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Posts posted by Scrags

  1. Hey all! Quick question! What do y’all fill out your thunderquake lists with? I like my core of engine and x2 bastilladons. I ran it with x6 Kroxigors today and they preformed pretty well vs mass sequitor SCE. I know it’s not their best matchup, but it also made it really hard to gauge if they’re worth their 320 points. What do y’all run thunderquake wise and why? :)

  2. 11 hours ago, Mikeymajq said:


    Chaos Knights are pretty amazing, cheers to whoever here made a comment about how important it was to make sure they got the charge off and not let them be charged. I had that in mind and screened them with reavers and my wrathmongers xD. Even with the no rend realmscape they took out 3 liberators on the charge, and that was outside the banners range and I forgot that I had used the +1 to wound on the charge command ability. 

    I reeeeally want to get some +1 to hit or reroll to hit buffs to lay on the Knights tho' .

    You're welcome ;D 

    +1 to hit can come from Chaos Lord on a Demonic Mount command ability, Killing Frenzy Blood Blessing and rerolling ALL FAILED HITS comes from Khorne blessing from Chaos Warshrines. Used to throw blades of putrifaction on them in my Nurgle lists, but honestly x10 with the lances on the charge overkilled pretty much everything they charged anyway. 

    Trophy wall kills include 40 Arknaughts in 1 charge,(battleshock took care of the stragglers) an Insensate Rage BT, 5 Blood warriors and an injured Skarbrand, and 4 Knights took about half Nagashes health with poor enemy save rolls ;D

    With buffed Chaos Knights you actually want to multicharge clumped up enemy units because of your killing power. 


    Wall of shame Chaos knights include, getting chewed to pieces be 10 Liberators over 4 turns, getting tarpitted by PBs for 3, dying to 'Ard Boys over 3 and deleted by skeletons and plague monks on multiple occasions. 

    Granted in most of these instances I should have retreated and fished for later charges but the serve as good examples of Knights gone wrong. And that's a very real possibility :(

    • Thanks 1
  3. Anyone have thoughts on the Wrath of Khorne bloodthirster? It seems good but I'm on the fence about spending 320 points on one starting in my army as opposed to summoning one later on. 

    What bloodthirster variants are y'all running? :)

  4. 20 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

    Chaos Chosen are good? Bloodletters are hideous I will never use them. Khorgorath is quickly becoming a pet model.

    Today I played Dispossesed and I tested out a list with Brass Stampede + Skulltake Battalion. 

    My favorite part of the Skullreapers in this Battalion is that they kill stuff - SO HARD (5 of them killed 17 out of 20 Dwarves with crossbows) that they typically, in my experience, quickly gain double the kills of their model count. 

    What this means is that with a few support buffs to “get started” they quickly become re-roll self sufficient anyway. However the Bloodstoker re-roll would rolls of 1’s, Killing Frenzy +1 to hit, Lord of Khorne of Juggernaut +1 to wound means hitting on 3’s 5 and 6 do mortal wounds wounding on 2’s 5’s and 6’s add 1 damage to their weapons they just steamroll anything and eventually just reroll all failed hits and wounds. 

    The Khorogorath is incredibly Killy as well. He’s quickly becoming a pet model that I’m just really excited to have and bring with me all the time in any list. Even more than 1. I’m just over the moon with this guy. Buff him even a little and I imagine if I put work into him he would just rip and tear forever. I love his healing, he has shooting, 2 damage in melee, rend, 5 attacks base and other stuff just buffs it, can easily get +2/+2/-1/3 with just a blessing and command point. Like this guy is just *muah*

    I like the Brass Stampede alpha strike all close together and just blasting mortal wounds and Mighty Skullcrushers for 140 points feel like a steal. 4’s to hit 3’s to wound base with -1 rend is pretty good, buffs only make them better, plus the mounts and for 5 wound models these guys quickly spit dice, and at least against Dwarves lasted forever. Feeling much more positive about these guys. Going near into my “must always bring” category.

    so Battalions I know I enjoy a lot and get a lot out of: Skulltake, Brass Stampede and Gore Pilgrims. Still have at least 2 more to test and a couple double Battalion lists. 

