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Posts posted by Joakim

  1. 23 hours ago, kreggurree said:

    I've been wondering if the the Dankhold Troggoth could be converted into a Troggot Shaman to be a count as Hag. Any one else had thoughts for alternatives to the Hag model?

    I think it all depends on how good you’re at sculpting b00bz :)

    (Apparently the Auto-censorship here doesn’t allow the actual word of hoohaas/cans/knockers on the hag)


    i don’t know the base size for the hag but my gut feeling is that it’s larger than the trogboss.


    i checked at mierce miniatures and found a few altentives but still all would need quite some gs work to fit into a gw Range I think

    All 100mm round bades




    60mm alternative 





  2. 2 minutes ago, Malakree said:


    They get +1 to hit with bows while at 15+ models. The +1/2 to wound is actually only on their melee weapons. No idea where the wounding on 4+ comes from?

    No clue either ;) that was a mistake on my end!


    but rule fiddles a side. I am not seeing Shootas as prime candidate for the hand


    i could see the 6 Rockgut as they can follow up with combat later

  3. 2 minutes ago, Wraithwing said:

    Grots are hitting on 4+ with bows. +1 to hit if there is more than 15 in a unit, which there will be at 20. Wounding on 4+ too!

    So then the warscroll online at gw is wrong :)

    5+/4+ at gw for 20 from what I can see

    but sadly my point is the same. I don’t think it’s effective.

    would you find it viable to take 40 Shootas for that purpose?

  4. I’m trying to see what options there can work with hand of Mork/gork and will take effect same turn to deal with sniping behind enemy lines

    This is what I see:

    fellwater - only 6” vomit so that won’t work


    rockgut - with a 6-pack you’ll deal d3 mortals to any unit or model with 6 or less wounds.


    grots with bows - hitting on 5+... :(


    Fanatics - can be charged out for a 6” charge


    Am I missing something with the Spiderfangs? Or does the spell just work for objectives and moving wounded units away from harm?

  5. So we had a new interesting rumor last night but it’s more interesting to debate stormcast nature?

    fair enough but also a little odd in the rumor thread :)


    All in all not to be negative because all I see is a bunch of people with equal passion for the hobby.


    anybody for bear-riding fyreslayers?

    • Like 1
  6. Hi,


    I tried to calculate the probability for where the moon may be positioned at each turn.

    my assumptions were:

    -T1 the moon is in your position and you’ll roll at start of T2

    - rolling a 1 doesn’t move the moon, 2-5 moves 1 step, 6 moves 2 steps

    -the field is divided in 5 positions where after it moves away from the battlefield (Q1(start), Q2, M (middle), Q3, Q4)

    of which q1-2 is within the first quandrant and q3-4 is the diagonal quandrant.


  7. 1 hour ago, Jetengine said:

    The easiest option is to merely fuse Gitmob and Greenskinz together.  Add in new/Different mechanics and we're golden.

    Just like good-old OnG? :)


    I will miss the Grot mechanical constructions if they go. Chariots, airships and pumpwagons are just too cool to miss 

  8. Are the older plastic goblins/Grots  still acceptable to field?


    im not opposed to the current kit or the bfsp models, I just happen to really like the old models and I have 100+ of them to be assembled and/or repurposed together with some metal hopper, Squigs and netters. Apparently big hands does it for me.


    Now really feels like the time to get them table ready - and mix in some new plastics manglers and the new king.. MmmHmm

  9. 15 minutes ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

    ... They literally showed today the rulebook and we saw they used inches.

     There is literally a hashtag implying it is a joke. Don't worry. It was implying a joke and that now that we almost had the summer 40k release out of the way we can focus on aos for rumors.

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  10. I may have heard that 40k v8 will use centimeters rather than inches to measure (finally!)






    So with 40k 8th hitting the streets with awesome burgle models, are we any closer to seeing what (and when) (undead) models will come with shadespire? (Besides the skeletons that didn't look that Prince of Persia/Aladdin like that one might think after hearing about the background..

  11. Got these guys almost done so still wip (just like my photo skills!)


    got to get the blue highlights done and do the metal. I want bright colors for the army so it's the hard way to go. Normally I just leave the metals after the wash. 



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