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Posts posted by HorseOnABeachBall

  1. Oh, and here's my list of net winners and losers for our stinky bois


    + Furnace. It's downright tanky now with a 4+, 5+,5+ (Verminous valor). The rusty spikes and wheels can actually hurt you now and the censer can shower your opponents with mortal wounds. I wasn't expecting the Furnace to get such a buff, so I'm pretty stoked.

    + poisonous fumes now actually impact the game. Amen to that. 

    +censer bearers moved from the "hot garbage" pile to the "might try them" pile. I've had about 30 sitting there for 10 years , so yes please GW. It's very strange that they don't go on 25mm. 32mm seems awkward.

    + the biblical amount of rules on the plague monk scroll is gone. Was so bad that even longtime Pestilen players didn't know how monks actually worked. I once played against a fellow rat general who didn't know that certain banners had to be popped during hero phase etc. I didn't have the heart to tell the guy, but no more! Now in order to get the whole shebang you need 40 monks.  I still think theres a tactical value to having units of 10/20/40. In my last game I fielded 20 units of 10 and it was pretty dang effective. There were many instances where 2 immune to battle shock monks held up huge enemy units.


  2. Had a chance to try out new Pestilens. Much improved and strictly better with the inclusion of GnawHoles. Ive noticed what could be a few bugs/glitches, but rules are rules and I choose not to divine intent....


    - Plagueclaws only need to target a unit to give it  -1 bravery. Apparently even if it misses , it gets a little goop on its intended target anyway.

    - Foulrain congregation requires a Plague Priest, but does not explicitly rule out a Plague Priest on a Furnace.  The battalion above it ( congregation of filth) even refers to its Plague Priest on a Furnace as a Plague priest. Interesting.

    - In another twist of the English language, a Furnace counts as one of the 10 models within 6". It can push itself! Lol. Interesting to note that the models pushing the Furnace don't have to all come from the same unit. Even a Plagueclaw could help push.



  3. My biggest issue as far as winning tournament games is the sheer amount of bodies that one has to move. Takes forever. It's also difficult to win scenario games which require heros. Pestilens' limited hero choices all come with  some serious drawbacks.


  4. On August 31, 2018 at 11:34 AM, Nikobot said:

    Eels seem to be the best movers in the game, so its a hard force to get the drop on. I can see getting the charge on them with a unit like monks would be the end of them though and they would rely heavily on dictating engagements. MSU and staggering your forces with the shields going first might present some hard choices to the eels. You do run a fair few units, did you not get any counter charge opportunities?


    Doh! Just saw your reply.

    IIRC, my counter charging units bounced off his eels. They were blunted by that pain in the ass turtle and some mystic shield. He had an item on his SeaWizard that took him out of a combat for a turn. I had dedicated a considerable amount of my reserves to killing him, so that pretty much sealed the game in his favor.   

  5. On August 23, 2018 at 9:03 AM, Nikobot said:

    Thanks for the write up Horse

    I have had good results with the Corruptor and its CA + staves, not much has held up against monks with 6 attacks + prayer buffs fishing for MW

    I can see a tide of 200 monks being hard to stop :)

    Which armies and tactics managed to resist your glorious filthiness and foil you into a loss and draws?

    I got mashed to a pulp by an Eel heavy Deepkin list. I committed a horrible blunder by putting cogs out on top of 1, which let his entire army strike when and where he wanted.  A unit of eels has 100% chance of buzz sawing through a unit of monks. In hindsight , without cogs he could have only landed about half his army, which means I could have countercharged and taken down some eels with me. Gotta have those monks charging.


    Interestingly enough the next game was also against a deepkin army. Not as many eels, but similar build none the less. I made it a point to *not* cast cogs and things went better. I swarmed the field , grabbed all points and braced for impact. With such small model count, he couldn't be where he needed to be. Worth noting that the -1 to charge actually stopped a big charge of his. 

    I know I keep harping on this, but the inclusion of the Grey Seer was ace. I originally tossed him in to be able to reliably Gemenids (pre nerf) , but his command ability is downright sinful. 

  6. Sweet! Will post more , just ran out of times. I'd like to discuss Pestilens command traits and items in AoS.


    I tied against a Nagash army , which in the future I'm pretty confident against. Tied against a moonclan army in which basically everything died. Both scenarios were variants of knife to heart. Tournament had an odd scoring system in which you needed +500 army points destroyed in order to break ties. Virtually impossible unless you wipe your opponent while taking no casualties yourself.

    • Like 1
  7. Ok, fellow supplicants of the withered word, here's a tournament report(s). Played in two recently. Tough crowds with rough lists and Im here to report that the horde did well. I actually tied for 3rd in tournament 2 :P


    Tournament 1

    2W - 1L

    Tournament 2



    Instead of going game by game, I figured I'd go unit by unit and discuss their application in competitive AoS2. First and foremost...


    - Plague Monks.

