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Baron Klatz

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Posts posted by Baron Klatz

  1. Whoops, my mistake then.

    Just now, tom0tom said:

    please GW, would it be possible to have all the rules, FAQ, points and (let’s dream) faction warscrolls in ONE place?… I am prepared to pay a subscription fee to have it all in an app, or to pay a reasonable amount on demand for each update. Right now I am not psychologically prepared to pay for a book sold with other stuff that I am not interest in (Forbidden Power…) just to get a couple of pages I would need, and which will anyway be obsolete in a couple of months. With an app and a subscription I would probably spend (even  J) more, GW would be happy and life would be much simpler!

    Isn't that the purpose of the  Azyr army builder in the AoS app?

    As for the other two points I would say to the first try some narrative and open play games if things stay too one-sided. Lots of different battleplans and scenarios can shift fights around compared to head-on battles.

    And on the second point you should reply on their Facebook if you want GW's attention. If you want them to make changes it's definitely important to be on their when they holding faq and gameplay inquiries for community input.

    That aside, welcome to the hobby and hope you and your sons continue to have fun! :)

  2. It makes sense at least, all their holds in the realms got taken over by the endless daemon floods and they got kicked out into the realm of heavens for 500 years and their relics have been up for grabs as monsters & daemons infested all their homes making them dispossessed.

    Just now, JPjr said:

    oh and the flame one is from the Scions of Flame Warcry warband

    Exactly what I was thinking.

    Also isn't the scaley tail from the new Slaves to Darkness leader?

  3. I'd go vice-versa since he IS the giant dark menacing thing in the shadows. :D

    Devil Grots, worshippers of Malerion's twisted form and Ulgu's mist caused them to warp into imps and become deformed with horns and bat wings. Using shadow magic to cover their flying bloodthirsty swarms as they fall upon their foes snd unleash mist shrouded horrors they tamed.

    New Destruction faction as they view Malerion as an aspect of Gorkamorka's ominous shadow falling upon the lands to bless their hunts.

  4. Just now, Whitefang said:

    “Mist” is a more ulguish aesthetic though, not hyshian. There is always descriptions of how dangerous the miasma in Ulgu can be, like armies simply disappear in it. 
    Hysh is described as a realm of perfection and insight, things there meant to be clean and luminous 

    Yeah, that mist weaver was possibly some neutral party(maybe like a dark  mercenarial faction that worship Teclis) or Ulgu shadowkin (Twilightkin?) because in the Silver Tower novel her magic was horrifying like making one cultist go insane and tear his own face off in terror.

    There could be a twist as she had possible Teclis & Tyrion symbols but there was nothing light-worthy of her madness-inducing magic (on Tzeentchites no less!).

    That said, the new Hysh Aelves are out of Slaanesh's gut and inherently corrupted like the others. Having a "light casting shadows" aesthetic to have mistweavers cast the madness afflicting the "shining perfect race" army could be how they cope. The darkness hidden by the light.

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  5. Huh, subfaction vs subfaction. That's actually clever. It further expands the lore on the smaller elements of the factions and gives some nice starting small forces to two players or combine them for a large army.

    I add that to my want list! :D

    Additionally on the lore end they could go Thunderbellies for the Beastclaw side.  Fits with the Chamon focus and Ogor nomads tribes living on floating lightning islands that use alchemy is just too awesome.

  6. Yeah, i'll third Ironjawz. Powerful head-on army of elites. Great for quickly getting a force together and smashing the enemy in Gorkamorka's name. Waaagh!

    That their battletome got a nice update that added a whole new layer to them playwise is a big bonus.

    On top of that is Destruction in general is fun and you can expand in some nice areas like Beastclaws for the Ironjawz experience but on monster cavalry with some icy tricks, add in your Orruks to Bonesplitterz to swarm the enemy with vicious savages and arrow storms, Gloomspite for a swarm of Grots, spiders or bouncing squigs everywhere and all the while troggoths & gargants can mix things up too.

