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Posts posted by Hollow

  1. 8 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Does sound wishy washy the way you say it though especially when you conflate all of Humanity though 

    PHD should know better

    I shall aspire to employ the same rigorous academic standards to casual forum posts as my multiple thesis, I shall also refrain from trying to bring a little helpful perspective to those I perceive as a bit down about anything. I apologise profusely, how could I have been so awful!?!  I like my Grimdark in wargames. Not real life. I won't reply to any further comments on what was intended to be an innocent pick-me-up. 

    Anyways... 🙄


    Looks like Kruel Boyz to me. Would love to see some cavalry options for the swampy bois. Although it could be Troggoth related? 


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  2. 5 hours ago, jerhien said:

    I have a degree in Anthropology, and this sounds like ****** to me. 


    If you're gonna quote Pinker, just don't. 

    A degree! Wow!

    Somebody with a degree in Anthropology should know what a quote is. I didn't quote anybody. Although, if I want to, I will quote anybody I like. I have 2 BAs, an MA and a PHD. Bow before my superior academic qualifications peasant! 

    (I also know how worthless and bankrupt much of Academia is. Having worked in it for years) 

    Regardless. I wasn't trying to make some political point. I was trying to provide a little perspective, to what I perceived as someone feeling a bit down about how things appear to be these days. That is all. So get back in your box. 

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  3. 14 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    State of the world isn't helping either.

    I don't want to get off-topic. Just remember that perspective is important and a lot of the information sources of today thrive on pumping out negative narratives. It's important to step back and look at the big picture. 2023 is THE BEST time to be living for the vast majority of human beings, better than any other time in human history. Hundreds of millions of humans have been lifted out of extreme poverty, with more access to education, health and information than ever before. 


    As for the GW release cycle, I'm not a fan of how much isn't actually new stuff. If you look at the pre-order page on the GW website today, there isn't really a single new thing. It's just all repackaged stuff in different starter sets. (Incidentally, many of my local FLG's and Warhammer stores still have dozens of copies of Levithian sitting on the shelves.) 

    I find frequently that I think, "damn, so many new things coming out this week! 12+ preorders" but when you actually look into it, it's only maybe a handful of actually new things. I sincerely hope this trend doesn't get out of control ( I fear it might with the number of old kits returning for TOW) where they just start churning out old stuff, repackaged because it's nearly all profit)


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  4. 14 minutes ago, TaeRam said:

    Hello, greetings to all.
    I don't know if it's me, but it seems that, given the apparently poor treatment that GW is giving ToW, and the generally rather negative reception that it is finding in the community to which it is directed, do you see possible that part of the gaming community may get angry again with AoS/GW like they did when they finished Fantasy?. What do you think about it?.

    I'm sure GW really hopes that "people" get angry like they did last time. "Last time" was the beginning of a meteoric rise in GW success and sales. ;)

  5. I suppose my idea "Warcry was released, was well received and has had frequent updates, has followed the roadmaps they laid out and they are now getting around to the non-chaos warbands that they talked about potentially getting around to when the designer's notes were first released for the game."

    Sure people would like to see other things. People even had suggestions about what they would like to see in the future. That doesn't say to me "People didn't like the game" which was the comment that was just narrative generating. Games don't get support and multiple editions if nobody likes them or they are not successful. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, novakai said:

    People didn’t like that it was only chaos warbands being release

    Who? Who are these people you are talking for? If you didn't like it that is fine. But generating a narrative to support your own personal opinion is skewed. 

    3 minutes ago, novakai said:

    They ran to some slump into the audience interest during the intital marketing so they did a last minute run in Warcry cards for other warbands

    How do you know this information? The product design workflow run months/years in advance. GW doesn't do "last-minute" I could see the double packaging of warbands as perhaps shifting excess stock, but that is just speculation. You seem to know definitively? 

    The game is going really strong (and it is basically a product equivalent to a single well-served Faction line for either 40k or AoS) I agree with diversification, but always felt that was on the cards as I would have thought GW didn't intend on ONLY releasing Choas bands forever.  

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  7. 4 minutes ago, novakai said:

    People didn’t like the first edition of warcry or at least not the whole only slaves to darkness got all the models and warbands.

    Where did you get "People didn't like the first edition of Warcry?" From most accounts, the game was super well received. 

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  8. 3 minutes ago, michu said:

    I disagree with people who want to get rid of all WFB minis or their aesthetic. You can't claim that Mortal Realms are vast and everything fits and then claim that something doesn't.

    In a magical world, I would have GW invest £100 million + into a new production and storage facility as a WARHAMMER Legends department. It would provide an annual catalog like the old Citadel catalog for every kit, ever produced since the beginning. There would be the "current games" of 40k and AoS and with each update, a significant amount of kits would be moved to legends. The Legends department would also do limited full runs of old editions. (How cool would it be to buy a 2nd edition 40k limited edition set with all the published material from that era? Using modern hardback publishing?) 

    I am a big advocate for cutting certain things. Not because I don't like them, or have something against them (I love ToW) I just think it is good for AoS as a game and product line to stay tight and focused. People frequently talk about wanting to have tight rules. I want tight model collections, from a visual design perspective. 

