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Posts posted by Pellynor

  1. Nice idea using the path to glory to generate the hunting party. 


    Edit to the Flesh Eater courts: bring a courtier! It's very easy otherwise. I brought 2 units of shadow warriors led by an assassin and just mopped the floor with them. Having the ability to regenerate units and an extra slightly boss model will make a difference.

  2. I was thinking for armies or collections that lack the 'big-boyz' like Cities of Sigmar, Legions of Nagash, or even if you want to play something with more bodies, using the unit generation for our armies offers a nice way to customize your opponent.  Some examples could include:

    - instead of 2 or 3 units of trolls, how about two blobs of 20 skeletons, zombies, or Ghouls (hordes)?  Every turn they regenerate d3 models as if they're close to a grave site like @PrimeElectrid suggested.

    - Facing daemons? 10 model squads with d6 coming back on a 4+ (or 1 if it is the bigger units like blood crushers/fields/drones/screamers).

    - Greater deamons make excellent final opponents of a battered and bruised hunting party.  Still feels unfair? Give them an artifact of power/command trait of your choice or roll on the tables. Heck, even modify the chart so it Rampages twice and doesn't retreat (Dumbstrucks could be it devouring the souls of it has previously slain).

    - For Order/Destruction/Mortal Chaos, instead of regenerating units, roll a die at the start of the round and on a 5+ a new small unit arrives on the board edges from a d6 (1- Your deployment zone/South, 2-3 Eastern edge, 4-5 Western edge, 6 opponent's deployment/North). Only allow one unit to come on the board each game, or not if you want a really nasty challenge!


    I'm really looking forward to seeing what people do with their battles or even what little miniature campaigns come out of this! I'm thinking of playing my Cities of Sigmar hunting down either some daemons or Flesh-Eaters. Since we're not using allegiance abilities, this may even be a great time to break out the Bretonnians again!

  3. Reading through the new Cities of Sigmar battletome and I came across an interesting piece of information. It appears war will soon be coming to the God-King realm. Why is this, you may ask? Exhibit A!


    Celestial Hurricanum Warscroll

    Celestial Battlemage

    Add 1 to casting rolls for this model if the battle takes place in Azyr.


    This also shows up for the Battlemage warscroll as one of the potential realms to have a battle in.  I'm thinking this may be a hint of things to come after the events of Forbidden Power. Something so big and scary has joined Nagash, and it was nasty enough that Sigmar tried to hide it away.


    What do you folks think?

  4. 10 hours ago, Thiagoma said:

    With that said, now Cities of Sigmar is on its way and it will allow a lot of creative conversion and probably a lot of creativity when it comes to customize your city (and its lore).

    Is it interesting to Brettonia fans? Are the models good as proxies for a city army, and allow for a way to play with modern rules?

    Oh goodness yes. A lot will depend on what is actually included in the new  battletome such as if there is any form of horse based cavalry. If there is, such as Dragon princes, then I know how I'm going to make a free cities are me with my bretonnian forces. Much of our forces can work with a little creative inspiration but again it all depends on what's in the Army book.

  5. Quick question for everyone here; I'm experiencing some problems in my local meta in getting my plaguebearers to be useful. When I play them in 40K they are an absolute beast to try and move as the buffs they get from heralds and daemon princes makes them a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention that they have an invulnerable save plus they're disgusting resilience. However porting them over to AoS, hasn't been great over the last year as they seem to just get wiped off the table. I run them in blocks of 30 and one small block of 10 to fill out my battleline and they are usually accompanied by a Spoilpox Scrivener carrying the wither stave. Generally I think a -1 to hit and enemies re-rolling sixes should be enough keep them alive for more than a turn however they seem to be getting blended quite badly by Slyvanneth hunters and beasts of chaos (especially those bloody enlightened). 


    What do you do to make your plaguebearers work well? Are they just a tar pit to hold down what units while you're plague drones swoop in for the kill or do your plaguebearers also do some of the heavy lifting in killing troops? I want to make sure I'm using to the best of their ability and not just being cursed by the dice gods (which can be quite legendary bad rolling on my part).



  6. After a few quick read throughs of the General's Handbook 2019 and there might be some goodies that we can use to our advantage.

    For example, @Drakilianyou mentioned how cool it was that Abhorash and Gilles fought side-by-side during the end times? We can recreate that with that new  Order of the Blood-drenched Rose (Grail Knights AND Blood Knights!? MUAH HAHAHAHA!) which aside from just beyond cool, does make for a hard hitting unit we can now use.

