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Posts posted by Erdemo86

  1. 53 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    Evocators seems completely broken for me ATM.

    Imagine that after they have yet send a bunch of high rend wounds, a simple unit of 5 evocator can statically and reliabily add 5 MW, yes 5, and up to 10 if you are a bit lucky. Just for 200 points. And they still are (almost) wizzards. And the FAQ just buffed them. GW will nerf them for sure: roll 2 dice per evocator and get 1 MW per 4+ is completely dumb. It'd be more balanced with only 1 die, not 2 dice.

    I'm pretty sure that the SCE armies that are quietly being gathered right now will spam evocators in the next months tourneys...

    For 200 points they are a good unit but not broken. Compare them with other units for 200 and they are almost same. Look at putrid blightkings, the cost 160 points and have 6 wounds more in unit of 5. 

    you say if you are lucky you do 10 MW ? Then i say if you are unlucky you do 0!

    high rend wounds? -1 rend on swords, and 0 on staffes are high rend wounds for you?

    i think there are in a good place now. Fulminators do more damage, have better mobility and are more resilent for 40 points more, are they broken too? I hate saltyness like this. I could bet that you are not a stormcast player and got defeatet by them because you didnt knew how to counter them.

    also they are very squishy.

    edit: looking on your profile shows you play nighthaunt

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  2. On 7/23/2018 at 10:23 PM, grungolah said:

    OK, going to throw this in the Nurgle thread  (the real Nurgle thread this time) now that the FAQs bypassed the "issue."  I believe it's legit now.  


    The spell is GUO's Plague Wind, cast through the Spellportal.  Pick a point within 14" of the spellportal.  Sounds fine so far.  Then draw a line  up to (34" or so) back to the caster.   Deal D3 mortals to all units hit (3D3 if using Thrice Befoulment).


    I don't know about you guys, but that's nice enough for me to buy a third GUO.

    Yeah, combine that with geminids, balewind,spellportal and pendulum. And throw everything turn 1. Looks like Mortal Wound massacre. 

    You could go for something like this:

    GUO (bell and dagger)

    GUO (flail)


    3x 5 chaos warrior 

    1x6 drones

    battalion and all endless spells listet above. Oo

    rotigus spell, spellportal+plaguewind, geminids, pendulum. A lot of MW‘s. You could even use sumptuese pestilence thru that portal with balewind. 

    6 spells every turn.

  3. 2 hours ago, aceytrixx said:

    Is there any good sureheart conversions about? I really don't like the face on the model (don't like bare heads at all really. Only one I'll have is my Incantor and even then I might build another one with a helmet) and the hair is part of the shoulder pad it seems so I can't just do a simple headswap 

    I will take my normal lord celestant on foot, cut his hammer, give him a round dracoth shield and maybe headswap with a space wolve head. Think this will work pretty well. You could do the same without headswapping. Dont like the Gavriel model too.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Bradipo322 said:

    The new FAQs hit hard on us:

    • Evocators know spells from the Lore of Invigoration, this was most likely to have been a print error in the battletome
    • Hammers of Sigmar's command ability can now be used only once per turn, so if before it was bad now it's just useless
    • Celestial Vindicators  and Anvils of the Heldenhammer cannot use their command ability twice on the same unit in a turn, this seems right else the dreaded "just archers" formation would have been broken
    • Cicle of the Storm now save the model 1 wound but after you do so you have to assign the remaining wound making it one of the worst abilities ever.

    Why always so salty:

    1.Evocators better than before!

    2.the command abilitys would be overpowered as f... if you could use them more than once, so its a welcome nerf! ( imagine 15 longstrike with 10 cp)

    3. we all played cycle of the storm like tjis on our community so wtf

    4. Stacking gavriel is allowed! Buff!

    • Like 3
  5. 18 minutes ago, Nox said:

    New FAQ out.

    Page 122Lore of Invigoration Add the following under the title: ‘Units of Evocators can know and attempt to cast one spell from the Lore of Invigoration. This is an exception to the rule that they cannot attempt to cast spells other than Empower. If a unit of Evocators attempts to cast a spell from the Lore of Invigoration, it cannot attempt to cast any other spells in that hero phase.’

    Page 126 Hammers of Sigmar, Soul of the Stormhost Add the following to the end of the rule. ‘You cannot use this command ability more than once per phase.’

