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Baron Wastelands

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Posts posted by Baron Wastelands

  1. 58 minutes ago, Thostos said:

     Question..with the Iron Sky Assault battalion..Can a unit of Arkanauts load into a Frigate at the beginning of the movement phase,then disembark after the Frigate does a fly high move?


    The frigate flies high in place of a normal movement, so my understanding is that the answer is yes. What’s more, you can deploy closer than 9” when doing so (though the frigate can’t, units leaving a garrison can deploy anywhere more than 3” from enemies and within 6” of the boat) and then roll 3d6 for charge.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Heaviermetal said:

    @Groomy, Yeah, I can completely understand why people are on the fence with em.  I think they should have just made demons and rotbringers one pack. The added variety would have given alot more to build with and explore different playstyles. 

    Agree entirely; and it seems plausible this was the original intention, since there are not separate campaigns for them in the tome of champions. Maybe they playtested them and decided they were too versatile when all together?

  3. 12 hours ago, Reeve said:

    Converted my Rat Ogre over the weekend to have a warpfire thrower (but from the Thanquol kit). Did a slight update to his paintjob as well since I painted this guy about 7-8 years ago...

    current list

    Fangleader - 170

    Packmaster - 65

    Rat Ogor - 235

    (2) Stormvermin Shield - 115 (230)

    (2) Spear Clanrat - 75 (150)

    (2) Hand-Weapon  Clanrat - 75 (150)


    Nice conversion :)

    just curious, are you finding the packmaster worth it on a ranged rat ogor? Because he can’t whip the ranged attack, I’ve paired mine with a melee rogor, which is lethal, and let the ranged rogor roam free. Agree he’s amazing.

  4. 1 hour ago, Kramer said:


    what do you think? Is that a better way to take advantage of the barak thryng rules? Or do you have a different philosophy and more importantly experience? 

    Let me start by saying absolutely no experience with Barak Thryng at all, so you might just want to skip the rest. 😁

    But in theory, at least, it looks to me as if Thryng favours two things: a) glass cannons in melee (since you can charge in, do your damage, get killed, then do half your damage again), so I’m thinking some buffed balloon guys, a combat admiral maybe, and b) allies from other duardin, and what we lack here is resilient or armoured troops in the main, so either resilient Fyreslayers or armoured ironbreakers?

    Maybe the way to look at it is that you can have a very mobile hammer (boat with a hero or two and some balloon guys to strike where you need it most), with a durable (allied) anvil to hold fast on objectives.

    Sadly I don’t own any Fyreslayers or enough dispossessed to help in practice!

  5. Picked these cards up yesterday too. The abilities are a bit underwhelming in general (though the sting is nice in some missions), but the basic fighters are solid.

    2 lists:

    Blightking leader, Blightking with tocsin, Blightking icon bearer, 2 Blightkings, Pusgoyle blightlord. 995pts

    Blightking leader, 6 Blightkings. 1000 pts

    The first list feels more tactically flexible due to having all the runemarks, has the blightlord which I think is almost an auto-include, and can be built from a single start collecting. However, I will of course be going with the second list as it has exactly seven models in it (grandfather be praised). 🤪

  6. 26 minutes ago, SerialMoM said:

    Wäre is this described in the rules? i did not find this.

    Page 44 of the core rule book, under 1. PICK A WEAPON AND TARGET. Second paragraph says “If there are any enemy fighters within 1” of the fighter making the attack action, one of those enemy fighters must be picked to be the target, and the weapon used cannot have a minimum range”.

  7. 1 hour ago, michu said:

    Hi everyone,

    I need a little help - I'm using Astrogranite for basing and I can't decide what colour would be better as Tyrant Skull equivalent for drybrushing - Screaming Skull or Ushabti Bone?

    Thanks in advance.

    I would say Screaming skull; however I drybrush Astrogranite debris with Administratum grey, then a very light touch of white.

    • Like 1
  8. I find it helps to have a bit more structure than unit-unit-unit ...

    something like:

    Month 1: Battleline unit

    Month 2; Leader figure

    Month 3: Monster/war machine/Elites


    Obviously you have to keep the categories broad enough to accommodate all armies, or let people substitute. Alternatively, having points targets can help, with planned games. Have a skirmish game of 200-250 points in 8 weeks time, then a 500 point game after that, etc.