    Slaughter Priests were risk it for the biscuit today and mostly basically killed themselves but at least most of the time I got 1 killing frenzy off I guess....? Super unreliable outside of Gore Pilgrims. The +1 is super worth it, but again, super risky without it. So it’s a toss up... 

    That covers my latest discoveries and tests. 

    I love how Chaos Chosen look but I had heard they weren’t great - however if anyone has positive experiences I am super open to running them! Adore their models! 

    No matter what I’m getting Chaos Knights as I’m in love with their models so I’m just really glad to hear they’re totally worth it :D 


    Yeah chaos knights are a little tricky, they're DEVESTATING on the charge and will kill pretty much whatever they do charge. Good support from them is Chaos lord on Demonic mount (+1 to hit command ability) Killing Frenzy prayer and chaos war shrine Khorne refill all failed hits prayer. Only downside to Chaos knights is they're super swingy in terms of you NEED the charge. After the charge, or if they get charged its pathetic. 

    Khorgoraths are just the exciting part of Chaos knights (-1 rend 2 damage attacks) but all the time and don't need support to be 3+/3+. 

    Chosen arent "good" exactly but for me they're just safer skull reapers. They can also do mortal wounds and don't hurt themselves. 

    Skullreapers just confuse the hell out of me. They don't do consistent enough mortal wounds to be an "elite killer"/"tank buster" unit, and also aren't really kitted to fight hordes. I've run them several times now and they never seem to really earn their points in my games. Again, I get that with support they do damage but so many other options seem cheaper and more reliable. 

    I just don't get what their role in the army is supposed to be. Seems like all our other units do their job better, cheaper or both. 

    Im trying to learn how to use them and am willing to give them a shot because I know most people swear by them. I just don't see it myself. The sergeant seems to be the only model remotely with while. Maybe back when they were 140 points :P

    • Like 1
  5. I can't  wrap my head around the whole skull reapers thing. I get that skull reapers with lots of buffs can do damage. I just feel like bloodletters do it better and with less support. 

    Same with Khorgoraths, and chaos knights and even chosen xD

  6. 10 hours ago, Praecautus said:

    Had my first AoS 2 game against an experienced players Death - Legion of Nagash. Played escalation w 2k armies and ended in a draw.

    My list was gorepilgrims with some summoning, although not optimised.

    Daemon Prince w crown

    Aspiring deathbring w bezerker lord

    Blood secrator w rune

    3 x Priests w bronze flesh

    4 x 10 reavers

    2 x 10 warriors

    5 skull reapers

    War shrine w bronze flesh



    Wont do a blow by blow, but it was a brutal slaughter fest ? Some things which struck me

    Focus on the scenario . Obvious to many here buts it's tempting to get distracted by a valuable model and give up an objective

    Gorepilgrims is amazing - not news ?

    Priests were great - 4x flesh is really handy and blood boil really made my opponent consider where he placed valuable models. I need to use them more aggressively.

    Aspiring death bringer w command points is a steal at 80 points. Him and 3 blood warriors obliterated a horde of zombies and grave guard.

    Blood tithe was flowing after each combat phase, I always seemed to have 2 or 3 points after combat so I managed to summon a herald and 10 blood letters and unbind arkhan a few times.

    30 inch unbind is awesome but a buffer up arkhan is a spell monster. Could only stop him w blood tithe.

    Ward save on shrine is pretty meh, while a fourth flesh is handy I think replacing it and the prince for a wok bt may be the way forward.

    Small units of reavers seems like the way forward - objective grabbers and tithe.

    Death summoning is mean


    All in all feeling happier about khorne in this edition. 

    Nice! Thanks for the breakdown, I'll have to look at blood warriors again :D 

    I always take my shrines for the reroll all failed hits and extra blood blessing. 6+ ward saves are never anything to bank on but I think the utility of the prayers and synergy of the Warshrine being a TOTEM and thus giving my reavers an extra attack makes them well worth it. 

