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Posts posted by DinoJon

  1. 28 minutes ago, novakai said:

    If you follow the trend of Broken realms armies who got models from BR Belekor and Kragnos. Seraphon have a better chance of getting models like Sylvaneth, slaves, and Nighthaunt did. Since they got Kroak and it may have been related with a batch of other models not release yet.

    can’t say the same for Beast though and they probably be in minimum one hero release like other armies gotten in this edition

    I think we'll get some confirmation for Seraphon based on what comes in the next Warcry Set. If all of the Seraphon Rumor Engines are solved from it, then probably won't see a lot. 

    I'm hopeful that Seraphon will get the same treatment as Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt. 1-2 new units and 1-2 heroes would blow me away. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, jaWn said:

    Both are still working for me.

    I think its just the site being buggy. Direct links work just not the url above from my computer. I had others replicate my error but who knows whats going on. 



  3. 4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    I hope its more than just a group of Chameleon Skinks. I really want some Saurus or a Kroxigor in there. Warbands usually have around 10 models of 'Troop' size though.

    Would be nice to see 5 chameleon skinks. Then 1 salamander/razordon, 3 handlers and a new hero of some sort. 


    That's a pipe dream though 

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  4. My first take of the rumor engine was of a fan or weapon. I didn't initially think the feathers looked organic enough to be associated with a creature. On closer look, maybe it is to a living thing? 

    Either way I'm still going with a fan for the Tzeentch Warcry warband that's coming. It would be similar to the cypher lords aesthetic but more beastial. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

    I think we can pretty much bank on whatever this is next year. I wonder if it is all new models or will some of it be upgrade sprues to exsisting models 

    Id like to hope not to upgrade sprues. The old Empire models are really showing their age. However if upgrade sprues mean a wider range of models being released then I can get behind that. 

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  6. Just now, KingBrodd said:

    Theres a chance mate!! Warcry or mainline!! Im hedging bets that the big range refreshes this Edition are Seraphon and Beasts of Chaos.

    Bless up, for your constant positivity! Kroxigors are what I want new models of the most but I know saurus probably need it more. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


    Dawnbringers first look? Gloomspite Gitz?

    Im hoping they show off the chameleon skink from the Warcry Teaser, which they probably would have announced a Warcry reveal if it was going to be the case. 

    Ideally they show us a model from the book after the Slaves to Darkness release. 

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  8. Im with the folks thinking that Votann will be a two week pre-order period but they do have a lot of product scheduled to come out and maybe we might witness for the first time a two week pre-order announced with the regular one week preorders. 

    So Votann announced today launching the 24th and then some other releases announced like the battletomes coming the 17th. 

    This is my hope at least because two week pre-orders means having one sucky weekend. 

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  9. 40 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    So this is certainly going to be some type of Chaos because I don't think there's ever been a Seraphon/Lizard with an axe......... great :(

    In that case, I think we might see more of the Horns of Hashut. The headpiece doesn't look like Khorne's usual iconography. Perhaps Underworlds is going to treat Chaos like Warcry is? i.e showing us groups that worship minor gods and/or godbeasts.

    As much as I want some more seraphon spoiler, I'm going with the hat being towards a new Underworlds group. It will be dwarves of some flavor I think. 

  10. 25 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Re-Reorganised my predictions!!

    LRL and DOT Tomes.

    SOB Tome and new mini.

    Seasons of War Gallet and new Incarnate.

    Khorne Underworlds Warband.

    Totally reasonable and believable. I would be hyped to see all of this. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

    "This week sees the return of the NOVA Open! Anyone lucky enough to be in attendance will get to see some massive reveals for Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Underworlds, and Warhammer: The Horus Heresy. If you can’t be there in person, don’t worry! We’ll have live online coverage right here on the Warhammer Community website." 

    Looks like we won't see the next Warcry Box but as others have predicted we will be getting AoS and Underworlds. I'm hoping for some stuff that will be a surprise instead of just Lumineth and Tzeentch tomes plus Khorne warband. 

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  12. Couple of things looking at the Warcry 2.0 Seraphon section. 

    First. Chameleon skinks are not present while in hindsight this seems obvious because there's a new warband coming out. I'm curious if this is a way of trying to figure out what is coming potentially for other factions. 

    Second. Skinks with Boltspitters and Shields are no longer an option. I wonder if this was left out for balance reasons or potentially to that load out being left out in the upcoming Battletome. 

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  13. image.jpeg.02b538c272089a3243c1f902f248842b.jpeg
    I can say pretty certainly it is not a Seraphon thing despite the Rumor Engine saying "Wait! An image, and it’s just as zoomed-in and impenetrable as the Ancient Ones decreed! " Seraphon rope/cord methods to this point arent as small as the RE and those metal brackets that the feathers are attached to are not very Seraphon either. 

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  14. 33 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    A word of caution though ; the Skink in the video could be an Order Thrall / Feral Beast (they are in the new Core Rules, like the Furies etc. from 1st edition...). But I hope he's from a (Feral) Seraphon Warband proper !

    I really don't care in what form we get new Seraphon, as long as we get new Seraphon. I'm pretty sure even if they do "Feral" Seraphon they'll make them usable as or with existing warbands/AoS proper. 

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  15. Personally I think each box will feature a Chaos Warband for the 3 remaining mono-god factions. So as many have posted..

    Sundered Fate - Disciples of Tzeentch vs. Seraphon
    Bloodhunt - Blades of Khorne vs. Ogors
    Nightmare Quest - Hedonites of Slaanesh vs. Death (I'm thinking FEC or a Vyrkos warband)

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