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Baron Klatz

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Posts posted by Baron Klatz

  1. Just now, michu said:

    They didn't say that. They only said that their skin can be burnished (polished, gleaming) - oiled abs an all that. No word on bleaching.

    Yeah, bleaching was just how me and my friends described it because of all the shining white and gold models.

    Pretty cool how it's like magic radiation rather than just heat with all kinds of effects like translucent skin from burned away corruption and said marble-like polish.

  2. Because it's a good place to discuss the outcome now. :)

    Just now, Kadeton said:

    They're gradually backing themselves into a corner.

    That's why the named characters are few and far between compared to the  hordes of disposable characters based on the nameless hero models. Even if they weren't immortals they'd have plot armor ala 40k or Wfb to keep them and their model relevant.

    Instead of their death being the threat it's the plot point they provide the setting. Sure the likes of Alarielle,  Archaon or Katakros will never truly die but their setbacks cause a chain-effect of lost ground that'll get other characters killed, lands/cities lost and the realms altered which is the main drive of AoS' progressive plotline which gets people invested to the growing setting.

    Edit: Thinking more on it Doko might be right.

    Should we make a "Wrath of the Everchosen Outcome" thread to further discuss this and the possible new story arcs, campaigns and narratives this shift of power for the Eight-points, Shyish and the Realmlords has caused and what it could mean for the larger picture of the Soul Wars?

  3. Just an fyi for Realm of Hysh hobbyists, I noticed with the upcoming Lumineth that people were wondering how aelves were pale in a plane of endless sunlight.

    The 2019 White dwarfs show that the magic light of Hysh "bleaches" the skin. For tans you go for the much heavier heats of the realm of fire.

    So for those painting armies to ally with (or  tribes that march against!) the Realmlords in their golden realm go for pale and bright skin-tones. :)

  4. It also says there's runes for the old aelven pantheon and the four elemental spirits. Then it mentions the sun and moon of Tyrion and Teclis.

    Feels like they're just laying the groundwork for the sub-factions and different army backgrounds rather than hinting at Tyrion.

    I'm with side "Tyrion with his own future (winged) army to match Malerion's future Shadowkin".

    But we'll see though!

  5. Just now, Nos said:

    There are multiple ways to read corrupted there though. Could mean corrupted as in chaos, could mean, could mean corrupted as a value judgement or in relation to greed, given that the piece is written from the perspective of the Ossiarchs. Certainly the reference to a "tainted empire" which is the context in which the phrase is mentioned, would suggest that. The differentiation between Chaos specifically and then Duardin would suggest it was just an adjective rather than a noun. My guess would be the narrator intended to say that the Duardin Kingdoms referenced were influenced by the elemental presence of Chaos and generally messed up, but not actual Chaos worshippers.

    That's true. There's similar cases like the Fyreslayer lodge that took chaos ur-gold to destroy the Lantic Empire's gilded walls, a duardin in "The Red Hour" who fell to the temptations of Slaanesh despite being a fervent worshiper of the 6 smiths of Azyr and even undead examples as the latest Flesh-eater court battletome told of a duardin clan that was infected by their madness.

    The chaos duardin can be any form of chaos worship just as the vastness of the Mortal Realms has given us non-chaos daemons like the golden peace one of Kheitar("Shiprats") or the underwater daemon empire free of the dark gods ("Court of the Blind King").

    All that should be taken is they've been a invaluable war industry for chaos since the Realmgate wars when the Furnace kings created the Dreadforts to the current campaign as Katakros targets them to stop Archaon's forces from being armed properly.

    As is the Iron Golems are a better bet to expand on since they're integral to the current chaos war industry by producing arms in Chamon by using captured sun dragons for forges but I wouldn't be surprised at Furnace kings being a brand new spin on things as is the nature of AoS.

    • Like 2
  6. Well there are threats but it's very specific because the factions do all have ways  to trap or destroy souls by one means or another.

