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Posts posted by DarkWingDuck

  1. In case there is ever interest in running the White Dwarf content, you can get 90% of what you need by purchasing Jarrion's Delegation. It's getting rarer to find (came out last December iirc), but it has 20 Crypt Ghouls, a Marrowscroll Herald, 3 Crypt Horrors, & 3 Crypt Flayers. Then you just need to buy a Royal Decapitator, a Gorewarden, and a Regent.


    You need to run the Crypt Ghouls as Crypt Guard. But if you read between the lines on the Crypt Guard rules, there's nothing in there that ties them tightly to Crypt Guard (i.e. no musician rules and no banner rules ... like the Night Watch have), which makes me think they might have originally been Crypt Ghoul rules and they just swapped title and portrait pictures.

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  2. I just finished the original Cursed City with my kids (it only took us 3-ish years). That was even after we came up with some house rules to make it less grindy.

    Sneakily hidden in the Callis & Toll announcement are new rules for those characters in Cursed City.


    There has even been quite a bit of content in White Dwarf. So it feels like something is going on at GW with the game.



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  3. Those look awesome!

    Quick question regarding the Shattered Stormvault. I'm in the middle of assembling one of them. Did you glue the columns onto the "reversed stepped" plinths? Looking at the cards, the plinth & columns can be set up in different spots on the platforms ... so I assume plinth shouldn't be glued to the platforms, but the columns are always on top of the plinths.

    The columns look good by themselves, however, so it would be more versatile to not glue the columns and plinths together ... but I'm worried it might make it too fiddly and easy to knock over.

  4. Probably doesn't mean anything, but by my quick count ... they've shown us 36 adversary miniatures and the promo material says there's 42 in the box. You probably get repeats of the rats and the bats ... but here's hoping for something more!

    What they showed us:

    • 10 Skeletons
    • 10 Zombies
    • 5 End Bosses
    • 1 Varghulf like thing
    • 2 Zombie "Orcs"
    • 3 Undead Rat Swarms
    • 3 Bat Swarms
    • 3 Vampires

    Total 36

  5. I too am excited! I really didn't expect them to drop this much info so soon!

    There's a few more closeups of miniatures on the preview post: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/20/warhammer-preview-online-lords-of-the-mortal-realms/

    Looking at the components, it seems like a pretty straight port of the Blackstone mechanics to Fantasy. The only major difference appears to be they kept the square grid (that hold 1 mini) maps instead of using hex grids (that can hold 2-3 minis). There also appears to be some kind of track around the destiny dice holder that might be for gaining experience (like previous fantasy warhammer quests ... unlike blackstone that doesn't have the concept). I'm also not seeing anything like the ship abilities you get with blackstone. And there's also that Ulfenkarn in Peril card that seems to be tracking Fear and Influence...


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  6. I got way excited at the news of a new Warhammer Quest game. I've played through Silver Tower and Shadows over Hammerhal with my kids and we're working our way through Blackstone Fortress (which we might need to put on hold until we get through this one ... we all prefer fantasy over scifi).

    BSF is better balanced, and I hope they port over some of those rules. I like the way hexes work in BSF (i.e. multiple heroes and enemy can occupy the same spot), I like the hero/enemy activation line (semi-random activation order) & and I like how you pull cards and some of them are encounter vs. combat (and combat have you setup a map and duke it out). I believe there was a "map" extension in BSF in one of the expansions where you explore an unfilled in map for 4 Chaos Shrines ... that also sounds like it would be cool to expand into this setting (i.e. exploring the city, presumably looking for the lair of the big bad).

    I also have Crypt Hunters and it's a pretty good mini game. I don't see how any of the rules there could be ported to a Warhammer Quest style game.

    Can't wait to hear more!

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  7. YMMV, but I really liked Gloomspite, Plague Garden, anything with Gotrek, Hallowed Knights: Black Pyramid.

    I also liked the Callis and Toll and Shev Arcalis stories (so City of Secrets, Silver Shard, Thieves Paradise (Novella)). 

    • Like 3
  8. 4 hours ago, chord said:

    Swifthawks were mentioned a lot throughout the lore.   

    Eldritch Council also showed up regularly in Lore. The Loremaster was a character in Shadows over Hammerhal. The Eldritch Council is mentioned fairly regularly throughout Josh Reynolds books iirc. An Eldritch Council Tower was described as a semi-regular fixture in a Free City. They even get mentioned as the ones called in to remove the taint of Chaos when all else fails (High Elf Mages being particularly good at dispelling magic).

    Comparatively, the Pheonix Temple actually barely shows up. Their only mention was alongside Phoenicium, but there's never been a Black Library story that's set there that I can recall. I can't remember a Black Library story that has Pheonix Guards in it. Other than the blurbs describing the Season of War, I can't think of a single significant mention.