    Granted I run much larger blocks of Reavers :P

  7. 7 hours ago, Patapoef said:

    Did any1 try the council of blood? Its even stronger now since all bt get to use their command ability without using a cp. Its 150 points, not that expensive. You do need to use 3 bt, but that doesn't feel horrible to me.

    So let me preface by saying that I have only played AGAINST a council of blood, I haven't run it myself. From my experience on the receiving end of the table I'd say it works and it doesn't. Here's why;

    What works: I think Khorne plays a lot like tyranids used to, I.e the original and literal "distraction carnifex". If you don't play 40k, the basic idea is put many threats on the table thus giving your opponents an impossible choice. "Which unit should I focus because I can't ignore any of them, but can only deal with one at a time". 

    3 BTs certainly plays into that mindset and can be very scary for some armies to deal with. 

    What doesn't work: As much fun as BTs are, they seem to work best with artifacts and command traits and are VERY greedy with them. Several people have already mentioned the value of Immense power but only one gets that. You can put artifacts on the other 2 but you're starting to spread yourself thin and then there's the bigger issue... points. 

    With the 260 variants this battalion is still going to run you 930 points. So effectively half your army. Imho there are better cheaper units that can fill that "multiple threat" role and often preform better than a BT that degrades with damage, while also being harder to take off the table. Could be spoiled by GUO durability but BTs are glass cannons that die in all of my games. They normally pay for themselves at least, but are dead turn 3 ;D

    Ultimately it's your call of course but that's my 2 cents at least :P if you run it and have success please let us know!

  8. I really don't know where all the negative outlooks are coming from for Khorne. To be fair it's not like people are calling it completely unviable. I'm just coming to Khorne here at the start of 2E so maybe I missed the glory days but I've always found Khorne to be solid. 

    Far from the bleeding edge of hyper competitive play but I feel like they're in a pretty decent place. I'm coming down from my Nurgle high (been waiting for nurgle to be good for forever and have really been enjoying them post maggotkin release.)

    Here in 2E though I figure I'd finally give Khorne a go and I feel that I have just a much success with them as I did with nurgle. Also, I'm really enjoying not being completely addicted to/reliant on Blades of Putrifaction ;D 

    Granted I've only been able to get 5 games in so for in 2E but I'm undefeated so far and with the addition of Flesh Hounds to my model pool for summoning games have been getting better and better. :) I plan on going to a tournament in Dallas and Wargames Con this year so I'll let y'all know how those go if anyone is interested. 

    I just wanted to bring some hope to you guys on the off chance anyone else was feeling down about the faction :P

    • Like 3
  9. 22 minutes ago, Roark said:

    Gonna give this one a try. It's centred around 3 exploding Khornemowers and their Khorgie groupies. Not the best magic protection, but lots of attacks, mortal wounds and lots of Damage 2-3 on a 4+ to wound (thanks to battalion + Juggerlord + Plague Priest). 

    Allegiance: Khorne
    Lord Of Khorne On Juggernaut (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Violent Urgency 
    - Artefact: Gorecleaver 
    Aspiring Deathbringer (80)
    - Bloodaxe and Wrath Hammer
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    - Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy
    Bloodsecrator (140)
    Bloodstoker (80)
    - Artefact: The Brazen Rune 
    Plague Priest with Plague Censer (80)
    - Allies
    10 x Blood Warriors (200)
    - Goreaxe & Gorefist
    - 1x Goreglaives
    10 x Bloodreavers (70)
    - Meatripper Axes
    10 x Bloodreavers (70)
    - Meatripper Axes
    5 x Skullreapers (170)
    - Daemonblades
    - 1x Soultearers
    5 x Skullreapers (170)
    - Daemonblades
    - 1x Soultearers
    5 x Skullreapers (170)
    - Daemonblades
    - 1x Soultearers
    1 x Khorgoraths (90)
    1 x Khorgoraths (90)
    1 x Chaos Warshrine (160)
    - Mark of Chaos: None
    - Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy
    Skulltake (190)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 80 / 400
    Wounds: 147

    Sorry still new to Khorne, what are "Khornemowers?" xD I assume it's a nickname for a unit?

    also is the plaguepriest purely for Wither?

    do you like Skullreapers? I feel like they don't do much for their cost. (At least my 10 haven't yet)

    What loadout do you use for your Skullreapers?