    Khul was the first to show that way back in Warstorm where he got the better of a cocky Lord-celestant and cleaved his soul from his body, leaving a horrified specter standing before his own dead body before it was pulled into the chaos realm, screaming, and he claimed his head since the soul didn't lightning the body away.

    If Olynder was killed by Archaon's Kingslayer for instance she wouldn't be so fortunate nor if Dorghar ate her since it's body traps souls in it. Azyrheim rings a bell of sorrow for the Stormcast still trapped in it since the Age of Chaos (some heroes we met in Warstorm no less).

    Katakros was more fortunate than most against Archaon because of the sheer power of his soul which lied dormant being sealed beneath Lake Tethis for centuries because it was such an indestructible evil on it's own that impressed even Nagash.

    • Like 2
  7. Just now, Greasygeek said:

    What do we know about the new rules for Siege? Also, the fact that Lady Olynder is a part of the story had me hoping for anything Nighthaunt related beside a bit of lore. Do we know for sure that only Chaos bennifits from this book? 

    "Siege Rules are the biggest addition here for Narrative play. These seem to be more of an evolution of the existing siege rules we already have instead of a complete redo. All of the scenarios have an attacker and a defender, as would make sense, and the defender needs to have a fortification. It says it can be any set of scenery such as Wyldwoods or a fortified set of ruins, or whatever works really. There is then a siege phase that takes place after deployment, but before the game begins. The attacker secretly picks whether they are going to focus on starving the enemy, battering their defenses, or tunneling, and the defender picks which they are going to try and defend against, in secret as well. Then you both reveal your results and consult a table which gives you bonuses or de-buffs on the next part. You then roll to see how starved the defender's army is by rolling for each unit and on a 5+ doing D3 mortal wounds to them. The attacker then rolls for each piece of scenery in the defender's territory and on a 5+ it loses its terrain rules besides cover. Lastly, you both roll a dice for tunneling and if the attacker rolls higher then one hero and two units can be taken off the board to tunnel on later. These pop up at the start of any movement phase within 6" of the point and more than 3" away from enemy units.

    There are also three new sets of command abilities for each player. For instance, the attacker has Cry Havoc which allows them to pick a unit in the combat phase within range of their hero and gives them +1 to hit, but -1 to their save as they fully commit to attacking no matter the cost. The Defender has ones like Boiling Oil that lets you pick a terrain feature you're garrisoning and roll a dice for each enemy unit near it, doing D3 mortal wounds on a 4+. Lastly, each army gets a new set of allegiance abilities, one if they're the attacker and one if they're the defender. For instance, Nighthaunt cannot be starved if they're the defender, and cannot be affected by Boiling Oil if they're the attacker. There are also two generic siege battleplans included."


    As for non-chaos benefits, unfortunately no.

    Great stuff for narrative play or spicing up matched play for anyone, though. Siege rules, new chaos Realmscape features(choking spores stopping flying is a strategy shifter), 6 new battleplans any armies can use and roaming monster & wandering Living spell charts and rules.

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  8. I'm just glad the aelven gods were hinted at moving it.

    Bloody prison was right next to the city soul of Shadespire.


    If Slaanesh broke free there then all those souls contained in Shadeglass would become daemon rock candy.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. Exactly. If you go back to Runebrush's open day talk on this thread you'll know that's why the GW devs said "you can't take what you see online at face value". Age of Sigmar may have been a huge upset for the dying old community but the hobby places online like reddit and dakkadakka were booming with new players.

    Like the Wfb reddit at the time was 8 years old and only had 3,000 subs by 2016, AoS had 4,500 in one year and now in five it's grown past 43,000.

    Not to go off-topic but it's part of why I wish people would stop dissing on AoS1 (besides the fact i loved it as a narrative nut). It had a rocky start but it still was a success, helped integrate old players, made it extremely easy for new players to hobby giving them complete freedom to build their armies and laid the groundwork for the lore that they kept building on to make the fantastic setting we have now that keeps on expanding all the time for the glorious Mortal Realms. :D

    Just now, Ggom said:

    I’m really curious for rank and file actually. I’d be all over a lower model count rank and file game set in a “historical fantasy” world. Having flanking matter seems cool.

