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Baron Klatz

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Posts posted by Baron Klatz

  1. It's hopeful this year or next we'll see some new Realm Freeguilds.

    Back in 2017 several people talked to GW about that at Warhammerfest, including our good friend Shinros, and they said they were planning on human facions with distinct characteristics for each Realm.

    The following year we got the Corebook showing the artwork for humans in that style and now we have the Warcry warbands acting as prototypes.

    If we're lucky Cities of Sigmar will be exactly like Legions of Nagash and get us Realmguilds as it that did NightHaunt.

    So it's coming soon. :)

    • Like 3
  2. Thank goodness Slaanesh didn't give us a questionable 4th "head" then. 😛

    But otherwise I love the new model. Won't complain for a foot one though to help smaller games ala Morathi.

    Just now, willange said:

    The fact that Kharadron Overlords don't have a mercenary company is a crime.

    One step at a time. I'm just happy for the opened up Fyreslayers options.

    Also really looking forward to more siege stuff. Dreadhold battletome's were great so more like that would be ace.

  3. Not saying which setting is superior,  just expressing my love for the new one despite having started in the one at 7th edition and collecting Bretonnia along with obsessively grabbing up every novel to the Hammer and Bolster short stories and MMO spin-off novels.

    When AoS was revealed I fell in love and dropped it all for the new setting, Stormcasts and a revitalized fandom  that was free of the more toxic elements (many thanks to Mantic for that, they aggressively made sure people knew they would take them in).

    The Bankruptcy was real 2015 they showed they were near the red. It came from a lot of factors but Fantasy was costing them millions while only bringing in 5% profit, lower than paint primer.  That's not sustainable at all and needed drastic changes.

    Then AoS turned things around.


    "40k/30k basically held the line for all of GW in the last few years, since AoS, and before that Warhammer Fantasy. In last year's annual report, the CEO let slip a point that AoS, despite its unpopularity, had already outdid Warhammer Fantasy's sales for years, just to show how bad things had been."

    Could it have been different? Of course but that's a change that should've happened at 6th edition or even earlier as things had been in decline for a long time.

    However let's avoid that because it's a can of worms (Runebrush did warn us).

    Anyway there's better things ahead and Old World has a chance to continue. I have no interest in it but hopeful it'll bring the communities to better terms despite some pretty severe opinions from both sides.

    Point on scale change remains though. It has many benefits to it that could generate the income GW expects for the game to justify itself.

  4. Indeed, the models are still valid.

    Heck a lot of this conversation is covered under Warhammer Legends:

    "Every Citadel miniature is great, a unique piece of the ever-evolving narrative of Warhammer. It is, then, an unfortunate truth that we can’t continue to sell and support every model we’ve ever made, indefinitely. As we make new models, and new books to explore their background and rules, we have to stop producing and featuring some older models. But just like many of you, we still treasure our collections of older Citadel miniatures, and we still want to be able to use them in games and forge glorious narratives on the tabletop! This is where Warhammer Legends comes in. Warhammer Legends is a great home for these miniatures, giving us somewhere to publish rules to allow you to keep playing with your older miniatures."

    So they don't lightly consider tossing stuff away even if it is obsolete and still try to give players a reason for using them.

    That they give such lengthy time before it happens and ties into the evolving narratives is a good enough salve for me.


    • Like 1
  5. I vastly prefer the new setting, gameplay, progressive plot and epic fantasy aesthetic with infinite possibilities to the old one so am very glad End Times happened (plus I enjoyed them, the scenarios were fun) and gave us this glorious game.


    HOWEVER, I do agree they should've just moved Wfb over to Forge World and let it continue there. That way it couldn't drive them into bankruptcy anymore while Age of Sigmar continued to flourish in it's place as the new main game while wfb existed as a smaller sidegame like it will eventually.

    Edit: Also I agree with Runebrush on scale change. It would be the best way to avoid the army problem Wfb had and get players to buy new models to justify the game.

    Because i've seen so many old hobbyists buying from Ebay already and 4-5 years of that means only the rule books will sell. xD

    • Like 4
  6. 100% agreed. I feel the notes on him "perfecting" them is gonna have a dark twist ( this is Warhammer afterall) that could be him using light to hide the flaws he could never fix but just put to a lesser degree than Deepkin or it's his twisted vision of perfection that comes from being a afflicted god in the same way Morathi blesses her loyal followers to become medusai like her true form.

    • Like 2
  7. I'm betting on both.

    It's tricky aelves so misdirection would be expected.

    Like there's multiple mentions of "angelic" aelves under Teclis and the Hysh artwork shows winged figures in thr background.(which itself fits the Greek aelf style as the goddess Nike was what inspired winged angels in Christian imagery)

    You can read between the lines that they're classic Aelves just because they have all their limbs and eyes compared to the others and "pointy" can be anything from boots to wing-tips. ;)

    Plus ya know, it's a light god of magic leading an army of souls reformed after being twisted from a chaos god's guts. High fantasy force is pretty much guaranteed.

  8. Always love new races, though more AoS humans, Kurnothi, Fyreslayers and Deepkin would be ace.

    I can not wait for them to eventually expand on the new races they tease at in the lore like Gholemkin, Aetars, fire elementals, Rootkings and now undersea empires of independent daemons and magic squid smiths. (Even just warbands will suffice!)

    Just so much epicness. :D

  9. Huzzah! 'Tis a glorious time for the Mortal Realms! :D

    Very cool they shifted to Aqshy for this, it's got a lot of civilization framework already aid down thanks to the 2017 Age of Intrigue, Shadows over Hammerhal and the Firestorm campaign as Order made a huge expansion in those lands since the Age of Hope.