    I'm not as taken with the new command traits (re-roll's one for melee, shooting, saves) as most of our units already have access to it in one form or another.  That being said, I don't think they should be dismissed either as a King or Sacred Protector with re-roll 1's  combined with the King's ability to add 1 on the charge is going to insure they hit hard all the time (heck even the Hypogriff is going  to become reliable!).  If you're willing to fork our for the forbidden power terrain piece as well, then command points should be in decent supply to make these combos work (provided the dice favour you even some of the time).

    What are your thoughts?

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  7. Your battle line is very solid, especially against the armies you seem to be facing. Word of caution, if the Beast of Chaos player has those bloody Enlighten Tzaangors on discs, isolate and kill them as quick as possible! They mauled through 6 drones of mine in one turn of combat and tabled the army by turn 3.  Nighthaunt and Stormcast is going to simply hate you with your -1 to hit for the plague bearers and the witherstaff making it even harder for them to land any sort of special damage dealing blows. Can't say I have any experience against the other two but I don't think they should pose too big of a problem to deal with.

    My only concern in this army, and this usually applies to Nurgle in general, is the lack of punch. Sure you're going to weather a metric ton of attacks but you also need to deal damage as well.  I would consider dropping either Horticulus or the Lord of Affliction for some more drones, or trying to work in the scrivener to boast those massive blocks of infantry. You could drop the Lord of Afflictions and one of the endless spells for a Scrivener and a Lord of Blights. Laugh as your opponent tries to chew through two units of plague bearers that are at -2 to hit and re-rolling 6's to hit while you have the blades and re-roll 1's. It's a bit dirty for a friendly punch-up but something to consider.

  8. I'd like to offer a counter point. Men-at-arms are pretty uninspiring, until you look at their points per model cost. Most spear based infantry run about 8 points per model for a 5+/4+/5+, maybe with some bonus to hit when they are fielded in big numbers. Men-at-arms are a half point cheaper and go from 5+ to hit to 3+ pretty quick. However I don't take them for their hitting power, instead when they are combined with the king's ignore battleshock ability, they become a very strong anvil unit. It's a significant point investment but then you have 48 wounds that aren't running and providing a massive footprint that can protect our knights from charges. Also, unless you want to go knight heavy, they are our cheapest battleline option. I really, really, want my errants to be better but they are wickedly expensive at the moment for how low their bravery and to hit are.

    I agree that the king is expensive, I feel he could easily lose 40-60 points before he's in the right area for what he does. That being said I feel he's invaluable in a Bretonnian army. As mentioned above, ignoring battle shock is key for our low bravery army. He also brings with him a pretty hefty punch against monsters and heroes (much better than the lord's just against monsters) and for the cost of one command point he makes our knights hit more reliably when they charge. That I think is the most important, who here hasn't suffered from rubber lance syndrome and had their game crippled by it? 

    I do quite like the idea of taking some endless spells with a large footprint to block out attacks by enemy units. Gravetide is pretty cheap as is the palisade and those two have the biggest footprint all for the low, low price of 60 points. 

    I'd like to offer a counter point. Men-at-arms are pretty uninspiring, until you look at their points per model cost. Most spear based infantry run about 8 points per model for a 5+/4+/5+, maybe with some bonus to hit when they are fielded in big numbers. Men-at-arms are a half point cheaper and go from 5+ to hit to 3+ pretty quick. However I don't take them for their hitting power, instead when they are combined with the king's ignore battleshock ability, they become a very strong anvil unit. It's a significant point investment but then you have 48 wounds that aren't running and providing a massive footprint that can protect our knights from charges. Also, unless you want to go knight heavy, they are our cheapest battleline option. I really, really, want my errants to be better but they are wickedly expensive at the moment for how low their bravery and to hit are.

    I agree that the king is expensive, I feel he could easily lose 40-60 points before he's in the right area for what he does. That being said I feel he's invaluable in a Bretonnian army. As mentioned above, ignoring battle shock is key for our low bravery army. He also brings with him a pretty hefty punch against monsters and heroes (much better than the lord's just against monsters) and for the cost of one command point he makes our knights hit more reliably when they charge. That I think is the most important, who here hasn't suffered from rubber lance syndrome and had their game crippled by it? 

    I do quite like the idea of taking some endless spells with a large footprint to block out attacks by enemy units. Gravetide is pretty cheap as is the palisade and those two have the biggest footprint all for the low, low price of 60 points. 

