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Baron Klatz

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Posts posted by Baron Klatz

  1. The wraith fleet of Aqshy and it's Soulblight captain(from the Firestorm campaign) did make an appearance in the Kharadron tome as their fleets collided.

    One thing I liked was from playing AoS Champions and doing the Realm of Light campaign, half-way through it hits you with a Hysh vampire knight army that has necromancers spam light magic. That'd be a cool theme to play on in a future tome with vampires actually embracing the cleansing light and divine magic to catch "oh undead hate light" enemies off-guard.

    Just now, Kramer said:

    The way I read it, they terraform the area around temples in the realm to inhospitable jungles. So there’s probably themy differences but that gives is it room to fit in every realm. 

    Yeah, i'm sure given enough time they could probably get a ashen jungle set-up to defy the lava and flames. Would make a cool theme with them using coal tribal markings to show they embrace the ashes.

    But I just meant it's a nice change of scenery, they could've gone with Ghyran or Ghur for a more regular looking jungle (albeit with more flying islands or giant beasts stalking through). I'd love some more realm examples, even some crazy unforeseen ones like a jungle of bones in Shyish. :D

  2. Just now, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    From what I understand — I may well be wrong on this — the Mortarchs aren’t quite the same as those who walked before them in the world-that-was.

    The way I understood it, they are Nagash’s memories made manifest, tied to him (and his will) more strongly than ever before. Nagash needed generals to lead his armies, and his memories of the Mortarchs’ victories (and some other notable characters — the Blood Dragon and Ushoran, for example) weren’t entirely dissatisfactory, and so in true Undead style he brought them back to serve him again. 

    I’d love if someone who knew more about this stuff could expand on it for me!

    EDIT: That Seraphon artwork in the Community article is gorgeous!

    Yeah, Shinros wrote about that very thing in his AoS lore summaries from interviews with Josh Reynolds since he's such a big Nagash fan he's practically a Mortarch himself. :D (messaging him for more recent info would probably be a good idea on that since this info from several years back)


    "Question:So in a previous question you said Mannfred is not really the "original"? Or do you mean possibly did nagash revive the old mortarch's and may have changed them slightly to suit him as servants? The death tome says their bloodlines reach back beyond, far older than the age of myth. Can you explain?

    Josh: Sure. Mannfred died during the End Times. So did the other Mortarchs. But all of the Mortarchs were part of Nagash (there's a reason the ancient vampires series was called 'The Blood of Nagash'...) in some fashion. They were him, and he was them. In their blood or in their souls. All are one in Nagash isn't just a boast - it's a promise."

    "One more question during the end times Arkhan noted when he looked upon Krell and Mannfred he saw they bore the shadow of nagash just like him. I guess neferata also going by the events by her book. Did this mark them out as "special"? Where nagash would choose them as his chief generals in aos?"

    It was more that they all bore some fragment of Nagash's power within them, rather than any indication of 'special-ness'. Nagash chose them because of all the souls he was linked to, they were the most effective tools to hand, for his needs.

    Think about it this way: Anyone who has been resurrected or empowered by Nagash, even at a remove (like Neferata), has some trace of him, however slight, in them, and it casts a pall over their soul. Think of him like a memetic virus - once you put on the crown of sorcery, read the books of Nagash or use the life-prolonging elixir, his shadow is on you, and you are part of him, whether you like it or not.

    Sometimes you can stave his influence off, or subvert it, but in most cases, his mind and will are going to eventually overwrite your own, making you his puppet.
    Nagash is all, and all are one in Nagash, remember? "

    So it's more accurate to say the Mortarch's were reborn in the mortal realms rather than continuations of their previous selves since Nagash reformed them from his own essence and the connection they share.


