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Posts posted by Fellman

  1. Was ther not a rumor of a spider like incarnet?

    27 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Great ! Well I'll get the Gorechosen even if I don't play WHU (I try to get at least one warband each season to mark my support for the game, great creativity going there lately in terms of models). Looking forward to the new setting ! 

    Re : Monday reveal. If the next Battletomes indeed are 1 new model each, then we know everything until Slaves to Darkness (which we also kinda know everything about) : DoT = Curseling, LRL = new mage, Mawtribes = new hunter, SoB : KING BRODD.

    I guess we could see something more for MT or SoB (maybe from Warcry). Alternatively : another leaked unit for StD, or indeed something for Cities of Sigmar.

    Slight hope for the latter, as people asked about WHQ Cursed Cities and CoS (and TOW) at NOVA and GW revealed soon after the Nightwar expansion. So we could very well get a small snippet of something for CoS...


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  2. 34 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    But apart from Wrath & Rapture and Fury of the Deep they usually don't pit two armies from the same Grand Alliance against each other. And in these two instances it made sense because Fyre vs Watyr (d'uh) and Khorne and Slaanesh are typically mentioned as counterparts as well. 

    With Ogors vs Gloomspite there doesn't seem too much of obvious conflict. Ogors aren't really interested in subterranean spaces and  Gitz are far too scrawny and small to serve as meals. I guess Gitz could probably attack anyone because Bad Moon and being on shrooms and stuff. We'll see, but I personally don't see it happening. 

    Underguts are more or less arch nemesis to gloomspite and skaven as thay blast ther way thro the undergrund eating everyting

  3. 3 hours ago, Malakithe said:

    I dont know why they keep jacking up all the points costs. No Tzaangor units will be worth taking and now that Acolytes lost wizard they arent worth taking either...so...business as usual I guess with Pinks the king of the faction.

    Nurgle and Seraphon are two armes that was deemed unplayable and ruind befor aliance abiletys and synergis was revealed so i don't worry too much

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  4. On 8/23/2022 at 7:48 AM, TechnoVampire said:

    I’m wondering what the general consensus on Lady O is so far? I love the model, but I’m not entirely sure what purpose she serves for the points. Aside from filling a role as a caster, I feel like the points would almost always be better spent on more bodies or cheaper support hero’s. What are other people’s thoughts/ experiences? 

    I intend to us hear in quicksilver dead for  2+ mortal wounds in the shoting face and som heling for my 2x20 haridrens

  5. 10 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    Okay, I feel like i have to get the Slaanesh and Tzeentch Start Collecting before they are gone and then mix them with the Khorne Combat Patrol and get a quick undivided army.. Nurgle seems completely gone from my area. although part of me wants to go Wrath and Rapture style and get Khorne and Slaanesh as enemies under Be'Lakor... 

    Flesh hounds have always been my favourite daemons.

    Either way my 40k army will be a sneaky 4th AOS army mixed with some Chaos Knights. Either way excited about the new box also to get my new Chaos Spawn and random mutants aka Accursed Cultists.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but i dont think it will com back if you cant find it in a local game store


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