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Baron Klatz

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Posts posted by Baron Klatz

  1. 9 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    All these is impossible without removing other stuff

    Well before Adepticon anyone saying which faction was gonna get new faction terrain would’ve been “impossible” with the GW production issues cited as a reason so while I agree we probably are due “out with the old, in with the new” for the older stuff I still refer back to my earlier comment only GW really knows.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    We are gonna have new factions every edition and that implies remové old stuff or unify to have space

    I mean we’re looking at possibly 3 removed armies(hopefully not fully) of BoC, Bonesplitterz, Dispossessed and possibly CoS Darklings too. So the unify isn’t exactly necessary here.

    Also tone it down on the “reality” stuff. You did this same song & dance back in 2021 about duardin in AoS3 and even had Whitefang behind you and it turned out to be hot air.

    End of the day only GW know what they’ll do next so let’s just enjoy some cool art and factions working together as they do in the lore without going overboard, eh?

    • Like 3
  3. 8 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Ok here me out.....what if both Crudades fail; Embergard  by the darkoathand Verdigril from Abraxia

    But the actual city that raised is actually Hel crown from a random diffrent crusade?

    The ultimate subversion

    One guy’s theory is it might be what Khul goes after next since that area is in front of a gateway to Khorne’s domain.

    a “hell crown” for the top of his pyramid as he ascends to daemon princehood.(probably will do something heavy metal like melt all the skulls down into a giant brass skull for the topper)


  4. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    It's not an actual rumour afaik, this cover is just why it's come up again. Any Grombrindal rumour is paired with Duardin soup at this point, since you apparently cannot have inter-faction cooperation in lore without immediately putting them in one book and merging their armies.

    Remember the good old days when we could see something nice like a Kharadron giving a Fyreslayer a model sky-vessel for Christmas and people just went “aww” instead of “Soup! Soup! It’s a hint!!”?

    I miss back when.



    Not sure what happened but ever since AoS3 people have been so soup crazy for every faction(remember when it reached a head with a “Big Dads & Little Lads” tweet for SoB + Ogors people said was gonna happen?) even though GW have been doing the opposite(partly so they can sell more tomes & box sets)

    And now with AoS4 having a chance to offload a bunch of factions back to TOW it seems even less likely than before.


    But yeah, I think the cover is just in the spirit of AoS duardin and Grombrindal trying to lead those that will listen to him. So if not a model probably just special RoR coalition rules that won’t affect what actually happens in AoS4(he’s had no where near the time to unite races across multiple planes of reality)

    It does seem a sour note that Dispossessed are left out entirely. Hopefully they’ll get an Ironweld refresh to be closer to CoS aesthetics, would suck otherwise for players to be told the armies they just made are only good on squares(with double the numbers) and nothing else.

    At least we’ll know I a few months thanks to how Indexes work so it won’t be 2 whole years of doom-posting and debates about resources(which surprise surprise the “no more terrain” ones went right down the drain)

    • Like 8
  5. 2 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    with a spirit floating around them.

    I really like that detail because Cado has so many ghost familiars bound to his rings he calls on for assistance. 

    I’d love that to be the basis of a future Hollow King novel cover or even referenced in some Soulbound Soulblight material.

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  6. 1 minute ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    No catastrophe for buyers. Its everywhere, no panic buying, can't be scalped, and is an affordable start to either army.

    I'd say that was pretty preferable to a situation where the starter box is only available from retail for 24 hours and thereafter can only be bought from ebay for double the price. 


    Yeah and they said on the financial reports it was their best-selling fantasy launch to date. With how it doubled forum & Reddit numbers and got so much positivity from players to even today I’d say it was a good thing.(even Amazon keeps selling 100 boxes a month, in the long term that’s stellar for more players)

    I’m really hoping we get a repeat because a box everywhere just means more easier entries into the hobby and happier players not having an, ironically, rat race trying to get a box before it’s gone. 

    • Like 15
  7. I’m just happy this Soulblight one got the recognition it deserved. It was doing the rounds on Twitter before they entered it and made jaws drop.


    35 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Long term gw employees fit that niche perfectly. Also the game is just a couple of months old, with the longest pre launch build up of any GW game ever.