    So your Waaagh paths are always open to new experiences even when you're just starting off with a good ol' fashion Ironjawz krumpin'. :D


  7. DoK would be great though from a lore perspective I see DoK vs Soulblight as Malign Portents set up Morathi to crave revenge on Nagash and with his Bonereaper commander at the Varanspire it leaves a hole in Shyish's defenses some new gorgons can slither through. Opposing them could be new vampire knights whose teleporting castle caught them off-guard or deadwalkers raised as a desperate conscription force by the flesh garden queen(zombie hero) we saw in the Soul Wars novel.

    Otherwise i'm for Fyreslayers vs Bonesplitterz with more focus on the realm of chamon campaign where Kharadrons called in an Aqshy merc brigade of new fiery beasts to melt down the metal fortifications of their enemies but Bonesplitterz riding metal-eating salamanders("Red Hour" novel) and armed with metal stakes and clubs fight them to turn their beasts into forges to make idols to their Chamon Gorkamorka aspect.

  8. Yep. Either that or they're just fickle "fans" that Total Warhammer brought in that act like troggoths to support their new fandom but once the trilogy and fad ends will forget all about it and drift off to the next thing.  (The comments from AoS Champions trailer was more than enough proof of that)

    But meh, that's getting off topic and into salt territory.

    On track,  the Corebook has vague winged humanoids on it's Hysh realm art.

    I'm very interested to see if that's the new aelves or another race entirely. The new Sylvaneth artwork has winged reverents in it's art so it might be a trend the aelven gods are doing. (Or preparation for a huge air war?



  9. Oh, that'd be a cool twist. Very symbolic of the relationship between Hysh and Ulgu too.

    Just now, Kyriakin said:

    The Facebook announcement has some really depressing replies from the extreme ends of the spectrum...:

    Yeah, saw they invaded Lady Atia's blog too by saying stuff like "it's finally time for the elves everyone wants and not the bland half-elf freak releases".

    Nevermind Sylvaneth, Melusai, Deepkin and Kurnothi have been AoS' most consistent best-sellers on the store site and popular factions.

    Best to ignore them, reality is gonna deliver a hard enough blow to them when all their delusions hit a wall.

    • Like 2
  10. Indeed and sadly armor was never allowed to catch up to it because of the cost in money. It wouldn't be until the slaughters of WW1 that helmets were introduced that cut casualties from shrapnel by 90% and then in Vietnam from a soldier sneaking a dinner tray in his vest to survive an ambush that body armor was considered.

    Very galling when a WW1 priest already perfected a bulletproof silk vest he even live fire tested on himself before trying to get the militaries to use it. They refused because of costs. Money came before men.

    Even the Kharadron would be baffled at that kind of greed.

  11. Deepkin new, none of those mixed factions had the older models nuked first and resurface later.

    They could mix in some phoenix temple but with what's been teased this is an all new race Teclis made with the souls from Slaanesh. Same as he did with Deepkin which makes them different from the city aelves we have.

    Just now, swarmofseals said:

    what in the....

    Is it just floating around in space after someone inverted its entire digestive tract?

    What was the prompt that the artist was working from? "Glowing blue space fetus is surprising chill after literally pooping its guts out"??

    Hahaha, that's certainly an interesting take on it. xD

    I'll admit the designers got creative with the Nordic cards.

    Not to derail the thread but if you want something else bizarre look up how they designed Jormungardr, turned it into a serpent dragon straight out of the mutating chaos realm.

  12. 6 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Hmm, infusing those pointy Aelves with a bit of Asgard's might would only add what they lacked before - total manliness. ✌️ I'd be all for it.*

    Haha, depends on the designers.

    Yugioh has Nordic light elves too and manly's not a word i'd use to describe them. xD


    On that note though my guess is the Hysh Aelves will continue the Greek themes we've seen with Morathi(gorgons & civilization diety), Deepkin & Ghyran chaos aelves (Hoplites) and Kurnothi(satyrs).

    With the mentions of them being "angelic" i'm betting on them either having wings or making wings of light since the Greek goddess Nike was the first inspiration for winged angels in Christianity.

    The Aether War box might support that as it focuses on all flying forces which could be a tie-in for Teclis to introduce his newly created armies.

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  13. Just now, Gecktron said:

    But keep im mind, most of the units you are using are not really part of the main game anymore. They are completly fine for narrative play or games with friends but they will handicap you If you want to play competitivly. 

