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Duke of Gisoreux

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Posts posted by Duke of Gisoreux

  1. 5 hours ago, Vextol said:

    Ikea.  It's amazing.  I needed something that fit archaon because he's like a million feet tall.  These were absolutely perfect.  And like $60.  So, for anything else they're kind of expensive but for Warhammer it's like nothing 😂

    I also considered to buy those, but I didn't like them as they are too small compared to their price and how much storage they provide for miniatures. So I bought Ikea Billy racks with glass doors and installed LEDs  in them. They are much better for the purpose as they provide about double the space each compared to the floor space required. Of course they were much more expensive, but who cares when you look at all the miniatures?






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  2. My Flesh-Eater Courts at 5600 points:




    Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts

    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400)
    Abhorrant Ghoul King x4 (560)
    Varghulf Courtier x2 (320)
    Crypt Haunter Courtier (140)
    Crypt Ghast Courtier x10 (800)

    100 x Crypt Ghouls (1000)

    6 x Crypt Horrors (320)
    3 x Crypt Flayers (160)

    Zombie Dragon (300)
    Terrorgheist x2 (600)

    Royal Family (150)
    Attendants at Court (160)
    Ghoul Patrol x3 (540)
    Royal Menagerie (140)

    Total: 5590
    Extra Command Points: 6
    Wounds: 298



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  3. 21 minutes ago, Verengard said:

    I have a suggestion for a fun rule. There should be a bonus for charging base on the charge distance - this is realistic - the more speed you get, the more impact on hit (3" charges should have almost no bonus), but not overpowered since it increases the chance to fail.

    Actually there is a rule that provides a bonus for charging:


    The Lady Wills It!
    If you make a charge roll of 9+ for a friendly NOBILITY unit, any unmodified hit roll of 6 for its melee weapons (excluding mounts) inflicts mortal wounds equal to the Damage characteristic of the weapon to the target, and the attack sequence ends.


  4. On 10/16/2018 at 10:33 AM, Yoshiya said:

    For this interested, I'm making a thread about my ongoing Living City army at the following link.

    It's all Slyvaneth for now but I'll be slowly adding aelves, duardin and Stormcast in the following months.

    Sneak peak of Alarielle, my most recent model.

    Really nice Alarielle model, but I hope you know that she is not allowed in a Living City army as she is a named character.

  5. On 12/31/2018 at 9:33 AM, EccentricCircle said:

    5000 models must take up a lot of space. I'm pushing five hundred, and have boxes all over the place, I can't imagine what ten times that many would look like!

    Well, actually I'm close to 8000 models at the moment. This is how it looks like: 

    My largest army are my Bretonnians (which you can imagine from my nickname). They are about 30k points. I took this picture 5 years ago.


    Bretonen Gesamt.jpg

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  6. On 12/22/2018 at 11:35 PM, Overread said:

    A simple showing off and inspirational thread where those with 5K or more points in a single army (formal army not grand alliance army) can show off those huge model counts! Gives you an excuse to get the whole army on the table/floor/shelving and show it off! 

    Some people have some really huge armies, 10K, 20K or rarely even more in points; and I think those armies are worth showing off. To show the dedication and fun people have had collecting a single army to such a vast size! So come one come all and lets show off and chat about these huge armies! 

    Nice, when I first read the thread title "5000+ Owner's Club" I thought: "5000+ models? Ok, check!" 😂

    But as it's "only" 5000+ points armies you mean, I quickly counted that and came to 20 armies I have with at least 5000+ points each. 😉

    For most of my armies I don't have pictures that show the complete current army. It just takes too much time to take a photo of really large armies. It takes some hours just to arrange every model on the table, take the photo and put them back in the display cabinet. But luckily I just made a new picture of my Slaves to Darkness army this week, which is one my largest armies and has about 16.500 points at the moment (this includes points for battalions).


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  7. 19 minutes ago, Zeroken said:

    I think this is an indicator that this community based rules set is needed. The official breton rules and points are between weak and trash.

    Indeed. So I suggest that all people who think that too post a comment in the videos and recommend to use the fanmade rules in future battle reports for Bretonnia.

  8. 6 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    If I’m not mistaken, Sc have even more units (including heroes) than destruction, chaos and the rest of the order factions combined together.

    That's wrong. Stormcasts are the largest faction in AoS of course, but they only have 55 different units (counting current warscrolls):

    •  GA Order (excluding Stormcast) has 255 units
    •  GA Chaos has 252 units
    •  GA Destruction has 95 units
    •  GA Death has 93 units



  9. 5 hours ago, Pigbones said:

    A couple quick notes.

    • Under Description for Bowmen, it says Peasant Bowmen.
    • Under Drummers for Bowmen, it says Trumpeters.

