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Baron Klatz

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Posts posted by Baron Klatz

  1. 1 hour ago, Peacaf said:

    He has no idea what he's talking about, he just wants attention. It is made from rumors from others, Honest Wargamer was the first to say that Beasts of Chaos could be eliminated and the range renewed with another concept.

    Something that makes a lot of logic considering that the legacy factions of TOW are not going to release or renew their range in the short term.

    If Skaven were to undergo a range revamp like Slaves did, Skaven would be in TOW as a main faction just like Slaves.

    I mean I agree* but this IS the rumor thread so even if just sum-ups of previous rumors with a new twist it’s better than nothing(or worse dumb speculations like all 2022-2023 had with everyone having a new soup theory every month ending on Ogors + SoB from a joke tweet about Battletome: Dad Bodes people took seriously 😂)


    *I think he played his hand too soon with the TOW rumor of orcs & dawi at the end of January. I don’t think we’re getting dawi at all this year since if you look at the old teaser art it was Bret, TK, Orcs & Empire. Dwarf dice may have been a red herring he fell for.

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  2. It’s possible, though AoS3 took the opposite route and shrunk the armies way down to go with smaller table sizes and more skirmish focus which so far has remained solid even for Skaven armies healing instead of swarming.

    If the Stormcast Spearhead is anything to go by for an average near-1000 point set then it’s looking likely to remain similar to now.

    Edit: I can’t imagine this knocked down much.


  3. 4 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    I still like AoS but I wished it took a different route.

    It takes this route so TOW doesn’t have to and can stay rules dense with the names mostly un-copyrighted.(similar why 40k is Matched streamlined to the Eye of Terror and back so 30k can remain hefty as well)

    Basically the main games are this for the side games against corporate pushes:


    It’s just how it is. At least there’s way more alternatives now if you’re not on-board with the Sigmar grindset me and the others are. 😎 👍 

  4. 9 minutes ago, pitzok said:

    Cool new Callis and Toll artwork from warhammer instagram (sorry for the bad merge)


    That’s awesome! 😍

    Also I wouldn’t have even noticed the seem job if you didn’t mention it, nice work! 👌 

    Love the art and the action(props to the stake bayonet) but especially the juxtaposition in the background.

    Ya got Witcher crossbow troops in the foreground but the background’s Aqshy forge works could be an industrial pipe complex from modern times(to even some 40k flavor there).

    That’s peak AoS to me seeing humble mortals battling over large scale magi-tech works to hint what they fight for is on a massive cosmic level. 👍 ️ 

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  5. 28 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Unpopular Opinion: AoS rules are badly designed.

    So a GW main game then. 😄

    But I think you’re just wanting different things with a much more in-depth system with heavy Narrative involvement rather than how AoS is designed for streamlined(to watered down levels) of a fast system that’s easier for them to balance and patch up quarterly.

    Something had to be sacrificed for that which we saw with them chucking out AoS2’s heavier customizations.(fortunately that Thondia Tome can be found on Amazon for $10 and is an excellent piece for Narrative game heroes & lore 👌)

    2 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    The Dawnbringers books literally say they take place in the "closing years of the Era of the Beast" and a plot point is that Krondys, Karazai and Kroak are planning to beat Kragnos and use that to stop Ghur's rampaging. 

    Agreed. Every edition has done an era jump so this is set-up the same way to keep the narrative moving.(with thankfully Aqua Ghyranis established properly in battletomes to show why mortal humans can live for over a century)

    I won’t be surprised if just like new NightHaunt & Soulblight warbands dropping in Era of the Beast we see Ghur stuff hit next edition which could be Bonesplitterz & BoC to be a link back to Ghur and window what’s going on back over there.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Speaking of the taurus in the room, what do you think will happen to Shaartor? will he labor in hobby limbo exile or be reborn in glorious plastic once GW decides to bring the lads onto the tabletop proper?

    Either reborn in plastic or left in limbo for all eternity as GW marked him as an official AoS character IP so won’t be back-ported to TOW(same as he’s off limits to CA).

    AoS isn’t touching any resin kits so it’s glorious plastic or nothing.

    Hopefully he’s reborn, he looked pretty dang cool.

