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Posts posted by Dracan

  1. 8 hours ago, Arkiham said:

    but the battalion isn't nurgle. the battalion is everchosen now. they removed the rule of it being changed to nurgle 

    But cant one just play everchosen and still choose nurgle allegiance abilities  as all models will be marked nurgle?

  2. 15 hours ago, Sception said:

    rules text for Legion of Night command trait 'above suspicion' is wrong.

    Also, though it's a minor thing, all the Command Traits should be labeled as 'Command Traits'.  You currently have them labeled as 'Command Abilities' on the cards, and 'Command Ability' is an actual game term for a different mechanic, one which you actually made cards for later down in the file.

    Also also, since you made cards for the generic spells, you should probably also make a card for the generic command ability, Inspiring Presence.  And Endless Legions for that matter, though it's unlikely to ever see play outside of narrative games.

    That's just the stuff I got from a quick once over, I can take a longer look later.

    Thanks for the comments, edits made and first post updated with new PDF at higher quality as well.

  3. Hi Guys.

     With the new Legions of Nagash tome i thought it was a good time to put some effort into the old army as vampire counts was always my first love ever since i started fantasy in 7th edition.

    So as a first step with the process into getting them all on rounds and give them the TLC required to be my pride and joy again, I decided to spend the time and make some game aid spell, ability and artifact cards similar to what Killax and others have done for the chaos factions. This not only got the undead juices flowing but gave me an excuse to read all the book properly :D

    Images are either from GW books or just plain old google images and i cant take any credit for any of the art so hope thats not an issue... (mostly MTG I think)

    Hope you guys find then usable/enjoyable.

    C&C or suggestions on art are always appreciated.











    Edit * Added the latest version of LoN and Night haunt cards

    Edit * Added some card back options

    Edit * Added Artifacts of the realms cards

    Edit * Added FeC cards

    Edit * Added OBR cards

    Legion of Nagash Spell Artifact and Command cards.pdf

    Night Haunt Spell Artifact and Command cards.pdf

    Nighthaunt backs.pdf

    Legion of nagash backs.pdf

    Realm artifacts.pdf

    Flesh Eater Courts cards.pdf

    Ossiarch Bonereapers Cards.pdf




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