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Posts posted by lare2

  1. 18 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Though I really hope that 20+ incoming damage before any chance of healing is a very niche problem for you to deal with.

    Played DoK last night. Beefed up Sisters of Slaughter hit like a sledgehammer now. I had 2 GG left from a block of 20 with Shademist and Seal of on them. Brought 14 of them back and went back into the fight, wiping the Sisters out. I'm pretty happy with 20.

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Caesar1802 said:

    Quick question: can nagash benefit from shademist or the +5 ward? I assume not because he doesn't have the keyword but just wanted to make sure.

    You got it. He benefits from neither. 

    • Like 1
  3. Packed up the below for my game tonight. No idea who I'm fighting. Forget who posted it above but wanted to see how it does - teleporting mayhem, I imagine. Also want to just run my black coach as finished painting it last night. 

     - Army Faction: Nighthaunt
         - Subfaction: The Scarlet Doom
         - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
         - Triumph: Bloodthirsty
    Lady Olynder (340)*
         - Spells: Spectral Tether
    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155)*
         - General
         - Command Traits: Spiteful Spirit
         - Artefacts of Power: Pendant of the Fell Wind
    Dreadblade Harrow (145)*
    Bladegheist Revenants (350)*
    Bladegheist Revenants (350)*
    Hexwraiths (160)*
    Hexwraiths (160)*
    Black Coach (335)*
         - Reaper Scythe 
     -  *Battle Regiment
    TOTAL POINTS: 1995/2000

  4. 14 minutes ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Teleporting without the 9" rule, even.

    Just a shame we can't then charge! I've actually toyed with the idea of just whacking a blob of 15 Hex 3" from their faces first turn, loaded up with Shademist and Seal of Shyish. That'll be hard to shift and will cause real panic with their home objective. Lot of points though...

  5. 10 minutes ago, The_Dudemeister said:

    I completely slept on Hexwraiths getting the extra d6 from the advance roll after using Phantasmal Advance. I just assumed it was flat 24". Thankfully an opponent of mine clarified that for me, otherwise I wouldn't have second-guessed it 👌


    Think what made me miss it was the word advance on the scroll. In 40k advance means run. 30"... that's basically teleporting. 

  6. 6 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    I also liked toward the end they mention that Nighthaunt has so many tools now that you don't auto-lose for bringing units you think are cool. Really, I'm just glad tournament-level people are hashing the army out seriously.

    Definitely, although they weren't too keen on the Black Coach. One thing they did convince me of, if I'm running a KoSoES, I'm definitely gonna give him Spiteful Spirit. Never really paid attention to it previously. Probably throw Pendant on him as well. 

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Warhammer Weekly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8DPDQJS-88


    Watch it. It's the first truly "I'm not making hot takes against Nighthaunt because that makes me cool" review, and I appreciate it.

    Just finished watching this last night. Love Vincey V. As someone said above as well, Tom's one of the best NH players around. Was really interesting to see their thoughts and left me pondering Herohammer. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, That Guy said:

    An attempt to a hero hammer build. Solid -1 to wound all across the board. A lot of units for WoT charges, so -1, -1 is not a strange occurrence here.

    I'm starting to think heroes are a great way to fish for WoT. They've a small presence and I've found that our units, being big, don't leave much space around an enemy unit. A hammer unit supported by 1-2 heroes could work well, especially considering how durable our heroes now are. Anywho, my list below for tomorrow night, which will most likely be against LotFP.

     - Army Faction: Nighthaunt
         - Subfaction: The Emerald Host
         - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
         - Triumph: Bloodthirsty
    Lord Executioner (140)*
         - Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
         - Spells: Flaming Weapon
    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155)*
         - General
         - Command Traits: Hatred of the Living
         - Artefacts of Power: Pendant of the Fell Wind
    Dreadblade Harrow (145)*
    Lady Olynder (340)***
         - Spells: Shademist
    Spirit Hosts (125)*
    Spirit Hosts (125)*
    Grimghast Reapers (320)**
    Grimghast Reapers (320)**
    Chainrasps (110)***
    Chainrasps (110)***
    Chainrasps (110)***
     -  *Warlord
     -  **Hunters of the Heartlands
     -  ***Battle Regiment
    TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000

    The Grimghast are the hammers, with a screen each of Chainrasps. The KoSoES will go with one, the Dreadblade with the other, replicating the CA from the former. Lady O will offer support from midtable. The other Chainrasps are hunting objectives. 

    First time running Lord Executioner and really curious to see how he does. Gonna deepstrike him in with the Spirit Hosts and just gun for the most desirable unit I can. 


    • Like 1
  9. You know, I really don't get the app. So it's basically got everything you need on it to run NH... now... even before the book's released. 

    Edit: Scratch that. The rules are locked. You can add things like artefacts but without the book you've no idea what they do. 

  10. 1 hour ago, NotWhiteFang said:

    Knight of Shrouds on Steed but sadly points dont allow.

    Love the list. Think I'll try it. If you really want the KoSoES, maybe:

    Lady O – 340

    KoSoES – 155

    Dreadblade – 145

    Bladegheists x20 – 350

    Bladegheists x20 – 350

    Hex – 160

    Hex – 160

    Black Coach – 335


    • LOVE IT! 1
  11. 25 minutes ago, That Guy said:

    The Quicksilver Dead List:

    You're a toe rag 😅

    25 minutes ago, That Guy said:

    Scriptor Mortis (155)

    Really interested to see how he does.