    I feel lower count is gonna be a big appeal. Since AoS  that's been a huge focus of GW and hobby games overall to help lower entry barriers and keep games quick and fast.



    • Like 4
  10. Get the Souls War set and model your Stormcasts and Nighthaunts after Maximo and Grim from the Ghosts to Glory series. :D


    (Plus you know, both are powerful armies that you can easily build off of)

    6 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    I also can get my hands on an Idoneth Battleforce which is very tempting but I prefer their infantry which are apparently not great (although I am leaning hard in this direction)

    Ah man, I got that set and it's sooo good I gotta say dive in ( ;) ).

    The eel knights are definitely the better force but the army can focus on infantry too. You can always ally in Khainites, Sylvaneth and Stormcasts too to buff up your infantry front lines as well plus make some cool themes like Melusai seasnakes, coral sylvans or Stormcasts from the Dawnblades host made up of coastal tribes and sailors.

    • Like 1
  11. True Duardin indeed. :D

    Just now, zilberfrid said:

    Another that recently became possible, is to enslave the larger spells to lift whole ships.

    That's an interesting idea (though bird headed horses were already high up there). Applications like the flaming skull living spell to fill balloons with hot air and the Ghur jaws to lift the ships towards monsters or a magic "carrot on a stick" are great concepts to think about.

    • Like 2
  12. Just now, Overread said:

    Don't forget AoS at launch was resoundly trashed by wargamers at large and wasn't selling well. That's not to devalue and say that those who DID like it then are bad or wrong; just that they represented a smaller market than GW wanted. Plus GW alienated a big chunk of their market at the same time. 

    Though still a bigger market than Wfb was offering that made AoS sell betterin it's first year. xD

    "40k/30k basically held the line for all of GW in the last few years, since AoS, and before that Warhammer Fantasy. In last year's annual report, the CEO let slip a point that AoS, despite its unpopularity, had already outdid Warhammer Fantasy's sales for years, just to show how bad things had been. "

    With the new direction though Old World definitely has better odds at success than Wfb did. It'll be a fitting new game to move to  for many old fans.


    But regardless you're correct in a bright future ahead with 3 great fantasy games from GW (4 if you count Bloodbowl ;) )


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  13. True, plus the champions could just refer to the commanders who got overwhelmed fighting a bloody demigod. Them getting away to fight another day could attest to that.

    Just now, Gecktron said:

    So, if I remember right, the last Lumineth lowdown was monday, the 27th. So chances are we are getting a new article on monday?

    They said 2 weeks after the first Lumineth lore article so that should be the case. :)


  14. Oh no no, I meant the financial and community boosting success of Age of Sigmar.

    If GW's profits weren't skyrocketing like they have been then they never would've attempted this when they already have so many projects and specialist games on their plate already. xD

    It's definitely the old setting but by "new setting" I meant not the one Wfb set up with crazy high fantasy and even 40k elements leaking in since 7th edition(greenskin spores off Old One starvessels & high elf soul stones to hide from Slaanesh)

    Old World is looking to be a much simpler setting in comparison. Human focused with a few fantasy races on the sidelines. Like at that point most of the Old World didn't even know what an elf was until Finubar opened up relations some time later!

    More that the setting looks to be at it's Lord of the Rings roots. (Maybe even in scale,  but we'll see).

  15. I like that,  the greenhorn paladins who have yet to truly prove their valor to the veterans and carry some uncertainty with them so their stormhost tries to compensate by being closer to eachother and matching their zeal even if it seperates them from the other hosts.

    Do they have a certain fighting style like disciplined shieldwalls to mirror their closeness or the zeal route with dual swords and two-handed hammers for ferocity?

    As for mine, I have a Hallowed Knights offshoot called the Heralds of the Cleansing Rain(Strike force liberators focus with Sylvaneth and wanderer allies) who bring forth Sigmar's purifying rain storms to clean the lands and aid the injured.

