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Posts posted by Túrbóbelja

  1. 6 minutes ago, Sarges said:

    Sadly, this is not a new art but from the previous battletome so it most likely will still mean nothing in terms of miniature releases.


    ahh too bad. Great job correcting me, we get way too hyped over plastic around here :D 

  2. Welcome back! Things have certainly changed since the early days and mostly for the better. Especially in army diversity and flair! I miss the simplicity of the realm gate wars without subfactions, metabuilds but love the endless spell system and the creative opportunities. 

    I would be tempted to go down the undead path with the new quest but I have pledged myself to the flying sharks.


    • Like 1
  3. I want to see more named characters unique to AoS. and preferably with unique sculpts but not Knight Zephyros style hero.  I want my named Sorcerer Lord with a devious backstory, a named Tzeentch Herald ( preferably on a disk ) a Seraphon named Skink Priest locked in Starborne with dramatic flair.  The game started very open and awesome with all the creative power in our hands, but the time has come ( and begun ) to flesh out the realms and progress the stories. I adore the new Lord Varient for Stormcast from Morathi, getting a Teclis model, Katakros is fantastic as well as Lady Olynder and all the other new interesting stories we have gotten recently.

    • Like 2
  4. My money is on a Skink Priest with the feathercloak ! The old kit is both old and resin and it is the perfect hero to have in Underworlds or Warcry with maybe a Saurus Guard and two skinks

    EDIT : I noticed that the Skink Priest weapon profile is named Star-stone staff and could be the weapon in the rumour engine.


  5. I love the to hit and to wound system. 

    I used to play 40k in 5th, 6th and 7th edition and trying to get new people into the hobby was abysmal. In theory and for the first small games the players liked the reality of the system immensely.  " Are you saying my Gaunts literally cannot hurt that Tank? No matter how many swarm it?...Yes sir. " But after adding in units, playing larger games and dare I say it..multiplayer games. The endless comparing WS tables and Strength vs Toughness became a chore, especially if you were the player with most ingame knowledge.

  6. On 12/11/2019 at 8:23 PM, sal4m4nd3r said:


    A sigil (endless spell) in this list would be boss and can be slotted right in.  (40 points)

    Soul Grinders were 250 previously. A soul grinder with demonic power is a VERY strong piece I think! But the fact that it "requires" a spell to be competetive speaks to the warscroll as you pointed out. Also everything is great with demonic power LOL! In a nurgle army, they can be particularly fun as they can move, run, shoot, and charge in the same turn! +1 to wound on the cycles stage two!

    You can't cast Demonic Power on the soul grinder... it is for mortal S2D units only.

  7. 5 hours ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    It used to be hidden behind a 220pt battalion (most expensive non-mega battalion in AOS?) with a minimum army cost of 1320... it wasn't a problem before, presumably because it never saw the tabletop at a competitive event. 

    But, yeah it seems super strong. You're basically eliminating any disadvantage of the priority roll for the chaos player. You know your double turn is coming, and can be appropriately aggressive or you know your opponent is getting it, so you can pull back or be defensive.
    It does cost a command point so that's something I guess..... 

    The opponent doesn't even get to chose to pass priority to you. You can't either but that's hardly a downside with the foreknowledge.  

    finally... what happens in a mirror match if both players use this ability? does the later one simply overwrite the first one? 

    The practicality of it also bothers me. , how do you roll it, keep it secret and make sure no one cheats? maybe a dice cup and leave it covered? But I feel that has to be properly policed/mandated coz it's such a critical roll and has such a significant impact on the game. 
    It's a lot of extra bookkeeping or equipment required to try and do something secret fairly. 

    One point I want to make.. you CAN reveal it. So if you do not get your desired result from the secret roll you can leave it up to the dice and things progress as normal.

    • Like 2
  8. 49 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Keeping old Chosen (when they could easily make new ones by ripping off their own Varanguard kit, GW is into copy/paste these days anyways) and not doing a new multipart kit for Warriors (like they (and I before them) said - the most iconic Warhammer Fantasy unit) seems kinda dumb to me to be honest. But whatever, I'm fine with it as these will be good enough for conversions. Still a dubious move when this army sold me more than a few others combined back in WHFB days and would now sell more than fringe group factions like Fyreslayers or Idoneth Deepkin.... I don't get it but perhaps they know something we don't or maybe most heavily armored Chaos warrior fans went on to collect Khorne and Nurgle and won't bother switching now. There's gotta be some reason as they're not exactly allergic to money.