    Indeed but by the power of proxy and the Mortal Realms narrative he could cobble together an interesting Cities of Sigmar army and count it in Shyish for those "undead" units flavor. (Though the Living City does have background of "sons of the Lichemaster" for Nagashites dwelling there.)

    So example idea of his UN-Living City (with fluff ideas):

    Axe Dwarves: Ironbreakers, they clear out the city bottoms of ceaseless undead that spawn there.

    Elven archers: Sisters of the Watch, emissaries of Ghyran whose life magic wards off the worst of the wild undead that don't visit in peace.

    Armed men: Freeguild soldiers, the backbone of the Shyish city acting as guards and standing army.

    Knights: Drakespawn knights, mercenary knights that work for the city after riding out from the shadowy unknown corners of the land. Will ride any beast be it horse or scaled monster to battle and get their blood money.

    Skeletons: Freeguild, the dead don't rest easy in Shyish and the building of the city awoke these ancient warriors that have decided to bend the skinless knee in exchange for rooms warmer than the cold rustling earth and to see the spirits of their loved ones which travel the town.

    Skeleton knights: Wild Riders, an order of undead knights that through mysterious contracts the city council have convinced to defend their new nation. These supernatural cavaliers use their connections to the eldritch death lands to scout for threats, find paths for travelers & armies and make treaties with other undead entities.

    By using the Living City rules you have access to Sylvaneth which can be kitbashed as undead tree monsters or warscroll proxy for other undead your skeleton knights bargained with  and the City has a Hidden Ways ability for fast army travel which in this case can be by travel through unearthed tomb catacombs to keep the death city flavor.

    • Like 1
  14. Just now, Buaku said:

    So if the warscroll compendiums I used are obsolete and the new ones don't have points yet, how do you create two equal army's?

    Oh no, the current Warscrolls compendium from the GW site is fully usable and does have points in both the generals rulebook and Community site. Go to the Warscroll builder and you can make a list using them.


    Just understand the points weren't regulated well like all the other armies were since that's an army they stopped supporting in 2016. So expect uphill battles with them in competitions(Matched play).

    In friendlier battles (Narrative and Open) you can still have fun though.

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  15. Just now, Buaku said:

    What does proxy for Freeguild mean?

    Proxy means to use one model but the warscroll of another.

    So like a Bret model but the warscrolls of a Freeguild/Empire soldier for better rules.

    People can get more creative too by kitbashing the models and make all new things which have to settle on a official warscrolls even if the new model is based on lore stuff only.

    So if you say cut you Bret Bowmen in half and give them Beastmen legs and parts you can say they're a mutant kingdom in Ghyran and can choose to center them in a Brayherd army for chaos or go Order as misunderstood mutants with Kurnothi or Deepkin(on being twisted archers in a hidden kingdom)  warscrolls.

  16. Sadly for them you're gonna have to proxy for armies they haven't discontinued. Bretonnia are very likely next in line for Warhammer Legends and being a pure Narrative-only army since they don't sell them anymore nor update rhem competitively so don't want to give people reasons to use Ebay instead. Thus they haven't really balanced them.

    Also Men-at-arms are like Bowmen in being ancient point costs but got hit waaay harder by the nerf hammer. Like their original warscrolls let them have relics which turned them into a anti-mage unit because they could help stop spells.

    So once again, if you're competitive then proxy them for Freeguild which do get balanced.

    That's what most people do with say Living City armies, use the Men-at-arms for that simple earthy soldier look but with more greens and roll them as Freeguild with Wanderer and Sylvaneth back up.




    Edit: though if you're just playing for fun & narrative or open-games then use their original warscrolls which are much better.


  17. Ooh, fellow on reddit finished his Kharadrorkz complete with balloon squigs to proxy as Skyriggers.

    He gives some pointers in the comments but that's an excellent way for people to get inspired for their own Orruk Scrapfleets and Grotbags to get an early start to the skies. :D

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  18. Oh that's because Brets never got a point change from when they first got warscrolls though their rules changed along with the legacy updates.

    They were worth those points when the games were smaller focused and their arrowstorm was lethal but now they're much too obsolete.

    At best it's better to just proxy them as Freeguild huntsmen if not other non-human archers entirely.

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