    I've been running 10x20. So thats 200 rats that basically cover the field. They generally come at you in 3 rows if you spread them out evenly to cover objectives etc. Its possible to misdeploy and not use 1/3 of your plague monks. I do not find staves worth it *ever*. Hitting with 75% of your attacks is consistent. In all 6 games the most monks I ever lost was about 100. Its incredibly difficult to kill more than that with the time allotted to a 2-3 turn tournament game. Moving this many plague monks is an issue, but can be dealt with if practiced regularly. Debuffed plague monks are waste of time. If opponent defbuffs monks, just retreat the unit and let another one of your units do the job. I find that most opponents don't fully appreciate the plague monk warscroll. -1 to running and charging while within 12" can make a huge difference.

    - Corruptor

    After much hemming and hawing, I currently give the corruptor  a thumbs down. On paper it's stock seems to have gone up with AoS2 and Malign sorcery, but its still a 220 point sink. I tried giving it the -3 sword, but in every game it was much too preoccupied with scoring points than killing enemy. Grabbing objectives wins you games.

    - Plague Furnace

    I've actually had a 'Come to Nurgle' moment with the Plague Furnace recently. 12W, 4+ save (+only worthy target for mystic shield) and verminous valor shunt, means its the only model capable of playing in the "Hero must take" scenarios. You can fully expect every tournament to have a heavy load of these missions. The furnace can be sped up by packing them tight with rats and a the expenditure of a command point will guarantee that your furnace gets within 6" of a point on turn 1. I've never had them do anything in combat. Most of the time, they're ignored.

    - Plague Priests

    I've had another change of heart with these guys. I've been running 3x and they're fairly important to keeping your Hordes within CP range. I find them pivotal. In every game they allowed me to fish for a turn 1 Neverplague which pretty much guaranteed the turn 2-3 prayers went off where needed. There's not a reason to take one without the book.



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  8. 1 hour ago, tolstedt said:

    From the FAQ yesterday
    "Note that if allegiance abilities exist for a faction army, you must use them."

    Looks like we can't take GA chaos with pestilens.


    Yup. :(

    I actually think that GA:Chaos and Maggotkin are so much better that it's possibly worth paying the battleline tax to grab either allegiance for a plague monk army.

  9. Just took down a spammy TZ list with my Pestilens horde.  Cunning Deceivers value just went up 500% in my book. Kairos can't stop 200 rats from landing a charge when Cogs and command points are in effect. AoS2 should probably be renamed Age Of Geminids.

    • Haha 1
  10. Logged a few more games with my 3 plagueclaw build. I'm about 99% convinced that the only thing that works in Pestilens are the plague monks. My next build will be;


    Grey Seer

    Grey Seer

    Grey Seer

    (bunch of endless spells)

    and the rest of the points spent on plague monks.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, wander said:

    Plague Monks are only Battleline with the Pestilens allegiance however. So running Nurgle Maggotkin allegiance makes a force less about the Monks at that point.



    Thats what I call the Nurgle tax. In AoS1, the nurgle tax came out to 180pts. AoS2 brings the tax up to 270, but you can still definitely make it all about the monks. 200+ plague monks is still very doable. Maggotkin also lets you get rid of plague priests altogether, not to mention access to summoning.

  12. So I got my first two games of AoS2 in. Here's some initial thoughts on a Pestilens Horde.

    - Monks, still seem to be doing better for me in units of 20. More threat vectors, less chance of a catastrophic loss.

    - Gave my general 'Architect of Death' and had him hang out with a battery of three plague claws. Against Death, the recursion might have made my battery negligible , but I was actually stacking around 7-8 wounds on his big characters per turn. I asked my opponent about the effect of my plagueclaws and he said it definitely forced him to play his characters back. Out of the three shots, I was landing about 2 per turn. Those two hits always wounded. ' Architect of Death' never factored in.  The points drop feels nice, but overall I still feel that trading 20 rats for a plagueclaw is most of the time a poor trade. Going to play a few more games with this configuration. Might even toss in a 4th catapult for lulz.

    - Great Plagues are still a fluffy but poor allegiance feature. You can't control which priest hits one, and you can't control when you hit one. Not worth much tactical discussion IMO.

    - Pestilens items are poor. The only ones worth including seem to be the Vexlers shroud and the Liber Bubonicus. Even then, the generic items seem better meta choices.

    - Plague Priests are an interesting choice. They're cheap. 80pts for a character is right about what I want to pay for one. They sadly don't count as a wizard, so scoring on that one scenario becomes not an option. Most of my opponents kill lone characters as a reflex and this hasn't changed in AoS2. So far they've died to spells/endless spells/mortal wounds. PP's are basically just support. Considering spending the 20 pts to upgrade them to Grey Seers.

    - Corruptors seem like the big winners in AoS2. Casting two spells a turn and access to new lores and items is a huge plus.






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  13. Yeah, it's a little less restrictive now that you can take Nurgle as allies as opposed to Nurgle Daemons.  I think I'm still going to downgrade Pestilens allegiance. Maggotkin followed by GA: Chaos seem like better choices for a Pestilens army. The new command point system seems like a major boon for our stinky mice!


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