  7. Yeah it’s fair to say it can go either way.

    I just feel it’s not gonna be as big a change because it still feels like we’re riding off the waves Broken Realms caused so we’re still on “tour” around the Realms to see what’s changing(getting refreshed) on the ground level, what hidden gods are coming out of the woodwork and the new narratives picking up the plot lines BR didn’t resolve.

    With how lower stakes the current Dawnbringer books are the build-up looks a lot more laid back to me like we’re only entering another chapter in AoS rather than a massive shake-up Malign Portents & Broken Realms were.

    Could be wrong but it might be AoS5 with the long awaited Tyrion & Malerion that finally sees that as we don’t have to play catch-up with the older factions by then(hopefully).

    • Like 4
  8. Haha, thanks for the vote of confidence guys. It’s appreciated. 😄

    I wonder if it could play into a “boiler” playstyle too. Wound Charts that actually build up their stats every turn as their bodies and daemon-engines pile on the coal so you need to hurt them bad mid-game or get completely mecha stomped late game when they go full steam ahead? 🚂 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Wurgog_on_a_Wyvern said:

    So yeah it would make a lot of sense if the next Orruk books were Kruelboyz standing alone and then Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz combined. 

    It does feel this way after the Weirdbrutes “shamanized” some of the Ironjawz units to be closer to Bonesplitterz flavor of mad magic berserkers.

    However! I don’t have the tome on me right now but I recall the lore guys saying it noted sometimes even Kruleboyz might hear the cal of Gorkamorka and join the Bonesplitterz.

    So it’s possible we could also see a Bonesplitterz refresh with units including both Gorruks & Morruks as the new thing to show their tribes are pulling in the others as the beating wild heart of their two-headed god. 🧌👺

    • Like 8
  10. On 1/31/2024 at 1:55 AM, EccentricCircle said:

    Turning to stine is definitely my favourite chaos mutation, the petrified sorcerers with their mechanical suits are just so iconic that they need to do something with that!

    I wouldn’t be surprised if that becomes a lord mainstay of them all using mech bodies to move their stone forms around after eons in the Realm of Chaos.

    Heck that might be why they need things like the Horns of Hashut to lay the groundwork’s for them since they’re too clunky to get somewhere fast.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Why try to gain the favou of Khorne..try to ascend to a daemon Prince or go for eternal life when a simple Goblin hero can kick your ****.

    Because if you don’t then you get to watch your entire village burned down by that single Loonboss able to kill the entire garrison with ease.(which was actually a case during the Age of Chaos so many turned to the Dark Gods for survival, it was mad apocalypse times of needing any power for protection)

    So you use the power of the gods or magics of the Realms to just even the playing field. 😄

    But in the end to each their own, I get why you want to customize a blender but I think the “arcadey” streamline style of AoS gets it’s point across too for people that just want to throw down cool models quick.


    It’s actually a bit funny to me because that’s your go-to example of why you hate AoS heroes but I remember back in 2015 before points the Gobbo boss vs Chaos champion was used as praise for how balanced the game was as people tested ten fights between the bosses & a unit each and it was a 50/50 win split on each so no obvious power creep at the time by having the better model. 

  12. 18 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Lol, if we are talking about immersion: In TOW my Chaos lord eats goblin warbosses / big bosses as breakfeast, but in AoS he hides from a single Loonboss.

    Eh, in AoS the Loonbosses are empowered by their physical moon god and copious magic shrooms so are far deadlier than the usual fantasy faire you get with. Even in the recent stories when they slay enemy warriors they cause the spilt blood to immediately sprout more magic mushrooms.


    So that fits to me. It’s same as Wfb Black Orcs now becoming common cannon fodder in AoS as ‘Ardboyz. The power scaling’s gone up on all sides so even chaos warlords aren’t the biggest talk in town when there’s multiple demigods around the corner.


    As for the other companies and prices, that’s completely each their own. Nothing beats AoS’ aesthetics for me so that’s where my focus & wallet stays. 🫡 

    • Confused 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    Yeah but it would be hard to justify a new edition for a few tweaks

    Eh, some new mechanics and a big celebration we’re changing Realmscape focus with the GHB’s & Narrative books would do it. Especially if they are planning to drag their feet a bit with the system as it keeps getting new editions every 3 years.