    Edit: Also fully agreed on the Seraphon artwork! Having their city in the realm of fire was a brilliant contrast to their usual green jungle and blue celestial themes. :D

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  3. I'm crossing my fingers so hard for big grand alliance rpgs. Playing as a knight of shrouds because my character had a falling out with the Sigimirite faith which Nagash preyed on causing an existence of doubt and regret by an otherwise just champion that still maintains order between the dead and living or even a Gargant elder wanting to find a way to resurrect Behemet or at least cure the realm of life he loved while corraling the battle-crazy orruks/players to achieve that goal would be amazing. :D

     Also new realm of fire pics from Cubicle7:




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  4. Whoa, this guy's got a gruesome hobby project. He's making all the Endless Spells grotesque. xD

    Like Purple Suns hatching Lord of Changes.


    The Endless Spells being natural disasters from the realm-edges is bad enough but his sailing through the chaos realm first is a whole new nightmare. :D

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  5. .

    Just now, Overread said:

    Yes but in earlier stories, like Pestilens, the Slaan mage summons them new bodies into the battlefields when they are needed.

    Yeah, the Seraphon tome had a part calling them "evolving memories" which works that their magic bodies would slowly change over time to where now we have two types between the Starbourne and Coalesced.

    So the Slaan likely conjured Azyr forms to give the stasis bodies more time.

    Species-wise this is a better survival move as the memories beginning, though gave the Slaan the power to match daemon hordes, meant each Slaan death crippled their race by thousands disappearing with him. Now they can magically spawn on their own and keep populating the heavens and realms even if the Slaan aren't around.

    Just now, BrownDog said:

    Gorgeous!  But darn, they just put the city under "Aqshy". I wanted to know what city it was. xD

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    Just now, michu said:

    Neat that Dracothion is the one who saved the Seraphon with breathing new magical life into them. He did the same with Sigmar in the Stormcast battletome when he discovered his body floating in thr aether.

    So it looks like the big split will be between Starborne which will probably be an allegiance to get their daemon stuff like bravery and Azyr bodies that explode into light while the Coalesced is their magic bodies attuned to the other realms instead but more meat behind their attacks.

    Awesome!  :)

    I'm curious what they'll do in realms like Chamon and Shyish for their jungles. Sylvaneth work with duardin to grow fortresses of iron oaks & metal pines as an example in the realm of metal so seeing silvery Seraphon roaming metallic jungles would be amazing.

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  7. Just now, Aelfric said:

    I want to know if the Celestial Seraphon have souls, and, if so, how.  If they do not, do the Coalesced gain souls and will a new Underworld be created to receive them.  I am also looking forward to the new lore.

    I'd love them to go into that! Especially after how tragic the new Flesh-Eater Court tome showed their afterlife was (before the Necroquake they had a underworld manifested from their madness actually delivered on their delusions and turned them into spirits of nobility in a afterlife of grandeur, but then Nagash was able to access it and punished them for not being loyal by removing the haven).

    Getting more insight to their afterlife, if they have starlight souls or need to evolve them and how they fit in Shyish, Nagash's view(like if he just sees them as neutral or do they need Shyish Seraphon natives to maintain a special underworld to avoid him?)and even the Soul Wars would be grand. :D

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  8. Just now, FFJump said:

    They're flesh and blood lizards now that live in the realms and are using those shrines to spread their influence and convert the lands into Lustria-like jungles. Looks like they've updated the rules to reflect the new lore. His Bravery is also 8 now. They've removed the -1 Rend ignoring for improving the save to 3+ too, and his Command Ability gives +1 to hit for Saurus units.

    Half-way, the article says they're still made of the stars and are celestial voyagers plus all the warscroll weapons are still celestial so likely they just combined Seraphon, Daemon and Celestial keywords all into just "Seraphon" since they didn't really have an effect before anyway and took up un-needed space.

    Likely they'll be split between sub-factions of the star explorer  Seraphon and the "Coalesced" they teased last time. The former being the star daemons made to kill chaos even upon death and the latter the Seraphon that go native and gain flesh and blood to inhabit the realms while mingling with the mortals and cities.

    Very excited to see the new lore and how the Seraphon are preparing both their star constellations & ground forces for all the troubles ahead in the Soul Wars. :)

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  9. Oof, only thing worse than what the cat dragged in is what it drags out.