    Page 128 Celestial Vindicators, Righteous Hatred Add the following to the end of the rule: ‘You cannot pick the same unit to benefit from this command ability more than once per hero phase.’

    Page 129Anvils of the Heldenhammer, Heroes of another Age Add the following to the end of the rule: ‘You cannot pick the same unit to benefit from this command ability more than once per hero phase.’

    Where do you found that, can you link please.

  6. 14 minutes ago, DanielFM said:

    I hope Gavriel gets FAQed to not stack, together with other CAs.

    It's absurd that you can almost guarantee several charges from Scions by only investing in a Battalion. It's foolproof, and I pressume quite frustrating for the opponent.

    Even if it get faqd you can use it one time so you need 6+ to charge and you use 1 cp for reroll charge.

  7. 13 hours ago, ToB said:

    What do you deploy and what is in the realm?

    I deployed 2x evocators, 1x 20 Seqs, Gavriel and Heraldor in the Realm. 

    Rest on the field. Arkanum always far enough to dont get banned but in 36“ distance where i want to drop everblaze.( best near to a wizard because of -2 to cast grom everblaze)

    i started first every match because of the battalion i had not so much drops.( 7 i believe)

    i always started the game with everblaze+ Staff+ Heraldor and then alpha strike+ gavriel+ 2 cp for that +6 charge.

    The 2 balistas and 2x5 Sequitors i used to go for objectives while the Rest hold enemy in his territory. ( not difficult with 20 Seqs+ 10 evos.)Also if you get it done to hold the line your everblaze will do damage again next turn.

    i also always used ride the atherwinds first turn to get in range of the sky drops with arkanum for the 6+ ward save. 

    With castellant i buffed arkanum first turn and then run to get in range to buff the seqs second turn or went for objectivs too.

    i made so much damage turn 1 that it was always very frustating for my enemys.

    after turn one i didnt used any cp and spare them for hammers of sigmar CA later. Very satisfying feeling to get a unit back. I managed one time to get 20 sequitors back. It was like: i use a cp, rolled a 5, game over.

    i really think that stormcasts are in a very nice spot now. Very Competive and high Tier.

    The only frustrating thing is that you need all of the new models, feels like starting a new army. Thats why i decided to speedpaint them anf took a diffrent paintjob then before. To lazy to paint a whole army again.

    i will take the same paintjob i saw here in the paint section but will do some glowing effects too. I think i will get the whole army done in 2 days.

    here a example:





    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, AdamR said:

    Yeah, that's the way I would go also.

    Something like this:

    Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar.

    Allegiance: Order
    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240)
    - General
    - Trait: We Cannot Fail  
    - Celestial Staves (Artefact): Staff of Focus
    - Spell: Celestial Blades
    - Mount Trait: Keen-clawed
    Gavriel Sureheart (100)
    Knight-Heraldor (100)
    5 x Evocators (200)
    5 x Sequitors (120)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    5 x Sequitors (120)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    20 x Sequitors (400)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (300)
    Celestar Ballista (100)
    Celestar Ballista (100)
    Cleansing Phalanx (120)
    Everblaze Comet (100)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 121

    I have normal evocators + Castellant instead of Dracolines.
    I played  3 games. Heraldor drop + Everblaze Comet + Staff of Focus, i think that combo is one the best stormcast has now. I did like average 5/6 MW to all enemy units. After that  gavriel + 2 evo boms +20 seqs. I mostly tabled 2 out of three first turn and Major Victory Last game.

    The Buffed up Sequitors do some very Good work and Evocators hit hard. 20 Sequitors buffed with Castellant and Arkanum nearby are very resistant. If you buff them Evos too you have

    3+ Reroll Save, 6+ Ward Save, 6+ Heals, Lord Arkanum Revive

    3+ Reroll Hit, 3+ Reroll To wound, also you can get +1 to wound from Celestial Blades. That combined with 9 Grandweapons inside of the unit are 19 Attacks with Rend-1 Damage 2.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Rod said:

    i think that cleansing phalanx (on paper at least) is very strong   10x sequitors + 10 x sequitors + 5 evo on foot + 5 evo on foot + battalion is roughly 1000 pints

    what do you guys think about this as a center piece for a SCE list

    Agree, i will play 20xSequitors + 5x Sequitors + 2x 5 Evocators and Cleansing Phalanx. That are 1040 points

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