    The opposite end is expect massive overhauls every 3 years and unlearn everything you’ve built up which has big problems too.

    For me I’m on team “stay clean & simple, keep building on the path AoS1 set”. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    and it's difficult not to feel that this is also because of the crazy markup on single heroes/centrepieces

    Yeah and AoS fits that design philosophy.

    GW’s bigger mark ups means it’s more feasible they focus on skirmish sized games with common monster centerpieces & elite troops they can go absolutely ham on with details, designs and extra bits to justify the price tag with AoS’ over-the-top Epic Fantasy setting they can express through those crazy designs down to even Steelhelm infantry being walking canvases.

    It’s kinda the opposite of Wfb/TOW which branches out from a hero design and spreads out into multiple types of infantry.

    AoS take one infantry type and branches out into multiple types of monsters & heroes. 

    A World conquered by armies vs Realms conquered by gods & monsters.

  15. 21 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    I really don't see a need to overhaul AOS like they did 40k.

    I mean the 40k overhaul practically turned it even more into AoS than it was before(coincidentally when it got good again with 8th ;) ) so I don’t think there’s much change needed either when we are the master mold.

    Just a few tweaks and cleaning up of faction tactics is all that’s really needed. The AoS scene is stronger than it’s ever been before so we’re in a really solid place.

    • Like 1
  16. 19 hours ago, Hollow said:

    I'd love to see this. Beastmen units that are inspired by the different realms. In fact, It's something I'd love to see across many of the factions. How is a Ghyran-Gor different from an Uglu-Gor? Using the realms themselves to inform the design of miniatures is a great idea. 

    Going by what lore bits, hints and Realm themes we’ve gotten I’d imagine:

    Ghyran Mantismen

    Ghur Mammothmen

    Ulgu Sharkmen 

    Shyish lionmen(though I could see jackalmen for an Anubis nod)

    Hysh might have more chimera-like ones that’s hard to identify(though could be more felines based on the Sphiranx who once served Teclis)

    Aqshy antelopemen that are also on fire

     Chamon is already Tzaangor territory and Azyr cleansed.


    But yeah, hoping they get some proper Realms magic affected evolutions and that Gnarlwoods story arch has it finally explode to cause a jumpstart to the evolutions across the realms riding on the Ghur winds already spread out everywhere.

  17. 3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    It is curious that we got a new box for the competitive scene as we are waiting for the next ed box. Would it change with the release of the next ed?

    Doubtful, especially if all AoS4th does is continue on refreshes so it’s fundamentally the same as AoS3 with only a few new twists in rules & Realmscape.

    Also interesting that’s a Dragon-Ogor Battlemat.

    Could it be the “GW doesn’t care about BoC” rumors are off bounds like they have been since 2018? 😄

  18. 7 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Or even better: "This year's Warhammer Fest has been stolen by the Skavens that are coming in the 4th ed box from Age of Sigmar, but we are sure they will return it bigger and better for the next year.... ups, did I leak something?"

    It would be actually cool on a meta level to show certain events in a roadmap chewed out with little ink covered Skaven foot prints trailing of the article to hint they’re building something up.

    Then come May they can start dropping new faction rumor engines again like they did for Kruleboyz but this time pictures taken* by Stormcast Eternal Vigilors hounding after the rats in the Hammerhal alleys getting glimpses of the new models they’re hiding on the run.


    *fun bit of flavor it can be from an Ironweld camera using aetherquartz & Shyish magic to trap the images in time. 💡 

    • Haha 1
  19. 8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Hum, maybe the tower Ionus is building has a relation with the Ruination chamber. Sounds like a name that fits it.

    I think it’s more than likely.

    Which is why I think it’s gonna end up a giant forge of sorts.

    The Chambers are always active just not “unleashed” so Ruination Stormcast have existed before. Same with Sacrosanct always being there(even the Realmgate War novels hinted at them in the stormhost meeting room parts) working behind the scenes.

    So logically Ionus’ tower wouldn’t create them but allow them to open up and operate in the realms. Which could be why it’s at the Adamantine Chain surrounded by active volcanoes & duardin workers if they’re making “bodies” for what I assume are the Ruined and stored away souls.