    Just now, Evangelist of Cinders said:

    I immediately thought of this old art


    That's gorgeous!  (and the moons are so fitting with the comparison :D )

    Did you already put that in Inspirational Art? That'd be great for a Tempest city force that's either basing itself as the flying ship city of Bataar with a more rustic "Kharadron" fleet or a new city made up of floating islands like around the Tauroi archipelago skylands. :)

  10. Haha, now that's double-edged advice. xD

    Also here's two cool things.

    Fellow working on an ambitious project of "A.I" for AoS for solo play.

    And the scrapfleet fellow with his Ironjawz proxies for Kharadron begun work on his main sky vessel.


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  11. I was thinking Josh Reynolds. xD

    Just now, HorticulusTGA said:

    Also, note how they cut most of the part where we can see the city is flying. The artwork must have been chosen for an illustrative purpose, at least I'll trust a more recent, published campaign book over a quick campaign / FB  post.

    I mean they could've put it dead center and completely covered up any floating island imagery(though it'd  probably get confused with Hammerhal then).

    Fair enough though, we can wait for more info to see whether or not it's a placeholder. I always just took it as a flying industrial city that harvested the lands below which is what let it gain dominance in Ghyran since the living forests and flora couldn't consume it like everything else that doesn't have magic walls or Aqshy lava protecting it.

  12. Just now, HorticulusTGA said:

    No, a canonnades cannot create mountain ranges and volcanoes like this.

    That's because they used tons of destructive magic and macro-sized magical war machines.



    And that image is commonly used all over Seeds of Hope with GF.

    However i'll agree to wiki accuracy so we'll wait for more information.

    What I suspect though is that may be the Stormfort of the Hammers of Sigmar that helped found the city and it grew out from the shadows of the fortress' safety as many new cities did with their stormforts to become the industrial complex it is now.

  13. The surrounding wasteland works, it's what caused the Sylvaneth to truly despise the city after they destroyed the landscape.

    "During the Season of War, hordes of beastmen threatened to tear the city down and the guildmasters ordered a full salvo from its macro-Hurricanum arrays creating an arcane detonation that not only utterly wiped out the besiegers, but also turned the surrounding verdant landscape into a desolate, smog-choked wasteland. The Dreadwood Sylvaneth led by the Treelord Pale Oak move to occupy the devastated territory now known as the Ghoul Mere and refused to allow people passage out of the city. "

    Edit: Even their new artwork marks out how fiery the landscape is along with the Iron and Oak story talking more about the boiled away smoggy wasteland.


    Mind i've also read Auction of Blood and the bookstore owner is in the middle of the massive city so we can never get his views from an outside perspective looking at it.

    Edit: Another thing is the current Firestorm artwork is also from AoS1 so it's not like they're disjointed. The cannons can be on the ground cities seen in the image background.

    Regardless,  the flying city is commonly associated with Greywater so it's still important to it even if it turns out just a fortress city the Hammers of Sigmar built near the actual city. We can wait for more official information but seeing as most other new cities have buildings on flying island even in Excelsis it wouldn't be out of place here where Ghyran is constantly shown with sky islands in the background.

    So we'll see.

    Just now, Ashendant said:

    We need all the help we can get really. Especially with unit pages from Battletomes. Those feel like the ones we need the most help with.

    Have you tried asking AoS Shorts or Mengal miniatures for assistance?  They have lots of battletome reviews.

  14. All that can be true and it still be a flying city. It floats near the quagmires, it pumps up the waters for it's sewers and canals before pumping them out as "greywater" and it expands by building cities on the surrounding baked landscape which we see in the art and matches up with the descriptions of how it has smoke pouring out of it and ruined the lands in comparison to the rest of green Ghyran.

    Greywater being built on vast deposits of realmstones and "only being possible because of it and  Valius' research of realmstone" also imply it's flying like many of Ghyran's landscapes and famed sky bridges.

    Not to mention the stories that talk about the city keep showing this city.


