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Baron Klatz

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Posts posted by Baron Klatz

  1. Oh here's hoping! One more surprise mountain unit or a hook into the next culture would be fantastic.

    Just now, madmac said:

    I don't think we'll see anything new for Underworlds or Warcry until May.

    Yeah, we already got some amazing reveals between the Ironjawz, Khainites and the gorgeous Scions.

    It does make me wish they'd give us back Warhammer Quest, they're just doing rule & scenario add-ons now from the looks of it so 40k's time with it should be over until they release a new adventure.

    Let us have it now and a quest with new  models and lore. Excelsis as it prepares for Gordrakk, the gruesome new Boneforts at Eight-points as chaos & undead battle it out or the heroic spirit continent/city of Hallost in Shyish that's being devoured by the Nadir, Silver Tower 2.0 in the Chamon Aether war as Kharadron attack the flying towers. There's all kinds of choices right now with the action everywhere. :D

    • Like 3
  2. Something something it's the principle of the thing something something easier to complain than actually buy them. 😛

    I can't wait to see their art, tall helms marching into battle with the Hyshian sunlight gleaming of their hammers and horns while the tassels wave in the winds as they smash apart their foes with their magically enhanced strength. Gonna be epic.

    Just now, Ogregut said:

    Give me eel riding soul stealers, flying dwarf investment bankers and hammer wielding, bull worshiping aelves who seek validation from a living mountain any day!

    Hear hear!

    Also I forgot to note the merchant Orruks in the Kharadron Shyish port working together for business and protection. Good luck finding that in any other setting. :D



    • Like 5
  3. Maybe "Mega-kapp'n" for a Grotbag-scuttler warband? ;)

    He wears an especially big hat for that mega touch while sailing on his small flying boat with a crew sporting spikey boots from the rumor engines.

    Just now, Verminlord said:

    Hammer elves?! This can only mean one thing: spear/sword dwarves otw

    Ummm, you might want to have another look at Fyreslayers and Kharadron. xD



    Between the two factions there's only one dedicated unit of axe users in the Fyreslayers (2 if you count Shadespire). Otherwise it's a lot of polearms and weapons that go against the old dwarf tropes.

    Add that in to AoS lore having realm of life and beast Duardin making their homes in giant trees and you can see AoS was overturning fantasy conventions long before Lumineth ruffled some traditionalist feathers.

    • Like 7
  4. Just now, hughwyeth said:

    Yeah FB is pretty terrible (as usual i guess). The same crowd wanting new high elves basically. There's 100s of companies pumping out generic elves, cheaper than GW too. They should just buy those. The narrative behind these guys and the mountain spirit are inspired. 

    Very much this and the countless other voices of reason pointing out it's a brand new army aesthetic they've been shooting for in the Mortal Realms and GW should keep pushing it's creative boundaries 100%. If people don't agree then that's the beauty of kit-bashing as it always has been all the way back to when Bret players despised 6th edition's new t questing knights and battle pilgrims they decreed ridiculous on the forums and wouldn't use the "Monty python parodies" and ugly peasants who "stupidly carry a skeleton around a necromancer can make kill them"(of course they didn't bother to read the lore or how it was appropriate to the setting back then either).

    Fast forward ten months and they're a fan favorite in the forums.  It'll be the same case here as the angry fans simmer down and the hordes that love the spirits and bull helms (both tall and shortened) come in after the dust settles.

    The bottom line is the angry minority only have their selves to blame. Classic aelves =/= classic elves. Aelves of the Mortal Realms are 10,000 years in a entirely different setting and chaos corruption different than the Tolkien expies they're expecting.

    Honestly it's best that ego band-aid got ripped off now before the rest of the hold-over races in the Cities of Sigmar (and likely Seraphon) get replaced with their own Mortal Realms overhauls that flip everything they thought about Warhammer.

    And seeing how much I adore every detail here with the new Lumineth I cannot wait! :D


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  5. On 3/27/2020 at 2:36 AM, Avatar Rage said:

    Another ranged list (quarantine is not helping).

    Says the fellow who started quarantine by weaponizing Nurgle bile. xD

    I like the list those. Maximum mobility with Grundstok thunderers to lay down the firepower while the crews hitch a ride to where they need to be.

    • Haha 1
  6. Just now, Charleston said:

    You usually want to upgrade your meele beatsticks with the table rolls as the effects are mostly tailored for them. Also, you don´t want to unneccessary loose your supportive/utility spellcaster

    This especially, a lot of the chart is geared towards that and would rather be wasted on a caster.

