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Posts posted by lare2

  1. Just wondering, I know SCE have unique enhancements; do all 3rd ed. books? If so, I've not seen any for NH yet. 

    In other news, I love the Lord Executioner model. Been thinking about trying to get him to work. Give him Arcane Tome, Flaming Weapon, and 3x3 Spirit Hosts. That's a little ball of death, right there. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, EnixLHQ said:

    The best way to do it is getting games under our belts, collectively, and then reporting the results good or bad.

    I've a game lined up again for next Thursday. Aiming to see what Kurdoss can do this time in a Scarlet Doom list as I should have my 40 Bladegheists up and running. Will let you know how it goes. 

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  3. After having slept on it and mulled on it some more, I wanted to give a summary of how it went. Apologies for the wall of text but I couldn’t seem to see if there was a way to hide it all behind a spoiler tab.


    Emerald Host was actually really good and I rolled high to target 4 units. This really helped chip away at his general and 3 of the little guys, one of which was hiding in the backfield but still died to this turn 4. This combined really well with the Terminexus, which was outstanding, especially considering he had no magic to despell it. 2d3 isn’t to be scoffed at, especially when combined with Lady O’s shooting, making it 2d3+d6 mortals per turn.

    Lady O:

    Speaking of Lady O, she was class. As predicted, she was too much of a target and two of the big lads targeted her throughout the game. We were playing the vice as well so there was always going to be a rush for the centre of the board. I took the spot early and he never managed to shift her. Grief-stricken was amazing when it went off but I only managed it once. Putting a markerlight onto a unit, when combined with all the other WoT debuffs, savages a unit. Having Soul Cage on her really helped as well. Knowing that I had a guaranteed fight last on a unit allowed me to choose -1 save when I rolled high. She also hits pretty hard as well, especially when combined with Stun. I could never seem to remember Mortarch of Grief though so missed out a lot there. 

    Spirit Hosts:

    These chaps were grand. They tanked a lot for Lady O – something like 18+ wounds. Two units died protecting her and the third was depleted but she healed it back up. I went for three separate units as I wanted to farm WoT. Glad I did because the first time I did it, my brain hurt with trying to keep track of all the debuffs. Ended up getting some pen and paper. Can’t remember now exactly what it was but I do remember -3 to the save roll. Spirit Hosts hit very hard when they’re suddenly essentially on -3 rend, especially when hitting on 3+ (Grief-stricken) and wounding on 3+ (Nightmare Lantern). Any concerns I had about trying to kill a giant per turn were quickly assuaged.


    Really happy with this chap. His Nightmare Lantern came in handy so many times and his spell just continued to replenish units. Couldn’t have asked for more. In the end he just hung out with Lady O and was never targeted, being the perceived less attractive option to kill. Yeah, nothing much to say about him but that he’s a dandy utility unit. He did help stack WoT mind and his damage isn’t too shabby. Felt confident charging him in as well knowing Soul Cage was in effect.


    Loved them. The two units of 10 just wandered on the wings. One unit died to a big lad but the other ended up protecting the Krulghast in the later game. Yeah, they were handy. The big unit of 30, however, joined in the fight in the centre. They were barely scratched when they were targeted – an unmodifiable 5+ save and a 5+ ward really does have an effect. Plus they added to WoT and these little dudes, attacking twice and in two ranks, really hit hard when they’re essentially at, for example, -3 rend.


    I didn’t know what to do with these girls. I had both units in deepstrike with the Krulghast. Dropped all of them in and targeted the little giants. The Krulghast shot at one, damaging him, before I failed one out of two charges. The unit that got in did all right, taking off 10 wounds, but then he swung back and wiped it out. In his turn he then charged the second unit and wiped that out as well. So much for the Dreadscythe. Don’t know really what to think about them yet.


    This chap just ran away when his Dreadscythe died and pestered the enemy via shooting. Having that -1 to damage really helped in the centre of the board as well. Yeah, he was OK. I wasn’t massively blown away with him but he did his part.

    All in, I was very happy with how the game went. There’s a lot to keep up with and my brain was spinning by the end of the game. As said, we hit hard in our turn but in theirs I think we really do have the potential to crumble. Trying to avoid the double turn happening to us has been on my mind all day. I had a lot of drops and was forced to go first. I do think that if he’d won priority turn 2 I would have been in a lot of trouble. I think we’re always gonna have a lot of drops so really need to plan for being double turned

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  4. 9 hours ago, lare2 said:

    Been looking at Emerald Host myself and came up with the following, which coincidentally runs Dreadscythe:

    Lady O: Soul Cage – 340 

    GoS: General, MoM; Midnight Tome, Spectral Tether – 150 

    Krulghast – 150 

    Chainrasp x30 – 330 

    Chainrasp x10 – 110

    Chainrasp x10 – 110

    Spirit Hosts x3 – 125 

    Spirit Hosts x3 – 125 

    Spirit Hosts x3 – 125 

    Dreadscythe x10 – 160 

    Dreadscythe x10 – 160 

    Terminexus: 85

    The list's mainly centred on Lady O and the GoS, who'll deepstrike in. She'll shoot d6 mortals, he'll autocast Terminexus to d3 mortals to a lot of units, and then Emerald that'll cause d3 mortals to d3+1 units. Swingy but if it spikes then it will be hilarious and savage all those little heroes. 


    Tabled giants the top of turn 5. Initial impressions are we hit like a sledgehammer in our turn but are really susceptible to being wiped out in the opponents. I reckon my opponent could've easily won if he got the double turn going into turn 2.

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  5. Cheers. 

    36 minutes ago, Vastus said:

    Why the third units of Spirit Hosts?

    Truth be told, I built it more so just considering what models I've got built as I've a game tonight. I've everything excluding the new stuff but never bothered building most of it.

