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Posts posted by Dieselfruit

  1. Rumour about the Cities of Sigmar book from yesterday's 4chan thread - grain of salt and all that:


     Anonymous 08/16/19(Fri)18:08:11 No.67862279▶

    Have had a chance to skim the Cities of Sigmar (soup) book. Some basics:

    -7 sets of allegiance abilities including unique items and command trait for each city, they are:
    -Tempest's Eye
    -Greywater Fastness
    -Living City
    -The Phoenicium

    Spells and prayers ect are shared + some generic command abilities for the different races (more on those later)

    -Greywater Fastness unlocks battleline steam tanks

    -No new endless spells, released warhammer fantasy watchtower as scenery. All cities get access to Stormcast so you can use their endless spells I guess

    -none of the recently axed minis returning. The Warhammer Quest priest is back with his tiny griffhound

    -All remaining models have been lumped into the following 7 factions: Freeguild, Dispossessed, Wanderers, Darkling Covens, Scourge Corsairs and Phoenix Temple. Dwarfs and Empire get their war machines back and shadow warriors are now Phoenix Temple (wtf)

    No new models but several new options from existing sprues. Option for a gunmaster hero in a steamtank and on foot and a Guildsmarshal on demigriff. Longbeards effectively gone and models renamed Clanshields, generic dwarf warrior option?? Not familiar with the elf stuff so couldn't check what's changed

    -Cities of Sigmar are like Stormcast and can ally with any Order.

    -Beautiful model section in the book that basically encourages you to convert your minis and has four pages of conversion guides. Some really nice dwarves from the living city using sylvaneth bits

    Overall more excited for the book than I previously was as a Dispossessedf*g, looking forward to getting some more time with it tomorrow. Let me know if you have any specific questions and I will try to answer them when I next get to see it


    All units have the Cities of Sigmar keyword. Each mini faction gets its own special allegiance rule like skaven clans. Freeguild get detachments and Dispossessed get auto pass battleshock on a 1-3
    Forgot to add: all Dispossessed infantry now has 2 wounds!!!


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    • Confused 1
  2. Loving the designs in this release. Wishful thinking from the Loonboss on Mangler Squigs: the faceplates for the beasties look very very Ironjawz-y in design, with the bashed-in metal and bolted-on teeth. I'm wary of reading too much into it - we'll see if there's any lore connections between the Gloomspite Gitz and Gordrakk & Co. once the tome is out - but it's an interesting detail. All I want is an expanded Ironjawz release, and seeing the continuation of their design language here is the closest thing to a hint in a while.



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  3. Hot take courtesy /r/warhammerunderworlds:


    "The tzeentch band contains a sorcerer of tzeentch with a big feather cape, a tzaangor with greatsword, an acolyte with sword and shield, an acolyte with just sword, a blue horror, and a pair of brimstone horrors on a base.

    The goblin band has a shaman with lantern and staff, a fanatic, a netter, an armoured goblin with a branding pole, 3 bow grots and 2 squigs. That's right, 9 guys. I suspect the branding guy controls squigs in a way to maximise actions"

    Two things: this pretty much confirms that this detail from the image of organised play gear is the Tzeentch sorcerer hero, if anyone wants an idea of how he/she/it will look.

    Maybe more interesting, the blue horror must split into brimstone horrors, and the grots - with 9 models! - will probably summon their squigs after deployment. I guess through the armoured guy with the brand, as an action or as a spell? Definitely opens up a lot of possibilities, not only in how these guys might play (differentiating them from skaven or Sepulchral Guard, for example) but also for how warbands can be deployed - i.e. not all at once. This could be interesting in future seasons - summoning Seraphon onto the battlefield midgame? Beastmen being deployed off-board? But now I'm just theorycrafting...

    Pretty psyched by all these anyways. Loving the Conan the Barbarian Darkoath, those guys look like they should be airbrushed on the side of a van.

