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Everything posted by DinoJon

  1. I would love for more Seraphon and hope for this as well.
  2. No laughing at myself and my reading comprehension. I get too hype sometime going over the articles.
  3. Very excited for the preview! I'll be running an AoS Tournament that day so I guess I'll have the preview going on the TVs instead of the round timer. I wonder if we'll see new plastic kits for the Old World or if it'll be more Forgeworld characters.
  4. In "Court of the Blind King" the main character ends up getting a mount that looks like an allopex but it has bony plates on its head like a dunkleosteus. I hope they bring that into AoS for sure!
  5. *nervous laughter* I think the simple-ness was an over generous exaggeration. As an outsider looking into 40k that is.
  6. My initial thought on the RE was a dripping leaf. I'm assuming this is part of some Idoneth update. I would however like to to be a dripping jungle leaf for some yet unreleased slobbery dinosaur for the Seraphon.
  7. Oh boy, hopefully we get some more Mekitopsar lore! Also hopium that this is leading to new skaven models.
  8. My store is a high volume store for Games Workshop and we got our full requested amount but I've heard of other larger sellers who requested at least 50 get cut down to 3 or less. I wish I had some insight on the why and how, on what's happening with it. We were able to put our order in pretty early on Monday so maybe that has something to do with it? I wish GW would get better at predicting demand or gauging their manufacturing capabilities.
  9. Ohhhh thats an interesting proposition. If it's a 1 to 1 faction thing -FEC would get Ushuron -Fyreslayers.... a new named character or maybe new rules for Gotrek or Grungni? -Maggotkin - the Pale Lady, I hope or maybe a new unit of Nurgle Knights? -Gloomspite maybe the new character from Bad Moon Rising?
  10. Any word or thoughts on when we should expect the Seraphon FAQ and Errata?
  11. Here's hoping for Skaven, the great enemy needs great models.
  12. Im really hoping for a Kroot centric release when T'au get their update. I would love to play a mono kroot army but I can't bring myself to collect the current range and I have a distaste for 3D printing a whole army.
  13. I didn't realize that Noah Van Nguyen wrote Yndrasta. I will definitely pick it up now if it comes to Audio Book.
  14. Pricelist most likely tomorrow. Longest wait for Vanguard goes to Sylvaneth for 9 months, I believe.
  15. Looks like no dice, Warscroll Cards or Vanguard.... yet(?).
  16. Yay! Lizards. Harbingers will probably be the following week.
  17. It might be likely we get Harbingers and Seraphon given we only have 2 release dates left before the supposed 10th pre-order. I personally want both, despite what my selfish wallet might think.
  18. More than likely yes? There are not many releases left on the calendar that could be before 10th and I think this article and also Artis Opis oopsidoodling 2 Seraphon painting tutorials that were supposed to be published the 28th is a good indicator.
  19. This was taken from an Old World FB group from a Valrak stream but looks like these might be the commemorative stamps coming out in the UK at the end of June. I know they say they were going to start reprinting some kits for the Old World but gives us a better picture with the White Lions coming back. I'm curious if all the plastic kits are coming back minus any that have been redone since End Times.
  20. Came here to say the same thing. Still hoping for Seraphon Pre-Orders... only a couple more minutes
  21. My biggest gripe with the plastic bloodthirster is the oval base compared to all the other greater daemons round bases. Can't complain about the sculpt though. Anyone else get restless during these in-between times of releases/rumors?
  22. I think we all saw this coming but it's here sooner than I thought. Say goodnight to those sweet Forgeworld models, at least for the time being. I suspect AoS will have some Forgeworld support again once The Old World gets going. I'll miss those massive monsters showing up at events just for cool points.
  23. This rumor engine I am irrationally hoping for another dinosaur for Seraphon for Dawnbringers... Might be IDK Dawnbringers release or a wholly new Underworlds Warband
  24. Yes! Seraphon soon, but I don't want to jinx it.
  25. Hooray! Blightslayer is coming out. I'm excited about that one. Nice to see the Warcry stuff too and the next White Dwarf has new Warcry rules, which are hopefully updates for the new Seraphon models.
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