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Everything posted by DinoJon

  1. So for split books like Orruk Warclans and (selfishly) Seraphon do we expect them to be treated as 2 seperate armies living in a singular tome? Question would be can we expect specific Battle Traits for Ironjawz and Kruleboyz as well as Starborne and Coalesced? I wouldn't be surprised for them to only have 4 battle formations between the two.
  2. I hope Kruleboyz get more weird swamp lizards as cav. I think the list of the 4 subfactions feels pretty spot on for an Index. Krule might effectively only have 1 until their Battletome is out.
  3. Generally I see this as a good thing for people that want to play lore driven armies from their favorite subfaction. Want a cavalry heavy army from Hammerhall? Just take the corresponding Battle Formation instead of locking them into either a City subfaction that fits the rules better or one that supports the lore better.
  4. wait did we see the Cogfort or was it just confirmed by Whitefang? I must have missed it.
  5. Lore thoughts. In AoS 1.0 we saw the Nurgle invasion of Ghyran. Nurgle has never been fully pushed out of Ghyran since. Do we think there's a chance of Blight City being pushed back to its pocket dimension or will Skaven now have a permanent spot in the Realms at the Great Parch? I think either way it works our will be good for future stories. However I feel like Skaven would be awful if defending their home from any sort of attack. Also when Nagash reforms if Blight City is still in the realm, I know the first thing he's doing.
  6. So there's also the wound on the Arcanogeologist that looks like it was from a poisoned dart. HRMMMMM
  7. Hopefully they either get a major rework or are just maybe left to the side for the next edition.
  8. We had such an incredible week of rumors last week it now feels like I'm going through withdrawals. Let's hope all the leakers out there are safe and not in GW jail. Also I'm banking on the Warcry Box set being announced today... papa frog needs a giant stone slann head.
  9. I'll be honest.... I would be all in for a decent Age of Sigmar mobile game
  10. But seriously thank you for all the leaks.
  11. Heck yes! I personally cannot wait for Soulblight Gravelords to finally get a foot hero. The wait is over y'all!
  12. Love seeing all the new people posting! Hopefully we will see the new Warcry box. I think the Darkoath box will wait until they reveal all of the Dawnbringers 6 stuff.
  13. Hey so, Seraphon have been pretty absent in the whole Dawnbringer event right? There's only been the meeting with the Dragons, Alarielle and Kroak right? Any hope to see them at least lore wise in DB6?
  14. If it mirrors the Space Marines and Primaris Marines transition... it'll probably be a couple of books before non-thunderstrike gets retired.
  15. I do hope they unify the Stormcast mounts if they're redoing the line. Like give them the flying stormdrake and maybe a non winged version for the ground? Basically make the dracoth look closer to the flying drakes.
  16. I'm also hankering for 4.0 leaks. I need a hit of serotonin that only new Seraphon info can provide. I'm hoping that they change battle tactics, *remove* summoning as a faction mechanic and make sure subfactions aren't overtuned.
  17. Oh look a 4chan rumor. More than likely someone making guesses based on the current rumors going around. Would be amazing if they got anything new correct. Sorry if someone has already posted this
  18. Now that we have a fleshed out Darkoath... can we get a Heldenarr Fall model? Pretty please?
  19. I'm assuming that thing is a new chaos spawn? The kit probably needs an update.
  20. Let the leaks flow! Great to see new info coming out. Congrats to the rat players, yall have deserved a refresh for far too long
  21. Looks push-fit so could be a piece in the 2 player starter. So that's something!
  22. I would love to get a 3D animated series of a Dawner Crusade. I like the 2D animation but it seems like they only do full series with CGI. Just seeing the realms brought to life would be great. Have it set somewhere we haven't seen before in animation/games like Chamon or Hysh.
  23. Goose + genomes = dinosaurs. Seraphon wave 2 confirmed.
  24. I'm so excited for Kroot, finally a playable army of reptiles in 40k.
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