    Just now, Ashendant said:

    I also remember this being a depiction of GF(through I could be wrong) at the time of the Season of War, so it might have expanded considerably since then

    Yeah, it's in the link I provided. :) 

    It's been a long time since Seeds of Hope in the lore so I wouldn't be surprised if such an industrial city that never sleeps kept building on the surrounding lands past the sky Fastness but it's still an important structure. At this point Greywater is more a country and this it's capital.

    Fair point on images. I hope someone can assist you with it.

  15. Just now, Acid_Nine said:

    also is it just me or does hammerhal aqshy look like it’s way to the sea is completely screwed over?

    From the "Shadows over Hammerhal" supplement it sounded like they don't rely on the Aqshy ocean so much as using lava cogs to take advantage of those rivers of lava covering the land and in "Hammerhal and other stories" the guards note the airship docks were bustling with human, aelf and duardin vessels for trades over the hostile lands.

    The Corebook even gives some art of the trading airships you can see in Aqshy.


    Otherwise it's Ghyran and it's oceans that Hammerhal uses with captains sailing into the mystic forests and ominous jungles for exotic game to bring back.

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  16. Indeed! That the Chamon map was floating continents Grungni shaped into organized ingots for his people's prosperity but a Lode-griffin God-beast came and nested in the middle warping the continents into a spiraling mess is fantastic with the detail the nest is dead center on the map. Would love to see it dug further into. :)


    And yeah, three cheers to Cubicle 7 for the detailing here. They really gave Aqshy a lot of love with studying all the previous maps and even adding the current lore stuff like Brightspear and Gotrek's encounter with Edassa.


    • The map was created by renowned cartographer Jared Blando.
    • It shows the Great Parch, which is the starting realm for Soulbound. The core book comes with an overview of each of the other Mortal Realms, as well as over 30 pages of information on various locations in the Great Parch.
    • The map shows some of the biomes of the Great Parch – proving it’s not just barren desert! There is even snow to the north in Cotha (and the blood-soaked lands of Khul’s Ravage to the south).
    • Those who have played Season of War Firestorm will recognise the Prismatikon and the Titanworks in the Flamescar Plateau.
    • The newly reclaimed city of Brightspear can be seen in Aspiria. This new City of Sigmar was reclaimed by the Celestial Warbringers and is the focus of the Soulbound Starter Set."

    Color really helps to show off stuff like the Cortha arctic and how the Polychromatic sea got it's name from the Batar merchant kingdoms polluting the sea with their excess.





    Pity the Tauroi archipelago leading into the void isn't in the Parch, would've loved to see their take on it with an overhead view like this.


  17. On 2/19/2020 at 10:04 AM, Lord Krungharr said:

    I have this random kitbashed little dragonoid monster I made, and can't decide to base him as a Jabberslythe for my Beasts of Chaos, or as a Lord on Karkadrak for my Slaves to Darkness.  I have a Lord on Daemonic Mount to go with my Knights and Chariots already, but I know the Karkadrak is very good.  But the Jabberslythe is underrated for its potential effects I think.

    Any thoughts?

    Why not both? Magnetize the rider and use it accordingly with either army.

    The fluff can be that it's a realmbeast that mutates depending on which mortal realm it inhabits so if it's with the Beast armies it mutates into a Jabberslythe from the wild and darker magics of Ghur, Ghyran, Shyish and Ulgu upon it while your Chaos army brings the winds of the other realms causing it to turn into a Krakadrak from firey and strengthening magic Aqshy and Hysh would have.

    Would make some fun Narrative games too like a handler having a bag of realm stones to feed the beast and cause it to change during battle to throw the opponent off or a warband battle in a nexus battlefield with the "hunters" luring the beast on different realmscapes to gain an advantage.

  18. Beat me to it. xD

    Flesh Eaters are fast to collect and have a massive amount of options for the models you use.

    Once you got the Arch-Regent as your super durable spellcasting hero and the throne then it's just a matter of choosing which Grand Court to focus your noble army on(deadlier knights? Faster troops? Zombie dragon battleline?) and begin the royal banquet in your realm. ;)

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