    Oooh, at the end of Seeds of Hope in 2016 was when Cog forts were first mentioned as the mobile fortresses retaking the realm of fire. We could see more of those!

    I'm so excited!

    • Like 2
  10. That Tyrion is a blind god of light probably makes travel difficult too as Teclis serves as his eyes.

    There are some Tyrion-worshipping human towns mentioned in lore and one overran by chaos did have blindness honored as divine symbol while the town itself used a maze to hide and defend itself.

    So it'd follow suit that Tyrion uses Hysh's riddling & symbolic nature to confound invaders andbring them straight to him and his power.

    Just now, Whitefang said:

    BTW, Miyazaki Hayao's movie Princess Mononoke is great.

    That brings two things to mind.




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  11. This was a pretty good rumor engine comparison.


    The boot with a spikey tip(pointy boots) is likely theirs too as well as that three string bow.

     Between this, the DoK tome mentioning Teclis having perfected his "angelic" aelves and the corebook talking about them using gems and crystals to store magic we're looking at a pretty unique magic-focused army which should blend the Hysh aesthetics like the Warcry warband with an evolution of "pointy aelves" into something special.

    Also looking forward to Teclis. "Pantheon" showed he lost his physical form, appearing as a ethereal light being, which the corebook later showed is a risk of wizards attuning with the realm of light.

    So seeing if he mastered that will also be interesting.

    • Like 5
  12. It was the new book that had me jumping for joy more than any other of the teases besides the Aether War, Kharadron and continuing narrative of the realm of metal campaigns.

    The recent Soul Wars stuff has been fantastic with expansions of lore, battle scenarios and even mercenaries but I'm also hoping for more sub-faction love.

    Like this would not only be a good way to reveal the Flame Scions but tons of other races just as the epic battles of the God-beast campaign did.

    So here's hoping the Grand Marshall of Chaos can lead us into another flavorful campaign filled with art, war and small factions coming out of the narrative wood-work in the glorious Mortal Realms.

    • Like 1
  13. Bumping this.

    This thread won't do well because there's already hobby threads on this subject.


    Have you considered using it to post stuff from the Warhammer and Age of Sigmar sub-reddits?

    Lots of artists their who happily give tips on how they paint their armies like the other day I saw advice on making Stormcasts in the desert and frost Sylvaneth.

    • Thanks 1
  14. That's true, I remember the multiple nerfs the Mourngul had to go through before it was properly balanced.

    2015-2016: having two was an auto-win.

    2017: not auto-win but one did half the work of your Death army.

    2018-2019: great army synergy even before it got battletome inclusion.

    Forge World would benefit with having GW's level of community feedback on adjusting their stuff. Though I feel that's not their goal anyhow.

    • Like 1
  15. Oh, fingers crossed then it'll be big news. :)

    Some new art or just sample story snippets would be very welcomed.

    Oh! Maybe they'll do more with the Realm Walker? When they talked about them I flipped with how they turned a Narrative tournament custom warscroll into a rpg element. :D

  16. Just now, Kyriakin said:

    How can "demands go up" without them changing their policy of the models not having usable keywords?

    I am sure the Dreadmaw, Myrwerm, etc have managed to "catch people's  eye" - as they have mine - but, like me, they are not going to buy something that they cannot use.

    They'd definitely go up better if that was the case but there's still demand by those unable to get them and having a GA mixed force, proxying it as another AoS unit or just using it for  narrative play/rpg.

    I'm not disagreeing with anyone that they should have better rules, premium products should give you that edge.

    So i'm leaning towards them just wanting the products to be unpopular enough to discontinue with little hassle. Hopefully whatever they get replaced with will get more love as "current" products.



  17. That is interesting.  i've been following their Facebook only (I miss their old site) so I missed out on that.

    Well I certainly am drooling at the mouth for their Soulbound release in April but if they're juggling too much then I won't blame them for another push back to ensure quality.

    I do wish they'd put something tantalizing on their facebook for us, though. Just a scenario pdf for narrative players to use and lore enthusiasts to obsess over would be very welcomed to bide us over until our new adventures in the Mortal Realms.  :)

    • Like 1
  18. Wouldn't surprise me if that's the strategy. They would be far from the only company to let a product fall to the wayside to justify cancelling it and make way for more profitable future ones.

    Just now, RuneBrush said:

    Once it drops below a certain level we want to shift it in order to make way for a new and more profitable product and will stick it into our clearance range.  GW are going to be the same in this respect.

    One thing GW are good at though is listening to feedback and requests.  If enough people tell them "I really miss X model/unit" then there's a chance they'll bring it back into production or do a made to order run. 

    Exactly!  :)

    The products here have been sitting around for over a decade. The "don't know what you had until it's gone" syndrome is gonna kick in here.

    Either demands go up and they finally get people buying again with an easier to manage Made to Order limited run or the outcry is few and they just move on to new products that catch people's eye.

  19. Just now, sandlemad said:

    All along, no one noticed the glaring absense of a giant robot faction in AoS. Zombie-shipwreck mecha with repeating cannons for hands could fill that void.

    The resurgence of the Agloraxi would do it too. A fire wizard magocracy that during the Age of Myth had armies of golems and giant automatons they forged in Aqshy's furnaces along with the other big weapons we seen since the Firestorm campaign like the Prismakon Lens that focuses enough heat energy to fry continents.

    Massive lava Golems being AoS' version of imperial knights would be pretty sweet. Though since Wraithfleet showed up at the same time I wouldn't mind a haunted ship "mech" possessed by ghost pirates either. :D

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