    Finally, you could give people 2 months to paint a Start Collecting, while their enthusiasm is freshest; that way they are more likely to round out the force by Christmas. That’s how they do them in the GW stores.

  9. 8 hours ago, grimgold said:

    So getting back into AoS after selling off my nighthaunt, I have two SC: BCR boxes and the Ogor half of feast of bones, and probably an extra box (I was thinking leadbelchers to give me some options). So I was thinking something along the lines of the attached list, do you guys think there is a better way to configure the models, like should I grab a box of iron guts instead of leadbelchers?

    Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes
    - Mawtribe: Thunderbellies
    Huskard on Stonehorn (320)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Storm Chaser
    - Blood Vulture
    - Artefact : Shatterstone
    - Mount Trait : Black Clatterhorn

    Tyrant (160)
    - Artefact : Sky-Titan Scatter Pistols
    - Big Name : Fateseeker

    4 x Mournfang Pack (280)
    - Culling Clubs or Prey Hackers with Iron Fists
    4 x Mournfang Pack (280)
    - Culling Clubs or Prey Hackers with Iron Fists
    1 x Ironblaster (120)
    4 x Leadbelchers (160)
    6 x Ogor Gluttons (240)

    - Pairs of Clubs or Blades
    Stonehorn Beastriders (300)
    - Ogor Mawtribes Battleline (Beastclaw Raiders General)
    Eurlbad (140)



    I’d round this off with another 6 ogor gluttons, taking the unit up to 12 and getting the discount (should fit neatly within 2k as well, I think).  Unless I’m going pure BCR, I never leave home without a block of 12 gluttons.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Lovehatter said:

    Sorry! I got confused with the leader runemark and the other one. I appreciate your help I’m a little lost... lol. 

    decksweeper (130)

    Cannon (175)

    Skyhook (205)

    Aethermatic volley gun (205)

    Sky pike (260)


    Personally, I don’t think the volleygun is worth it on such an expensive model as (either of) the balloonrider(s). However, for almost the same price, you can get 2x arkanauts with volleyguns, for double the shots. I’d also upgrade the skyhook to a drill cannon, since you have the points spare. Will still leave you a very elite list.

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  11. 43 minutes ago, Luca said:

    i have one question also, if i have 2 wepaons in my fighter card  can i attack whit both in the same activation?

    Erm, technically yes. You have to choose One per action, but two actions per activation, so you can use one then the next. Note that you must attack an enemy fighter that is within 1” if you can, so you can’t shoot at something else unless you take them down first.

  12. 3 hours ago, Lovehatter said:

    Hi! Can I pick your brain? I have two lists, one more elite. Do you think this elite one will work?

    Decksweeper (130)

    Volley Pistol and Arkanaut Cutter (170)

    the 195 guy w/ bird (sorry I don’t know the name!)

    drill cannon (220)

    skypike (260)

    You’ve got 3 leaders in there, so no 😁

    you can only have one warrior with the leader runemark, so you’ll need to choose between the ones valued 170, 195 and 260 in your list above. The good new is that gives you more points for other stuff! The decksweeper thunderer and balloon rider drill cannon are both solid picks.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Dew said:

    Looking for critiques on this baby starter list for KO as I'm brand new

    Figured I could add some gunhaulers and escort wing with minor tweaks after this to get 1500? Advice?

    Looks like a solid start. You might want to put the endrinriggers into one unit of 6, as you only have one boat, and that will still allow all of them to hitch, with space for your endrinmaster. 

    I was going to say same for your thunderers, but at the points level you might want the flexibility of 2 units.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Rekt_ralf said:

    I'm about to start a Mawtribes army project based initially around a Bloodgullet list with a Goremand batallion backed up by a Frostlord on Stonehorn. The plan is to get the initial list plus a few extras ready for Armies on Parade.

    With that in mind, I've got the Blood Bowl ogre team to use as a base for a Butcher and Slaughtermaster conversion. I'm looking for a part to use as a cauldron for the Slaughtermaster. Because I'm aiming for Armies on Parade I'd like this to be a GW component if at all possible. I'm struggling to find something suitable, though. Has anyone got any suggestions?

