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Posts posted by AwareTheLegend

  1. 18 minutes ago, Richelieu said:

    I know it's expensive, but the dracoline version with pride leader trait accompanied by a unit of Dracovocators is a really mobile, reliably hard hitting strike force.  I am a big fan of the heal on the GC version though.  

    I feel the same way and I'm probably going to run a few lists with this combo once we get Dracovocators. The models being really nice helps immensely as well. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    The Hallowed Knights command trait is kinda funny.

    If your general dies you can you can pile in and attack immediately (on a 2+). As per the core rules, when your general dies you can pick another general and generate a new command trait immediately. There is no restriction on whether your hero already attacked or not this turn, so you can attack, die, and immediately attack again. Nominate another hero to be the general and repeat the process. Keep doing this until you run out of heroes.

    I wonder if you could make a list with a lot of combat-oriented heroes suiciding their way to a posthumous victory.

    As funny as that sounds. I don't think that you'd be able to do enough for it to matter.



  3. 21 minutes ago, Requizen said:

    I 100% believe that Lens of Refraction is a staple for Stormcast now. It's in every list I've written, and also why I'm shying away from Wizards and Endless Spells, because I think it'll be in lots of other lists. 

    I have been much the same. Getting Lens really requires you to grab a battalion though. Admittedly I'll be using Cleansing Phalanx heavily for the first few months.


    25 minutes ago, Richelieu said:

    I think this battalion could be key to competitive stormcast.  I played a game against Nurgle on Monday and the incidental mortals and spell damage my opponent out out completely wrecked my low wound count army.  I ended up winning through some strong objective play and a couple mistakes on my opponent's part, but I was nearly tabled.  

    If I think about how the game went and substitute a phalanx army (including refraction lens) for what I brought, I would have completely controlled the board and never been in any danger of losing much of the army.  

    Nurgle with the right set up does a lot of MWs which hurts SCE pretty hard. I've played against a double GUO list so much that it doesn't bother me as much. Some of our new spells do similar things which I find pretty funny. I'm pretty salty about Rotigus's unlimited range mortal wound spells.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Freejack02 said:

    It would certainly be interesting, but I'm not sure the mobility + damage output would be in line with other 100 point options.... 4 damage at rend -1 for 3 grandhammers? That would work - I expected that number to be higher!

    Yeah even with 3 Grandhammers it isn't amazing on its own for 100 points. Have a Knight-Ayzros running around with them maybe.

    Point is moot though because we won't see a change on them for a while.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Freejack02 said:

    I think the change to targeting means that a hammer+shield unit could drop in and *possibly* tie up a large shooter unit for a turn before being blasted - taking advantage of the -1 to be hit from Scions and maybe killing a couple on the charge with the grandhammer. Problem is how many armies will still be running a large unit of shooters that aren't very capable in combat? Raptors or Kunnin Rukk? I can't think of any off the top of my head...

    100% agree, I have never understood why their axe only has a 1" range.

    I think an interesting change to Prosecutors would be dropping the special weapon limit and letting them all choose a weapon.

    It would make the whole unit more interesting in my opinion. 

    I doubt we would see that because you couldn't build that straight out of the kit.

  6. 4 minutes ago, nine7six said:

    no rend doesn't matter? been wondering this aswell..

    Honestly the difference is less than a wound at 3+ and only 2 wounds at 6+

    Keep in mind none of this includes self buffing. I haven't run the numbers on rerolling failed wound rolls but I believe it makes Grandstaves even better.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Erdemo86 said:

    Hey guys, i have 3 Questions.

    1. Evocators or Evocators on Dracoline which are better?

    2. Dracolines or Fulminators.

    3. Which weapon choice is the best for Evocators?

    1. Hard to say. Yet. I think both have their place.

    2. Fulminators on the charge are going to do more damage but Dracolines are going to get that charge off better. Fulminators are a full 60 pts cheaper but only 2 vs 3. I believe that Fulminators come out slightly on top for damage done.

    3. Grandstaves are better than Tempest Blades on every thing 3+ and up.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Kadanga said:

    That sounds like it will be one crowded drop, 7 dracolines with support is already quite the footprint, I feel that 20 sequitors on top of that is going to work out sub-par, especially if your opponent knows how to screen. Shouldn't you be empowering the dracolines if you invest 600 points into them? I definetly think you should bring a heraldor to drop with them, for the retreat/charge combo. 

    An alternative to the draco-bomb would be 20 sequitors and 5-10 Evocators dropping down with Gavriel and a Vexillor. They'll do less damage turn 1 but I think they have more staying power than dracolines. 

    I'm thinking Cleansing Phalanx with 2 x 10 sequitors and 2 x 5 Evocators with Lord Arcanum casting Cogs and using command ability to auto cast the Evocators spell on the Sequitors. Making the Sequitors reroll failed hits, wounds, and save rolls. Gavriel is more consistent than Cogs but it after you get it off you can switch and have the Lord-Arcanum cast an extra spell. Not to mention I'll be running Tempest Lords either way.

  9. 3 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    What I'm finding a bit strange is that everything has pretty much gone quiet on the community site, we know there are more units to be revealed including a couple of epic looking characters and there's another week and a half before Soul Wars actually lands.

    I'm feeling the same way. I'm not sure why we had 2 weeks of teasers for AOS 2.0 and it has basically been silent since Saturday. 40k hasn't gotten much either.

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