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The Stronghold

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Status Updates posted by The Stronghold

  1. RT @the_black_sun: Da Kurlzz - Ironjawz Warchanter. #miniaturemonday #aos https://t.co/CAFB19TFa5

  2. RT @the_black_sun: I'm in the process of sorting some proper photos of my Ironjawz as they do look better irl. But here's my Gore-gruntas #…

  3. RT @ThereIsOnlyJoe: Tuesday night warhammer with @skepticscouter his deployment :-) https://t.co/mI7SN0V2v7

  4. RT @TheTyromancer: @DrillAbbot @ryglore washed and basing started. LED used for effect :) #aos https://t.co/CRhSanjpau

  5. RT @totalwar: If seeing Legendary Lords get eaten by squigs is your jam, here's Gobbla attempting to swallow Archaon whole... https://t.co/…

  6. RT @Verbal_Gerbil: Bearded Orc #orctober #Orc #oldhammer #warmongers https://t.co/5AknrtLZnL

  7. RT @WarbossKurgan: #TheOgresuns Mr Whalebelly, Ogor Maneater #IronfangPirates #AgeOfSigmar https://t.co/3iUC3J7Zgr

  8. RT @Warhammer_AOS: #ageofsigmar #facehammer #warlords #warhammer #gamesworkshop #aos #boltaction https://t.co/7BU1ZiAupO https://t.co/MlRCZ…

  9. RT @warhammernerd: Leaked points for Orruks in upcoming Generals Handbook https://t.co/WTPpdakR9g

  10. RT @willyminiatures: The Sportscasters @willyminiatures #bloodbowl #jimandbob https://t.co/R03jXiByM2 https://t.co/3Q69mn3rmW

  11. RT @xGRexx: Great game of Age of Sigmar last night against Rob. #AoS #warmongers #warhammer @AtEaseGames https://t.co/0P4ZjBsM9Y

  12. RT @ZakiKaitila: And also some characters. Been a busy weekend. #ageofsigmar #seasonofwar https://t.co/SzPAqEzRmy

  13. Tabletop History 01 - Games Workshop - The Early Years by Vince Venturella: https://t.co/7LXEzvjiHq via @YouTube #Warmongers #Warhammer

  14. The Golden Fist 2016 competition winner revealed! https://t.co/8EZsGKD7d7 #AgeofSigmar #Warhammer #AoS #Warmongers… https://t.co/5gcVLnwg6W

  15. The Goldgut Tribe by Traxo: https://t.co/HipWp7g6sE #Maneaters #Ogors #Warhammer #AgeofSigmar #AoS #Warmongers https://t.co/lf1TJaYXn5

  16. The Hunt for the Great White Squig Part 1: https://t.co/7oPN8SNdA1 https://t.co/w4LinaNXH7

  17. The Madcap Moonbrew Co. by Ademo - pics here: https://t.co/8ADzLGxOIR #AgeofSigmar #Grots #Ogors #Warmongers #AoS https://t.co/YBKWRMpMrm

  18. The Stronghold's GW Ogre Museum - from 1979 onwards: https://t.co/YB3vdkwBUx #Warmongers #AgeofSigmar #Warhammer https://t.co/djnL1KGBY6

  19. The Warhammer Weekly guys talk greenskins this week with guest Andrew Gale: https://t.co/Uem9vCDjrU #AgeofSigmar #Orruks #Grots #Warmongers

  20. Thundertusk Riders conversion by Keelhauled: https://t.co/RDfkuKGUVH #BeastclawRaiders #AgeofSigmar #Warmongers #AoS https://t.co/VKFFxtDp2F

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