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Posts posted by Stealth_Hobo

  1. I was looking forward to that Warcry box, but at that price point I'm gonna have to wait until it drops down in price. In my LGS Warcry boxes always end up in sale because they don't seem to move at the same rate as 40k stuff. Probably just get the Legionnaires and Centaurion when they are released. Oh well...

    I really like Warcy, it has become the most played miniature game in my household and it's because the game is easy to teach and quick to play, and just plain fun. It's the only miniature game my boardgaming friends agree and like to play. I also love that it isn't a sort of pseudo-rpg or campaign-based game like Necromunda or Mordheim. Those types of games are impossible to play in my gaming group. Narrative doesn't always have to mean campaigns! Back in the day my experience with Mordheim was that our group of WHFB players never managed to finish a single campaign. Though, we tried many times. I just don't have any nostalgia for that game. :/

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  2. Finally I was able to finish the terrain from Warcry starter box. Just in time before I move to another city. After the move I'm going to tackle the two warbands that come in the box. Feels good to get closer to finishing the project and maybe get games going some day. 😂

    Here's some color recipes for those that may be interested, but also for myself for possible later use.

    Green stone: Incubi Darkness, wash Agrax Earthshade, heavy drybush Kabalite Green, lighter drybush Celestra Grey, weathering Mournfang Brown + Lahmian Medium

    Grey stone: Mechanicus Standard Grey, wash Nuln Oil, heavy drybrush Celestra Grey, drybrush Ulthuan Grey, weathering Athonian Camoshade & Mournfang Brown + Lahmian Medium 

    Wood: Dryad Bark, drybrush Baneblade Brown, wash Agrax Earthshade, some planks got additional washes with either Athonian Camoshade or Reikland Fleshshade, drybrush Screaming Skull

    Bone: Zandri Dust, Ushabti Bone, wash Gryphonne Sepia, drybrush Screaming Skull


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  3. 8 minutes ago, marke said:

    I didn't say one doesn't make those decisions in Warcry.  However, those tactical decisions for deployment, movement, activations etc. are included in every skirmish miniature game.

    You didn't make that accusation, but I thought it was relevant to the topic at hand. :) Some of those other games also have similar critical hits. I remember in Frostgrave crits can be quite lethal, for example. Some games also have additional tests, like when you try to climb ladder, jump over ledge etc. In WarCry fighters can't fail in those mundane tasks. :D And I know some people hate that about the game. ;) 

    I don't think WarCry is too unpredictable.  The unpredictability the game has is mostly in the right places. For example, I really like the cards to generate battles with!

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  4. 3 hours ago, marke said:

    Game is a game when there are meaningful and impactful decisions to be made. Throwing dice to see what happens is more akin to a (non-hollywood) movie you've never seen before. Not saying it can't be enjoyed, but it is what it is.

    I agree that meaningful decisions is what makes a good game and I think you still make those in WarCry. In every phase of the game from deployment to initiative and from movement to activations.

    Critical rolls might have that feel bad moment when you are on the receiving end of it, but I think crit rolls are there to make combat feel more dangerous. You have to give some respect to lone chaff fighter who can still put a dent on your more elite fighter. In this type of game combat should have some unpredictability.

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  5. 1 hour ago, pseudonyme said:

    Talking about homebrew, do you think we can use the basic infantry like savage orrucks, squeleton warriors, chainrasps etc as NPCs like the furies and the birds ?

    I can clearly see myself having an horde of orcs appearing at the end of turn 2 because they heard things smashing each others 😁

    I could see doing something with the ambull from Blackstone Fortress. :) Those neutral creatures offer some nice element for custom scenarios. I'm really looking forward into what stuff the community come up with!


  6. 7 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

    People are allowed to feel things about things, just because we disagree doesn't mean we have to dismiss each other. For me personally seeing both positive and negative opinions is helpful in informing whether I want to buy in to this or not. 

    Yes, people are free to their feelings, but my crux of the argument and where I'm disagreeing with you is that people should also take responsibility for their own thoughts and feelings. Just because some had lofty expectations that doesn't meant that GW lied to them. Simple as that.

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  7. 11 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

    What else do people have to go on?

    This scenario seems to come up constantly in online Warhammer communities:

    GW: We're releasing a new thing which is like X!

    People: Wow can't wait!

    *thing comes out*

    People: Oh no, it's more like Y.

    Smug people: What, you expected X? You fools, it was clearly Y all along. 


    I get it, people's hype often leads to them trying to fit a square peg into a round hole (see all the posters declaring the return of Tomb Kings at the drop of a hat) but people are allowed to have expectations, and if they end up not matching reality it's not invalid for them to feel disappointed.

    I disagree. I think people should manage their expectations if they don't want to end up disappointed. You don't ever hear a company saying something along like "this is intended for fast games, narrative and campaign players need not apply". They want to be as inclusive in their marketing as possible.

    Also, I have followed Warcry pretty extensively and I never heard GW saying it will be like Mordheim. In fact, they were pretty vague about how it looks up until now. But I've seen some people from the community hyping up the game in that manner, so there's a bit of that broken telephone effect where the actual message gets all muddled. Then the result will be disappointment because the game wasn't "what GW promised".

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  8. 1 hour ago, robinlvalentine said:

     I don't think it's completely unreasonable for people to have high or specific expectations for this game.