    Plus didn’t they say after the Adepticon reveals that the new Spearhead mode has been very popular between the play groups as something super quick to play?

    Between AoS4 & Spearhead I imagine a lot of attentions will shift over to the new faster games that’ll give the employees a lot of different systems to enjoy and talk about.

    (and hopefully influence Warcry love to keep it quick & clean)

    29 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    the way they've set up the Realms, they could probably infinitely rotate between them. i know people aren't thrilled we're going back to Aqshy, but the fact that skaven are ripping their sub-realm into part of Aqshy means there could always be this push-pull within them. Nagash could help force Skavenblight back into the subrealm, maybe Tzeentch steals the GHR idea and rips part of its own Realm into Chamon or something.

    I appreciate we’re going back to Aqshy with how they’ve set-up AoS4 to be a “AoS1 reforged” situation.

    Plus they said the starter play-mat will be both Aqshy & Ghyran giving us a nice scope to use both Realms like AoS1.5 had started in 2017 as both realities became important between Seeds of Hope & Firestorm campaign.

    It’s all circling together again.


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  8. 7 minutes ago, Mcm6495 said:

    By the way, it is known if, in addition to the new Crawlord model mounted on a rat wolf, we will also receive a model for the version on foot. I also wonder if we will get Skaven cavalry that can accompany the Crawlord on a rat wolf.

    Hopefully so, next Kruleboyz update should drop Gnashtoof cavalry too so it doesn’t feel like they got left out of lord mounts turned cavalry. 😄(unless they plan Vulcha flying cav in which case that’ll be forgiven)

  9. 2 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    So we got a couple option

    • Armored Troggoth which was mention in the Short. There also the sulfer breath troggoth

    Warhammer Underworlds Grinkrak's Looncourt Review, 40% OFF

    • Updated Shottas and Stabbas like in Grinkrak looncourt
    • new Doom diver/Spear chukka or any sort of siege weapon
    • A new breed of squigs (personally would like a Squiggoth to make an appearance)
    • Updated Spider-riders (make use of the Gallet spider-rumor engine)


    • A Nasty skulker legacy unit

    Yeah I feel we’ll see more types of Troggs, shamans & “knight” gobbos.

    With that lore bit that the Stormcast Ruination are being sent into the Skaven dens because they can resist all the raw chaos warpstone everywhere I imagine the Loonking will be unleashing better equipped(for grots) troops that can swarm in as well with armor & magic protecting them.(and probably ones so mutated on Moon magic they counter the chaos magic, so hopefully spider-grots as well)

  10. 47 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

    Apropos nothing, but has there ever been mention or speculation of Stormcast tanks

    Closest thing would probably be those SCE airships mentioned in the Drekki Flynt novel and general aether-vessel lore bits they travel around in Azyr with.

    Probably won’t see anything like that for a few more editions(maybe the Logisticar chamber finding ways to convince the Ordinatiors to weaponize them for war instead of aetheric travel).

    I’m imagine an AoS version of the Astartes land speeder but obviously more magical & Asgardiany



    Also +1 on liking the Monastery retirement lore idea. That hits better for immortals trying to hold onto their last shreds of humanity but willing to sacrifice it for the greater good as the Realms are imperiled on a grander scale again.(also works for that whole Chambers are always active even if not opened with some going out anyway like Excelsiors before the Chamber called them)

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  11. 6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Don't put much attention into Stormcast going bigger. In the 3D models our "slim" Stormcast appear bigger than the first ones, so probably the models surprise us.

    They might be, that middle armor is Thunderstrike Liberator which we don’t know the dimensions of yet.

    They even point out in the article they’re tougher tanking those warp-bullets & flames so they might make new Libs wider than Vindictors and closer to Annihilators in build to make them stand apart and possibly justify being tankier.

    Also it’s not far off anyway. Old Lady Liberator armor was smaller than the males. Thunderstrike is big for both types.