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  9. 14 hours ago, Hannibal said:

     Where did you get it from?

    It's only available from Barnes and Noble. It's out of stock online though 😣. You might be able to find one at a brick and mortar B&N. Their website let's you search for what's in stock in their stores, so you can be reasonably certain they have it before you make the trek to one.

  10. Yeah, that sounds about right ....

    There are 46656 possible outcomes when rolling 6 dice

    7200 ways to get 1 single 1 double 1 triple (15.4%)

    180 ways to get 1 single 1 quintriple (0.3%)

    450 ways to get 1 double 1 quadriple (0.9%)

    6 ways to get 1 sextuple (0.01%)

    1800 ways to get 2 singles 1 quadriple (3.8%)

    16200 ways to get 2 singles 2 doubles (34.7%)

    300 ways to get 2 triples (0.6%)

    7200 ways to get 3 singles 1 triple (15.4%)

    1800 ways to get 3 doubles (3.8%)

    10800 ways to get 4 singles 1 double (23.1%)

    720 ways to get 6 singles (1.5%)

    The most common outcome is you'll get 2 doubles (about 1/3rd of the time).

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  11. I think they might be able to die, it's just that something needs to actively kill them to make it happen. Nagash ate most of the other death gods (including Valnar - Dwarf Godess of Brewing ... although Gazul - Dwarf protector of the Dead might still be kicking around (iirc there are some Dwarfs in "A Dirge of Dust and Steel" which worship him and they imply he's not part of Nagash yet)).

    There are a number of old world gods still floating around.

    Sigmar - God of hammers 🙂 (although it's not clear if he was really a god in the Old World)

    Grungni - Dwarf god of smithing

    Gazul - Dwarf protector of the dead (maybe ... or maybe he's just an aspect of Nagash now)

    The White Dwarf - Is he a god? Or is he just really old? Grungni seems to treat him as an equal.

    Gorkamorka (aka Gork and Mork) - Goblinoid god of brutal-kunning or kunning-brutality.

    Alarielle - kinda, Alarielle and  Ariel merged in the End Times. Although Alarielle wasn't a goddess, Ariel definitely seemed like one.

    Kurnoth (Kurnous) - The old elven god of the hunt (of which Orion was his Avatar iirc), made it through the end times and then got destroyed in the age of myth iirc.



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  12. I picked up a few pots of Contrast paint last week and then stopped by the GW store and grabbed some more this week. Observations that I haven't read elsewhere.

    Not all of the Contrast paints go on the same. By that I mean they have a wider range of tone (i.e. how bright vs. dark the color is). The Ultramarine Blue I used almost had no "tonal range", it almost went on as a flat blue (it did pool a bit in the crevases, but not anywhere near what I expected given other pictures I'd seen online). This was after I spent about 5 minutes shaking it. While the Basilica (sp?) Grey did pretty much exactly as reported, it gave a good "tonal breadth" with the highpoints being a very light grey and the low points being almost black.

    So when I went the second time and looked at the display/paint rack in store (I can't find a picture of the display GW sent to stores online), I noticed that the color swatch for the Contrast Paint in the display (under the color name), was a gradient. That gradient was very close (if not exactly the same) as what I saw when I used the paints. So the gradient for Ultramarine Blue wasn't very much, while Basilica Grey was more severe.

    This might be obvious to most, but if you're trying to pick out colors in store and want a rough idea of what the high-points vs. low-points will look like with Contrast, that gradient gives a good idea (and they aren't all the same).


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  13. 2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    I'll build him/her without that insect thingy. I never really digged that insects are now part of our trees XD (sticking the wings directly to his back might work)

    I'm pretty sure that thing is actually a Spite (just a big one in insect form). That's what Alarielle's beetle is, and they are all over the Treemen kit. Sometimes they take the form of the insects, sometimes small woodland creatures, sometimes little men/fairies, sometimes even stranger shapes. They've been part of the Sylvaneth/Wood Elf aesthetic since before the End Times. IIRC, at one time you could buy them like magic items and they'd give boosts to your characters.



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  14. 2 hours ago, VBS said:

    Maybe they now went along the fungus thing as in 40k, but in the Old World fluff, it is not clearly explained. They appear to be tied to the Old Ones, either as a failed creation or introduced by error/accident in some way. Saurus warriors were then created to erradicate them (looks like they failed!).

    That reminds me of something.... would be cool to have the Old Ones mentioned or have a comeback! I think the current setting is quite optimal for such thing.

    Skarsnik is very very clear, that in the Old World, Greenskins are fungus based. Prior to Skarsnik, they imply it (similar to how the Gloomspite Battletome implies it), but never outright state one way or the other (the Blood Bowl cheerleaders suggest the opposite though ... but Blood Bowl is a bit odd/loose with the fluff ... and those could also be cross dressing orcs ... hmm ... can you even cross dress if you don't have a gender?).