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    • Haha 1
  4. 31 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    Can't post leaked images, but I can say to look out for Zarbag's Gitz;)

    Is this a policy? Makes it so much harder to discuss these things without images...!

    All in all potentially two of the most characterful warbands yet. That Tzeentch hero looks killer - right up the weird alley that they've been pushing for the Tzeentch aesthetic. Really digging how they're making the warband a mixed unit as well: it looks like it'll be an Acolyte, the Tzaangor we've seen, and a Horror of some sort? (Or at least something with a few arms)

    The Gitz are looking great as well, looks like a cave shaman-type wizard, a fanatic, a netter, a couple squigs and the armoured squigherder we've seen. Important omission: the flying squigeon and mushroom Troggoth are nowhere to be seen...

    All in all, much more hyped about these sets than I expected to be

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  5. 1 hour ago, Kugane said:

    About those shadow elves.. Does anyone know  what to expect? Assassin-like "shadow" or the magical kind of "shadow" stuff?

    We don't really have any idea, yet. The closest hint we have so far is the Mistweaver Saih and Tenebrael Shard models - which were produced before there was a clear idea on which direction they wanted to take aelves. Design docs have changed since, allegedly (I can't recall who said as much - a designer at a con maybe? cit. needed) and I'd be surprised if whatever we end up with looks anything like those.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Jgroover said:

    Please let spiderfang be rolled in with the new moonclan. Such cool models but no good way to use them. 

    Someone on the AoS thread on /tg/ mention that we'd see a 'grot soup' battletome, followed by a Moonclan standalone tome - in the same vein as Legions of Nagash followed by Nighthaunt books. No source but conceivable - it'd give Gitmob and Spriderfang some extra utility while still allowing for a centipede heavy Moonclan.

    22 hours ago, Overread said:

    Yes and no. 

    I honestly think the best approach is to keep several of them and flesh them out like Daughters of Khaine and then have a couple that are gathered up as an allied force so that they remain viable but are either allied together always (so they can take each others units without the allies limit hurting them) and so that other factions can still use them. That is the best of both worlds - keeps the faction numbers down and yet keeps things in the range. 

    To the same point, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those micro-factions were folded into one Free Peoples tome.  GW seems unwilling to incorporate models that overly impede on the off-the-wall aesthetics of the new factions, and if the light/shadow aelfs end up being as bonkers as we expect I can't imagine any space left for a lot of factions otherwise. A combined 'Free Cities' tome, or something, bringing aelfs, free guild, dispossessed, collegiate arcane, ironweld, etc. would be a good shout.

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  7. On 10/11/2017 at 4:41 AM, Chris Tomlin said:

    Thanks man! Yeh I find the whole concept of themed allies are really cool and exciting one. Definitely one of my fav bits of the GH2017. As well as my Gorkanaut Rogue Idol I have considered Deff Dreads for Gargants (had originally thought about the FW Gundabad Trolls...but now they are my number 1 candidate for an Ironjawz Troggoth Hag).  How are you handling your Gargant (wahey!)?

    I had the same thought with the Gundabad trolls, but didn't want to take risk of them looking out of scale - though the plan is to essentially throw on a similar style armour for the Gargant's chest and arms. Plan is to have him look like his Brute pals have beaten on some slabs of metal, roughly following the brutes' getup but (obviously) larger. Maybe a big old hakka along the left arm in the vein of the Megaboss' ripper fist. Haven't done much work on it yet, mostly just been messing around with mock-ups, but the plan is to use some heated-up plasticard to mold some pieces onto the dude's torso and back. Shoulders, codpiece, and any other metal on the arm will be some spare brutes bits and some green stuff.  So far I've only properly done a facemask type of think, which came out pretty Mad Max-y - which I'm fine with! Anxious for some spare time so that I can get on with it - and start a proper blog on the modelling board.

    The Rogue Idol project sounds killer, would love to see it once it's finished (if you manage to survive the highlights...)


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