    Their main keeps are in the Realm of Ghyran where they study the abundant life magic to further enhance their healing endeavors.

    Age of Chaos: were just forming and didn't see action until the end with healing the injured from All-gates siege.

    Age of Hope: After aiding the Seeds of Hope cities they made alliances with the Sylvaneth and brought in Wanderer tribes from Azyr to negotiate settlements for the exiled aelves.

    Age of Intrigue: With rumblings of war in Aqshy and the new cities there they set out to aid the fire realm, disaster was met with Khornites pirates & the famed Wraith fleet leaving the Sylvaneth allies to retreat and grow ashen forests in the scorched lands awaiting the blessed rain.

    Malign Portents: pressed hard by Nurgle invasions and Nighthaunt' swarms in Ghyran the Heralds found an alliance with a Deepkin force newly discovered in Chamon. Sending Wanderer emissaries through a silver portal in haste they made a rather troubling deal of accepting the mechanical leviathans aid in exchange for captured Nighthaunt souls for the Deepkin to feast upon.

    My next army is the said Chamonian Deepkin with their metallic sea beasts from the copper and silver seas i've been building but i'll leave that for later. :D

    • Like 5
  16. Just now, Sleboda said:

    it will have me constantly wondering why we had to go through the pain in the first place and why I have put so much into a new game that I'll likely ditch for the old game. 

    Because the old game was a failing mainline product that hurt the company in both the millions it cost them with only a 5% profit and it's generic designs were easy to rip-off by the likes of Avatars of War.

    That game is dead and buried. Wfb is no more.

    Old World is a brand new game and setting that is built off the success of Age of Sigmar. 

    There's no telling what will happen with scale but with the game set in such a human-focused civil war of crossbows and catapults with the colleges of magic not even set-up yet it's gonna be a very different beast compared to what high fantasy Wfb was. Way more low fantasy while AoS is what people can play for epic fantasy goodness.

    More importantly as a specialist sidegame there's no financial risk anymore like there was with Wfb. If it does badly they can just drop it.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  17. Haven't got mine yet (hobby funds suspended due to family & car troubles) but there's some excellent review source from Mengal miniatures:


    Loved how "oh crud" this moment is for the Hallowed Knights.


    And Lady Atia's blog:




    Plus easy to miss Slaanesh sub-faction fluff in the comments.


    • Like 1
  18. Warmachines semi-confirmed then.

    Stormcast/Knights Excelsior had giant ballistaes in Excelsis a year before Sacrosanct released so it can just be fluff decoration(for now).

    Interesting bit is "finest champions". After this crushing defeat it's possible the Realmlord's release is Teclis reforming their army with new troops, creatures and powers because of how inefficient they were against the Varanguard.

    • Like 1
  19. Just now, chord said:

    What if they could summon other endless spells like the SCE ones. 

    That'd be an interesting mechanic.

    They could get Stormcast spells as both are divine armies to the realm of heavens and they could extend it to using the starlight nature of the Seraphon so they attune their magical bodies to certain other endless spells they cast to gain the racial positives,  so if it's Sylvaneth magic then they benefit from the "Sylvaneth keyword only" exception if they cast the living spell.

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  20. Indeed. They're both badasses but it makes an aesthetic sense that the Prime would dominate out of sheer power (before at almost super nova capacity) while a master of undeath and magic gets the upperhand by trickery.

    As for Olynder, I thought it was pretty awesome how fast she returned for Katakros to order her for a new assualt on the chaos armored highways that took advantage of the Nighthaunt's ethereal nature.

    It makes the undead foothold all the more daunting to break as death is only a temporary inconvenience to them before they're back turning your own dead against you.


    Love it. :D

  21. On 1/27/2020 at 7:24 AM, michu said:

    I love how the archetype already has intrigue and betrayal set-up as a basis for how the player will shape their path going forward. Revenge? Reclaim your crown within the cult? Cut ties with the goddess of shadows and stick with your friends? Trade your friends for the status denied you?

    Extremely fitting for the denizens of the insidious realm of shadow and those serving their manipulative gods.

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