    GW has specifically said this is AOS' answer to Kill Team i.e. the definitive skirmish game for AOS.

    Members of the design team have also talked excitedly about how great it is for narrative campaigns.

    It hasn't been sold as a simple board game, one-off bit of fun, or just an entry point for newcomers - it's been hyped as a full skirmish experience for everyone who's into AOS, something players have wanted for a long time. 

    Again I don't think the GMG review is especially good or comprehensive, and there's certainly some harping on things that the game was never trying to be. But at the same time I don't think it's fair to write off people's expectations, or their nostalgia for past skirmish games. This was never going to be Mordheim (or rather the magical, perfect version of Mordheim that people hold in their heads), but GW have very much been playing on the idea that it'd scratch a similar itch. 

    So, basically what you are saying is that GW's marketing has an effect on some people. :P

  9. I like both warbands in the starter set. At first, I wasn't too keen on Untamed Beasts but I've really come around with them. They remind me of Dark Sun roleplaying setting. I also really like Corvus Cabal and The Unmade. Warcry might be a game where I get all the warbands, but we'll see... :)

  10. That starter set looks promising indeed. 😍 

    All the spiky barricades, stairs and bridges makes me wonder if the terrain has tactical uses, like you could kick or throw enemy fighters down the stairs or into the spikes Dark Messiah of Might & Magic style. :D Didn't Gorechosen have similar mechanics? And that was a game about chaos champions duking it out.

    I really, really hope that GW will release additional terrain sets for this game, like they have done with Killzone boxes for Kill Team. Anyway, I'm really excited for this game!

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  11. I watched Warhammer Weekly video where they talked about Adepticon reveals and they also shared info that was given during the seminar. The main points:

    1. New Chaos kits will have multiple parts and different weapon options.

    2. Non-Chaos warbands will let you use old models.

    3. New Chaos models will have rules for AOS.

    4. Warcry will get support similar to Kill Team.

    The part about Warcry starts around 28:30.


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  12. 9 minutes ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    I suppose ... that if you are aiming for a specific set of models, and those models aren’t in the Start Collecting boxes that would be the case.

    The Start Collecting Daemons of Tzeentch has a number of units that are considered “sub-optimal” in a tournament list.

    SC:Daemons of Khorne is in a similar state with sub-optimal units purely from a tournament perspective. 

    While the boxes have a great value. They aren’t win at all cost “tournament optimized”.

    I’m a fan of the Daemons of Tzeentch box because it literally comes with almost all of the available units from the line. It lacks a full unit of blues or Brimstones, the Changling and doesn’t have an LoC... but pretty much everything else from the line can be built from the kit. (Including a kit-bashed Blue Scribes)

    Indeed. People often confuse what is playable and what is the most optimal choice.


  13. 1 hour ago, Greasygeek said:

    On the topic of a change of narrative/setting/name/rules/logo.

    Not to be a negative Nelly here but the video about the darker logo might lead to nothing more than another starting box. Remember how Blightwar was previewed? It was hyped to be some of a Nurgle fightback campaign way larger than the three battleplans and two new models starter it turned out to be.


    I don't think you're being negative here. I think people who are expecting large sweeping changes like new edition or rules changes are setting themselves up for being disappointed (yet again).

    But we do know that Malign Portents is coming, we just don't know how large event it will be. But GW are releasing new models to go with it, something they didn't do for Firestorm for example, and that says to me it will be something bigger. We just have to wait and see.

  14. 7 hours ago, NurglesFirstChosen said:

    The new logo may indeed hint toward a change in the overall narrative in the game - in that perhaps order are about to really struggle against chaos, death and destruction. 

    In regards to rumours however, the disappointment ive experienced regarding nurgle is of my own making. I thinks it’s time I got off the rumours bus and focused on our current location. 

    Yeah, I think the logo change means a change in narrative. The text accompanying the trailer is more hinting than the video.

    "Meanwhile, in the Mortal Realms, something dark is gathering, and the age of hope is drawing to a close. Just look at the new Warhammer Age of Sigmar logo:

    Is a dark new age dawning? Did someone just go a bit mad with the Agrax Earthshade? We reckon this new Chaos hero might have something to do with it:"

    And don't all these heralds have something to do with Malign Portents? Here's to hoping that the campaign brings tons of new models and even some new armies.

  15. Release dates for the next warbands will soon be known. Reading through Warhammer-Community article about Necromunda was this little snippet:

    "Some lucky players have had a chance to try the game for themselves at Spiel, among an omnifarious offering of other Warhammer games (we’ll be making some announcements about these later in the week, including when you can expect to see the next two Shadespire warbands!). "


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  16. Some more rumors according to Bell of Lost Souls:

    • Look for the next 4 factions to arrive in very early Q1 2018
    • Farstriders (Stormcasts)
    • Magore’s fiends (Khorne Bloodbound)
    • Chosen Axes (Fyreslayers)
    • Spiteclaw’s Swarm (Skaven)
    • Fyreslayers (4 models)
    • Skaven (6 Models)
    • Fyreslayers fill a role similar between the Stormcast Eternals with the ability to emphasize either offense or defense equally.
    • Skaven have ranged weapons and a theme of extra bonuses for supported attacks versus isolated victims.  Beware leaving stragglers alone in the dark when the Skaven are about…

    Skaven are sounding very interesting if true.

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