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Posts posted by zedatkinszed

  1. 14 hours ago, Turgol said:

    Thorgrim isnt Grugni. Grugni did lead the wind of metal to the Eternal Rune wielded by the High King. Thorgrim was kinda incarnate of metal until Chamon left the eternal rune, leaving him vulnerable to be murdered by Snitch. It then travelled for a while until it was claimed by Balthasar Gelt, himself murdered by Manfred. Grugni is very obviously god and protector of metal now, but unlike Sigmar, Nagash, Malekith, etc, his status does not come from an incarnate past. 


    Now that's confusing - I'm under the impression both Grungi and Grimnir are AOS incarnates/Gods of the Realms. You're right about Gelt - I forgot that but I'm convinced Grungi is Thorgrim reincarnated somehow (retcon punch being my guess). There's no reason for them to have survived otherwise if he's not an incarnate. 

    Same with Gorkamorka - he/they are the Beast Realm's incarnate(s). 

    Maybe I've played too much Elder Scrolls but I understood the whole incarnates in ET and their survival/apotheos (becoming a God) as being like "mantling " from that; i.e Tyrion became the God of Light by being the incarnate and when Ulric (and Khaine) were destroyed he (and Teclis) filled that gap. Yes this is head cannon and a different universe  but the breadcrumbs are all there. Even the explanation that Tyrion & Teclis survived a) because they are twins and b) because Tyrion was linked to 2 gods (Ulric & Khaine). Teclis wasn't an incarnate so there's no other explanation for his survival.

  2. 7 hours ago, eciu said:

    So how does Grungi and Grimnir survived ? (and Valaya is MIA)

    Grungi and Grimnir are incarnates. Grungi of metal and Grimnir of fire. Incarnates are the gods and embodiment of the realms.

    Thorgrim was a descendant of Grungi and became the incarnate of metal in the End Times. Thus in AOS Thorgrim is Grungi.

    Grimnir is more confusing but it seems he is two things. 1, Ungrim Ironfist was "consumed by the the wind of Aqshy during End Times. And 2, when he was shattered in AOS it turns out that Gotrek may be a piece of him and Gotrek basically can't die.

    Nagash ate Valaya in End Times.

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  3. 5 hours ago, DantePQ said:

    Do not forget that Aislann Lord of the Lothern Sea Guards was living Avatar of Manthlann/Manthlann himself in End Times and he didn't actually die as he was swallowed by ocean. 

    @zedatkinszed GW didn't confirm that all gods are dead, also maybe Manthlann/Aislinn was devoured by Slaasnesh as well but found way to escape into see or Teclis extracted his soul etc. 


    1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    I'm still really not sure about Mathlann / Manaan / Aislinn influences on the Idoneth.

    The original rumor also mentioned Tyrion & Teclis weren't involved with the Deepkin, but then we learn that they are in fact Teclis failed creation.

    Just like Daughter Of Khaine are in fact Daughter of

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    Morathi, because Khaine is truly dead following the End Times



    Mathlann, the old Mathlann is dead as per GW. They've said it multiple times the old Gods were all eaten by Chaos. Vetock tells us that Khaine was killed (https://youtu.be/RwzsAAdK10s?t=4m25s). Phil Kelly said the same in the WHTV twitch piece on eth DoK lore in fact he said all eth old gods were dead.

    Now, yes it would be cool if a new Mathlann arrived. Or if they found a way to have a resurrected Mathlann, but as of now he's dead.


  4. 13 minutes ago, syph0n said:

    So if we round up the rumours around the Idoneth Deepkin:

    • Follow Mathlann (who we know from WHFB was a bit of a "difficult" God, represented Poseidon in the game)... which I know was more High Elf before but the High Elves themselves didn't like Mathlann that much. If Mathlann is more like Khaine...
    • A couple of heroes - one riding some sort of sea creature, or otherwise (magic?) - I personally don't think Mistweaver will be part of them despite...
    • ... Them coming from the mists and magically affect the areas they raid by making it as though it's "underwater"
    • Greek aesthetic (ties in with Atlantis, Poseidon) - helms, spears (makes sense) and by extension harpoons?
    • Shark cavalry or chariots?
    • Giant turtle, ridden by Aelves? Is this a behemoth, a chariot, a war machine? If not behemoth, could there be more to come?
    • Soul-stealing - does this relate to Teclis failing to create a race of perfect new Aelves, who just somehow aren't magically bound the souls recovered from Slaanesh? "Woe is us, lets retreat to sea and come out to take what we can get". Does it link to Nagash? Hide in the deep to disguise their tenuous hold on their Aelven souls? This I guess also pitches them again Chaos (would be anyway) and against destruction. 
    • 8 lines - 8 units from combined boxes (very common now, and a good idea) seems likely. 
    • Kraken/octopus logo. 
    • They're Order (get over it xD)
    • They're not "High Aelves" (get over it xD)

    My feelings:

    • Inspired by Atlantis, Greek Gods. Spears, harpoons, tridents, helmets. Fish scale style-armour. Could even be a little bit African even, if you look at some of the Atlantis stories. All with an AoS twist.
    • Would have been High Aelves, but by virtue of stealing souls they just can't be. Doesn't make them wholly evil, chaotic, death or destruction (hence Order), just like the Dark Aelves themselves really (bar Morathi, but she hates Chaos and Nagash so that's that). Bitter?
    • Not all of them will need to steal souls. Some perhaps are chosen of Mathlann, hence lead their kin to land. 
    • Don't think we'll see fish Aelves, rather more souless, more undead looking. Gaunt. Sad. Angry? (I can't help but think of Little Mermaid and those stolen souls the fat Octopus woman took (xD)
    • I think rumours will emerge of their battleline units. Nothing we've heard so far screams battleline to me yet. This has got to be a dual kit like the Melusai and Khinerai? I think they'll be the ones above.
    • I think rumours will emerge of a larger sea creature than an Aelf riding a nasty turtle, though honestly don't know. Snapping turtles are mean  though!
    • Some mechanic like the Sylvaneth woods. Hope it's not that bloody boat though! Stargate-esque Portals? Water funnels? Something cool.

    Mostly agree here. But re: the High Aelves thing. Honestly, I'm feeling that the whole notion of High and Dark Aelves as we knew them is gone (i.e High = Good, Dark = Bad). That said Light (Hysh) and Shadow (Ulgu) Aelves seem to be THE thing. 

    What's gonna be interesting is how the Idoneth created by Teclis are not Light but Shadow. Did Malerion trick Teclis? Or did Teclis mess up?

    And if we get Mathlann - how the hell and who the hell is he? GW confirmed that all the old Elven gods are in fact dead. The only person I think he could be is Araloth or an imposter (Malerion maybe?).

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  5. 5 hours ago, Jamie the Jasper said:

    .I'm also taking units of 5 Liberators as my battleline option, not for any tactical reason but because they're relatively cheap to pick up second-hand and also quick and easy to paint. The disadvantage is that they have a smaller footprint than other battleline options so we're not making the most of our Implacable March ability. Poor battleshock rolls can also wipe out the unit very quickly, I find.


    I agree with this all round. Thing is from a lore perspective they make a lot of sense too.

  6. Here's a Hag Sorceress I'm working on. Built entirely using spare bitz from Dark Elf, Dark Eldar and Kroot sprues. Please excuse the poor photography. There are some earlier WIP shots on my blog here.

    I'll be making a custom card for her in WHQ too.

    Still working on her background but she's an Ulgu elf who is searching for Revenge upon a Chaos Lord who destroyed her home and slaughtered many of her people. 


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