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Everything posted by DinoJon

  1. Plus side a lot of fiction between Warcry and the novel "Kragnos, Avatar of Destruction" points to a lot of involvement from the Seraphon. Even though they're not destruction I think Seraphon fit in well with the theme and hopefully that means they'll get some new antagonists.
  2. Whelp, I'm gonna be up till 1am on a work night this week for the chance of seeing new Seraphon models.. I hope we get more than those 3 silhouettes but I am still thrilled we're getting more than one kit to begin with.
  3. Asking the real questions! I don't have the whats left to be released in Winter 2023 besides Blades of Khorne and the new Warcry boxset. Which will probably be 1 week each? Maybe Arks of Omens book and new boxset and a week for something like Bloodbowl/Warcry/Necromunda release? Seems pretty probably that Seraphon will be early March. I think we'll get a good idea by the Thursday/Friday reveal show on what to expect in the short future.
  4. My money is that the Aleguzzler Gargant is going good bye.
  5. What are you talking about?! those are just fancy clubs.
  6. I feel like each of the Grand Alliances has been trying to have something equivalent to Stormcasts. Nagash has his bonereapers, where not as physically imposing he does pick the best of the best and makes immortal bone golems out of them. Chaos will probably join in too with more knights like Eternus. Destruction.... has Ironjawz? I have a feeling they'll get something more Stormcast-esque in the future.
  7. Forgeworld discontinuing the AoS products, Warhammer World setting up a specifically Warhammer Fantasy exhibition and the community post today... The Old World might be much closer than anticipated. Forgeworld could be shifting its production over from the Monstrous Arcanum models they had to Old World pieces. This seems like a lot of things leading to more Old World stuff than what I was expecting for the year. I really didn't think they were going to do much with ToW until October for the official birthday.
  8. They did say unexpected and this seems pretty expected..
  9. So this was part of the article.... What are some reveals we wouldnt be expecting? Full Old World reveal? - Kislev? New AoS Faction - Malarions Umbraneth, Chaos Duradin, Fimir?
  10. Maybe I missed it but they did not say anything about any model previews next week in the article. Might be a pretty dead week for us AoS fans.
  11. As someone who just spent the day putting together Seraphon fine cast.. I can only hope the new rumor engine we got last Tuesday is a Skink handler holding a soothing tonic for a salamander/razordon. I hope they get rid of all the seraphon finecast this battletome.
  12. I can't wait for the day we get to replace Necromondays with Old World Mondays. Hopefully Forgeworld can crank out characters and unique units for TOW. Would love to get a Mazdamundi and an updated Tenehuain.
  13. So I know a little bit about this on the America side being a retailer but we had several releases just absolutely wrecked by their new automation system. There was a week where things shipping from Memphis were just labeled to wildly inaccurate addresses. We got several store orders from 3 different states in that time period. I could only imagine what corporate was going through as well.
  14. Just watched Loremaster Sotek talking about new models and while most of it is things we already knew or have speculated, he did bring something new that I didn't know. Skink Colchin(SP?) Riders were skinks that tamed Moa/Terror Bird/Emu like creatures in the Old World. This could be what the new Calvary model is.. it doesn't give us much more than a name but it's something new.