    I could have sworn that one of the old Orc & Goblin Army Books has a bit where the Greenskins "fall from the sky" into the Darklands and that the Slaan hate them because they aren't in any of their prophecies. They are an unexpected nuisance.

    I always thought that the fluff writers missed a beat when writing about Greenskins in the End Times/Age of Myth. Greenskins have a whole "duality" thing going on (what with Orcs & Goblins, Gork & Mork), that could've been threaded through the Greenskin's fate. Wurzag, Da Great Green Prophet,  should have been plagued with two competing visions, "A Waagh to End All Waaghs!!!" vs. "An Unending Waagh!!!" When he realized he was searching for 2 champions (one for Gork, one for Mork), he should have had a "Why not both!" moment. Wurrzag would then set Grimgor Ironhide to follow his wyrd to conquer the East and ultimately fight Archaon (i.e. "A Waagh to End All Waaghs!!!") Skarsnik, on the other hand, would have been instrumental in introducing Greenskins to the Mortal Realms (like the Old World ... they shouldn't have been native). In the throws of his depression at the loss of Gobbla and subtly guided by Mork (cunningly brutal remember), he should have modified the dud Skaven bomb and detonated it. Through the magic of mcguffins (i.e. so powerful it tears a hole through space and time) it would blast Skarsnik's horde to the Age of Myth Mortal Realms (i.e. "An Unending Waagh!!!"). Gork charges into the big brawl, while Mork makes sure Greenskins live to fight another day. Skarsnik doesn't get the "lame" ending he got, while it plays to the cyclical nature of events that was a theme running through all of the End Times stories.

  15. On 4/13/2019 at 9:12 PM, dirkdragonslayer said:

    In the Old World Orcs and Goblins were a fungus just like 40k, at least they were in the book Skarsnik. The titular ‘hero’ came from a mushroom patch beneath Karak Eight Peaks. I assume the same is still true for AoS. It would also explain the symbiotic linkage between Caves, Grots, Mushrooms, and Squigs.

    until something says otherwise, I like to assume the Greenskin races are still mushroom people. It one of the defining features of Warhammer greenskins versus other fantasy Orcs and Goblinoids.

    Although I agree with you, that Greenskins are fungus based across all of the various GW games, there are some "female" (maybe?) Orc cheerleaders in Blood Bowl.




  16. It looks like the actual contents include 1/2 a box of Azyrite Ruins + the two 2 story ruins?

    The 1/2 box of Azyrite Ruins is worth $15 (full box is $30), meaning the two 2 story ruins are valued at $20 a piece.

    I doubt this mistake was malicious, but it does lessen the value of the box a bit. I'll still probably end up buying it though.

  17. Spoilers Ho!

    I read it and liked it. I too liked the setting description (I got a vague "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell" Elven Realms vibe to it)tumblr_nplv4bsmbz1qhc9d1o4_500.gif

    With all of the cameos, I was surprised that the main Khorne character wasn't Redbeard (it seems like it would have been an obvious reference).

    They kept referencing something awakening/rebirth, and at first it seemed to be referencing Slaanesh (who we know is hidden in the same general location as Shadespire), but in the end it turned out to be the minor chaos god Zuvassin (the Great Undoer). That caught me a bit off guard.

    Also, given the time when Zuvas finally escapes from Shadespire, I'm wondering if he immediately just get's pulled back in (to do it all over again).

    I also was surprised that the Katophrane was able to leave Shadespire (and lure other explorers to their doom), and it was hinted at strongly that no one has ever actually escaped (except Zuvas at the end).

  18. I like the undead blood bowl team. The pictures/video seems to suggest there are 14 miniatures in the team box. All previous boxes only had 12. It's possible the Mummies are individually packaged (like the Ogre and Troll), but they don't look nearly as big as those two (and there are 2 in the team shot ... which would be expected if it's 2 identical sprues like other team boxes). 

    The Troll shadespire team is awesome too! Here's hoping for a troll hero!

    Looking forward to both of these releases!

  19. Finished the last warband for Edition 1 for Shadespire. Woohoo! These have the same basic colors as The Farstriders (less white ... more gold). I painted them at the same time. I also edge highlighted using Troll Slayer Orange instead of Fire Dragon Bright Red (to give them a "warmer" glow).


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  20. 13 minutes ago, fanatical-mushroom-addict said:

    Damn. So even if I buy another set of trolls that one is useless. Oh well I don’t like trolls much anyway. Much prefer giants or ogres.

    The troll you have is a sourbreadth troll iirc.

    GW used to sell those indiviually, although I think they are still cast in metal. In fact, they make 2 versions of sourbreadth, meaning you can have three different types. 2 of the metal ones and one plastic.

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