    Maybe just go a step beyond and make your own "The Whispers of Tzeentch" chart that has  conditions and effects better tailored for sorcerers?

  7. Hard to believe they won't get that with the Zenith sub-faction that's for sky spirits. (Though the caveat may be it's not just wings but whole bird arms coming out of the helmet to flap and carry the warriors skyward xD )

    Also not sure if this was pointed out but there's this bit of lore with the Mountain connection.

    "On top of the "spirit of the mountain" stuff other mentioned, they also mentioned that there's some kind of bovine creature that lives on the mountains in question that never die of old age, only if something kills them, so they're seen as symbols of toughness and durability and were taken as the sacred animals of the Aelves that worship the mountains"

    That on top of the aetherquartz overdose civil war these guys had before the mountain spirit calmed them and channeled their magic strength to be better controlled has me Really excited for their tome.

    • Like 1
  8. Meh, I like the helms. They give off the Tibetan monk vibe who also wear really tall hats so fit the theme. It's to each their own of course and you can easily just use the bull head itself as a cool spirit helm but i'm keeping the awesome tall bull helm. :)

    Just now, overtninja said:

    I do hope there are a few more unit types going on for the light elves,

    That's likely how the sub-factions will go, one of the 4 geomantric cultures of Mountain, River, Wind & Zenith having heroes, giant spirits and elites backed up by the vanilla lumineth while the aelven gods Teclis and Tyrion form their own sub-factions of moon and sun but can mix with the others as Teclis already shows he has bonded with the powerful Hysh realm spirit Celennar. (Not assuming Tyrion will be with this faction yet, it's possible he may end up a final release for the whole faction but I wouldn't be surprised if he just gets referenced as a powerful martial sun god sub-faction and he's saved for later down the line).

    As is though I'm fully satisfied with how awesome the Mountain spirits look and the Tibetan vibe the sage & hammerers give that echoes the higher learning culture of the realm of light is a instant buy, awesome horned helms and all!

    Today was my birthday and seeing this was the best gift I got. :D




    • Like 8
  9. Well i'd be okay with it in a narrative play because that is really fluffy and your second rule adds a lot of fun to your own army, an ally chaos army and a straight up chaos wizard duel.

    Crunch-wise I could see why they avoided it because at best your wizard is flinging lethal chaos magic and a long list of Endless Spells that's stacking up those kills really fast and at worst your squishy wizard kills himself even when trying to stop becoming a spawn and quickly takes your army out of the magic game.

    In short, chaos wizards are too effective for their own good. xD

    But like I said, I'd be happy to use your rules otherwise because they are a neat idea.

    (Side-note, great profile. Fable is fantastic and is on a long list of reasons i love AoS because it gives me Fable vibes, especially the Shadespire cards with a similar art aesthetic)

  10. It's left pretty vague most of the time because there are mentions of chaos duardin working forges for Archaon's forces first in Aqshy during the Age of Chaos as the Furnace Kings and after their kingdoms fell during the Realmgate wars and then we saw some more during the recent Wrath of the Everchosen campaign with forges destroyed by Katakros in the Eight-points but Hashut himself is never really mentioned IIRC and they could be other worshipers like the Iron Golems duardin.

    However there is an allusion to him in "Auction of Blood" with a disguised chaos duardin buying his idol in the black market. Not much but it's a fun read that references him and Necoho. If that convinces you to buy it then I'd recommend getting Sacrosanct and Other Stories as it has that story along with a variety of other great ones.

    • Like 1
  11. Well first off welcome to the hobby and the Mortal Realms.  :D

    Secondly my advice is just play by rule of cool that's the spirit of Age of Sigmar.  Just collect and use what you love the look of and tinker from there. Love the Aether War set and the idea of Tzeentch flying castles looming in the Chamon realm above seas of alchemy so you theme it with Chamon rules, Silver Swords living spell and all flyers? Go for it. Love the Silver Tower with it's Pan's labyrinth vibe and want the sorcerer and Ogroid to lead your Tzeentch forces while using a mix of ruins scenery and palisade endless spells to make your own labyrinths on any battlefield? Right on!

    With the variety the Grand Alliances, sub-factions, allies, realm rules and Endless Spells offer you're never in a corner with your army build which you can just keep tinkering with until it's got the right flow for your playstyle be it crunch focus or just having fun. :)

    Just keep playing around with your choices and asking advice from fellow hobbyists and you'll find Tzeentch blessing your lists with the right amount of change.