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  9. Ah, Dogs of War.... Lorenzo Lupo is all that remains of my fated DoW collection. He stands shieldless and with a chipped derpy 20-year-old paint job. The merchant prince has been biding his time. He shall be reforged! He will be stripped and renewed to serve in my new CoS army! Long live Lorenzo Lupo!! Merchant Prince of Luccini!

    (I like to think many of the DoW characters found some crazy Lizardmen tech that entombed their souls and transported them across the void into the Mortal Realms, they are just now waking up, confused, from a billion-year nap.) 


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  10. I bought (or my dad bought me) my first miniatures just over a quarter of a century ago. I still use some of the models that have managed to keep a hold of. The kits that GW stops selling have generally been available for years. If people wanted them, then they have had every opportunity to get them. There seems to be a strange expectation (which GW has been foolish to perpetuate IMO) that models will be supported forever (which is just ludicrous in my view as the product line will inevitably become a bloated mess) 

    As Draznak said, I think it has been a mistake for AoS to STILL have so many of its product lines as ToW transplants. Square bases and paint jobs from ToW are still listed under AoS years after its launch. ToW is bringing back square bases? By the looks of the webstore, they have never left!! 

    I generally like change and embrace it. The majority of people do not. I can hardly wrap my head around the idea that someone would be "sad" that a collection of decade-old kits from another game are most likely being moved back to that game. Like, what is there to be sad about? I'm just sad that so many of the ToW persist in AoS to this day. 

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  11. This is a minor thing but I am glad they finally put the Celestial Hurricanum on a round base! With the approach of ToW hopefully, we can see an end to square bases being marketed under the AoS banner. With these removals (I guess most of these kits will return under ToW banner) it will only really leave the Dark Elves (The Duardin Models are some of the best-looking ToW kits in the CoS range IMO). I'll guess we will see what happens with them in 4th Edition. 

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  12. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure that GW-Online was reported to have overtaken GW-Retail one or two financial reports ago. Again, I am just speculating, but I would have thought they have an Online Warehouse which puts in for runs of a few hundred to a few thousand of certain kits as and when. Obviously, the press machines are running at capacity and so to put in for a run of sprues will mean sitting in the queue. Then there will be product lines marked "Do Not Reprint" as there is no point in printing off 500, or 1000 of something if they will only sell a couple of hundred before a repackage, rebrand, repackage, or removal. I doubt they are doing "as needed" runs. 

    Once a model has paid for its R+D, Mold, and Manufacture, further print runs will bring the cost considerably. These kits must be still sold in some kind of numbers. GW is pulling in hundreds of millions of pounds. 


  13. It's so difficult to gauge if things are "slow" in being updated without access to any kind of sales numbers. Obviously, GW still has the molds for all these kits, most of which (if not all) will have paid for themselves many times over. Each kit is just a print run and box, so the sale price is almost entirely profit. So if the kits are moving at a semi-decent rate, I can understand why GW would be hesitant to remove them. After all, why bother if they are turning a tidy profit each month? 

  14. 23 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    They fit the best of all the Cities elves, in my opinion. I could see them stick around in Cities even if Darkling Covens leave after Malerion gets his own faction.

    I'd like for Malerion to get a kit (alongside some new "Sons of Khaine" kits) and for the Darkling Covens, Scourge Privateers, Shadowblades, The Order Serptentis, Black Dragon, Sorceress, Black Guard, Executioners, Dreadspears, Bleakswords, Darkshards, War Hydra, Drakespawn Chariot/Knights, Assassin, Darkriders, Black Ark Fleetmaster, Scourgerunner Chariots and Black Ark Corsairs from the CoS range to be either, moved, removed or updated and snow-balled into a single large BattleTome with Daughters/Sons of Khaine, called something like "Children of Khaine". 

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  15. I'm a big fan of factions having a large sold "core" of Infantry/Cavalry. I just think it really sells the concept of the faction being a fully-fledged army. I love monsters, characters, war machines and crazy concepts I just like to see them juxtaposed alongside "regular troops". Armored Knights are such a staple of fantasy settings. The Palladors, Dracolines and Dracoths are good. I'd just love to see a Stormcast version similar to the Chaos Knight kit as previously mentioned. Duardin cavalry of some type would be awesome. 

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  16. 23 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    I don't really see the need for monstruous cavalry now that we have the Cavaliers on decently sized horses... Monstruous cavalry feels to me like an add on to an already big roster to add something extra spicy. But when build the basics from the ground up like here, better to focus on less specialised units first. Unless you're a dedicated cavalry faction (which isn't the case here).

    I would really like to see 5 Stormcast Knights,  on large Warhorses with cool armor. I think their monstrous cavalry works, but I really think a "Standard" knight kit would be great. 

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  17. It's funny, but when I see the details on these I think they will be easier to paint. I find large flat panels of armor to be frustrating, as getting a smooth finish is a pain. These shields sprayed with lead belcher, the wood panel painted the main colour, wash and light dray brush and they will look good. 

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