    The usual suggestions are the vampire coven throne cauldron, or the daughters of khaine cauldron of blood cauldron. Both are kind of shallow,  but have blood in them. The latter is hard to get because it’s integral to either build, but you might get lucky with the former as it isn’t used in the Mortis engine build. However, unless you can find the bit on its own, both kits are at least as expensive as just buying the slaughtermaster and using his cauldron! Not aware of any other GW cauldrons - you could use the tiny one from the stonehorn kit and make a joke out of it?

    • Like 1
  15. Had a few games now with the Kharadron, and I have to say they’re a flexible warband, with some real hitting power.  Few observations:

    Balloons. These guys are a must, they add mobility and tactical options to an otherwise slow (although ranged) warband. They have won the majority of games, just by being able to be where they need to be (including out of reach). In terms of armaments, since there are so many options: I took melee orientated riggers (rivet guns and aethermatic saws) for a while, but they are relatively squishy when it comes to some of the new menaces on the block, so my preferred load out is now at least one of the drill launcher.  Means you can still pack a punch, and dance around the edges as you need to, without risking any so many meaty fists. The volleygun is too weak on balloonriders to make it worth it (though see arkanauts below!), and the grapnel launcher isn’t necessary because you already have the mobility if you need it; getting there quicker so you can shoot ... a grapnel launcher ... is underwhelming. Skyhooks are ok, just find drills generally better. The difference between riggers and wardens is absolutely minimal, I never found myself wanting to use timed charges over rampage, even when I could. So I go with riggers because they’re cheaper.

    Leaders: Tempting to take an endrinrigger to address the issue above, but honestly I just think there’s too much risk attached. My personal favourite is the Grundstok Thunderer leader, though the arkanaut one is ok in a pinch, especially if you need points. The Thunderer’s is powerful at range, and tough enough to hold the line. The KO leader triple is really good, and gets used a lot, so keep your leader with some powerful gunners too.

    Arkanauts: the basic guys do what you would expect them to - screen and speed bump for your guns. Even the skypike ones, who might get a decent hit in first, are only a delaying tactic and I only upgrade if I have 15 spare points. The skyhook guns are a bit meh for me, too much for not enough, but I have to say the volleygun arkanauts are little stars, especially if you take multiples. I have taken as many as 4, and the criticals can really start stacking up. These are definitely not to be overlooked.

    Thunderers: These are a mixed bag in my experience. The aethercannons are capable of big damage, and are generally reliable - benefit the most from the leader triple too, so worth keeping at least one near.  The fumigator is quite versatile, because it has no minimum range, so you can use it against whatever your target is not (range/melee). The decksweeper is ok, better against chaff, but I find myself consistently not taking mortars, and the standard rifle is just bad.

    abilities: Doubles (get converted into triples if I haven’t already got at least one!) are mainly used for Rush (since onslaught no longer affects guns), with fortitude and drillbill being situational need only. Triples - Fight for profit is great, Keep your distance is great, and of course Respite is sometimes handy. Feels like triples is where it’s at for KO. Quads are just Rampages - always awesome: get to range, then open fire.

    Anyway, just some thoughts in case anyone else is using them - as usual, only my experience, ymmv.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 2
  16. 7 hours ago, Kaughnor said:

    I'm planning to build this list with old isle of blood models I have on sprue still.  Any good?


    4 x Clanrat Rusty Blade and Clanshield

    2 x Clanrat Rusty Spear and Clanshield


    Rat Ogor Tearing Claws

    Stormvermin Rusty Halberd and Clanshield


    Clanrat Clawleader assuming it costs extra 100 points.

    Can make all models but for storm vermin.  For that model going to try and use halberd from warlock and kit bash him.

    How would above do?


    Looks solid. My only concern is that you only really have 1 beatstick - do you still have both rat ogors from IoB? In which case I’d be tempted to drop 3 clanrats and replace with a 2nd rat ogor.

  17. 1 minute ago, Beliman said:

    Ouch, my bad.  Si 20 arkanautas to run inside an Ironclad... It could be interesting. 14 arkanautas seems not really good...

    About the pistols, yep, I said the oposite /facepalm. My AutoC changed "can't" to "can" (not in english btw).