    I’ll update with any other formatting errors I spot.

    Thank you. It's fixed now.

  10. On 9/22/2018 at 4:02 PM, Overread said:

    When you get it done send an email to GW - no joke some good photos and collection like yours is the kind of thing that deserves to be shown off! Who knows you might land a mention on a few pages (plus it a neat way to show how awesome things like Brets can look when massed up - encourage/inspire some fangrowth as AoS certainly has room to add such a faction

    My gaming  room is done. All miniatures moved in there. There is even a little space left for more...







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  11. On 10/19/2018 at 12:41 PM, Bradipo322 said:

    That dragon sure is big!


    The measures are an aproximation.

    (sorry for EU sizes but you can easly convert them)

    It's much too expensive, so I created my own from a Mighty Lord of Khorne and a Colossal Red Dragon from Dungeons & Dragons. :)
    It's base size is 6" by 6".


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  12. On 9/24/2018 at 5:35 PM, scrollbuilderdude said:

    Warscroll Builder has been updated with the Beasts of Chaos faction. Let me know if I missed anything!

    The Warscroll Builder currently handles Tzaangors as being Battleline only in Beasts of Chaos armies when a Tzaangor Shaman is the General and in other Chaos armies they are no Battleline any more.

    According to the Beasts of Chaos Battletome that doesn't correspond to the wording used there. It's different to the other "X is Battleline when Y is General" conditions. The role Battleline is printed there. So I read it like Tzaangors are Battleline for all armies they can be used in (like Disciples of Tzeentch or GA Chaos), but for Beasts of Chaos the condition "General is a Tzaangor Shaman" has to be met for them to become Battleline.

    The exact wording is: "Battlefield Role: Battleline. Battleline in Beasts of Chaos army only if general is a Tzaangor Shaman"
    Others have for example: Battlefield Role: (not mentioned). Battleline in Beasts of Chaos army if general is a Doombull"

  13. 3 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

    Warscroll Builder doesn't really remove features.

    I can still select things like Khorne Bloodbound or Tzeentch Arcanites!

    The Dark Elves were removed for example.

    I am talking about allegiances not factions. Of course you can still select models from these factions.

  14. 17 hours ago, scrollbuilderdude said:

    Let me know if I missed anything!

    The Thunderscorn and Warherd allegiances are still in the Warscroll Builder but are no longer valid as they don't have Battlelines any more. You could remove them. Bullgors are no longer battleline for Warherd and Dragon Ogors are no longer battleline for Thunderscorn. Both are now only battleline for Beasts of Chaos when the appropriate general is selected.

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  15. 9 hours ago, Lucio said:

    However, here's the thing, as the models in the Batallion have the correct keyword, they're not allies, so that FAQ part doesn't apply

    Wrong. The keywords the models have don't matter. The only important thing is the allegiance the battalion has.

    It's easy:

    You choose to add a battalion to your army and check for the battalion's allegiance. There are three possible cases:

    1 The battalion has the same allegiance than your army. You can take the battalion and the units within don't count as allies regardless what keywords they may have.

    2 The battalion has a different allegiance than your army, but your army is allowed to ally with this allegiance. You can take the battalion but the battalion itself and all units within are counted as allies regardless what keywords they may have.

    3 The battalion has a different allegiance than your army and your army isn't  allowed to ally with this allegiance. You can't take the battalion at all.


    Looking at the battalions in the Beasts of Chaos Battletome then

    1 is the case when you have a Beasts of Chaos or Grand Alliance Chaos army (as all battalions count as having the allegiance of their grand alliance).

    2 is the case for Everchosen as they are allowed to ally with any Chaos faction.

    3 is the case for all other armies.

  16. 20 hours ago, Lucio said:

    No FAQ needed, it has the KHORNE keyword, that's all you need to join a Blades of Khorne army. Same as Maggotkin of Nurgle is just the NURGLE keyword or Disciples of Tzeentch is just the TZEENTCH keyword.

    That's why you can include things like Slaves to Darkness models in the army directly

    That's completely wrong. The Beasts of Chaos units don't have the KHORNE keyword on their warscroll and don't have the option to choose it. The Slaves to Darkness units have that option on their warscroll. The battalion that gives the KHORNE keyword to Beasts of Chaos units doesn't have the Khorne allegiance itself, but has the Beasts of Chaos allegiance instead. As Beasts of Chaos are currently no valid option als allies for Blades of Khorne your are not allowed at all to include the battalion in a Blades of Khorne army, not even as allies. Currently the battalion is only allowed in Beasts of Chaos, Everchosen (as allies) and Grand Alliance Chaos armies at the moment unless there will be a FAQ that says otherwise. All units in a battalion count as having the allegiance the battailion has regardless which keywords they have themselves.

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