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Posts posted by lare2

  1. 32 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Most important news item of the day:

    The limited edition Vampire Lord has an optional little bat friend.


    That's freak'n awesome! She was a must for me beforehand but I actually prefer her with the bat. 

    I know it's daft and my pile of shame is already too big but... this one model alone has got me eyeing up Soulblight again. 

    • Like 1
    • LOVE IT! 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Andrethegreat said:

    5 x Judicators with Skybolt Bows (200)*
    5 x Judicators with Skybolt Bows (200)*

    Get these combined 👍

    In answer to your question, depends really... I know that's not much help. What armies you playing against? Are their lists competitive/casual? Are they competitive/casual? 

    I'm a big advocate of a list being as good as the player, to an extent. The more comfortable a player is with a list, the more they know it like the back of their hand, the more they'll win. I've a friend who runs a "non-meta" army and he has done for years. He knows his army, the game, and the opposition very well. Best player I know - never beaten him. 

    • Like 1
  3. 37 minutes ago, DanteAlighieri said:

    What was the FAQ? Did it have something to do with stormhosts being painted correctly or something? My army is painted as Anvils and I don't want to have any problems if I decide to run them as a different stormhost

    If you run a different host to what you've painted, technically they're proxy models and you need permission to do so from your opponent or the TO. It's stupid and most round my way ignore it. Looks like Warhammer World do as well. 

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, RexHavoc said:

    From the minute the Old world was announced, AoS started a countdown to it's death, even if it did cause a huge increase in people trying the game in the meantime.

    This is a genuine concern of mine. 

    They should never have killed the Old World. Now that it's gone though, they should leave it in the past. 


    • Like 1
  5. Hoping you'll be able to answer a quick question. How many spells from the lores does Nagash know? The rules for Enhancements would mean just one (unless another Enhancement was spent on magic) but the book says he knows them all. Now the book is technically 2nd edition so do the new rules take precedence? To add to my confusion, the app says he can only choose one spell. Would seem a bit daft if he can only choose one. 

    Anyway, I'm confused. Thanks in advance. 

  6. I accidentally bought Nagash again. Used to run him in 2nd in LoN. Pure pie in the sky wish-listing but I hope we can run him with ghosties in the new book (when it comes) in the same way he can be for Soulblight. It would make sense to be able to run him in all Death factions... excluding FEC... the Hills have Eyes rejects that they are. 

    • Haha 2
  7. Played my 1st game with NH for a while tonight. Don't run them that often anymore for obvious reasons but always have a blast when I do. Got the win against a Thunderstrike heavy SCE list. My tactics essentially consisted of playing the tactical game... essentially I ran away all night. Worked a treat. Knew I'd have little chance of causing damage and I think I only killed 1 model but a wins a win. They just couldn't cope with my numbers and speed and I had a pretty hefty lead by turn 3 which couldn't be caught. MVP had to be the Krulghast who sat in 30 Grimghast with a GoS. That 5+ ward really helps and makes 30 grim, along with the GoS, a pretty formidable anvil. Just a shame we've no real hammers. 

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, Horizons said:

    Holdyourground.pdfWas wondering if anyone has any advice on what could be added to round out this list? Looking to play a redeemer heavy lists that sits on objectives.

    Was thinking I could bring in a Lord-Celestant on Stardrake with Amulet of Destiny/Drakescale Armour to tie up key threats. My output would be an issue though I think. Any other thoughts?



    Some shooting probably wouldn't go amiss. You've the points for judis or raptors. 

  9. 14 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    Vanquishers are fine, the problem is Vindictors are simply delivering more for the point cost.

    I could see Vindictors going up in price in time. I can't say the same for Vanquishers. If there was a larger disparity between the two then there might be more incentive to take the latter. Personally, I hope there is something as I love the models and I will definitely be picking some up... when they're finally released. Can't see me running them beyond casual games though. 

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    Are we likely to get the Lord-Commanders for the other Stormhosts and do we have any info on any of them? I feel like narratively and in terms of Sculpt they would be easier to implement than the Primarchs in 40k.

    I was really hopeful Bastion could be run somehow as a generic version. I'm alright for individual Lord Commanders for each host but they've done generic versions before. Hey ho...

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