  12. Yeah, with their art in the Stormcast battletome the Devoted will likely be the faction that represents the natives from the realm of heaven.



    Seeing how they got their focus during the most savage times in the realms like the ones in the Tauroi archipelago that aided the Stormcasts in the God-beast campaign from their fire caves above the void and later how the free cities consecrated their building sites with their holy blood they might appear when things go barbaric again and the mortals of the realms are in need of faith again.(looks at Gordrakk).

    • Like 4
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  13. They'll pale in comparison anyway to when AoS finally gets it's proper Freeguild updates with the mortal armies already mentioned in the lore found defending the Mortal Realms.

    Ghyran knights riding Ghyrlions while in enchanted wood armor and weapons made from soulpods, Hammerhal Goldcoats wielding both life and fire weapons (like the Aqshy stakes that burst into flame), Ghurian Jercho hoplite soldiers in leather armor wielding weapons made from lethal grindworms and monsters they hunted, Chamonites draped in fantastical armor & gold tattoos that use alchemy and Shyish Glymmsforge blackcloaks wielding magic rifles and silver shields to ward off undeath to name but a handful? Yes please! :D

    • Like 9
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  14. Was chatting with a new player finally starting his Seraphon and he had this interesting head-canon.

    DangerVipe on reddit:

    "Before Age of Sigmar I always like the look of lizardmen. So much so I created my own head canon for my lizard army I would own one day. My idea is that all the units (aside from beasts) were different life stages. Skinks were hatchlings who would grow into saurus. If a saurus lived long enough they became temple gaurds then scar veterans. Saurus warriors who developed a blood lust, would consume more in battle growing into kroxigors.

    When a scar veteran got old enough they would ascend to the final state. Instead of a slann I wanted to make it a dragon. My army is to be the children of the forest dragon. My idea at the time was the old ones were actually world shaper dragons."

    A more evolutionary and mystical take on his Seraphon growing naturally into their own world/realm shapers by becoming Ghyran demi-God-beasts instead of using magi-tech.

    Edit: Oh, I forgot another neat conversation I had with this person and their Seraphon fluff.


    "My personal fluff takes place in Ghur actually and I have an answer for that unofficially:

    My Temple City of Xiuhcoatl Sits atop a floating isle above the landscape of Ghur, and the Isle itself is a mighty fortress. Within its Armies are the Elite Guard called The Savage Primordials and they are as feral as the Ghur landscape itself. You see over time all but the most powerful Seers and Slann become feral, but only a select amount of Seraphon are allowed to stay that way and it is an honor to do so. Most who are selected are Saurus, though some Kroxigor are selected however have been found hard to control. Xiuhcoatl has a sister Temple City in Ghyran named Texcoco and they swap Armies back and forth for the Seraphon who come from Ghur slowly revert back to their normal selves, but while feral offer an aggressive force for war efforts in Ghyran against Nurgle and Skaven alike.

    The change is physical too, not only do they get more aggressive and feral, but they grow larger, stronger and some grow spikes and other bony growths making them harder to kill. On the battlefield to make sure they do not turn on their fellow Seraphon and alliesbThe Savage Savage Primordials are kept in line by the Seer or Starmaster's superior mind."

    • Like 1
    • LOVE IT! 1
  15. Just now, Juicy said:

    I still have some hopes for 2020 sce battletome. With hopes up for some warscroll improvement. Posterboyz need to be better. Since standard libs are dying in front of gw homefront with the slightest breeze 

    I love the liberators and the Strike chamber so definitely agreed there. We need lightning pilums they can conjure and hurl into approaching enemy ranks and veteran Retributors that have gone full lightning golem with a selection of supernatural Azyr abilities. :D

    That said i'm not expecting anything until next year with a possible change to 3.0. 

    (I am hopeful though that they'll pull something for more Stormcast heroes like a veteran Extremis paladin from the Astral Templars appearing in BeastGrave. A lone crusader on a battle-scarred lightning dragon to fry Sigmar's enemies and claim the realm  of beasts)

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  16. This is very interesting and people are looking for ways to play eachother's  model armies over long distances (especially now with the quarantine seperating so many).

    Looking forward to this but also wondering if we should try to expand this to help people? I could see Discord and Warcry/Skirmish going hand-in-hand for small easy to manage games with picture by picture results.

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