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Posts posted by Hollow

  1. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    I do believe to have read that GW designers have a certain freedom when it comes to pitching/creating things, so many releases aren‘t what‘s needed but what they want to work on, which explains some of the less „tactical“ releases. I mean, they are very likely aware what‘s lacking and what an optimal release schedule would look like but I figure around 30% of releases are basically whatever they want them to be….

    Whilst this can be a bit frustrating as a customer, when there are things that clearly need TLC and are left to wither on the vine. As an individual who works in a creative industry, I do think it is pretty admirable that GW has a pretty clear line between it's designers/creatives and the bean counters.

    Of course there will be projects that "need" to be done, but the best work from creatives always comes from allowing them freedom to explore and work on stuff that grabs their attention and gets their creative juices flowing.

    It's a delicate balancing act, which is very difficult to get right, I actually think that GW doesn't get enough credit for this, as many people (understandably) just want what they want and don't see why GW just doesn't make it, now! 

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  2. I actually don't buy into the "This is logistically imposssible" argument in regards to a potential 12 month ToW release schedule. The army boxes being released for the remaining 7 factions (Going by rumours they are called Battalions) and will not include the rulebook or other gaming accessories. So essentially it's like releasing 7 Combat Patrols for 40k or Vanguard/Spearhead boxes for AoS across the following 11 months! With a development lead of 4/5 years and containing 90%+ existing older plastic kits. The metal/resin models are Direct only (and MTO is a different kettle of fish with up to 180 days to fill orders). 

    You also need to condsider what the SDS actually has on their slate. Necromunda is pretty much a "complete" range. Apart from the occasional release and book I don't see the system getting much over the forseeable future. Frankly, some of the gang ranges are approaching the scale and scope of some 40k/AoS factions, how much more are they really going to add here? If you go to Warhammer.com the vast majority of the system is also in stock. The same can be said for Bloodbowl, MESBG, etc 

    The Horus Heresy is under the wing of the main design studio. The same as Kill Team, Warcry, Quest... 

    So SDS basically has Legions Imperialis and ToW. Legions Imperialis had a great launch. A lot of the line needs new stock. However, the main box is in stock. It is also faily limited in terms of development space. 

    I still personally think that we will see the 9 core factions get their Battalion/Arcane Journal + 2/3 plastic kits (Rereleases+new)  + 2/3 Resin kits in 2024. With 2025 seeing additions and second waves. 


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  3. I think it makes a lot of sense to have the 9 core factions released in 2024. It allows for the game/setting to become "established", maintains the hype train across the year and for 2025 to be focused on expansions and additions. (It would be amazing to see Kislev in the first half of 2025 and Cathay in the Second half of the year

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  4. 1 minute ago, Flippy said:

    I really like Warcry, but the initial focus on Chaos warbands was holding the game back. The recent approach with the Hunters of Huanchi serving double duty (not just random addition to Seraphon, but an integral element of the army book) is much, much better.

    I agree, and it is great to see the system, setting and squads evolve over time. I do think that the success of the system was partially due to it being so Chaos heavy at the beginning (As previously mentioned, Chaos is a very popular faction) So in some ways, the heavy Chaos leaning in the beginning has allowed for the system to expand into giving other factions a look in. 

    I do hope that the next WarCry setting is a settlement of some kind. The Gnarlwood is ok but lacked personality IMO. 

  5. I just wish the AoS design studio would round out (most) factions with an infantry/cavalry/ranged unit or two. I always feel like so many of the factions feel very "top heavy" with lots of characters and big centerpiece models, without much diversity in terms of "standard" boots-on-the-ground infantry/cavalry/ranged  5/10 man units (which is what should really make up the bulk of most forces

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  6. 12 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

     I wholeheartedly agree... but is there really as much profit to be made in exploring the background as there is in the models? I can't see there being so much clamour to buy a dedicated book of lore compared to a really swish new miniature. 

    I might be wrong. In fact, I'd love to be wrong. 

    I really don't see why not. Infact, I think it would be cool if Black Library branched out and did more exposition and lore based books in collaboration with established fantasy artists and writers (rather than just focusing on novels)

    This is an off topic tangent so I will leave it for now, although if GW/BL were to release a series of 9 super ornate fantasy style tombs detailing the realms I would be more than happy to fork out a bunch of cash for them and I suspect I wouldn't be the only one. Imagine a 9 book series in a similar vein  to what I just knocked up using Bing Image creator below. It would be so sweet. Drools* 


    AoS Realm Tombs.jpg

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  7. 3 hours ago, Noserenda said:

    I don't think we need a character for every realm, for every faction, because let's be honest, adding that many means half of them will be phoned in and forgotten.

    There is absolutly no need for that to be the case. There are only really 8 realms. Each with a mountion of thematic potential. If you can have 18 different Space Marine factions with characters in both 40k and 30k, I think the prospect of having a few pages in a Battletome detailing the adventures of a specific faction within each realm isn't that big of a deal. 