    Ok, need to get your endrinmaster onto your autocorrect 😁 Glad we agree though.

    Honestly, I love to run ironclads, but I’m struggling to see a home for arkanauts aboard. My arkanauts are footslogging more often than not, though I might use frigates if I had more. I think the only way to run arkanauts in an ironclad is 20+characters, but even then their role is a bit confused. Thunderers, on the other hand, even in units of 5 or 10, have done well in ironclads that don’t immediately want to close.

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  18. 2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    IMO, 19 Arkanauts+Navigator should be better than 20arkanauts + Navigator. You have Fly High from the begining, and you don't lose Aether-gold.

    I don't know if 2 volleyguns+skyhooks are good enough for Fly High (pistols are 9", so you can just Fly High and shoot) even with aether-gold rerolls.

    The limit for an Ironclad that wants to fly high is 15 not 20, so it doesn’t help. Would have to be 14+1, which doesn’t seem worth it over 10+1.

    Also, I don’t think you can shoot pistols when landing from Fly high - you have to land more than 9” away, therefore outside of max range of 9”. I think if you’re going for range (and I can’t make my mind up, have 6x riggers with Saws, and 6x riggers with volleyguns and drill launchers) then drill launchers are probably worth it over the skyhooks because of the chance to do mortals, which is invaluable sometimes.

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    • Thanks 1
  19. 1 hour ago, Jator said:

    As someone who only tried the game once, what would you say it's the best approach for this? Should I make room for squishy rats and be more "swarmy" or just spending the points on Rat Ogres and packmasters?

    The beauty is you can do both. I have been running a monster mash type list (see above) with great effect in most scenarios, but even just with 2 melee rat ogres and a packmaster, along with a stormvermin leader, you can still take 9 rats to play the objective game with. (That’s thirteen too, if anyone’s counting :) ). And the rat ogres are amazing. 

    In fact, my rat ogre with warp fire thrower is so good, I can’t help but think the 40 wounds might be another typo. It’s higher than the stormfiends ...

    Not that stormfiends are anything to complain about. In the last game but one, mine just pulled a victory out of nowhere by triple-critting an ogre ironguts leader.

  20. Looking forward to it 😁

    It seems odd to me to separate out mortals and daemons for nurgle (and Khorne, a bit), given that there don’t seem to be a lot of potential options for Rotbringers if you don’t involve characters. Will it be: Blightking with shield, Blightking with 2 weapons, Blightking with dhw, Blightking with banner, Blightking with bell, Blightking leader (or two)? 

    I get there’s a precedent with Tzeentch, but there are at least multiple units to choose from. Daemons I guess you have Nurglings (1 card), Beast (1 card), and Plaguebearers (4 cards?). Seems a bit light too. Maybe they will add the larger fliers for both?

    Khorne daemons seems to suffer the same, unless this could see also see mounted units in the form of jugger riders. Excited for bloodbound though, and am happy enough to try and make a flesh hound list!

  21. 1. Not that they’ve said, though similar bits are available in the azyrite ruins sets.

    2. Main thing is don’t glue the stairs onto anything. Keep them loose, as if you want to field the scenery as in the terrain cards, these can go anywhere. Second thing is that often the statue head is pictured without the platform on top, so you might not want to glue that; but tbh I ended up gluing mine anyway, just for stability, so anytime I put the head down it has a platform on top. Not been a big deal; and you are not asked to put the platform down without the head ever.

    3. Absolutely. Either by substituting similar pieces for what is pictured on the cards, or just by ignoring the terrain cards and putting down a custom, random, or mutually constructed configuration before victory conditions are drawn.

    4. Not sure what you mean - the cypherlords as built on the box come to 965 points, I think? Are you mistaking mirrorblades for mindbounds?  I don’t play them personally. But if you want to grow your warband as part of a campaign, or give you more build options, then yes, a second box is advisable; or, as you say, looking at allies and monsters.

    5. Hadn’t really noticed!

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  22. I would concur that it is used a lot; but since everyone can use it, it doesn’t confer an advantage anywhere. It’s like Rampage, which is also used more frequently than most other quads. I think the universal abilities are intended to be strong, and the faction ones either more situational, flavourful, or restricted to individuals.

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