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Everything posted by DinoJon

  1. I know it's wishful thinking at this point but I'm hoping this is Maleneth Witchblade's pendant from the Realmslayer series. I'm sure it's something Space Marine though.. feels about time for that.
  2. They do have rules in the new book for going through doorways/hallways. I know that fits in with past expansions but I also hope it's a bit of future proofing for something like a templeship board.
  3. I feel like they've been saying "Tune in next week" for weeks now. I can only hope for more actual news
  4. Seems like a lot of our Rumor Guru's have not predicted anything past the end of this year. Which means no confirmation of Seraphon even though it's likely they are getting something. I hope we'll be blessed with a hint or image or teaser of what to expect (especially for Seraphon)
  5. I know the device they hold is a "black hole bomb". I'm assuming the rumor engine is another terraforming device? This is almost 100% Warcry terrain. I would love it to be a new model like a Slann, warbeast, astrolith or whatever. However considering I went nuts over the Heart of Ghur box over the couple of pieces of Seraphon ruins, I'll be just as happy for more terrain.
  6. From Matt Thrower on twitter who did an interview with a GW design team member. Seems like more confirmation of non-chaos warbands.
  7. Here I was about to say the rumor image could be for new Khorngors coming with the World Eaters relaunch but y'all have some excellent points. These hairy rumor engines got me stumped.
  8. For those that aren't habitually refreshing the downloads page, they are slowly adding the army pdf's for warcry https://www.warhammer-community.com/downloads/#warcry
  9. As someone who runs a large retail store I can tell you in fact that Thondia is not flying off the shelves. However I can't blame GW for trying new things. In terms of updating old armies I think GW amongst other issues has the Chicken and the Egg problem. Age of Sigmar is still a fraction of what Warhammer 40,000 sells. So GW has to decide to either update a model range that is a fraction of a fraction or introduce new factions/models in order to strike goal. Issue is are sales low cause it's unpopular or because people love the faction but are waiting for new things to do buy. Only in recent years has GW dramatically increased it's staff and production abilities. This however hasn't really born too much fruit due to COVID and all the troubles that has spawned. For all we know GW planned on having updated ranges for the Skaven this release but because of all of the issues they decided to delay finishing it in order to produce models with less options like Sylvaneth. Just my thoughts as I unfortunately don't have more insight than anyone else.
  10. I hope so, I'll be there trying to get as much info as possible. Last time I went.. which now feels forever ago they had some Blood Bowl and Underworlds reveals.
  11. I'm curious if they could be doing these beasts as a way to give us new salamanders/razordons or new style of hunting packs for Seraphon?
  12. Looks like they're putting out free rules next week. Should be exciting to see how all of the existing factions have changed? Maybe it'll give us some insight into what's coming.
  13. Im hoping they'll be making some announcements at GenCon time. Lines up with the Warcry releases at least but it would be great to see an updated roadmap then. I would ideally like 6 months out so we would get at least a hint of the Jan-Feb releases.
  14. Can you post source or collection of the new rules?
  15. To catch you up real quick When the new Warcry was officially revealed they put out a map featuring several locations/camps and there's a good majority that look non-chaos. Factions we've seen on the map Ogors Orruk Warclans 2 Flavors of Gloomspite Gitz Free peoples Soulblight No specific mention of Stormcast (which is weird for an AoS property) but the new edition of Warcry focuses on the Gnarlwood where a crashed Seraphon void ship, Eye of Chotec serves as the settings MacGuffin. Outside of the LRL vs. Tzeentch Box and 2 Destruction factions being released before the new Prisoners with Jobs to Darkness models/book. There havent been much. As a Seraphon player we did see a very Seraphon Spear and a very jungley fern in the rumor engine. Hopefully this means that Seraphon will see new model(s) sometime in the new year.
  16. They gotta save non-Chaos warbands for a fancy reveal. I'm sure it'll get a ton of people hyped up for the game. I'm hoping around launch they'll show off at least one other warband coming out for this cycle.
  17. Any hints with this ad? Is it a nurgle frog, indigenous frog or maybe seraphon frog? Looks like they're using the old revealed map from one of the earlier articles as a background. I think most of the artwork has been seen... minus the poorly copied pasted frog from probably the rulebook?
  18. Every time there's a Warcry article and they mention Seraphon, I get excited that they might feature a central role in things to come for it. I really do hope lizards get a warband of some sort.
  19. I was just thinking that. I hope, we'll see all new kits but more than likely it'll be a mix of new kits and reboxed units. That being said a lot of the factions featured there don't have kits that can make a wide variety of builds, minus the Ironjaws and Bonesplitterz
  20. Even though its less likely, I hope its Seraphon in Ven Talax. The Icon doesn't scream Seraphon but with GW a skull could be anything.
  21. Excuse me.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that is so cool and if we ever get terrain like that I would have my mind blown. It's more intact than I thought it would be so hopefully that increases the odds of new Seraphon!
  22. Yeah I'm with you on the Warcry Warbands, the Chaos battletome is going to be so bloated with those units. Having a couple of them is cool but when you start to catch up to the Necromunda Gangs and it all goes into one faction?
  23. If that box ever came out I would faint. We do need more Seraphon named characters especially since many of them made it off the Old World alive.
  24. Setting is fueled by the crashing of the Void Ship "Eye of Chotec" very excited by this. At least this means more Seraphon lore but hopefully means new Seraphon model with them being a somewhat story focus.
  25. I like the Scaly Skin change, it is effective, makes it slightly less oppressive and keeps it thematic. I much prefer playing coalesced from a lore standpoint and glad I still get to do so in a competitive environment. If this all points to a Saurus/Kroxigor resculpt coming I will lose my mind.
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