sell.

    amazing models.

    Would HIGHLY recommend the HM dwarves, so far, I have painted close to a hundred of their dwarves for my army. Probably have around 30ish or so left and I'm wrapping up that project, will have enough options to slot in/out. 

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  11. I've been 3d printing an empire and dwarf army as the later plastics for both of them were severely lacking imho, the 6th ed empire state troops were far better than the ones from 8th, but planning on getting Bretonnia and Tomb Kings. I think my "main" will be either the lizardmen or Bretonnia. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Wraith said:

    Me too.

    The Dark Elves will be TOW only, as I can’t get excited about the Mortal Realms version of them. If only they weren’t in order. Actually, I did once consider the idea of running a good aligned army, for a moment or two. Then I quickly came to my senses and laughed at such a silly idea.

    I have a sizeable Chaos collection. I have set aside a pile of unbuilt kits that I could use to built  a Warriors of Chaos army. Some things could be used in both. EG: marauders. I suspect they will get 25mm square bases as they used to have. And they are 25mm round in AoS. It doesn’t matter which base they are on outside of tournaments.

    AoS Chaos Knights and Chosen both have Storm Cast helmets as trophies, so I would need different models for TOW. I wonder if there will be an alternative model released for these?

    I actually just clipped off the stormcast trophies from the new chaos warriors/knights, as I'm planning on using them for ToW. GEEEDUBBBS please tell us base sizes lol. I want to keep working on my projects, but feels not great leavingi painted projects on temporary bases. 

  13. Can't wait to add some White Lions to my high elf army. I have 12 metal ones, but refuse to pay those insane prices. I really really hope that we get a TK vs Brett box as it really seems to be pointing in that direction. 

    Hopefully, the older style army/battalion boxes make a return. Wonder if they will gave us new base size information once the 40k push is done. 


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  14. I hope CoS can be a full range refresh with potential new mixed race units instead of using fantasy models as a placeholder or catch-all. For me, Phoenix guard, will always be High Elf Phoenix guard, regardless of Aelves or not. 

    I'd rather new units to be developed for AoS to be used there, while the Old World stuff can be used for TOW. 

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  15. 6 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Place your bets ladies and gents!

    Shadows of Change: Monkey King, The Changeling, and a Cathayan Tzeentchian Champ, new Kislev units.

    Thrones of Decay: Tamurkhan

    The Obviously Slaaneshi one: Snake Mounted Champion/Lord option. The Masque

    Tamurkhan would be SO SWEET! hopefully that's the case. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Still-young said:

    I still can’t believe they couldn’t manage 6 unique bodies for the Warcry Stormcast. 

    I still really find the SCE to be a missed opportunity. Wish they could have pushed further into the gothic, baroque, elegant style, similar to some of the John Blanche concept art. I'm really not a fan of that new band. The FEC look so good, so that's cool! Ghouls riding ghouls, when?!?!?! to mimic their knight virtues....for the lady! 

    Hopefully, with CoS coming, the SCE can be put on the back burner as the main protagonist. 


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  17. 1 minute ago, Marcvs said:

    I feel digital subscription for a game which most of the plaeyer base only plays once or twice a month (and that's the committed ones) is basically a pay-per-game model and will lead to a lot of customers spending way too many just because they forgot to cancel their subscription.

    Honestly, the "100% best answer" imho is closer to: free online updated rules AND possibility to buy books with lore (+painting etc etc) and rules.

    The free online updated rules, is frankly an industry standard. I know that GW makes a significant portion of revenue off books, but still online rules that are free wouldn't replace the books. Folks could still buy the book for lore, hobby, path to glory, etc. It feels really bad when you buy a physical book that is outdated very quickly. If they were more in the region of $25 then it wouldn't be as bad, but for $50 its not great. 

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  18. My only complaint is that rules feel like they are all over the place unless there is somewhere that I'm not aware of or made a cheat sheet by the community. Like the grand strategies, heroic actions, monstrous abilities, battle tactics. Tbh, I wouldn't mind if some of those could be condensed down as it feel like its a lot more that needs to be kept track of besides the verbose army and unit rules. 

    I do wish the GHB was yearly again though, feels a bit bad buying a $50 book twice a year, especially if you don't get to play that often, but at that point could just omit that purchase.  I did find Rob's reaction to MIniac to be helpful, imo. Along with the deep dive that they did with Warhammer weekly. 

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