    Most of the Battletomes in AoS are barely 100 pages long, each could easily accomodate a section of 8 parts with realm specific characters, settlements and POI's. I am a big advocate for making the Mortal Realms a truly deep, dynamic and multi-layered fantasy setting. It's something that AoS (whilst improving upon) needs to do a lot more work around. 

    The Characters themselves would not all need to be major warriors or leaders. Infact, I would like to see more politicians and civilian characters that could bring a bit of grounded relatability to the setting. A great way to incorporate character depth would be to explore lineages, marriages and family trees. (ASOIAF has 1000/2000 "named characters" in it's relatively miniscule setting over half a dozen books from a single author) you're telling me the design studio of a multi-billion pound market cap company doesn't have the creative wherewithal to have a single new faction character for each of the 8 realms? Come on! 

    3 hours ago, Noserenda said:

    Whst would be awesome is every battletome spending half a page or more (plus art!) On each realm letting us know how that faction exists there, you can be a bit flexible, as some factions aren't in every realm but might have an eight points entry or something instead.

    This is not how I view the Mortal Realms at all. I see each faction represented on the table top as "factions of note" (out of hundreds) with a significant presence in each of the realms, with huge swathes of territory, cities, townships and hierarchys.

    Each of the realms are massive. I would love for the AoS design studio take a note out of ToW book and have a "living" interactive map similar to that on the Old World Website (x8 for each realm) adding new and interesting aspects of each faction as/when their Battletome is released. 

    Ultimately it comes down to resources and what GamesWorkshop wants from it's flagship fantasy setting. The handful of maps they have (which are merely dusted over in photoshop and copy-pasted across their publications) smacks of minimal effort.  

    I've said it before (and I'll keep saying it to hopefully manifest it into being) AoS needs to have a series of weighty leather bound tombs (several hundred pages each) detailing each of the 8 Mortal realms with a swathe of newly commisioned art work, fiction and cartography. They need to invest as much time, effort and energy detailing the setting as they do their miniatures.

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  8. Not having enough "AoS-Specific" Characters is a real problem for the game and setting IMO. Each of the factions should have a character of note for each of the 8 realms at least. It would help flesh out each of the realms and it would also be great fodder for more Black Library AoS novels, of which there is a severe lack IMO. I really liked how the CoS touched on each of the realms within their Battletome and would like to see something similar in other faction battletomes, not only detailing significant settlements, but characters making an impact there. 

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  9. 23 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    The Aqshy crusade has the benefit of having named CoS characters within it (Vedra and Zenestra) since the start, that gives them plot armour.

    Whilst I suspect you might be right, I really hope that AoS doesn't paint itself into a corner by never killing characters with current models. 

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  10. 15 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    I agree with the Destruction part to get rid of faction forums. Its a bit too thinned down. Dont know about the other grand alliances.

    Yeah.. the content and activity is just spread too thin. They would feel a lot more alive and worthwhile if they were compressed. Infact, I would go a lot further. I'd cut a lot of the forums and put them together. Like this.


    The Grand Alliance Community


    Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

    General Age Of Sigmar Community Discussion


    Warhammer: The Old World

    General The Old World Community Discussion


    Other Games

    Warcry, Underworlds, Warhammer Quest, Bloodbowl Discussion. 


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    The Painting Table

    Painting and Modelling



    Online Communities

    Youtube, Podcasts, Blogs, Facebook, Reddit and Twitch 




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  11. I'm not surpried to see a new type of army box for AoS factions. It's a very straightforward and relatively simple way to drive interest and sales. Keeping the Vanguards around (or any type of larger box) for too long and it will generally stagnate. You want to keep shaking things up (It also allows you to use models that are perhaps not as popular for whatever reason) As others have mentioned, I do hope that we will see some new models as part of Spearheads for some factions as we have in 40k for Comabt Patrol. 

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  12. 7 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    Give Fyreslayers a full range refresh like they deserve and use a bunch of those to make up the new box.

    It's not so much that Fyreslayers need a "range refresh", it's that they need an actual range. All the models they have are pretty decent, it's just that there is so few of them, with next to no variation. 3/4 more actual units and the range would be really strong. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, Starfyre said:

    I’d have thought that 4.0 will come with a redesign. 

    Not necessarily. 40K has kept the same colouring and branding between recent editions. I can see AoS keeping the same logo and red/gold branding in 4th (which I'm ok with as I think it looks good) 

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  14. 8 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

    Although it is a bit unclear if these replace Vanguards or not

     The Stomcast Eternal Vanguard seems to be gone from the store so I suspect these are the replacements running up to 4th. It makes sense as there are 20+ to get through before summer if this is going to be its own little mini game like combat patrol. (Which I suspect is going to be the case

  15. 10 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I know many users who complain even when they talk. They just want models, models, models. I love the idea, but I think would be a failure once ppl realise it is not that.

    Those rude entitled dummies should be ignored. I think GW would generate a far larger and robust audience if they had a scheduled regular Preview Show.  

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