    My logic, however, is for Lady O and the GoS to be central and to really take a hit as they'll be pumping out the mortals listed above per turn. One unit of SH would deepstrike with Lady O and the GoS, whilst the other 2 would leg it forward to join them. I'm confident that Lady O being front and centre, causing that amount of mortals, would be too much temptation and 3x3 offers her potentially 27 more wounds, plus the SH will do damage in return. That little cluster should hold up quite a lot of their army whilst mine does whatever it wants. 

    The Krulghast would support the Dreadscythe, pinging wounds but hanging back to get the 3+ 3+. I think he'll be alright and, to quote Ivan Drago, if he dies... he dies. This cluster would float on a wing and try to target weaker units, aiming for opponent terf objectives. 

    43 minutes ago, Vastus said:

    think Seal of Shyish and Shademist are probably our best spells,

    They're incredibly strong spells. I chose Spectral Tether as the GoS will teleport as soon as possible back to the 30 man blob of rasps, which by that point will be on a midtable objective. They will then do nothing more but aim to survive. The other 2x10 Chainrasps are there to defend home turf and to hunt objectives.

    Soul Cage is on Lady O as, as said, I'm expecting an attack there and I'd rather all my SH and her fight first. 

  6. Been looking at Emerald Host myself and came up with the following, which coincidentally runs Dreadscythe:

    Lady O: Soul Cage – 340 

    GoS: General, MoM; Midnight Tome, Spectral Tether – 150 

    Krulghast – 150 

    Chainrasp x30 – 330 

    Chainrasp x10 – 110

    Chainrasp x10 – 110

    Spirit Hosts x3 – 125 

    Spirit Hosts x3 – 125 

    Spirit Hosts x3 – 125 

    Dreadscythe x10 – 160 

    Dreadscythe x10 – 160 

    Terminexus: 85

    The list's mainly centred on Lady O and the GoS, who'll deepstrike in. She'll shoot d6 mortals, he'll autocast Terminexus to d3 mortals to a lot of units, and then Emerald that'll cause d3 mortals to d3+1 units. Swingy but if it spikes then it will be hilarious and savage all those little heroes. 


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  7. 5 minutes ago, Ranzou said:

    Elites don't have commands, otherwise unit leader is command model.

    Cheers Ranzou. I've only just noticed that elite tag on warscrolls... that's what you get for scanning. 

  8. Quick question, do any of our units include command models? Therefore, can they give command abilities? Normally a warscroll would say something like 'this unit is lead by...' Ours just says stuff like '1 model can be x'. Thanks in advance. 

  9. 25 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    In other battletomes with subfactions, it is common to lock all or most named characters into a single subfaction

    You're right and I'd not considered them being locked into Grieving Legion. If true, you'd not be able to run Bladegheists as battleline with, for example, Kurdoss. 

  10. 25 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    In other battletomes with subfactions, it is common to lock all or most named characters into a single subfaction which they may or may not benefit from. It seems GW's standard mode of operation is to have on "main" subfaction per book which gets to be the one the majority of named character belong to. Usually it's the subfaction with the most generic/least impactful allegiance ability. Mechanically, locking characters in like this prevents them from making use of other subfaction allegiance abilities.

    Sometimes, GW also does it for lore reasons: For example, all the Cursed City Gravelords units are Vyrkos subfaction locked, even though there is not really much of a gameplay reason for this. The Cities of Sigmar units from Cursed City had an even more extreme versions of this, where they all got a subfaction keyword that doesn't even exist in the Cities book at all.


    I have not seen the page in question, but if they are warscroll battalions and not core battalions, they are not matched play legal by default.

    Those are for narrative. I've not seen the matched play ones yet.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    Yes the -1 sace stacks... but does the -1 to hit...?

    Sorry. Read that wrong. 

    19 minutes ago, EnixLHQ said:

    So apparently the -1 save debuff on the charge can stack infinitely?

    I missed that it could stack first time as well. Had to reread the blurb under Wave of Terror.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    They work just fine. You just have to keep them in units of 10 and multi-charge them. Like I said earlier, I support them with either a Kruciator or a black coach to make sure I plink wounds off before they activate.

    Just make sure you avoid units with standard 3+ saves. You absolutely do not want these ladies running into a potential 2+ save. Thats what Kurdoss and the Coach are for. 

    Thanks for the pointers. I run them in my PtG campaign so will see how they do there before jumping into matched play with them. 

    Honest Wargamer's done the below. I enjoy his vids. About to start watching it whilst doing the dishes. 


    • Thanks 2
  13. On Dreadscythe, I really loved them prior to this book but I can't seem to get them to work, in theory. Anyone any ideas? 

    On a related note, disappointed to see there's only 1 crone allowed per 10. My units are now illegal... fortunately I've a number of unbuilt spares. 

  14. OK, I've a game Thursday (probably against Giants) and I think I've settled on the below. No idea how I'll get on but the only way I'll learn is by trying! Any c&c greatly appreciated. 

    Scarlet Doom

    1950, 1 drop, Hold the Line, charge triumph

    Lady O: Shademist – 340

    Krulghast – 150

    GoS: Midnight Tome, Seal of Shyish, General: Ruler of the Spectral Hosts – 150

    30 x Bladegheists – 525

    30x Chainrasp – 330

    3 SH – 125

    3 SH – 125

    Hex – 160

    Cogs – 45

    If can, go 2nd and fish for double turn 1-2.

    Chainrasp and GoS defend backfield and auto cast cogs.

    Lady O to target midfield with 1xSH, offering support.

    Bladegheists to deepstrike with KGC and 1xSH offering support, the latter tanking for KGC

    Hex running around doing stuff.



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