    Just curious, how do you guys hide content? Is it an option when using a PC/laptop? I normally only get to browse on my phone. TGA's banned on the work computers...

    • Haha 1
  12. On 5/11/2022 at 10:49 PM, lare2 said:

    Just packed up the below for my game tomorrow night. Playing a regular opponent with his Soulblight. He's a very good player. Will let you know how I get on. 

    Craven King Ball

    Scarlet Doom, battleline grand strategy, charge triumph

    Kurdoss – 210 (BR)

    GoS: General, MoM; Arcane Tome, Soul Cage – 150 (BR)

    KoSoES – 155 (BR)

    10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

    10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

    10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

    20 x Bladegheists – 350 (BR)

    20 x Bladegheists – 350 (BR)

    3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

    3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

    3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

    Emerald Lifeswarm - 60


    Managed 3 turns last night before we called it – hard to tell who would’ve won but he was 2 points clear when we finished. We were there 3 hours. Both of us ran lots of models… I forgot what running a horde army was like. Used to run LoN and moving 120 skellies used to break me, especially at tournies. I’ve movement trays but I’m gonna have to remember all the old fast play techniques when it comes to tournies. Anyway, thoughts on my list:

    Scarlet Doom and Bladegheists

    Yeah, great. My two block of 20 hit like a brick to the face. The mortal wounds on the charge are savage and when they hit with all the WoT buffs, they are really good. Defensively as well, their size means it’s really tough to munch through them. The hardest thing they came up against was 40 zombies. Zombies’ mortal wound output is pretty high but I never lost a bladegheist unit, due to resilience and healing. In addition, turning off Inspiring Presence is so good against horde armies. My second unit wiped out a unit of 20 Grave Guard (GG) in one swing through the combination of mortals, attacking, and then losing the rest to bravery. It was really hard to get as many in contact with the enemy as I wanted though and that 1” range really is a pain. Plus, with how many of them there are, it’s hard to get multiple WoT’s off against a unit as there are just so many of them on big bases.


    So good. He ran in with a unit of Bladegheists. The free all out attack is worth its weight in gold and I love his ability to attack alongside a unit. He was surprisingly tough as well and singlehandedly held up Mannfred by himself for 2 turns. Being able to ignore rend means a single 6 wound model can really just tie up the big hitter units, which have dominated AoS recently. Bad rolling on the 3rd meant he popped. Was very impressed with this chap.


    I love these little dudes. I put them in space and dropped them 9” away from the enemy front line to work as a screen and to threaten midfield objectives. They worked a treat. He took first, attacked my screen with his and bounced clean off them. The rasps then retreated over his screens, allowing my Bladegheist to wipe out his screens, whilst still having my rasps working as a screen against his 2nd line of assault. Cheap, cheerful, and versatile WoT generators. Again, all 3 units survived all 3 turns.


    Meh, he was alright. I only managed to steal one CP and he does hit hard but I wasn’t massively impressed. I had him dominating the centre with the SH and GoS but I’m not sure if I’ll focus on him moving forward. The best he did was when 20 GG popped up in my terf. He span around with 6 SH and mullered the lot. He does hit hard but… that’s pretty much it. I think I want a bit more utility if I’m gonna include one of our big characters. I just found I was missing Lady O a lot.


    I think I’m a fan of running 3x3. They really can farm WoT and offer a lot of protection for a hero. Last night though, the only time they were in combat was with Kurdoss against the GG and I rolled low on the charges, making his GG -3 to hit. Without the minuses to saves, they hit like wet noodles.


    Great. This guy, I think, is gonna be an auto-include for me. The +1 to wound is just so good and who doesn’t like magic? As I knew I’d be facing hordes, I changed the spell to Spirit Drain. When it went off, it was always guaranteed wounds. Had him with Master of Magic and Arcane Tome as he was my only source of magic. Wanted to make sure I could cast to heal and cause damage each turn. Every time I tried to cast Emerald Swarm though, it was dispelled. 

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    • Thanks 3
    • LOVE IT! 1
  13. Just packed up the below for my game tomorrow night. Playing a regular opponent with his Soulblight. He's a very good player. Will let you know how I get on. 

    Craven King Ball

    Scarlet Doom, battleline grand strategy, charge triumph

    Kurdoss – 210 (BR)

    GoS: General, MoM; Arcane Tome, Soul Cage – 150 (BR)

    KoSoES – 155 (BR)

    10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

    10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

    10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

    20 x Bladegheists – 350 (BR)

    20 x Bladegheists – 350 (BR)

    3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

    3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

    3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

    Emerald Lifeswarm - 60


    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Iksdee said:

    U get 2 riders and both weapon weapons so u can build both. They are easy to swap even without magnets.

    Interesting. Very much appreciated. I'm not a big fan of magnetising but if you get two then it shouldn't be a problem. Cheers!

  15. Finally gonna get round to making my Black Coach tonight. Using the new book, what are people's thoughts about which weapon to take? I wanna say Grasp for the ability to shoot but I'm woeful at rolling 4+.

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