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Posts posted by ageofpaddsmar

  1. 1 minute ago, hughwyeth said:

    From some surveys I've seen on AoS fan pages, 40% of AoS players collect stormcast, so it makes perfect sense to keep releasing Stormcast stuff. At least it's not the 95%  share that space marines have in 40k!

    Too be fair if any army had the amount of releases stormcast get then a high percentage of players would collect that army

    • Like 4
  2. 1 hour ago, smucreo said:

    Do not fret, Nagash will be sure to send someone to deal with these pesky soul-stealers...

    If only GW saw sense and did the new starter set idoneth vs the new death army.They would make an absolute killing. Too bad its gonna be stormcast. 

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  3. 43 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    I'm happy we got new war scrolls for Death (i.e. updates ones), it means they really put some thoughts in re-thinking how the whole army works. 

    I am sure we'll have new models this summer / next half of 2018 !

    The new FAQ system (Ala 40k) is really nice ; the fact they didn't said when the GHB will be annually release makes me think the GHB won't come out this summer (because, maybe.... a new edition / starter set is coming ?)

    The Harbingers are quiiiite nice. Just sad the Warqueen is "Slave to Darkness" and not "Darkoath" - knowing the Chieftain is in the same situation...

    where can I see the new death warscrolls please?


  4. So is it confirmed deathless minions is gone? I know someone earlier said it was for soulblight only but theirs is called deathless thralls. Really hope all the old grand alliance allegiance abilities are no longer useable. 

  5. 10 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    News just in on miniwars about the 40K8th Starter set, with release set to be 17th June with pre-orders up on the 3rd.  Comments claim that GHB2 will not be far behind - take the dates with a pinch of salt of course until we have firm evidence.

    I hope the ghb2 is out before june 

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