  9. Do you find 2 units of 6 horrors is better than 1 unit of 9 and another of 3? There is a benefit to both (one being easier to buff and  send out to maul pretty much anything to death, whereas running two does give you some tactical flexibility) so I am interested in seeing what other people are using. I'm running Hollowmourne grand court and only had one game with them so far but man do those horrors hit like to ton of bricks. The one big unit managed to chew through most of 9 spirit hosts in a single turn allowing me to take their objective and severely cripple his nighthaunt army. 

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  10. Oh that sword of judgement. Oh my Lady that is juicy!

    Little quiet as of late but hoping to get back into it over my upcoming March Break. Had my first battle against my nighthaunt buddy a few weeks ago and got completely worked. I was trying out something new and combined with some failed key charges (and cursed rubber lance syndrome) caused some real issues.

    My list was:

    Bretonnian Lord



    Battlemage (amber)

    16 Knights of the Realm

    8 Knights Errant

    32 men at arm

    5 Grail Knights x 2

    18 battle pilgrims


    The lack of a king really hurt both in terms of battleship and lacking the +1 to hit. While I like the lord, he's only really good against monsters which nighthaunt are missing. I'll be reworking my list for the next one, which has some potential as my opponent is pretty understanding and wants me to make battalions and any points adjustments. Vengeance shall belong to the lady!


  11. 16 hours ago, Drakilian said:

    Also currently scheduleing my return to Canada for a grudge rematch of MWG.

    When are you thinking of coming up? I'm about 3 hours north of Welland and if it's over the March Break then we could try and convince them to do a doubles match. I think Josh would be down and Luka or Collen for sure.

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  12. 5 hours ago, Drakilian said:

    I will bring my armor and if I feel I can get away with it solo. I will attempt to wear it. But again will take my health and safety over lookin awesome.

    Ho boy do I ever hear you there. I do historical re-enactment (Norman era) and if it's not balanced out properly, it is murder!  Out of curiosity, what do you have for a rig? I saw in an earlier post you said it was about 80lbs. I've had to wear mine for a couple of days straight for a festival so if you want to swap armour tips, I'd be happy to do so :)

    2 hours ago, oscisi said:

    I’ve always thought that Stormcast Eternals already are the majority of the Bretonnians, since Sigmar requires pure souls of heroes, and Bretonnian Knights are basically the epitome of just that. What do you guys think of the odds of GW ever releasing a new line of Free People models and somehow blessing us with Knights that don’t look overly German?

    Until the last few years, I would have said not bloody likely. Yet in the last couple of years we've seen genestealer cults become their own thing, plastic sisters, and even a squat! I think if the community continues to show it love then they might revisit their decision. Of course keeping their presence up in tournaments, battle reports, and repeatedly sending in e-mails/Facebook messages certainly doesn't hurt ;)

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  13. On 1/21/2019 at 6:00 PM, oscisi said:

    Love to hear about your lore, narrative ideas and names for your characters. Would also be cool to hear more about your campaign once it gets going :)

    Also: nice to see some ideas about extra rules for Bretonnia. If you were part of the discussion in another thread here on TGA about a Bretonnia Battletome, then do feel free to share any insights with the rest of us. 

    I've had a look over on the Battletome project and they seem really far along with the idea. It's got some cool ideas (I especially like the idea of favours) but I have decided to work mostly with the small allegiance ability mentioned before. I figured it is not too much of a change and with the release of Malign Portents, we have access to plenty of good artifacts and spells. 


    As to the lore, be careful what you wish for. ;)  As part of a writing project with my elementary class, I have been writing the lore for my army and how the start of the campaign. Without going into the insane detail, my Bretonnians are descendants of those that populated Lileath's haven as the End Times descended on the Old World because of the waxing power of chaos, the Haven was lost to her vision and cast aside into the void with the world's destruction. After countless millennia adrift, the souls of these Bretonnian heroes eventually came to rest in Ghyran where they slumbered until found by Alarielle during the Age of Myth. Upon their resurrection, the new knights of Bretonnia have come to worship the Everqueen as the reincarnation of the Lady, pledging their sword and lance to her service, this time with clear eyes and a willing heart. Within several generations a fledgling nation of people had made their home within the lands of Ghyran, cultivating the worship of the Lady Alarielle and strengthening their ties with the Sylvaneth (albeit with a healthy dose of superstition and fear as the children of their goddess)