  15. But we do have a lot of stuff going on... Lumineth invaded Shyish and destroyed a key location for the OBR. Shish invaded Hyish and caused a tremendous amount of damage to Settler's Gain. Excelsis had all of the Dark Aelves flee it while having it's inner and outer defenses destroyed. In Gloomspite the city of Draconium was lost but it did prevent the loss of Hammerhall-Aqshy Grombrindal is back and helping to unite the dwarves In Arkanaut's Oath K.O. lose a mining operation, Cities almost lose one of their cities but instead of that happening one of the last independently Human/Dwarf/Aelf city becomes bound to Azyr. In Soulslayer Duradin are working on reclaiming the Karaks together We pretty much lost the entirety of the Thunder Lizard constellation destroying one silver tower and the implications of that are huge. 9 gaunt summoners going down to 8 is a weird question that needs to get answered. Manfred was able to conquer a tremendous amount of territory from Neferata when she went to go do her task assigned by Nagash. Katakros broke into the 8 points and go to the Varanspire broke into it and caused a lot of damage only to be pushed back to the realmgate. Dawnbringer Crusades are reclaiming a bunch of lands Stormcast losing their 100% respawn is a big deal and in the stories they have their greatest minds working on it. In Kragnos it's alluded that Seraphon have lost two temple cities as of late. One due to the awakening of Kragnos and the other being Mekitospar which who knows if that's truly gone or not. Not to mention the Incarnates coming up and Beastmen having an Old World Spirit guiding them right now. All of this lore takes place in a relatively short amount of time which is huge for a narrative like AoS. I think the disconnect might be is not that the world is stagnating but the pace at which they release new lore / materials might not be quick enough? Mostly because the last bit of lore in a game related material was Thondia.
  16. Broken Realms to Kragnos had a lot of great story moments that definitely impacted the world of AoS. Morathi ascended to god-hood, Anvil-guard fell, Slaanesh was able to spit a portion of itself into the the world, Nagash's "destruction" let Soulblight have even more autonomy, Kragnos' failed attempt led to even more of a push for the crusades to settle the realms, also Seraphon have become more active in the story which is a huge plus. This is probably just a me perspective since I read a lot of the books but it's had a pretty significant impact on the stories and how the world is depicted. Also AoS is a lot more dynamic than the Old World was pre-endtimes, so I think all of the story beats are super exciting. I just wish we would get the Gallet book to see where the story is going after the Thondia one.
  17. Kragnos I feel is represented well in the lore. I am reading through the Kragnos book now and everything else I have read definitely puts him at the same god-level I would put Morathi in. They effectively "killed" Nagash, Archon and Katakros either in Broken Realms or for the latter in the events leading up to it. With most of the gods they will have an effective way of being restored so a lot of times their deaths will feel hollow (looking at you stormcast). I don't necessarily feel like killing a character is that great of a story telling device for the most part. Sure it gives some stakes but I think there could be more imaginative ways of pushing the story forward. I am not a writer or anything of the sort.
  18. I know this isn't the case but the value boxes are giving me some horrific flashbacks to my days as a Warmachine/Hordes player. I'm sure GW wants to clear out a bunch of space for the launch of 10th plus whatever other big releases are coming. Privateer Press had a terrible problem of devaluing it's product to the point of costing them a spot on the shelves at a lot of LGS. I'm curious to see what is in those boxes that people are getting. I hope folks that ordered one or more tell us what they end up getting. My assumption would be terrain and some models from older/less popular factions.
  19. Yes Slann please. If it is revealed tomorrow I will paint my new Slan as an African rain frog in honor of this post.
  20. Doubtful? I'm assuming it was something lost in translation. Like maybe the source of the leak said "New plastic for skink and monster" and then leaked assumed salamander/razordon. I'm still skeptical of that leak due to GSG being so close and not seeing a chariot or more gitmob stuff.
  21. this is my thought of what the new dino is... maybe less feathered on the body.
  22. I think this pretty much confirms Seraphon being the Spring order Battletome right?
  23. SERAPHOOONNNNNNNNN I'll probably have a more in depth take later when I'm not at work. However big blobby thing that was shown first could be Seraphon but I'll err on the side of caution and say it's something for one of the death factions. I do believe we're getting new warriors/guard the un-mounted saurus looks a little too plain and too similiar to everything else to be just a new foot hero. So mounted feather dinosaurs, I think it's something different than new Cold-One riders. The dinosaur doesn't seem to have the oversized foreclaw of raptors. I'm hoping it's something like an oviraptor with a skink on top. No matter what since we're at least getting 2 new kits I'm excited!!!!!
  24. It has and will always be a Necromunda reveal. Here's hoping for something else!
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