  12. Popping in to say that Adepticon was Worth the Wait!! 😍

    Warcry: Amazing new beastly Ossiarchs and in love with the skeletal-centaur master as well as the new infested Spite Revenants to buff out my blooming Sylvaneth force alongside that gnarly Gnarlwood!(I know people want Kurnothi but I love it being the plant people faction and playing heavily into insects & flora)

    UnderWorlds: Big yes to both groups, especially taser zealots fueled by holy lightning! Love they’re building more on the amber god-beast the first book mentions and the Lendu campaign said survived Sigmar’s attack(after it trapped Gorkamorka in the Age of Myth) and seeped into the canyons to hide, that parasite version of it sounds like an amazing Soulbound scenario in the making.

    STD: Abraxia looks phenomenal and so does the new faction terrain. Hot damn!

    Trailer: what can I say anyone else didn’t? I was floored it was so good. It was perfection.

    Way over-the-top with a whole Skaven city rising up to attack the settlement Freeguild finally being shown off and both sides Stormcast Eternals & Skaven being badass in their own way with either new Liberators looking bullet proof & shaking off warp flames or Skaven going crazy on firepower and laughing when their assistants get crushed.

    Only downside of all this is my wallet is on suicide watch now because I Need all of it.

    Ruination Chamber even gave me back even chonkier Stormcast alongside updated OG classic ones.



    This feels like peak Age of Sigmar aesthetics & Mortal Realms content to me. Almost like we’re back at AoS1 again and seeing the cosmic infinite realms and otherworldly battles unfold before us once more. 🥲

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  13. I like his Silence ability, fluffy and an excellent counter to the Tzeentch buffs.

    On that, a bunch of QoL updates & Balance Changes hit to day as well:


    Kruleboyz finally got some love on a balance scale, even if it’s not from GW. 😅

    Tzeetch birdy able to fire off cheaper nukes is scary too(and probably why the Silence ability was showcased on it 😏)

    Wargamer also has a review on the new heroes.


    And in case anyone doesn’t know the game is cheap on a really good humble bundle right now that ends on April 4 while a PlayStation sale has -70% off ends in 8 days.

    And shout-out to this guy’s player guide to help people get into games with the multiplayer events the discord has.

    And finally congrats to RoR for rising from top 60 British games nominations to top 10 and now top 6 nominees! 🎉 



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  14. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Also btw is that 1/ black armour for Ruination and 2/ the studio changed their way to paint SCE lightning ?

    They’re likely both on purpose to show Ruination is channeling more Death energy(this green NightHaunt-like energy you could even notice a hint of in the trailer lightning bolt)

    Since the Black Tower is said to look Relictor in structure like the Temple of Ages they’re probably taking heavy inspiration from the fact Lord/Knight/Questor-Relictors are actually Necromancer-paladins to make Ruination a form of “Deathcast”.

    Sigmar already zapped up and reforged necromancers & shyish princes to be Relictors and use their necro knowledge* to keep souls safe and make sure they travel safely back to Azyr so going one extra step for a Chamber of Relictor paladins isn’t crazy.

    *among other undead-crossed-with-holy things like one in the Realmgate Wars rising up a leviathan’s skeleton to topple the chaos fortress on it’s back spine they thought was a mountain before making the leviathan lay as a bridge across an Aqshy lava river, the Hallowed Knights had one that conversed with the decapitated head of an Ogor he carried around to locate Mannfred and recently a Knight-Relictor turned recently slain souls into ghost grapeshot to blast apart a horde of orruks before sending the souls on their way to Azyr.

    Edit:(also someone remarked on the “vegeta hairline”. Pretty sure that’s the usual death-mask making a twin tailed comet on the forehead. Neat it’s kinda like an oni mask, that matches Aqshy’s oriental flavors and boosts the Stormcast seraphim aesthetics )

    • Like 3
  15. You know what? Say what you will about chaos marines(I certainly rolled my eyes at another one) but I really do appreciate how much design work had to go into them to make even an angry block silhouette so instantly recognizable.

    Cheers to the designers on that. 🍻 

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  16. 15 minutes ago, lele said:

    AOS 1: The Realmgate Wars, AOS 2: Soul Wars/ Broken Realms , AOS 3: Era of the Beast/ Season of War/Dawnbringers . What will the title of AOS 3 be?: The Darkness again, or Armies of The New Hope, or Dawn of Void and New Gods?