    The coming of the Age of Chaos threatened to to bring the new nation to ruin and were it not for the guidance of her prophetess' it surely would have been. Not wishing to be resigned to the annuals of history once again, the Bretonnians sought out powerful enchantments and traps, much like the ones Alarielle used to escape the sight of Chaos, to ensure their homes were protected in the age of war that was to come. Whilst numerically outnumbered, the Bretonnians made use of their superior speed to strike back against the hordes of Nurgle, often attacking the flanks and rear, retreating before the main battle force could be brought to bear. Although the Bretonnians managed to inflict a number of wounds on the forces of Chaos, it only served to slow their hunt for the Everqueen. 

    With the coming of Sigmar's chosen warriors and the rebirth of their Lady as a glorious queen of war, a new hope has sprung in the people. No longer consigned to ambushes and harassment tactics, the knights find their ranks swelled with errants eager to prove their worth to the Lady and peasants offering up their arms. Although Nurgle still holds sway over much of the Realm of Life, its inhabitants are on the march with divine vengeance in their eyes.

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  14. 'allo! Just joined up here and there's a lot to go through so if any of this repeats, apologizes. 

    10 hours ago, Zeroken said:

    I think The Green Knight needs something right now. All other heroes have certain roles but all he has is that he is hard to kill. And even with his skills, with 5 wounds and 4+ save, he can sometimes die quite easily.

    I think maybe an aura -1 bravery debuff might work, it would make him a more primary target, reinforcing his role as a tank.

    What do you think?

    A -1 to bravery to all units within 3" would be pretty thematic. I think his biggest weakness at the moment lies not in his wounds but that he stays dead. I loved using him in 8th when he could be set back up again after being slain. Considering there are characters like Skarr Bloodwrath, it would not be too hard to have him return after being slain, maybe on a 4+, 3rd time on a 5+, etc. Being able to come back from the dead also makes his points much easier to swallow.


    Aside from that is there a link to the most current rules? I've noticed there are several versions out now and wondering which one people are on. Thanks!

  15. @oscisi  Power gaming and Bretonnian haven't been a thing since 6th Ed. Oh those were the days.


    Haven't had a chance  to start our campaign yet (maybe next  weekend) but I did have a good game today teaching a young guy to play Blades of Khorne while I used my Bretonnians. I did introduce alliegence abilities but I didn't want to overwhelm him with command traits and artifacts. 

    My army included:

    Bretonnian Lord (general)


    Damsel in Steed

    8 Knights of the Realm

    8 Knights Errant

    5 Grail Knights


    New guy had the following in Blades of Khorne

    Bloodthrister of unfettered fury (general)


    3 units of 10 bloodletters

    5 fleshhounds

    3 bloodcrushers. 

    1 Korgrath


    The first two turns I spent trying to draw out the Bloodthrister or other juicy targets without getting charged in turn. On turn 3 I got priority and my Errants and Knights of the Realm managed to charge the Korgrath, flesh hounds, a unit of blood letters and Skulltaker. The errants managed to kill all but one of the blood letters and reduce the fleshhounds by half while the Realm knights killed the Korgrath before it forms chance to swing (HAIL BRAVE BRETONNIA). Skulltaker took some bloody revenge, chopping a couple Errants down and causing a few to run.  The next turn was rough as the Bloodthrister and the crushers got into both knight units wiping out the errants and mauling the realm knights badly.


    Turn 4 saw the Bretonnian s get a double turn where the Lord and the Grail Knights return charge the crushers, and then into the Bloodthrister blowing him apart in one decisive charge! The battle was pretty over by then but Khorne got his revenge by smashing my general with a brass skull and then having the blood letter finish the job. By he time it was over, only my realm knights champion (Sir Rivière), the damsel and Enchantress (Lady Adelaide and Lady Mathilde), and half the unit of Grail Knights. 


    Now I've been experimenting with a new alliegence ability with my Bretonnians that helps our guys make sense. Instead of using the re-roll from Grand Alliance, I've been using the following:


    Lance Formation - Few foes can withstand a charge from full lance of Bretonnian knights. Friendly units with the NOBILITY keyword that contain 5 or more models may re-roll unmodified wound rolls of 1 if it made a successful charge in the same turn.


    It's not much but it gives the knights a bit more punch on the charge (as they should have in my opinion) and let's the unit banners and noble standard bearer not conflict with Defiant Avengers ability.

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