  10. Sorry if this is old news but I had a question about Karnak. 

    So Prey of the Blood God states "you can pick one Hero to be Karnak's quarry". 

    One hero. 

    Now given that the rest of the rule is you can re-roll all failed hit and wound rolls against that Hero, it's pretty obvious to me that RAI is that Hero is an ENEMY hero.

    That being said, is there anything besides honor that's stopping me from picking my Bloodsecrator or any other of my own heroes then cashing in on Call of the Hunt where it states, "if Karnak is within 8" of his quarry during the Hero phase, you can summon a unit of 5 Flesh Hounds to the battlefield"

    Free 5 Flesh Hounds 1st turn? 

    Checked the new FAQ and errata and didn't see anything specific addressing this. 

  11. Yeah I think I'm with you, thanks for the breakdown :) 

    dispelling is for sure an issue, I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with that. I play a potentially strange list that features lots of priests. (Often two Chaos Warshrines in addition to Gore Pilgrim or Dark Feast priests) so I feel like Blood Sacrifice might be a decent way to generate points.

    I like flesh hounds as a summon personally. 3 points for 10 wounds and 10 attacks with decent movement seems pretty good to me. I understand and agree that I wish our summoning and buffs used different resources :P 


  12. 10 hours ago, Xasz said:

    I think Gore Pilgrims is still the go-to battalion for Khorne.

    It counteracts some of the bigger issues of Khorne (Bloodsecrator range, inconsistency of priests, ranged combat), at least to some degree. It has not wasted/tax units and the point increase is manageable as the other battalions are pretty much strictly worse. (but I wouldn't be too surprised if someone figures a Goretide or Archaon/Khorne list out)

    That being said, Khorne has some major issues with the new edition. A lot of the new fancy stuff cannot be easily integrated into our armies and our summoning is rather constrained and more a small gimmick than a full fledged feature.

    That makes sense, I figured Gore Pilgrims would still be a staple :) 

    I'm surprised to hear that Khorne is having issues in the new edition. I thought our summoning mechanic was pretty solid. Granted we can't do full blood factory anymore but even just with a few instances of Blood Sacrifice I figured we'd at least be able to crank out a few units. 

    I've been thinking about running a reaver heavy list with dark feast. It's a bit of a gimmick but I think I'm onto something mirroring Skaven Pestilens with my Chaos Warshrines. 

    Has anyone tried it before? How does it perform? 

    • Like 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Xasz said:

    The Goretide was played before GHB 2017, before the battalion costs just skyrocketed.

    There might be a resurgence, due to Khorne now lacking options and a small point decrease.

    Interesting, what options are we lacking now? Sorry probably a dumb question but I though that 2E just helped us with summoning. To be fair I'm coming from a Khorne Mortals perspective. Maybe Bloodletter balls were the meta before. 

    I know Gore Pilgrims went up and was really popular, is it unplayable now?

  14. Has anyone run the mega battalions? I wish the core units were better. Just getting into Khorne so I don't really have enough experience with Skullreapers to say if they're worth their points. 

    I'm temped by the Skullfiend Tribe one but I don't think a Skulltake is worth the points even minned out. Not sure though. 

    • Like 1
  15. Anyone have thoughts on Sunblood Starhost? I like the idea of giving my already solid warriors rend. It seems easy to build and extra command points seem good in 2E. 

    Are any of the mega formations good? I was looking at Dracothian tail but don't know how good the Knight batallion (Blazing lance?) is. I see that knights are going down in points. 

  16. I don't own the Skaven Pestilens book, can you take a Congregation of Filth in a Nurgle army? Don't know if it falls into the same trap as the Plaguetouched Warband. 

    I know basically all the Pestilens models have the Nurgle tag but I don't know about their battalions. :(

  17. Is thunder quake pretty much standard in every list? Looking to start seraphon and don't see how an engine of the gods and 2 bastilladons rerolling all saves and wounds (and hits with an astrolith bearer) while healing each turn isn't an absolutely core part of any list. It even includes your Slan star master for summoning. 

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