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  20. 2 hours ago, Goatforce said:

    Regarding launch box contents for Dominion and accompanying SCE range, I wonder if - as people have speculated - the refresh of the 1st Edition stuff in the upcoming box means that in 5th edition the Sacrosanct chamber will be refreshed? So Sequitors etc?

    I think I’ll be much longer out than that.

    If they’re going by chambers then ideally it’d go:

    AoS4 Warriors (still suspect 2025 to be an actual refresh for 10 year anniversary)

    AoS5 Extremis & Vanguard(staple down what the new heavy cavalry & light cav will be with the hunters and whatever new Dracothion units or warriors they make)

    AoS6 Sacrosanct (newest of the bunch with a ton of ways to drag their feet on needing new armor with their soul enhancing powers)

    AoS5 being Order vs Death is a good shout but who knows what Death will throw out next. Maybe Nagash will enslave the spider death gods living beneath him that make those portals that undermine him so he can get revenge on the Skaven’s gnaw-holes with his own “webway” portals and Sigmar unleashes new Vanguard and the Logisticar Chamber to quickly locate, teleport to and stop the undead spider hordes? (Just for an example)

    13 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Does this kind of project names have some sort of relation with their plot? Or are they purely random?

    Project Star sounds like Azyr.

    With GW it can go either way. Like back in 2010 the rules design team working on AoS was called Project Stanley. 😄

    4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    At some point we have to have new chambers released. If I am not wrong there are 2 or 3 still pending to be opened, so maybe we have something else to fight against death.

    We still have 



    Logister (newest one made during the Age of Hope to help coordinate troops & supplies from Azyr to the other Realms. I like to think that’s where all the Stormcast scholars, engineers and eggheads are)


    So Covenant should be after Ruination.

    Maybe that’ll attune with Extremis refresh for Dracothioncast kinda stuff? 🐉 

    • Thanks 1
  21. 2 hours ago, DoctorPerils said:

    Yeah that would be great 👍  perhaps have an intermediary "Cog-Keep" like:

    - steam tank (gun hauler size)

    - cog-keep (frigate size)

    - cog-fort (Ironclad size)

    Lore-wise there already is variants with smaller Sentry-Keeps & Border-Walkers which are smaller Cogforts than the walking fortresses/city ones.

    I’d imagine Border-Walkers are what we’ll get as mobilized defenses for all the new settlements out there that succeeded and need a visible walking tank deterrent against stuff like Kruleboyz and BoC eyeing up the place as an otherwise easy mark.

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  22. 28 minutes ago, ERHanmer said:

    However, I can also see GW deciding to just blow it up with Skaven, because that seems to be the only plot resolution they can come up with.

    I mean AoS4 starting with Skaven that could be the prevention of them pulling that with the tower as the new Chamber is unleashed to defend their strongpoint.

    That said I don’t agree with that last bit. Skaven’s last major play was Malign Portents and that wasn’t even a resolution but just changed course on Nagash’s plans from sucking the life from the realms to flooding them with ghosts & undeath magic the hole in the UnderWorlds opened from the damaged pyramid.

    Before and after that it’s been everything from Stormcast, Orruks, Daughters of Khaine, Lumineth, Kharadron and other resolving story arcs from the closing of the All-Gates to Archaon’s plans to invade Azyr foiled from his Varanite staches siphoned dry.

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  23. 1 hour ago, 01rtb01 said:

    Just been looking at the lumineth shared at the last set of reveals. Likelihood that the water spirit will be a water horse based on their helms?

    After looking at the incoming lumineth again I do really like them.

    Very likely. I’m thinking based on Poseidon’s Hippocampus(high five to people that remember that unit from Age of Mythology RTS) while their Eastern inspiration side nods that the Zodiac has the horse for the water elements.



    Will be interesting to see how that translates to units since they opened up design room with “River Aelementals are the most numerous of the spirits” so they can throw in any kind of water units they can think of while the Pachyderm Sages give them a tanky ally.


    Which does leave Deepkin fans envious but we all know the solution.

    Battle crabs 🦀 ⚔️ 


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