    It’s reeeeally hard to think it won’t be the Time/Era/Age of Ruin between “Ruin” used so prominently and it’s gonna be Chaos heavy, the ruinous powers.

    Though maybe they’ll do a little change up like Era of the Tolling for Skaven bells vs the price Order is paying to expand.

  17. 21 minutes ago, Shiro Kabocha said:

    Well the terrain in the 40k starter set is taken from Kill Team so by that logic AOS would get terrain from Warcry so uhhh.... I hope everyone here really excited to paint more Ghur meat trees! 😄

    And you know what? I’d be fine with that.

    Just make sure it’s varied with the defensive bits and an explanation like that trapped energy in the Gnarlwoods finally exploded covering the realms in hungry meat trees.

    Because although Ruin is a big theme I think after three editions of Ruins terrain we’ll take anything but that! 😅






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  18. 13 minutes ago, Hyperionxvii said:

    Everyone here talking about the new minis, while I'm just sitting here exited for what new terrain will come in the starter set.

    If it mirrors 40k I wonder if it’ll be two Dawner walls & fortifications to show it’s a battle over an established settlement.



    Edit: and to anyone responding to this. Please, I know that’s studio stuff. But we’re just having a fun idea discussion!

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  19. 58 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    The Skaven's grand plan is to sink the entirety of the Great Parch into their under empire?? That would certainly shake things up a bit!

    That would explain why they’re putting devices on the major leylines to cause a chain reaction.

    Aqshy’s continents are on the unstable side(some literal void seas of floating land pieces amidst nothingness) because Chaos & chiefly Khorne’s continent-sized fist smashing against the realm of fire breaking landmasses apart.


    So certainly would play into the Skaven wanting to pull those places down for all the slaves & factories it’d win them.

    Feels like a hybrid of past evil plans between Gloomspite pulling countries down into the dank via Da Bad Moon vomiting a ceiling over them and back in Quest for Ghal Maraz when a Tzeentch sorcerer & Kairos planned to use stolen Ghal Maraz as a power source to pull the entire Realm of Metal into Tzeentch’s part of the chaos realm.

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  20. It does give that vibe to me too. I’m guesssing they’re gonna mirror the AoS1 units & commanders since they’re old enough to have hollowed over the centuries and could have some dual-kits so you can have refreshed standard immortal Thunderstrike versions as well.

  21. My personal theory is we’re just doing a heavy focus on Aqshy for the Embergard campaign to see things on a ground floor level on the new horrors the Skaven are unleashing and “Legion of the Damned” figures the Ruination chamber are deploying  but the main cosmic war focus will be on the struggles over in Chamon as Skryre & Tzeentch rise in ascendency, the Gloomspite(whose capital sub-realm is in Chamon) strike back against the Skaven and Grungni, Kharadron & Gholemkind push to reclaim their besieged Realm.

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  22. 26 minutes ago, king.del said:

    Also a line in the prophecy is "Yet madness, grief and ruin shall join". Ruination chamber could be the "ruin".

    Probably a double meaning.

    Embergard under assualt by Tzeentch madness, Grieving NightHaunts and now the god of Ruin’s(GHR) twisted children while the Ruination chamber joins them in battle as the hopes are cast to ruin which can be their doom or salvation.

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  23. 16 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    The teasers are clearly in Aqshy (sad, I wanted it to by Azyr), but isn't the whole "one city will be destroyed" plotline the conclusion of the Dawnbringers saga ? I.e. coming alone with the Lady of Ruin probably destroying Verdigris in Ghyran in book VI ? 

    That’s probably to make it more pivotal so the second city doesn’t die too in the campaign.

    Keep Embergard safe so there’s still an ember of Hope left in the dark.

  24. 14 minutes ago, Danaork said:

    Like i said !

    Aqshy (Hammerhall Aqsha) ?

    I’m thinking the new city of Embergard.

    Those volcanoes were already home to Skaven & Duardin for centuries.

    Also enjoying how much mileage GW get out of their title words.

    Realms of Ruin

    Lady of Ruin

    Ruination Chamber

    I’ll be amazed if the Skaven don’t have Ruinator weapons/mechs.

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