    There are many things we do not know yet. What will happen to the weapon options for knights and warriors? Are we stuck using old warriors for banners and musicians? Will the new lord replace the old? What is the deal with a flail being a weapon option for a lord on foot? Is he on a larger base in today's picture? Will we get more kits in a new year? How will the warcry units mix into the book? What is the cultist keyword? How awesome will Archeon be? How will marks work? Will we get god-aligned battalions? Chosen might remain the same models or not, but aren't they resin? New GW doesn't like resin.

  9. What is your opinion on Screamers? I have been lingering in the hobby for a long time but never played many games and never vs serious opponents. I have begun changing that and got stomped at a local event a few weeks back. I only hear hate towards the models and their role on the battlefield but in my experience they have been stellar. Screening my herald on disc while -1 to hit. Getting to a objective with a 16" move + a CP run of 6".  Sacrificing them up the board as a road block or trapping a shooting unit in combat. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Forrix said:

    This might not be a popular take but with 4 new battletomes out in roughly a one month timeframe I'm ready for GW to shift their focus to 40k for awhile. I've got a cities and a mawtribes army going and I want to see how the meta shakes out.

    I agree! Love the releases and the hype around new models/factions but they have to let things settle too and allow us to enjoy them.  And that is coming from a Slaves and Tzeentch collecting player whose main opponent plays Seraphon. 2020 is going to be amazing/expensive for our playgroup.

  11. Greetings! 

    As a proud follower of the great god of change I have begun searching for a fun side project army.

    I have undying love for underused models and my mind is racing towards the Lord Aquilor and his merry men. How great/awful are the vanguard section of Stormcast? I have never seen them on the tables and having a crazy mobile and flanking army sounds really fun and fits my play style well. The grand illusionist takes great pleasure watching feeble minds heighten themselves mistaking schemes for strategy.

    My thoughts : 

    Lord Aquilor

    Neave Blacktalon

    3 x Palladors

    10 x Hunters

    10 x Hunters 

    - which comes down to 1000 points. 

    • Like 3
  12. 1 hour ago, S133arcanite said:

    How about this:

    Tzaangor Shaman

    Magister X3


    Blue Scribes


    Tzaangors X30

    2X 10 kairic acolytes



    Witchfyre coven







    This is 11 spells a turn, rerolling fails, alowing for loads of Fate Points generation

    Isn’t that too many heroes? Isn’t 6 the max for 2000 points?

  13. 5 hours ago, AaronWIlson said:

    I got to play a 1000 point game against a friend the other day, he's very new to the game and he wanted to be shown the changes in the new edition (CP's, Piling in, etc).

    He was using Stormcast with the named Celestant on drake, Castellant, Lantern hero, 6 Prosecutors with 2 hammers and 2 x 10 liberators. I used Ogroid, Magister, 30 Acolytes, 10 Pink horrors and 3 Skyfires.

    It was a really fun game, he really enjoyed it and I got thoroughly smashed, the Skyfires were massively disappointing without a Tzaangor Shaman near by, I won't be using them again without one. Ogroid was stellar, Magister was nice but I failed his 4+ for a spawn twice in a row. Horrors are squishy but resilient if they don't get wiped in one turn, using a DD for a 1 on the BS test.

    I'm playing 1500 on the 3rd July with all the new lovely smelling rulebooks in hand :D I'm going to give the following a go

    Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch - 180
    Ogroid - 180
    Magister - 140

    Tzaangors - 480
    Pink Horrors - 200
    Acolytes - 80

    Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc - 160

    Umbrall Spell Portal - 60
    Soulbind Shackles - 20 

    I'll let you know how that goes. 

    Was I the only player taking tha magister before 2.0 ?? I’m always correcting players on this but the 4+ roll to make a spawn was FAQ-ed away long ago !! You sir just missed 2 spawns :D 

  14. 28 minutes ago, Andreas said:

    Nagash knows every death spell on the table plus summoning spells so dont worry running out of spells. ?

    Plus isnt he a bit cheaper compared to SCGT and Clash with similar restrictions where he were used by top players?

    But you will run out of spells...unless you have a large reserve of summons. The new rule of one allows you to only attempt each spell once.


    also the new summon system is weird as of now. I have a single necromancer and put a banshee and a unit of zombies as my summoning pool. Turn one, he fails summoning banshee, turn two he is dead. Well that are X points I did not even get to play. And this only gets worse talking about Venator and Vexxillor teleport, capable of taking aout maybe the only summoner before he gets to even try.

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